old file name stuck at the top of sublimetext - sublimetext3

Very strange issue here, it's not causing problems but is aesthetically annoying. I had the kindle plugged into my windows machine as to edit the kindle's files. One of the kindle file names is now listed after the name of the python program I'm working on in sublime text. To paint a picture, above the menu drop downs in sublime text, there is the path to the document (IE python program) I'm working on, followed by the random file from the kindle.
The kindle file is no longer on my computer and never had anything to do with sublime text. I've tried restarting the computer and reinstalling sublime text, neither worked. Any ideas what might be going on??? Thanks!

The sublime text window caption shows you the name of the currently open file, followed by the name of the current project in parentheses (if you have a project open at all), followed by the name of the program.
Based on the screenshot in your image:
You currently have the file softmax.py open and it is stored in a folder on your desktop named machine learning\python programs\test\newyorktest\
The name of the Sublime project file is Casting the Circle_A Woman's Book of Ritual_B009FKTQD8_sample.sdr.sublime-project (the caption doesn't show the sublime-project part because that's redundant).
I would imagine that when you set up the project you accidentally chose that name as the name of the project file.
In order to fix your problem, select Project > Save Project As... from the menu and enter a different name for it. The location that you save the file in doesn't matter (it can be inside the folder of your project or in some other location), all that is important is that it has the extension .sublime-project.
Once you pick the new name, Sublime will immediately swap to using the new project file instead of the old one, which will keep your current set of open files, etc, and the caption will change.
You can then seek out and delete the other project file if you want.


Sublime Text 3: How do I have multiple workspaces associated with the same project file?

Say, I have two windows, each containing several open tabs, and I want that "structure" to be viewed as one – either a project or a workspace, I do not care. All I want is to be able to close and then re-open both the windows via a single "open" operation.
As far as I understand, usually a workspace corresponds to one window (possibly with multiple tabs); on the other hand, I've seen it mentioned several times that multiple workspaces can correspond to the same project (file).
How do I achieve that?
If I try to add a new workspace to an existing project via Project → New workspace for project, that seems to work at first, but then if I, say, close the project, close the editor, open a new empty window and use "Open project…" – I end up with just one of my two windows re-opened.
The created .sublime-project file is essentially empty: all it has is "{}". What shall I place there to have two workspaces associated with that one project?
Thank you!
Project or workspace in sublime is essentially about paths, for saying if you are working on the a project in /depot/project_a/..., you can set up a sublime project under /depot/project_a/project_a.sublime-project, then in that project you add "." as your folder. then you can set up another sublime project under /depot/project_a.sublime-project and add "project_a" as your folder in that second project. Sublime text will recognize them as different project although they are literally the same one.
Then you can have 2 windows on the same project but have their own files opened.
I help I explain clearly and it will help you.

Getting some icon over the folder in a sublime text editor

I am using MacBook Air, I am using Sublime text editor for the last two years. It was working but from yesterday, I am getting some kind of icon on my folder. I am not able to understand why I am getting this. I have my files inside that folder and I am Not able to click on the folder as well. When I check in another text editor then my folder is working.
Please check below image
Can anyone know this issue?

Cannot add Sublime project preferences after opening repo via Github Desktop

I have been happy to notice that Github Desktop lets me open a repo in Sublime Text. It seems to open the repo as a project but I have a hard time figuring out how to edit the project preferences for the repo. Specifically, I would like to add file_exclude_patterns.
I have tried Project > Save Project As... in Sublime, but then when I open the repo through Github Desktop it opens two Sublime windows: one that respects my project preferences and one that ignores them.
From your problem description, it sounds like you might be running into issues with the hot_exit setting. When that setting is turned on (which is the default), then whenever you quit Sublime, it saves the state of all open windows into a session file before it quits.
That session file contains a list of every window that's open, what files are open in each, their scroll position, selection, any unsaved changes to files, and so on. When you restart Sublime, it loads the session file and restores its state back to what it was previously, seamlessly putting you back to where you were before.
One of the potentially unintended side effects of this is that the session is always restored every time you start Sublime. So if you have a project open in a window, and you quit, Sublime keeps a record that you had one window containing that project. If you start it and tell it to open the same project, it will first restore the session and then open the project, resulting in two windows.
As such, turning off hot_exit may solve this problem for you. When it's off, the session information isn't saved, and Sublime starts in a more or less "fresh" state every time. The downside to this is that you will be prompted to save all unsaved files, your list of open files is lost, etc. Depending on your use case, this may or may not be an issue.
If you already have that setting off and this still happens, then the issue would be that GitHub for Windows is opening both the project and the folder, which would result in two windows. In that case there's not a lot to do but poke the people in charge of GitHub for Windows and tell them to fix their code.
On the other hand, if you turn off hot_exit and you get one window, but it doesn't respect your project preferences, then the problem is that GitHub for Windows is only opening the folder, not the sublime-project file.
In that case, there's not a whole lot to be done, unfortunately. Sublime won't load a sublime-project file just because it happens to be contained in a folder, since there can conceivably be many of them in there (many people keep their project files in a single folder, for example).
If Sublime is associated with sublime-project files, then opening the sublime-project file would result in Sublime opening the project for you, so that may be a possibility as well.
Beyond that, you're more or less in the realm of things like using Project > Switch Project or Project > Quick Switch Project to get the window to display what you want; that's not very handy with regards to just opening the project, though.

How to open Sublime Text files in window based on extension?

Is there any way to get Sublime to open all files of a certain extension in the same window? For example, when using a 2x2 grid, I'd like to keep all SCSS files in the upper left, all HAML in upper right, JS lower left and search in lower right. I'd like to use the search function, and have files go to the other three tabs instead of the search window each time.
I've tried the 'open in relevant window' plugin and it doesn't appear to make any difference.
When opening lots of files it gets very tedious opening them and having to manually move them to a window that wasn't active when opening.
Edit: I'm working on a Mac, so I'd need something that works there, or preferably cross platform.
Edit: Op is working on a Mac, I'll leave this in case any windows users are interested in this solution.
Perhaps an extra shell extension would help.
If you're familiar with the Registry, you can create a new key that opens all selected files in a new window. Simply create a modified version of what Sublime Text already has.
The existing key for Sublime Text exists here:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text\command
With the default value of (depending on version):
C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe "%1"
You could create a new key like so:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text (new window)\command
Then add the -n arguement to the default value:
C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe -n "%1"
This will create a new window every time you use the shell extension to open files and will keep multiple files organized in the same window.
To take this a step further, if you have any programming experience you could create your own shell extension which takes a list of files and groups them for you, which then in turn can create the new windows programmatically.

How can I programmatically save a Sublime Text 3 workspace (without a dialog box)?

I really want a way to switch programming contexts quickly without hunting for windows that I've left strewn about. What would be nice is a command line tool to let me switch between different patches that I might be working on, and automatically open the sublime text workspace that I had open the last time I was working on that patch. The issue is that in order for the tool to know about the workspaces associated with said patches, it either needs to be told about them explicitly, or it needs to be able to tell sublime to save the current workspace with a specific file path.
Sublime does have a save_workspace_as command, but it opens a saveAs dialog, which is not what I want, and I can't seem to find any documentation that suggests that save_workspace_as can take an argument.
Any ideas?
