MS CRM: Show related record in subgrid based on records present in another subgrid (Relationship with three entity) - dynamics-crm-2011

I am new to MS CRM. I have below requirement:
I have Entity A B and C in MS CRM 2016.
"Entity A" can have multiple "Entity B" records which are currently being displayed on "Entity A" form using 1 to N relationship.
"Entity C" can have multiple "Entity A" records.I am able to display associated "Entity A" records on "Entity C" form using 1 to N relationship.
On "Entity C" form, I want to display "Entity B" records associated with all of the "Entity A" which are associated with "Entity C". How can I achieve this?

Create 1:N relationship between Entity C and Entity B and follow one of the below steps. Then create a subgrid on Entity C which list down the related Entity B records.
Develop a plugin on Create & Update of Entity B to set the Entity C lookup (grand parent) based on the value selected in Entity A lookup (parent) in Entity B.
Create a field mapping in Entity B:
Source Entity: Entity A
Source Field: Entity C lookup in Entity A
Target Entity: Entity B
Target Field: Entity C lookup in Entity B
C --1:N--> A --1:N--> B
C --1:N--> B
[Edited:] Below image shows what I explained above, and which is achieved using step #2.

I think you need to create a 1 to Many relationship between Entity C and B and a time of grid load you have to update the fecth xml of grid to filter the records to display only which are associated with entity A.


Filter dropdown list based on another dropdown list in userform

Thank you for viewing this request.
I have 2 lists: Category ID; Task ID.
There is a 1 to many relationship from Category ID --> Task ID, meaning that Task ID can be associated with only 1 Category ID; but, multiple Task IDs can share the same Category ID.
Category ID = Broader Description | Example: Continent: North America
Task ID = Granular Description | Example: Since North America was selected only Canada, 'Merica, and Mexico should populate, not the rest of the countries.
When creating a dropdown list in a user form, is it possible to for Country Dropdown list to be filtered based off of what was already selected in Continent dropdown list?
Images for Reference:
This is what I want it to look like but for user form in VBA

Using Excel data validation lists in child tables to update parent tables also using the same data validation list

Good morning, and thank you in advance.
Let me begin by saying I am a novice.
I'm using a data validation list at column J ("Outbound Coach") in Table A to determine which records appear in Tables B and C.
Table A
Depending on which "Outbound Coach" users choose, will determine on how the results appear in Tables B and C. In this instance, there is one person on "MB1 - Coach One" and three people on "MB1 - Coach Two". To get these results I am using Power Query Editor to filter results from Table A.
Tables B & C
If a user decides to change the coach allocation in Table A, so there are now two people on "MB1 - Coach One" and two people on "MB1 - Coach Two":
Table A
That change is updated and accurately reflected in Tables B & C (Through Power Query Editor and its filter function):
Tables B & C
I have applied the same data validation list (as mentioned in Column J of Table A) to Column F in Table B and Column M in Table C.
Here is what I would like to be able to achieve, preferably without using VBA:
If a user updates a cell value in, for example, Column F of Table B, from MB1 - Coach 1 to MB1 - Coach 2, that change should be reflected in all appropriate Columns of all respective Tables.
At the moment, if a user changes the coach allocation in Tables B or C, rather than the record moving from Table B to Table C, the record remains in the same Table with the amended coach allocation. Resulting in this:
Tables B & C - Current Result
Rather than this:
Tables B & C - Desired Result
I am most grateful for any advice the community may be able to offer and I am on hand to answer any follow questions should anything clarifying.

Create Primary Key other than Id in Jhipster Entity

I want to create two entities.
Departments(Department Id,Department Name) and
Employees(Employee Id, Employee Name, Address).
I want these primary keys for the tables:
Department Id for Departments,
Employee Id for Employees.
And Jhipster creates two tables as:
Departments(Id, Department Id, Department Name) and
Empployee(Id, Employee Id, Employee Name, Address)
and it takes Id as a primary key in both of these tables.
In my Database Design I want Department Id and Employee Id as a primary key. So what to do next?
Support for custom ids was added in the new JHipster Release v7.0.0.
In JDL you can write:
entity Foo {
#Id customId Long
entity Foo {
You can't do it automatically in JHipster, you must edit generated code manually. A module could help at least for column names:

Sharepoint - Loop through list and get column value

I'm having a problem how to build a good workflow. I've access to InfoPath and SharePoint Designer. I'll try explain below:
I've two lists, A & B.
List A:
| Category | Product | Qty* | Date* |
List B:
| Product | Category |
The list A got a form that users fill in. The user can type in a product and leave category blank. Or chose a category and here's my problem. Then I want the workflow to collect all products with the selected category in list B and put in field "Product".
For example:
User select category "t-shirt". When the form is posted, the product category is set to "red t-shirt, blue t-shirt, green t-shirt, cool t-shirt".
Is this possible? Can this be made in any other way?
Thanks in advanced.
Use Data Connections. Query the List B by passing the category value in List A.

Dynamics CRM 2011 creating relationships between custom entities

I have defined 3 entities in MSCRM 2011.
1-Place: This is the main entity. In this form I have some fields (let say IDs, Whole Number) that I want to create some relationships with other custom entities.
2-Category: This has two fields, ID(Whole number) and Category Name(text.) This is simply a relation entitiy.
3-Place-Category Relationship: This entity contains relationships between Category and Place. It has two main arguments, both of them are whole number.
One place can have more than one Category.
I want to display end user Place and the categories related to to that place entity.
Thanks in advance.
More info about this question:
- In Place entity each Place has a unique ID (1 = Train Station, 2 = Jhon's Kebab House, 3 = Nando's, 4 = Wagamama ...)
- In Place entity I have plenty of data but Category IDs are used to match places with categories (like 42, 108 etc.)
- In Category entity I have two fields. Category ID's matched with their category names (1 = Cafe, 2 = Restaurant ... 42 = Train Station, ... 108 = Grocery etc.)
- In Place-Category Relationship entity I have IDs of the places and the IDs for the cateories.(like PlaceID = 1 CategoryID =42, PlaceID = 2 CategoryID = 2, PlaceID = 2 CategoryID = 5 ..etc)
There are 140K Places, 200 Categories and more than 400K Place-Category Relationship.
One place has at least one, maximum 80 categories.
I want to match all my Places with their Categories entity (by aid of Place-Category Relationship entity).
I want to automate this matching process.
since you have said the each place can have many categories but not vice versa .
so you just need two entities (Place,category) and you should create a one to many
relationship between them.
open the default solution
Expand the place category
click on the 1:N relationship and create a relationship between it
and the category entity
Note: to open the "default solution" lick settings=> customizations => click customize the
system on the right
