Azure Team Services CI - Release Variable does not work - azure

I am trying to automate resource group creation with team services release.
I added azure resource group project to the solution and defined administratorLoginPassword variable as a secure string in json definition:
Also I defined administratorLoginPassword variable at the environment level in release definition as the following:
But when I run release it fails with the following reason:
Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory
parameters: administratorLoginPassword.

You need to pass that variable explicitly to the template script specifying its value in the Override Template Parameters text box, as follow:
-administratorLoginPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String '$(administratorLoginPassword)' -AsPlainText -Force)
Anyway I would suggest to create a proper azuredeploy.parameters.json file where you store all the actual values for all the required template parameters, and pass this file to Template Parameters input of the Azure Resource Group Deployment task. This file could be manipulated during build/release by replacing the content with the values you need, avoiding entirely to play with special parameters of the build task.
The variables created in the Build/Release Definition are disregarded by the Azure Res. Group Deployment task unless you pass it over explicitly as shown above.


Terraform Destroy does not work with Azure Devops Variables in terraform.tfvars

I have very simple pipeline, classic pipeline with Terraform Init, Plan and Apply, how ever deployment failed in middle, so I wanted to destroy all resources…
(backend is remote sitting on Azure blob container
so I enabled only Init and Destroy Task in pipeline, In Init parameters I have provided remote backend details, but when I run pipeline with destroy command it says " variable not allowed"
Actually in terraform.tfvars file I have used azure variable group variable substitution like below
and I have destory task like below
error i get is:
"It isn’t possible to define anything other than static values in a .tfvars file.", see Reference environment variables in .tfvars file.
Alternativly, you can rename the environment variables to start with TF_VAR_ prefix, e.g. TF_VAR_resource_group or you can try to pass the values via -var parameter.
I normally recommend against this type of solutions as it's non-canonical; e.g. there are ways to solve the problem, as #sschmeck has posted, so adding a third-party tool can just create more of a headache.
That said, this article details the use a "Replace Tokens" task in Azure DevOps.
Simply put, you can tell this task to scan for *.tfvars files, and have it replace some tokens with a pattern such as __example__, so in your example:
resource_group = __resource_group__
And set the resource_group variable in a Azure DevOps variable group; it will then search for your specified pattern and replace it.
Again, I would say use TF_VARs as it's canonical, but this may also work for you.

Unable to use output variables from a PowerShell script in the Override Parameters of a Resource Group deployment task in Azure DevOPS

I have a PowerShell script where I have multiple output variables generated with the following syntax :
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=appObjectId;issecret=false]"+$appObjectId)
In the PowerShell task in Azure DevOPS, I have set the Output variables as follow:
Then, I use my output variables in an Azure Resource Group deployment as follow:
Unfortunately, when I look into the deployment details in Azure, I can see that the parameters of my ARM are not filled out with the value of the output parameters but with the name of it:
Important information: the ARM deployment task is done inside a task group. My PowerShell script is in the pipeline, just before the call to the Task Group. I tried to put the script inside the Task Group but I have the exact same issue.
I found the root cause: I need to enclose the parameter "$(myParam)" in the tasks where I need to use it. Otherwise, it is not computed.
I think you might have gotten the format wrong for defining the output variable from your Powershell script, this should work -
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=appObjectId;isOutput=true]$appObjectId"
Also add is isoutput=true, the defaults to false.
Cause you are not set the variable to appObjectId correctly. There is not AADApplication.appClientid. Then Azure DevOps treat this to string. That's why the parameters of my ARM are not filled out with the value of the output parameters but with the name of it.
No need to use () to include the follow set variable command.
SetVariable: Initialize or modify the value of a variable
You should use the following syntax :
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=appClientID;issecret=false;isoutput=true]value"
More details please refer our official doc here.

Azure Data Factory Release Pipeline - Resource Not Found Error

I am testing a build/release of a very simple ADF (just one activity), the build, repository, arm template export all seem ok until when I run the release task, the error shows up in the final step, that says:
"error": {
"code": "ResourceNotFound",
"message": "The Resource 'Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/htTestDF' under resource group 'xxx-rg' was not found."
I watched several tutorials and microsoft web sites, and tried exporting the ARM template several times, the same error occurs. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your details clarifies in comments. Now, the error message you met caused by using a different target resource group as this ARM template deploy to.
To make this more clear, I reproduce the issue based on the details you provided. Fortunately, got the same error with you. Now, let's focus on its log, then get why it cause the Not Found error.(Please set debug=true)
As I mentioned in the above pic, it is the api that this task used at first step while the template begin to apply into the corresponding resource group and deployment. For more cleared, please refer to this REST API doc firstly: Deployments - Create Or Update.
The logic of this task is compile parameters from ARM template file, pack them and use it as request body for this PUT api call. See its api doc, you can get that for this API call, its resourceGroupName and deploymentName need to be specified firstly. In another words, if you specified another target resource group, it would not find the correct target place that can apply this template definition. Because, you can see that this ARM template is preparing to applying activities SetVariable into your Data Factory HTDF3 and the defined pipelines name is HTPipe1. But these should all not exists in your target Resource Group. Thus it caused the error like this:
"error": {
"code": "ResourceNotFound",
"message": "The Resource 'Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/Merlin-1003' under resource group 'Merlin-ARM-deploy' was not found."
In my sample, Merlin-ARM-deploy is my target resource group.
If you want to deploy this into your target resource group, you need to create one data factory manually, or use another ARM Template to create a new one same factory in the target resource group. If you choose the previous method, just then modify the template.json file, to let its parameters correspond to the actual target resource group. But if use the second method, do not operate anything. Just apply them with task.
The ARM template generated by ADF(publish) cannot be deployed directly to a new RG.
Create RG(optional, assuming it is IAC(infra as code))
Run a powershell script task in pipeline to create an empty ADF(do not use empty ARM instead). Since it is not ARM you would need to put an optional condition to check if it already exists)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupName "RG" -Name "ADF" -Location "North Europe"
Now we can execute the ARM template from publish folder (the one you had given)
Errors in ADF publish system.
The ARM template need to be generated in such a way that it is
idempotent(should also create afresh if not present). But it is not
at the moment. It expects an ADF to be present already(strangely).
When an empty ARM template created in another RG is used to create a fresh empty ADF in this RG(newly created), it fails. Well, it creates empty ADF but we cannot put adf_publish(default publish folder for ADF) on top of it because we get 'resource not found error'.
But when we manually create an ADF and run the adf_publish template
then it works! But ofcourse, this is not what we want.
Why does manual & powershell work(empty + publish) but not ARM template? It could be that the ARM Template has wrong location/region mentioned in it but that was not the case.(really puzzling to me)

Build arm template in VSTS fails with error about 'artifactsLocation'

Normally when i deploy through visual studio _artifactsLocation shows when editing the parameters so what should this be in VSTS and how do I set it?
2018-02-21T08:49:46.1918199Z ##[error]Deployment template validation failed: 'The value for the template parameter '_artifactsLocation' at line '1' and column '182' is not provided. Please see for usage details.'.
2018-02-21T08:49:46.1919769Z ##[error]Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.
You can specify it in parameters file, then specify the file path in Template parameters input box of Azure Resource Group Deployment task if you are using.
Also, the parameters can be override by specifying in Override template parameters input box of Azure Resource Group Deployment task.
If you are calling script through Azure PowerShell task, you can specify it in the arguments: -ArtifactStagingDirectory, related issue: The value for the template parameter '_artifactsLocation' is not provided
This sounds like you are using the Azure Resource Group deployment template from VS to deploy via VSTS.
It uses MSDeploy as part of the ARM template deployment to deploy your service.
The Powershell script that is generated by the VS project template uploads a ZIP-file containing your service to Blob storage, and puts the URL and other information into _artifactsLocation and other ARM template parameters.
Instead of doing that, you can remove the artifacts related parameters and the MSDeploy resource from the ARM template. Then the template ONLY contains infrastructure related resources.
After this, add a "Deploy to App Service" step in the VSTS Release pipeline after the ARM template deployment. That can then be used to deploy your service code.
If you are using a separate parameters json file, you'll need to initialise the _artifactsLocation and _artifactsLocationSasToken there. You can give them empty strings, like:
"_artifactsLocation": {
"value": ""
"_artifactsLocationSasToken": {
"value": ""
They should automatically get their values from a PowerShell script. I'm using the AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment#3 task, it would probably work with AzureResourceGroupDeployment#2 as well.

Specifying artifactsLocation in web app deployment to Azure

I am trying to deploy an Azure Resource group via Octopus Deploy (within it a website).
Hyak.Common.CloudException: InvalidTemplate: Deployment template validation failed: 'The value for the template parameter '_artifactsLocation' at line '40' and column '32' is not provided.
How would I specify this in Visual Studio so that the solution can get deployed to Azure?
From an Octopus point-of-view, you can use variable substitution on both the Template and Parameter files to sub in whatever values you need to your templates.
If you have a look at the "Template Contained in a Package" section of the Azure Resource Groups documentation, it shows you example JSON templates with variable substitution in place.
"databaseName": {
"value": "#{DatabaseName}"
So in your project, you'd setup a project variable, then use the variable substitution syntax to address that variable in your template JSON (that's contained in your package), and it will get substituted before being executed at Azure.
Hope this helps
