Excel : Text to date conversion with milliseconds - excel

I am trying to convert a datetime string such as 2015-11-01- to Datetime format in Excel. I have tried solutions provided in previous questions, but this particular format was not covered. I am looking to have both date and time in the same cell. Please assist.

It depends how consistent the strings are, but for this particular one you could try
=VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-"," ",3),".",":",1),".",":",1))
then use custom formatting to show it as a datetime value with milliseconds
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.000
(you may have to change this for your locale).
BTW to make the TIMEVALUE formula in your comment work you would have to change the first two decimal points to colons.


Conver scientific format timestamp to date excel

I have difficulty in converting the timestamp recorded in excel. The format is in scientific, I would like to convert to date format in excel.
Scientific = 2.02207E+13 (in number format 20220715030838)
I expect the result will be 15-Jul-2022 03:08
Use below formula to convert date/time value.
Then use cell format to display results as desired format. Or can use TEXT() function like-
=TEXT(--TEXTJOIN("/",TRUE,MID(A1&"",{1,5,7},{4,2,2}))+(--TEXTJOIN(":",TRUE,MID(A1&"",{9,11,13},{2,2,2}))),"dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm")
My answer is here, make sure that singe digit date should come with 0 as highlighted in the pic. Either you can customise the format or use Text function.
If you want seconds as well then use Right(A2,2) function in Second argument in the Time function. Hope it clears.
=TEXT(INT(DATE(LEFT(A2,4),MID(A2,5,2),MID(A2,7,2)))+TIME(MID(A2,9,2),MID(A2,11,2),),"dd-mmm-yyy hh:mm")
=INT(DATE(LEFT(A2,4),MID(A2,5,2),MID(A2,7,2)))+TIME(MID(A2,9,2),MID(A2,11,2),) #customise the format.

How to convert UTC to datetime in Excel

I am trying to convert UTC to datetime in EXCEL SHEET.
Below is the input
So far to convert I have put below formula
=(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"T"," "))
This gives me output as
2020-04-10 22:15:40.5577209Z
Now I need to trim the .5577209Z part.
Final output should be
2020-04-10 22:15:40
Can someone help me with this?
The result you want would be produced with a formula like this one. (The original string is in A2)
The formula takes the first 18 characters of the received string. If you are sure that there are no letters in the next couple of digits you could extend this to 20 or more and get a better rounding of the seconds.
Another approach would be to work around the offending "T".
Again the final 8 in the formula could be extended for better rounding of seconds. Or, if it's always a "Z" it could simply be removed like you already removed the "T".
Either solution gives you a true Date/Time value - a 5-digit number with lots of decimals. This you convert into a legible date by means of the cell format. Apply a custom format like yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Cannot convert serial number to date and time format

It's just as the title says, I cannot convert the serial numbers generated from the DATE and TIME function to a Date and Time Format.
I have this date: 27/11/2012 1:09 PM (originally typed in as text and not acknowledged as date and time, because it was aligned to the left). So instead, I decided to use the DATE and TIME function like so:
=(DATE(2014,8,26) & TIME(13,27,0))
It resulted with a serial number. So I googled on ways how to convert the serial number to a date format. OF course, I already tried formatting a cell by right-clicking it and selecting the Date category but still no luck.
Now that I think about it, is the formula above alright? I mean is it okay to use date and time in one cell? By the way, the dates and times were manually typed in in one cell. And I do not have an option to segregate each date and time elements per cell.
UPDATE: So I tried doing it with just the DATE function only and the formatting worked. Is there any way that even the time is included?
=(DATE(2014,8,26) + TIME(13,27,0))
Use "+" for date and time concord-nation :)

Excel: Converting From Integer Parts Time To Minutes Time

I have some columns where the date values are in integer format, i.e.14.06736111
for 1:37. I want to get the format into minutes.
I tried using the [m[ format in custom format, and that works on many of the cells, but some of them throw out crazy numbers. For example, for the cell where the time is 1:37 I am getting 20257 instead of 97. It looks like the cells that have wacky values also have a nonsense date string attached (1/14/1900).
I can use find/replace to remove the date string and the the format works again, but that seems inefficient.
Is there a better way around this?
Your 14.06736111 is not a time; it's a date (01/14/1900) with a time (.06736111 of a 24-hour period). I'm guessing that the date portion is incorrect, or you're not actually seeing a date value at all.
To display just the time, your cell first needs to remove the integer part of the date (the part to the left of the decimal point). If your date value is in cell A1 as 14.06736111:
#nutsch points out in a comment below that a shorter means of doing this would be
=MOD(A1, 1)
Set the cell formatting to Time:
Using =A1-Int(A1) as suggested by Ken White helped a lot, but I was still having problems. Through a bit of trial and error I found that the best way to convert an fractal time value into whole minutes was to use the following formula:
=FLOOR(A1/0.000694, 1)

How to create and assign a Custom Format of date and time to an entire column in excel worksheet

I want a customized format(with milliseconds also) in such a way to handle for a date and time in Microsoft Excel.
Sample date and time:
08.25.2010 00:52:09.359
For understanding of above sample date time, it is 25th August 2010 12 hrs 52mins 9seconds 359 milliseconds(AM).
Please provide a custom Format to handle the above mentioned sample date and time and finally to apply for a column.
In Excel 2003 I use the following for time with fractions of second:
(note: my decimal point is a "," - German)
so a time entered as 12:13:14,1516 will be displayed as 12:13:14,152
Hope this works for you
Edit 28-Nov-2012
I recently migrated to Excel 2010. Special format using up to 3 zero's after a comma for seconds as described above still works. More than 3 zero's however are not accepted.
I'm not certain what you mean by "not recognizing the dates" but the following custom format would give you the format you're looking for. You'll have to adjust the millisecond separator "." according to your localization, of course.
mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss.000
Applying it to a column is as easy as right clicking the column header, selecting Format Cells, choosing Custom on the left and pasting that format string into the Type box.
If you're trying to enter dates in this format, I don't believe that Excel will support that. I don't know of any option to set the date separators to a "." for Excel. Even setting the date format to use dots under the Regional and Language Options doesn't make Excel recognize that.
