Find and replace file/folder names and contents in whole Linux file system [closed] - linux

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a Linux (Ubuntu) server on which I am hosting a website. I am changing my domain name, let's say from xxxxx.xx to yyyyy.yy.
What I would like is a find xxxxx.xx and replace it with yyyyy.yy both in all file and folder names and in all file contents across the whole file system to reflect this change.
I don't believe this question has been asked in its entirety, but if I've missed it please point me in the right direction. Thanks.

You can use GNU find and a bit of bash string manipulation for actual file-renaming.
*xxxx.xx* is a glob-pattern to match files/folders having this anywhere in their names.
Strictly recommend NOT to run the re-name straight away, but run with echo once to see if the files are listed properly. Am providing two different commands, one for renaming files and other for folders, because renaming folders needs couple of extra options to avoid recursive file-renaming.
For re-naming folders:-
find . -depth -type d -name "*xxxx.xx*" -execdir sh -c 'x=$1; y="${x/xxxx.xx/yyyy.yy}"; mv -v "$x" "$y"' sh {} \;
For files:-
find . -type f -name "*xxxx.xx*" -exec sh -c 'x=$1; y="${x/xxxx.xx/yyyy.yy}"; mv -v "$x" "$y"' sh {} \;
Do NOT run the commands right away, just run the below commands, to see if the original file/folder and the re-named file/folder have proper names as you intended.
find . -type f -name "*xxxx.xx*" -exec sh -c 'x=$1; y="${x/xxxx.xx/yyyy.yy}"; echo "$x" "$y"' sh {} \;
find . -depth -type d -name "*xxxx.xx*" -execdir sh -c 'x=$1; y="${x/xxxx.xx/yyyy.yy}"; echo "$x" "$y"' sh {} \;
Since you want to change the contents of file also, add an extra sed in-place file re-naming as
find . -type f -name "*xxxx.xx*" -exec sh -c 'x=$1; y="${x/xxxx.xx/yyyy.yy}"; mv -v "$x" "$y"; sed -i 's/xxxx.xx/yyyy.yy/g' "$y" ' sh {} \;


How to use grep to reverse search files in a folder

I'm trying to create a script which will find missing topics from multiple log files. These logfiles are filled top down, so the newest logs are at the bottom of the file. I would like to grep only the last line from this file which includes UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION. This should be done in multiple files with completely different names. Is grep the best solution or is there another solution that suits my needs. I already tried adding tail, but that doesn't seem to work.
missingTopics=$(grep -Ri -m1 --exclude=*.{1,2,3,4,5} UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION /app/tibco/log/tra/domain/)
You could try a combination of find, tac and grep:
find /app/tibco/log/tra/domain -type f ! -name '*.[1-5]' -exec sh -c \
'tac "$1" | grep -im1 UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION' "sh" '{}' \;
tac prints files in reverse, the -exec sh -c SCRIPT "sh" '{}' \; action of find executes the shell SCRIPT each time a file matching the previous tests is found. The SCRIPT is executed with "sh" as parameter $0 and the path of the found file as parameter $1.
If performance is an issue you can probably improve it with:
find . -type f ! -name '*.[1-5]' -exec sh -c 'for f in "$#"; do \
tac "$f" | grep -im1 UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION; done' "sh" '{}' +
which will spawn less shells. If security is also an issue you can also replace -exec by -execdir (even if with this SCRIPT I do not immediately see any exploit).

Using find to delete symbolic links except those which point to directories

At the moment I recursively remove all softlinks from my current working directory like this:
find . -type l -delete
But I don't want to remove symlinks pointing to a directory anymore.
Is there simple way to customize the find command or do I have to omit the -delete and script something to inspect every found softlink "myself" before removing?
As already suggested in the comments, you can use the test utility for this; but you don't need readlink because test -d always resolves symbolic links.
# replace -print with -exec rm {} +
find . -type l ! -exec test -d {} \; -print
It might be slow due to the overhead from spawning a new process for each symlink though. If that's a problem, you can incorporate a small shell script in your find command to process them in bulks.
find . -type l -exec sh -c '
for link; do
if ! test -d "$link"; then
set "$#" "$link"
# remove echo
echo rm "$#"' sh {} +
Or, if you have GNU find installed, you can utilize the -xtype primary.
# replace -print with -delete
find -type l ! -xtype d -print

How to find all files in subdirectories that match pattern and replace pattern

I am attempting to move some video files of mine into new subdirectories while also renaming them on my Unraid system. The files all follow a similar naming convention:
featurette name-featurette.mkv
I would like to move these files from their current directory to a subdirectory and rename them like this:
featurettes/featurette name.mkv
I am able to create the directories and relocate the files using find and execdir:
find . -type f -name *-featurette.mkv -maxdepth 2 -execdir mkdir ./featurettes/ \;
find . -type f -name *-featurette.mkv -maxdepth 2 -execdir mv {} ./featurettes/ \;
I am struggling with the renaming piece. I've tried the rename command but am unable to get it to work within the featurettes directory, let alone from two directories above, which is where I'd like to execute the command. I've tried the following command within the featurettes directory:
rename \-featurette.mkv .mkv *
However I get the error:
invalid option -- 'f'
I thought by escaping the dash I could avoid that issue, but it doesn't appear to work. Any advice on how to remove this pattern from all files within subdirectories matching it would be very much appreciated.
From man rename you see this command gets options and 3 positional parameters:
rename [options] expression replacement file...
So in your case the first parameter is being interpreted as an option. You may use this syntax:
rename -- '-featurette' '' *-featurette.mkv
to rename the files. -- indicates that any options are over and what follows are only positional parameters.
Totally, to copy the files with one mv process and rename them:
mkdir -p target/dir
find . -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "*-featurette.mkv" -exec mv -t target/dir {} +
cd target/dir && rename -- '-featurette' '' *-featurette.mkv
If you want to rename many files located into different subdirectories, you can use this syntax:
find . -name "*-featurette.mkv" -print0 | xargs -r0 rename -- '-featurette' ''
find . \
-maxdepth 2 \
-type f \
-name '*-featurette.mkv' \
-execdir sh -c '
echo mkdir -p ./featurettes/
echo mv -- "$#" ./featurettes/
' _ {} \+
Issue with your implementations I fixed or improved:
-maxdepth 2 must precede -type f
-name '*-featurette.mkv' must have the pattern quoted to prevent the shell to expand globb it.
-execdir is best used with an inline shell, so it can also process multiple arguments from the same directory
Also keep in mind that while running a command with -execdir, find will cd to that directory. It means that mv -- "$#" ./featurettes/' will move files into the ./featurettes/' directory relative to were -execdir has just cd.
Version which also rename files while moving:
( has no echo dry-run protection, so use only if you are sure it does what you want )
#!/usr/bin/env sh
find . \
-maxdepth 2 \
-depth \
-name '*-featurette.mkv' \
-type f \
-execdir sh -c '
mkdir -p featurettes
for arg
mv -- "$basename" "./featurettes/${basename%-featurette.mkv}.mkv"
' _ {} +
You can use Bash's shell parameter expansion feature to get the part of the file name, for example:
$> filename=name-featurette.mkv
$> echo ${filename%-*} #To print first part before '-'
$> echo ${filename##*.} #To get the extension
$> echo ${filename#*-} #To print the part after '-' with extension
With this and slightly modifying your find command, you should be able to move+rename your files:
find . -type f -name '*-featurette.mkv' -maxdepth 2 -execdir sh -c 'f="{}"; mv -- "$f" ./featurettes/"${f%-*}.mkv"' \;
In fact you should be able to combine both the find command into one to create_dir, move and rename file.
find . -type f -name '*-featurette.mkv' -maxdepth 2 -execdir sh -c 'f="{}"; mkdir ./featurettes; mv -- "$f" ./featurettes/"${f%-*}.mkv"' \;

How to find all subdirectories with a specific name and delete its contents (and NOT delete the directories themselves)

I can't seem to find a solution that works within several posts that seem to ask a similar question. This is the command that has come the closest to working which I've used as a test on test folders:
find . -iname "*Adobe Premiere Pro Video Previews*" -exec sh -c 'rm -rf {}/*' \;
The problem is that find . -iname "*Adobe Premiere Pro Video Previews*" by itself finds the subdirectories and prints them while -exec sh -c 'rm -rf {}/*' \; does the job of deleting only the contents without deleting the directory itself. But they do not work to find the directory and delete its contents when put together. What command should I use to accomplish those two tasks simultaneously?
for dir in `find . -type d -iname "*Adobe Premiere Pro Video Previews*"`; do
find $dir -type f -delete
I may not be an expert in bash, but for me the following command is working :
find . -iname "*test*" -type d -exec sh -c "rm -rf {}/*" \;
while read -r line; do
echo "Deleting CONTENTS of folder: $line"
rm -rf "$line/*"
done <<< $(find . -type d -iname "*Adobe Premiere Pro Video Previews*")
This loops through the results of find (Using -type d to only show directories so you won't run into problems if a file contains the search string) and performs an rm -rf on the contents of each result. The /* is important as without it it would delete the result directory too, instead of just its contents.

Find files in a dir, executing a command with execdir and redirecting

It seems like I am unable to find a direct answer to this question.
I appreciate your help.
I'm trying to find all files with a specific name in a directory, read the last 1000 lines of the file and copy it in to a new file in the same directory. As an example:
Find all files names xyz.log in the current directory, copy the last 1000 lines to file abc.log (which doesn't exist).
I tried to use the following command with no luck:
find . -name "xyz.log" -execdir tail -1000 {} > abc.log \;
The problem I'm having is that for all the files in the current directory, they all write to abc.log in the CURRENT directory and not in the directory where xyz.log resides. Clearly the find with execdir is first executed and then the output is redirected to abc.log.
Can you guys suggest a way to fix this? I appreciate any information/help.
EDIT- I tried find . -name "xyz.log" -execdir sh -c "tail -1000 {} > abc.log" \; as suggested by some of the friends, but it gives me this error: sh: ./tail: No such file or directory error message. Do you guys have any idea what the problem is?
Luckily the solution to use -printf is working fine.
The simplest way is this:
find . -name "xyz.log" -execdir sh -c 'tail -1000 "{}" >abc.log' \;
A more flexible alternative is to first print out the commands and then execute them all with sh:
find . -name "xyz.log" -printf 'tail -1000 "%p" >"%h/abc.log"\n' | sh
You can remove the | sh from the end when you're trying it out/debugging.
There is a bug in some versions of findutils (4.2 and 4.3, though it was fixed in some 4.2.x and 4.3.x versions) that cause execdir arguments that contain {} to be prefixed with ./ (instead of the prefix being applied only to {} it is applied to the whole quoted string). To work around this you can use:
find . -name "xyz.log" -execdir sh -c 'tail -1000 "$1" >abc.log' sh {} \;
sh -c 'script' arg0 arg1 runs the sh script with arg0, arg1, etc. passed to it. By convention, arg0 is the name of the executable (here, "sh"). From the script you can access the arguments using $0 (corresponding to "sh"), $1 (corresponding to find's expansion of {}), etc.
The redirect isn't passed into execdir, so abc.log shows up in the directory you run the command in. -execdir also doesn't like embedded redirects. but you can workaround the problem by passing -execdir a shell command with a redirect embedded, like this:
find . -name "xyz.log" -execdir sh -c '/usr/bin/tail -1000 {} > abc.log' \;
Much credit to this blog post (not mine):
I put the full path to tail in the command (assuming it's in /usr/bin on your system), since sh may load a .profile with a PATH that differs from your current shell.
Here's another non-find (well, sorta - it still uses find but doesn't try to shoehorn find into doing the whole thing):
while read f
d=$(dirname "${f}")
tail -n 1000 "${f}" > "${d}/abc.log"
done < <(find . -type f -name xyz.log -print)
