Consolidating multiple tables from different workbooks with same fields into one table using PowerPivot - excel

I have about 100 workbooks with a table in each workbook. Each table contains the same fields, but with different data. I am looking for an efficient way to consolidate all these tables into one Table on one excel workbook using PowerPivot. Is this possible?

Your solution is with Power Query. You simply have to go to Data tab -> New Query -> From File -> From Folder, and select the folder which contains all your excel files.
From there, click on Edit and this will bring you to the Power Query interface, where you can join all the files together. This video is an excellent guide to achieving this. If done right you should have them all combined in minutes.
Once everything is combined in Power Query, you can easily load the data into Power Pivot.


How to add multiple Dynamic Power Queries into one spreadsheet excel

Is it possible to insert multiple dynamic power queries, one on top of the other, into a single excel spreadsheet and have the queries refresh when new data has been added to the tables?
I have six different dynamic power queries from six different tables.
When I put each query into their own spreadsheet by themselves they work perfectly. When I add additional data to the table and refresh the query the new data is added to the query worksheet.
However, when I place all six queries into one worksheet one on top of the other, the new data added to the tables will not refresh.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Using Excel 365 on Windows 10

How to search across multiple excels for values and summarize to one excel workbook

I have 1000 excel workbooks and I have to summarize data in one excel workbook. Each workbook consists of data of one property (id of property, region, market value etc.) In the summary workbook I want to insert in a column the id of property and automatically search across the file of workbooks and insert the value for its region, market value etc.
I am going to first assume that there is some structure to the workbooks you are discussing, for example all market value workbooks are the same but only the data is different. it would also be great if they were in different folders and if they were named in a consistent way.
This is only an example with links to different content that will help solve your problem. Your question is too vague and does not provide me with specific enough information to provide exact solution.
Combining records.
Merge Records.
Pivot Table Slicer for summary reports.
Your best bet would be to use the power query feature to combine data from workbooks inside a folder
From DATA TAB -> Select GET DATA drop down from Get & Transform ribbon -> From File -> From Folder.
You should be able to combine all the workbooks in folder If your problem is simple.
If each workbook has multiple pages of info and the pages differ then you will need to create a custom function in power query to handle this issue.
If workbooks are all in one folder then you will need to run power query multiple times per condition and use a filter with power query assuming that the files have some kind of organized naming convention.
Once you have combined files and cleaned up the data you should be able to combine the records.
You will do this using the power query feature merge feature.
From DATA TAB -> Select GET DATA drop down from Get & Transform ribbon -> Combine Queries -> Merge.
Once records are all merged you should be able to have your final table and use a pivot table to give you the option to select ID with filters or pivot table slicers so that you can have the summary report by ID going across all the workbooks like you wanted.
If anything is unclear please provide more info so i can help you specifically

Excel PowerPivot from two different files

How can I create a PivotTable from two different excel files. They have the same column names and data types. I tried from the Get & Transform data menu, but without success. Exactly which options
should I use, step-by-step?
Thank you!
Create one Query for each Excel file (Connection Only), then combine those two queries into one new Query which you load into the Data Model...
Screenshot from Power Query Editor, Home tab:

Merge and sort data from multiple tabs to a single "Master" tab in Excel

Our company was using Google Sheets for the last several months and we had a system working great, but are now transitioning to Excel.
The tab in the Google Sheet where all the data is merged and sorted is called MASTER TEST and is found here
In Google Sheet we used formula:
=query({Data1, Data2, Data3},"Select Col1, ... where Col1 is not null order by Col1")
Data is merged: {Data1, Data2, Data3} is data from multiple tabs.
The result is merged and sorted data. How can I make the same report in Excel?
Basically, every call we receive is logged in a spreadsheet in a tab unique to each representative. We have a CURRENT WEEK tab which is supposed to hold a static version of all the calls received by every rep, sorted by date. In Sheets this was done with a =query() formula, but Excel does not seem to support such a thing.
I tried using Data>From Other Sources>From Microsoft Query but frankly this does not work since it only grabs the data from columns with data validation and gets very slow and breaks with too much data.
Pivot Tables in Excel VS query in Google Sheet
I suggest you using Pivot Tables, or Pivot Query in Excel. Here's some explanations:
Pivot Tables in Excel can handle big data very fast, query in Google Sheets can't do this
but query is more flexible and it refreshes simultaneously.
So if you are willing to work with data in excel, it may be harder to set your report. Sorting is easy task for Pivot Tables, but merging data from multiple tabs is not so easy.
Merging data
The goal in your case is to merge data from multiple tabs in excel. You can make it in two ways:
Use VBA to collect data into single tab.
Use Pivot Tables. Here's tutorial on how to accomplish this.
And still the best way for data manipulating is to use single tab for all your data.

Is it possible to filter data used by pivot table based on filtering the rows in a source table in Excel?

I have developed a dashboard in Excel 2007 that uses one source table in a sheet (being filled with a query on our data warehouse) and multiple pivot tables making different cross sections on this data.
I use the GETPIVOTDATA in almost a hundred formulas to give me the right value for a specific indicator in my dashboard.
This all works fine. However I now have received the question to make the dashboard for 5 different segments. As you can imagine I don't want to create 5 different workbooks for this and need to maintain the dashboard logic on all of them.
So my question is the following. Is it possible to automatically (through VBA or any other means) filter the results in my source table which is the source for my pivot tables and thus for my dashboard values.
So schematically:
DATABASE_VIEW --> SOURCE_TABLE --> 12 pivot tables --> 100 GETPIVOTDATA functions
Preferably I would like to load all the segments in the source_table (one view on my database) and then filter the data in the source table, which results in filterd source_dat for my pivots. This way I can (without requerying the db) quickly change between segments in the dashboards (refreshing pivots only).
Data in the source table has the column: CUSTOMER_SEGMENT available to filter upon.
Any help is appreciated.
You can manipulate all external data connections and internal pivottables through VBA.
To make it a double learner for you I recommend using the Record Macro button and then changing a filter in your pivot table and also change your SQL query a bit.
You will now see that in the recorded macro the related properties of that Pivottable/query are stated. Filters and SQL are simply Strings in the VBA code, thus you can alter certain bits to get different filters or "WHERE Cust_ID = " comboboxCust.Value kind of things.
Doing it through VBA codes to change the filters and SQL is usually more speedy then having it all interactively related with the standard Excel tools (Functions, parameters, linked filters, ...)
