Run a VBA macro in Spotfire using Ironpython - excel

So I would try ask over in this thread IronPython - Run an Excel Macro but I don't have enough reputation.
So roughly following the code given in the link I created some code which would save a file to a specific location, then open a workbook that exists there, calling the macro's within it, which would perform a small amount of manipulation on the data which I downloaded to .xls, to make it more presentable.
Now I've isolated the problem to this particular part of the code (below).
Spotfire normally is not that informative but it gives me very little to go on here. It seems to be something .NET related but that's about all I can tell.
The Error Message
Traceback (most recent call last): File
"Spotfire.Dxp.Application.ScriptSupport", line unknown, in
ExecuteForDebugging File "", line unknown, in
StandardError: Exception has been thrown by the target of an
The Script
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Export import DataWriterTypeIdentifiers
from System.IO import File, Directory
import clr
import Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel as Excel
excel = Excel.ApplicationClass()
excel.Visible = True
excel.DisplayAlerts = False
workbook = ex.Workbooks.Open('myfilelocation')

Right, so I'm answering my own question here but I hope it helps somebody. So the above code, as far as I'm aware was perfectly fine but didn't play well with the way my spotfire environment is configured. However, after going for a much more macro heavy approach I was able to find a solution.
On the spotfire end I've two input fields, one which gives the file path, the other the file name. Then there's a button to run the below script. These are joined together in the script but are crucially separate, as the file name needs to be inputted into a separate file, to be called by the main macro so that it can find the file location of the file.
Fundamentally I created three xml's to achieve this solution. The first was the main one which contained all of the main vba stuff. This would look into a folder in another xml which this script populates to find the save location of the file specified in an input field in spotfire. Finding the most recent file using a custom made function, it would run a simple series of conditional colour operations on the cell values in question.
This script populates two xml files and tells the main macro to run, the code in that macro automatically closing excel after it is done.
The third xml is for a series of colour rules, so user can custom define them depending on their dashboard. This gives it some flexibility for customisation. Not necessary but a potential request by some user so I decided to beat them to the punch.
Anyway, code is below.
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Export import DataWriterTypeIdentifiers
from System.IO import File, Directory
import clr
import Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel as Excel
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Export import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *
from System.IO import *
from System.Diagnostics import Process
# Input field which takes the name of the file you want to save
name = Document.Properties['NameOfDocument']
# Document property that takes the path
location = Document.Properties['FileLocation']
# just to debug to make sure it parses correctly. Declaring this in the script
# parameters section will mean that the escape characters of "\" will render in a
# unusable way whereas doing it here doesn't. Took me a long time to figure that out.
# Gives the file the correct extension.
# Couldn't risk leaving it up to the user.
newname = name + ".xls"
#Join the two strings together into a single file path
finalProduct = location + "\\" + newname
#initialises the writer and filtering schema
writer = Document.Data.CreateDataWriter(DataWriterTypeIdentifiers.ExcelXlsDataWriter)
filtering = Document.ActiveFilteringSelectionReference.GetSelection(table).AsIndexSet()
# Writes to file
stream = File.OpenWrite(finalProduct)
# Here I created a seperate xls which would hold the file path. This
# file path would then be used by the invoked macro to find the correct folder.
names = []
for col in table.Columns:
writer.Write(stream, table, filtering, names)
# Location of the macro. As this will be stored centrally
# it will not change so it's okay to hardcode it in.
runMacro = "File location\macro name.xls"
# uses System.Diagnostics to run the macro I declared. This will look in the folder I
# declared above in the second xls, auto run a function in vba to find the most
# up to date file
p = Process()
p.StartInfo.FileName = runMacro
Long story short: To run excel macro's from spotfire one solution is to use the system.dianostics method I use above and simply have your macro set to auto run.


How to read the most recent Excel export into a Pandas dataframe without specifying the file name?

I frequent a real estate website that shows recent transactions, from which I will download data to parse within a Pandas dataframe. Everything about this dataset remains identical every time I download it (regarding the column names, that is).
The name of the Excel output may change, though. For example, if I already have download a few of these in my Downloads folder, the file that's exported may read "Generic_File_(3)" or "Generic_File_(21)" if I already have a few older "Generic_File" exports in that folder from a previous export.
Ideally, I'd like my workflow to look like this: export this Excel file of real estate sales, then run a Python script to read in the most recent export as a Pandas dataframe. The catch is, I don't want to have to go in and change the filename in the script to match the appending number of the Excel export everytime. I want the pd.read_excel method to simply read the "Generic_File" that is appended with the largest number (which will obviously correspond to the most rent export).
I suppose I could always just delete old exports out of my Downloads folder so the newest, freshest export is always named the same ("Generic_File", in this case), but I'm looking for a way to ensure I don't have to do this. Are wildcards the best path forward, or is there some other method to always read in the most recently downloaded Excel file from my Downloads folder?
I would use the OS package and create a method to read to file names in the downloads folder. Parsing string filenames you could then find the file following your specified format with the highest copy number. Something like the following might help you get started.
import os
downloads = os.listdir('C:/Users/[username here]/Downloads/')
is_file = [True if '.' in item else False for item in downloads]
files = [item for keep, item in zip(is_file, downloads) if keep]
Regex might be the best way to find matches if you have a diverse listing of files in your downloads folder.

How to keep the share properties of an excel with python openpyxl?

I have trouble trying to keep the sharing properties of an excel. I tried this :Python and openpyxl is saving my shared workbook as unshared but the part of vout just cancels all the modification I made with the script
To explain the problem :
There's an excel file that is shared in which people can do some modification
Python reads and writes on it
When I save the workbook in the excel file, it automatically either drops the sharing property or when I try to keep it, it just doesn't do any modification
Can someone help me please ?
I'll get a little more precise, as requested.
The sharing mode is the one Microsoft provides. You can see the button below:
Share button Excel
The excel is stored on a server. Several users can write on it at the same time but when I launch my script, it stops automatically the sharing property, so everyone that is writing on it just can't do modification anymore and every modif they did is lost.
First I treated my Excel normally :
ws=DLT['DLT'] modifications on ws...
But then I tried this (Python and openpyxl is saving my shared workbook as unshared)
zin = zipfile.ZipFile(myPath, 'r')
buffers = []
for item in zin.infolist():
zin.close() modif on ws...
zout = zipfile.ZipFile(myPath, 'w')
for item, buffer in buffers:
zout.writestr(item, buffer)
The second one just doesn't save my modification on ws.
The thing I would like to do, is not to get rid of the sharing property. I would need to keep it while I write on it. Not sure if it is possible. I have one alternative solution that is to use another file, and just copy/paste by hand the new data from this file to the DLT one.
well... after playing with it back and forth, for some weird reason zipfile.infolist() does contains the sheet data as well, so here's my way to fine tune it, using the shared_pyxl_save example the previous gentleman provided
basically instead of letting the old file overriding the sheet's data, use the old one
def shared_pyxl_save(file_path, workbook):
`file_path`: path to the shared file you want to save
`workbook`: the object returned by openpyxl.load_workbook()
zin = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, 'r')
buffers = []
for item in zin.infolist():
if "sheet1.xml" not in item.filename:
""" loop through again to find the sheet1.xmls and put it into buffer, else will show up error"""
zin2 = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, 'r')
for item in zin2.infolist():
if "sheet1.xml" in item.filename:
#finally saves the file
zout = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, 'w')
for item, buffer in buffers:
zout.writestr(item, buffer)

python win32 error,Microsoft Excel',

my last part of code is as follows;
from openpyxl import Workbook
import win32com.client as win32
excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
for wb in excel.Workbooks:
if wb.Name[:10] == 'da_woprint' :
import os
I have automated my chrome to use one of my Maximo web application to do some task and get the daily report which comes out in excel (.xls)format.I was able to do the whole thing,except the last step,which is nothing but saving this excel file,in a directory using a variable "r"(which contain previous day's date in string format),in which I am getting the error.But I am able to save it with a static name`.
Judging from your comment:
What I think you want is that the 5 is replaced with a variable.
In your case you want it to be stored in variable r. (This is not a very good name by the way).
So what you need to do is to inject your variable into your string somehow. There are a couple of ways to do this.
The first way is my favorite:
r = 5
You could also use %s to make this case work and a couple of other things, for more info, here
If you want to store the whole string, what you may want to do, I still don't really understand the case, is the following:
r = 'C:\Users\maliadil\Desktop\{0}.xls'.format(5)

How to create macro variables in python and recall them

I have a python code and I am saving the results in a destination with specific file name, this file name will change every time and it is a recurring event.
Here is my code:
import csv
In the outfile the file name here as "macrovariable" will change every time. I want to create a macrovariable at the top of the program which will be called later in the program in the place of "macrovariable" instead of hardcoding.
Thanks & regards,

Opening another .py file in a function to pass agruments in Python3.5

I'm pretty new to Python and the overall goal of the project I am working on is to setup a SQLite DB that will allow easy entries in the future for non-programmers (this is for a small group of people who are all technically competent). The way I am trying to accomplish this right now is to have people save their new data entry as a .py file through a simple text editor and then open that .py file within the function that enters the values into the DB. So far I have:
def newEntry(material=None, param=None, value=None):
if param == 'density':
print('The density of %s is %s' % (material, value))
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input(files=(''))
Then I have created with a simple text editor a file called that will hopefully be called by when newEntry is executed in the terminal. The idea here is that some user would just have to put in the function name with the arguments they are inputing within the parentheses. is simply:
# Some description for future users
newEntry(material='water', param='density', value='1')
When I run in my terminal nothing happens. Is there some other way to open and execute a .py file within another that I do not know of? Thank you very much for any help.
Your solution works, but as a commenter said, it is very insecure and there are better ways. Presuming your process(...) method is just executing some arbitrary Python code, this could be abused to execute system commands, such as deleting files (very bad).
Instead of using a .py file consisting of a series of newEntry(...) on each line, have your users produce a CSV file with the appropriate column headers. I.e.
Then parse this csv file to add new entries:
with open('entries.csv') as entries:
csv_reader = csv.reader(entries)
header = True
for row in csv_reader:
if header: # Skip header
header = False
material = row[0]
param = row[1]
value = row[2]
if param == 'density':
print('The density of %s is %s' % (material, value))
Your users could use Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other spreadsheet software that can export .csv files to create/edit these files, and you could provide a template to the users with predefined headers.
