Gnuplot, skipping timedat tics, histogram - gnuplot

So, i need to make histogram of data by dates, but i have problem with xticlabel overlapping, so, i'm trying to find a solution how to skip xtics to avoid overlapping. Considering that dates are not integer tics, i was trying to solve it that way:
the .dat file
Time Dat 1 Dat 2
1 27-12-2016 12 2
2 28-12-2016 13 7
3 29-12-2016 17 2
4 30-12-2016 9 10
Is it possible to count xtic by first column, but show values in second column instead of values in first?
my code:
d_box = total_box_width_relative/n
set term png truecolor font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 800,400
set output "test.png"
set datafile separator "\\t"
set title "Errors"
set print "-"
set xlabel 'x' offset "0", "-1"
set ylabel 'y' offset "1", "-0"
set key invert reverse Left outside
set key autotitle columnheader
set key samplen 4 spacing 1 width 0 height 0
set autoscale yfixmax
set yrange [0: ]
set xtics strftime('%d-%m-%Y', "27-12-2016"), 5, strftime('%m-%d-%Y', "15-01-2017")
set xtics font ", 7"
set ytics auto font ", 9"
set y2tics auto font ", 9"
set grid
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set style fill transparent solid 0.75 noborder
set boxwidth 0.9 relative
set xtic rotate by -45 scale 0
plot 'datfile' u 3:xtic(strftime('%d-%m-%Y', strptime('%m.%d.%Y', stringcolumn(2)))), '' u 4

Before asking such a vague question, always reduce the script to a bare minimum which is required to reproduce the problem.
After removing all unnecessary stuff and fixing the plot command, here is what I end up with:
set datafile separator "\t"
set yrange [0:*]
set style fill transparent solid 0.75 noborder
set boxwidth 0.9 relative
set xtic rotate by -45 scale 0
set key autotitle columnheader
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 1
plot 'file.dat' using 3:xtic(2) t col(2), '' using 4
Here, you already see one option to avoid overlapping of longer tic labels by rotating them.
Another possibility is to skip every n-th xticlabel. At this point you must understand how gnuplot creates histograms. Histograms don't use a conventional numerical axis, so you cannot simply use the dates as you normally would do when plotting lines. But gnuplot puts each bar cluster at an integer x-position and with e.g. xtic(2) you label every cluster with the string as given in the second column.
The expression xtic(2) is a short cut for xticlabel(2), which means xticlabel(stringcolumn(2)). Instead of using exactly the string in the second column, you can use here any expression which yields a string, including conditions. To only plot every second label check if the row number is even or odd with int($0) % 2 == 0 and use and empty string or the string from the second column:
plot 'file.dat' using 3:xtic(int($0)%2 == 0 ? stringcolumn(2) : '') t col(2), '' u 4


How to assign specific title to each line in the data file in gnuplot

I have a data file which keeps all the x, y coordinates and radius values for drawing circles. Each circle stand for a region. Up to now I drew the circles. But I want to assign specific legend to each line in the data file. Because after drawing regions, I want to put some points on this regions depend on the region number. However I couldn't figure out how to do it. Is there anyone who know how to assign a specific legend to the circles depend on its line number in the data file. The data file looks like
X Y R Legend
5 6 0.1 1
and so on. I want to use the last column as title to assign to the circles. Is there any way to do that?
It depends how exactly you want to show the corresponding "title". Let's assume that the data file circles.dat contains following data:
5 6.0 0.1 1
5 5.5 0.1 2
4 5.0 0.2 3
One option would be to plot the circles and use the fourth column as labels which are placed at the centers of the individual circles. This can be directly achieved with the with labels plotting style as:
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig1.png'
fName = 'circles.dat'
unset key
set xr [3:6]
set yr [4:7]
set size square
set tics out nomirror
set xtics 3,1,6
set mxtics 2
set ytics 4,1,7
set mytics 2
plot \
fName u 1:2:3 w circles lc rgb 'red' lw 2, \
'' u 1:2:4 w labels tc rgb 'blue'
This produces:
Alternatively, one might want to put those labels into the legend of the graph. Perhaps there is a more elegant solution, nevertheless one way is to
plot each line of the data file separately and extract the fourth column (to be used as key title) manually:
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig2.png'
fName = 'circles.dat'
unset key
set xr [3:6]
set yr [4:7]
set size square
set tics out nomirror
set xtics 3,1,6
set mxtics 2
set ytics 4,1,7
set mytics 2
set key top right reverse
stat fName nooutput
plot \
for [i=0:STATS_records-1] fName u 1:2:3 every ::i::i w circles t system(sprintf("awk 'NR==%d{print $4}' '%s'", i+1, fName))
This gives:

GNUPLOT - Can't display values over the bar

I'm trying make simple histogram with this file '.dat'
Moment "Energy consumed (MWh)"
"Apr-16" 2011.4
"May-16" 1869.6
"Jun-16" 1899.0
"Jul-16" 1659.0
"Aug-16" 1740.6
"Sep-16" 1670.0
For this purpose I have written the following script
set term postscript
set terminal pngcairo nocrop enhanced size 700,700 font "arial,18"
set termoption dash
set output out
set boxwidth 0.5 absolute
set border 0
set style fill solid 1.00 border lt -1
set key off
set style histogram clustered gap 1 title textcolor lt -1
set datafile missing '-'
set style data histograms
set xtics border in scale 0,0 nomirror autojustify
set xtics norangelimit
set xtics ()
unset ytics
set title titulo
set yrange [0.0000 : limite] noreverse nowriteback
show style line
set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb color lw 1
## Last datafile plotted: "immigration.dat"
plot fuente using (column(0)):2:xtic(1) title titulo ls 1 with boxes, '' using 0:2:2 with labels
In this case out is the output filename, titulo is the label that appears on the top of the image output, limite is the value that I use as biggest value on y-axi, and fuente is the source filename.
The result is this
I am trying display the values over the bar with some offset because I need the values over the bars and not inside the bars. I would need separate I am trying with code like:
plot fuente using (column(0)):2:xtic(1) title titulo ls 1 with boxes, '' using 0:($2 + 0.5):2 with labels
because I have seen many sites where they get it doing $2 + 0.5 but this it doesn't work for me.
What should I do? Please help me I am completly lost. Thanks in advance.
Use the offset parameter for the with labels plotting styles. With this you can add a vertical offset which you specify e.g. in character or graph units:
plot fuente using 0:2:xtic(1) with boxes, '' using 0:2:2 with labels offset 0, char 1
Sidenote: Adding the constant value of 0.5 to the y-value (like $2 + 0.5) doesn't work for you, because the 0.5 is in units of the y-axis, and very small compared to your yrange.

Getting gnuplot to put bars side-by-side

I have the following gnuplot script:
set autoscale
unset log
unset label
unset term
unset output
set xtics rotate by -90
set ytic auto
unset title
set xlabel "Survey metadata attribute subset"
set ylabel "Accuracy of classifier (%)"
set boxwidth 0.1
set style fill solid
set term eps
set output "metadata.eps"
plot "metadata.dat" using 1:3:xtic(2) title "PART" with boxes, \
"metadata.dat" using 1:5:xtic(2) title "JRip" with boxes, \
"metadata.dat" using 1:7:xtic(2) title "FURIA" with boxes
However, this draws all 3 sets of bars on top of each other, while I want them side by side, in that order, grouped together. So it should go something like: PARTbar, JRipbar, FURIAbar, gap, PARTbar, JRipbar, FURIAbar, gap, etc. How would I go about doing this?
I guess what you want is set style histogram clustered.
I have taken a minimal dataset (see bottom) graphing it with
set style histogram clustered
set xtics rotate by -90
unset title
set xlabel "Survey metadata attribute subset"
set ylabel "Accuracy of classifier (%)"
set boxwidth 1
set style fill solid
set term png
set output "so.png"
plot [-0.5:2.75][1:17] "so.dat"using 3:xtic(2) title "PART" with histograms, \
"" using 4 title "JRip" with histograms, \
"" using 5 title "FURIA" with histograms
which yields
I think you can take it further from here.
Data file "so.dat":
1 a 10 12 15
2 b 12 14 16
3 c 11 15 14
Suppose your data looks like this
1 a 2 3 4
2 b 1 4 5
3 c 6 7 8
One option is to set the boxwidth smaller and manually adjust the box positions so that they line up.
We can do that with
set boxwidth 0.25
plot datafile using ($1-0.25):3 with boxes t "First Series", \
"" using 1:4:xtic(2) with boxes t "Second Series", \
"" using ($1+0.25):5 with boxes t "Third Series"
This results in the following graph
Notice that I only set the xtics on the second series (the one in the middle), and I subtracted the boxwidth from the first series x coordinate (moving it back by one box unit), and added this to the last series (moving it forward by one box unit). I choose to use a boxwidth of 0.25 instead of 0.33 to allow a little gap between groups. Putting the xtic only on the second series ensures that it is on the one in the middle. With more boxes you will use a different width and will have to determine on which one to set the xtic labels.
An alternative is to use the histogram style. With the default boxwidth of 1, you can do
plot datafile u 3 with histogram t "First Series", \
"" u 4:xtic(2) with histogram t "Second Series", \
"" u 5 with histogram t "Third Series"
In this case, it doesn't matter where you place the xtic specification.
The histogram styles are very complex having lots of options. Essentially it consists of multiple plotting styles that are all invoked with the with histogram specification.
Which one of these methods to choose is mostly a matter of personal preference. The first is how you'd do this before the histogram style was added. The box method gives you more manual control over the final result, but the histogram style automates a lot of the details of getting those boxes just right.

Gnuplot put xtics between bars

I need to be able to position the tic marks so that they are between the bars in the graph.
That way it can be read that there were 2 points between 0 and 14, 0 between 15 and 30, and so on, instead of the tics centered underneath the bars. Is there any way to automatically do that based on the box width?
Here is my current script attempt:
set xtics out nomirror
set ytics out nomirror
set tic scale 0
set style fill solid 1.00 border 0
set offset graph 0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.0
set boxwidth 15 *.9
set xtics offset -(15 *.9)/2
set term png
set output "graph.png"
plot 'data.dat' using 1:2:xtic(1) with boxes
Here is the .dat:
0 2
15 0
30 0
45 0
60 1
75 1
90 33
It appears that the following works consistently, based on the boxwidth:
set bwidth=15*.9
set boxwidth bwidth
set xtics out nomirror offset -bwidth/2 left
There still might be a better way.
With your solution you only shift the tic labels. I would also shift the tics.
Here is my solutions:
set tics out nomirror
set style fill solid 1.00 noborder
set autoscale fix
set offset 5,5,5,0
# extract the first and second x-values
stats 'data.dat' using 1 every ::::1 nooutput
start = STATS_min
width = STATS_max - STATS_min
set boxwidth width *.9
set xtics start, width
set term pngcairo
set output "graph.png"
plot 'data.dat' using ($1+width/2.0):2 with boxes
The first and second data values are extracted automatically (requires version >= 4.6.0). These values are used to
Set the boxwidth
Set the xtics (start value and increment)
Shift the data points by half of the x-value increment.
See e.g. Gnuplot: How to load and display single numeric value from data file for another example for extracting data with the stats command. Instead of loading the data with stats you could of course also use
start = 0
width = 15
The result with 4.6.3 is:

x range for non-numerical data in Gnuplot

When running the following script, I get an error message:
set terminal postscript enhanced color
set output '| ps2pdf - histogram_categorie.pdf'
set auto x
set key off
set yrange [0:20]
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 5
unset border
unset ytic
set xtics nomirror
plot "categorie.dat" using 1:2 ti col with boxes
The error message that I get is
smeik:plots nvcleemp$ gnuplot categorie.gnuplot
plot "categorie.dat" using 1:2 ti col with boxes
"categorie.gnuplot", line 13: x range is invalid
The content of the file categorie.dat is
categorie aantal
poussin 13
pupil 9
miniem 15
cadet 15
junior 6
senior 5
veteraan 8
I understand that the problem is that I haven't defined an x range. How can I make him use the first column as values for the x range? Or do I need to take the row numbers as x range and let him use the first column as labels? I'm using Gnuplot 4.4.
I'm ultimately trying to get a plot that looks the same as the plot I made before this one. That one worked fine, but had numerical data on the x axis.
set terminal postscript enhanced color
set output '| ps2pdf - histogram_geboorte.pdf'
set auto x
set key off
set yrange [0:40]
set xrange [1935:2005]
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 5
unset border
unset ytic
set xtics nomirror
plot "geboorte.dat" using 1:2 ti col with boxes,\
"geboorte.dat" using 1:($2+2):2 with labels
and the content of the file geboorte.dat is
decennium aantal
1940 2
1950 1
1960 3
1970 2
1980 3
1990 29
2000 30
the boxes style expects that the x-values are numeric. That's an easy one, we can give it the pseudo-column 0 which is essentially the script's line number:
plot "categorie.dat" using (column(0)):2 ti col with boxes
Now you probably want the information in the first column on the plot somehow. I'll assume you want those strings to become the x-tics:
plot "categorie.dat" using (column(0)):2:xtic(1) ti col with boxes
*careful here, this might not work with your current boxwidth settings. You might want to consider set boxwidth 1 or plot ... with (5*column(0)):2:xtic(1) ....
EDIT -- Taking your datafiles posted above, I've tested both of the above changes to get the boxwidth correct, and both seemed to work.
