gcc arguments: -pthread. What does it do? - multithreading

I'm getting started with multi-thread programming using gcc under Debian 8. I've successfully written and run a multi-threaded test app (foobar.c), but I'm confused by the Makefile (copied from an example). In particular, the command that works is
gcc foobar.c -o foobar -pthread
I'm confused by "-pthread". is that
(a) an option "-p" with value "thread", or
(b) an argument "-pthread" ?
if either case, what is it actually doing? Including some library? Including some object? Setting some other option?
BTW - A similar question 15929739 was asked but never answered. Question 20924412 was not helpful either.

From the man page:
Adds support for multithreading with the pthreads library. This option sets flags for both the preprocessor and linker.
To be specific, as of GCC 6.2.1, -pthread will:
#define _REENTRANT 1
Add -lpthread to link against libpthread
How do I know this, you ask?
What preprocessor flags are added?
Let's dump the preprocessor defines and compare them:
$ diff <(gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null) <(gcc -pthread -dM -E - < /dev/null)
> #define _REENTRANT 1
What linker options are added?
Let's dump the ld options passed by GCC and compare them:
diff <(gcc -### -o foo empty.c 2>&1) <(gcc -### -pthread -o foo empty.c 2>&1)
The output here is a bit more verbose, but if we ignore the temporary filename differences, we find:


Linking issue in Cross Compilation for arm in linux using aarch64-linux-gnu-

I got an error when try to link (-aarch64-linux-gnu-ld) (the script containing the Makefile was downloaded from https://github.com/Icenowy/aw-el2-barebone). Error is "aarch64-linux-gnu-ld: Error: unable to disambiguate: -nostartfiles (did you mean --nostartfiles ?)
make: *** [Makefile:31: el2-bb.elf] Error 1" How to recode the line 31? of the Makefile
CROSS_COMPILE = /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
INCLUDES = -I ./include -I ./uboot-headers -ffreestanding
ifneq ($(DEBUG),1)
LDSCRIPT = ldscripts/a64.ld
LDSCRIPTS = ldscripts/a64.ld ldscripts/common.ld
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -nostartfiles -static -T $(LDSCRIPT)
OBJS = start.o init.o uart.o stack.o exceptions.o exception_funcs.o panic.o pgtables.o trapped_funcs.o
all: el2-bb.bin
el2-bb.elf: $(OBJS) $(LDSCRIPTS)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $#
el2-bb.bin: el2-bb.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $#
.PHONY: clean
rm -f el2-bb.* *.o
-nostartfiles is a gcc option but not an ld option.
If you use gcc to invoke the linker (say with LD=gcc in your Makefile) for making a standalone program that does not use standard startup files, you should use -nostartfiles because gcc links the startup files by default and -nostartfiles disables this.
ld doesn't links any startup files by default, so there is no option to disable linking them. You always pass startup files explicitly to ld. If you don't want startup files, just don't pass them to ld.
In order to see what startup files on your system are create an empty C program:
int main(){}
and compile it:
gcc -c empty.c
gcc -v empty.o
You are likely to see an invocation of ld (or perhaps of collect2, which calls ld) with a long, long list of options and object files.
Now run
gcc -nostartfiles -v empty.o
The .o files are now gone. That's exactly what -nostartfiles does.
When you invoke ld empty.o, these files and options are not there to begin with. In order to make a working program for say a Linux system, you need to pass most of them to ld explicitly. If you are building a program for something other system, you may not need some or all of them. So just don't pass them in.

undefined reference while linking with a shared object

I'm a dumb newbie.
I've got a file named file.c with the functions my_putstr(char *) and my_strlen(char *)
my_putstr() writes the parameter with write() (unistd.h)
I wanted to create a library from file.c so I did :
gcc -fPIC -c file.c
gcc -shared -o libfile.so file.o
Then I created a main.c file and called my_putstr() from it.
I tried to compile and link my .so
gcc -L. -lfile main.c -o test
But I got an undefined reference to my_putstr()
I tried to create a .h with my_putstr() and my_strlen() in it, and include it to the main but I got the same error.
Sorry for stupid questions.
Your question suffers lack of information, but I can suggest you at first try
gcc main.c ./libfile.so -Wl,-rpath . -o test
If this will fail, you have something wrong with your sources.
If everything is ok at this point, then try
gcc main.c -L . -lfile -Wl,-rpath . -o test
If this will output undefined reference, then probably you already have something like libfile.a without my_putstr(may be from previous experiments) in your lib path.
If everything is ok with it, then your linker is sensible to order in which libraries is supplied to command string, and you must remember, then library always comes after object, that uses this library.

why use g++ instead of gcc to compile *.cc files?

I compiled a library which use the g++ instead gcc. First I thought the source code was written in C++ but I found out later that there was not any C++ code in the *.cc files.
To confirm this, I replaced the g++ in the original makefile with gcc. And I still got the correct program.
Anyone can explain this? It was not the first time I met such a situation.
It depends on what exactly you changed in the makefile. gcc / g++ is really just a front-end driver program which invokes the actual compiler and / or linker based on the options you give it.
If you invoke the compiler as gcc:
it will compile as C or C++ based on the file extension (.c, or .cc / .cpp);
it will link as C, i.e. it will not pull in C++ libraries unless you specifically add additional arguments to do so.
If you invoke the compiler as g++:
it will compile as C++ regardless of whether or not the file extension is .c or .cc / .cpp;
it will link as C++, i.e. automatically pull in the standard C++ libraries.
(see the relevant bit of the GCC documentation).
Here's a simple program which detects whether or not it has been compiled as C or C++.
(It makes use of the fact that a character constant has the size of an int in C, or a char in C++. sizeof(char) is 1 by definition; sizeof(int) will generally be larger - unless you're using an obscure platform with >= 16-bit bytes, which you're probably not.)
I've called it test.c and copied it as test.cc as well:
$ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("I was compiled as %s!\n", sizeof('a') == 1 ? "C++" : "C");
return 0;
$ cp test.c test.cc
Compiling and linking test.c with gcc, and test.cc with g++, works as expected:
$ gcc -o test test.c
$ ./test
I was compiled as C!
$ g++ -o test test.cc
$ ./test
I was compiled as C++!
Compiling and linking test.cc with gcc doesn't work: it compiles the code as C++ because the file ends in .cc, but fails at the link stage:
$ gcc -o test test.cc
/tmp/ccyb1he5.o:(.eh_frame+0x11): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
which we can prove by separately compiling with gcc, and linking with g++ (to pull in the right libraries):
$ gcc -c test.cc
$ g++ -o test test.o
$ ./test
I was compiled as C++!
...gcc has compiled the code as C++ rather than C, because it had a .cc file extension.
Whereas g++ does not compile .c files as plain C:
$ g++ -o test test.c
$ ./test
I was compiled as C++!
It could be that the .cc code happens to be C, but was intended to be linked into a C++ library. The internals are different.
g++ automatically links the C++ runtime library — gcc doesn't. Obvoiusly, when it doesn't matter — then it doesn't matter, but, as already pointed out by spraff, it could be intended for future use.
I don't know why they chose to use g++ instead of gcc, but I believe it shouldn't matter, as any valid C program is also valid C++.

Difference between -shared and -Wl,-shared of the GCC options

I know -Wl,-shared is a option of ld. I've seen some person compile like this,
$ gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libtest.so -o libtest.so *.o
And some person like this
$ gcc -Wl,-shared -Wl,-soname,libtest.so -o libtest.so *.o
So, I want to know if there is some difference between -shared and -Wl,-shared.
There is a difference between passing -shared to gcc or -shared to ld (via -Wl). Passing -shared to GCC may enable or disable other flags at link time. In particular, different crt* files might be involved.
To get more information, grep for -shared in GCC's gcc/config/ directory and subdirectories.
Edit: To give a specific example: on i386 FreeBSD, gcc -shared will link in object file crtendS.o, while without -shared, it will link in crtend.o instead. Thus, -shared and -Wl,-shared are not equivalent.
I don't think there is any difference. -shared is not a supported option of gcc and it is passed to linker whether you specify it with -Wl or not. -Wl option of gcc is used to specify that a comma separated list of options is to be passed to linker for further processing.

Compiling C++ program with POSIX AIO lib on Linux

I'm having difficulty with the linker when it comes to compiling a sample program that uses the POSIX aio library (e.g. aio_read(), aio_write(), etc) on Linux.
I'm running Ubuntu with a 2.6 kernel, and have used the apt-get utility to install libaio. But even though I'm linking with the aio library, the compiler still gives me linker errors.
root#ubuntu:/home# g++ -L /usr/lib/libaio.a aio.cc -oaio
/tmp/cc5OE58r.o: In function `main':
aio.cc:(.text+0x156): undefined reference to `aio_read'
aio.cc:(.text+0x17b): undefined reference to `aio_error'
aio.cc:(.text+0x191): undefined reference to `aio_return'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Where are all these aio_x functions actually defined, if not in the library libaio.a?
I also had issues linking against libaio in spite of the aio package being correctly installed and the -lrt flag being present.
It turned out that placing -l flags later (for example, last) in the gcc command invocation sometimes fixes this issue. I stumbled upon this solution here on Stack Overflow.
I stopped doing this:
gcc -Wall -Werror -g -o myExe -lrt myExe.c
And started doing this:
gcc -Wall -Werror -g -o myExe myExe.c -lrt
EDIT: according the the man page, libaio.so is not the correct library to link to:
man aio_read
#include <aio.h>
int aio_read(struct aiocb *aiocbp);
Link with -lrt.
so you should link with this:
g++ -lrt aio.cc -o aio
The way libraries work with gcc is like this:
-L adds directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.
-l adds a library itself, if the file is named libsomename.so, you just use "-lsomename"
Does -L specify the search path and -l specifies the actual library?
You want -laio in order to link to libaio. The argument of -o is what you want the compiled executable to be called.
sudo apt-get install libaio-dev
Then make sure you specify -laio on the link line.
Okay, Evan Teran is correct - it worked when I linked with -lrt. It seems the aio_x functions are defined in a general POSIX extension library.
Thanks, Evan.
