How can you compile a Rust library to target asm.js? - rust

I've got a Rust library with the following usual structure:
|--config (specifies target=asmjs-unknown-emscripten)
When I do cargo build, I get a new directory under target called asmjs-unknown-emscripten, but the .js files that I'd expect are not there.
As this user notes, you've got to do something special to export functions to asm.js besides marking them public:
Basically you have this boilerplate right now:
#[link_args = "-s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_hello_world']"]
extern {}
fn main() {}
pub extern fn hello_world(n: c_int) -> c_int {
n + 1
Then you can use this in your javascript to access and call the function:
var hello_world = cwrap('hello_world', 'number', ['number']);
However, Rust complains about the #[link_args...] directive as deprecated. Is there any documentation out there that can explain how this works?

Very interesting question! I was running into similar dependency issues with fable.
I have checked Compiling Rust to your Browser - Call from JavaScript, Advanced Linking - Link args and How to pass cargo linker args however was not able to use cargo in the same way as rustc --target asmjs-unknown-emscripten
The closer I was able to get was to run both cargo and rustc like
cd lib1
cargo build --target asmjs-unknown-emscripten
rustc --target=asmjs-unknown-emscripten src\
cd ..
cd lib2
cargo build --target asmjs-unknown-emscripten
rustc --target=asmjs-unknown-emscripten src\ --extern lib1=..\lib1\target\asmjs-unknown-emscripten\debug\liblib1.rlib
cd ..
cd lib3
cargo build --target asmjs-unknown-emscripten
rem rustc --target=asmjs-unknown-emscripten src\ --extern webplatform=..\lib3\target\asmjs-unknown-emscripten\debug\deps\libwebplatform-80d107ece17b262d.rlib
rem the line above fails with "error[E0460]: found possibly newer version of crate `libc` which `webplatform` depends on"
cd ..
cd app
cargo build --target asmjs-unknown-emscripten
cd ..
see the so-41492672-rust-js-structure. It allows to have several libraries that compile together to the JavaScript in the final application.
I still think some manual linking would help. Would be interested to know.
P.S. to see what rustc uses to link, you can pass -Z print-link-args to it.


How to get the binary output of cargo run <>?

When we compile a c file using gcc test.c -o test.
We can get the binary file as test.
But while running a file using cargo run in rust.
can we get the binary like we got in the C program?
The original hello.c file:
void main() {
// printf() displays the string inside quotation
printf("Hello, World!");
The rust program:
extern "C" {
fn printf(_: *const libc::c_char, _: ...) -> libc::c_int;
unsafe fn main_0() {
// printf() displays the string inside quotation
printf(b"Hello, World!\x00" as *const u8 as *const libc::c_char);
pub fn main() { unsafe { main_0() } ::std::process::exit(0i32); }
When using cargo it compiles and runs perfectly.
└─$ cargo run
Compiling Rust_testing v0.1.0 (/home/pegasus/Documents/Rust_testing)
warning: crate `Rust_testing` should have a snake case name
= note: `#[warn(non_snake_case)]` on by default
= help: convert the identifier to snake case: `rust_testing`
warning: `Rust_testing` (bin "Rust_testing") generated 1 warning
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.17s
Running `target/debug/Rust_testing`
Hello, world!
Here's my Cargo.toml file:
name = "Rust_testing"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
libc = "0.2"
I have a rust program named
The program is I'm unable to compile it using rustc. I generated the using c2rust online transpiler. But if I use cargo run the program runs smoothly.
while using rustc -o test,
I can get the x86 test binary.
How to get similar kind of file while using the cargo run
I looked into the target/debug directory.
But there are so many directories and so many files there. How to know which on is created for which .rs file?
└─$ ls
build deps examples incremental Rust_testing Rust_testing.d
If you do cargo build, you will find the binary in target/debug/. If you build in release via cargo build --release, you will find it in target/release/.
Be aware that cargo run does not compile It will always compile src/ will be passed to the compiled program as a command line argument.
How to know which on is created for which .rs file?
There isn't one file for one .rs file. If your crate is a binary crate, then there will be exactly one executable with the name of your crate. In your case it's Rust_testing. You can run it with ./target/debug/Rust_testing, or copy it somewhere else and execute it directly.
You can add multiple binaries per crate by putting them in the src/bin folder. For example, if you put your file in src/bin and then execute cargo build --all, it will create a target/debug/hello executable that you can run.
For more information about cargo's folder layout, read the cargo documentation.
If you are new to Rust, I highly recommend reading the Rust book. It will guide you through how to use rustup, rustc and cargo step by step.

Is it possible to run a single rust file as a script while linking to other libraries without generating cargo projects

I'd like to run a one off rust "script" without going through creating a cargo project for a single run (since I am providing this script to colleagues).
Ideally I could build directly with the command line avoiding creating cargo projects etc.
for instance:
use serde_json::Value;
use some_private_packege_i_own_locally_in_another_directory;
fn main() {
// do some stuff with these packages and die
I would need to depend on the serde_json and my some_private_packege_i_own_locally_in_another_directory.
(A bit similar to rust playground I suppose for a single time use)
Something similar to this from the command line would be great:
rustc /path/to/ --dependency serde_json, my_package ...
You can specify a dependency with with extern flag, and you can specify the location of transitive dependencies, with -L dependency. You will have to compile each dependency, and all of it's dependencies manually:
// compile all of serde's dependencies
// compile all of hyper's dependencies
// compile serde
// compile hyper
rustc --crate-type bin -L dependency=~/tmp/deps --extern serde_json=~/tmp/deps/serde_json.rlib --extern hyper=~/tmp/deps/hyper.rlib
As you can tell, this would get very difficult, even with two direct dependencies. Instead, you can use cargo-script, which handles all of this for you:
cargo install cargo-script
cargo script -D hyper -D serde_json

Build LLVM from Rust for machine type wasm32

I'm trying to build a hobby project where I build a Rust file to WebAssembly. I want to pass more options to emscripten then Rustc and cargo seem to allow me (like MINIMAL_RUNTIME, ENVIRONMENT and INVOKE_RUN).
I had the 'brilliant' idea of compiling Rust to llvm, then feeding that llvm file to emscripten so that I can use the compiler options. However, when I try to build the WebAssembly, I get the error "machine type must be wasm32".
This is the file I'm trying to build:
fn main() {
println!("Hello World!");
And this is how I'm trying to build it:
rustc --emit=llvm-ir
emcc test.ll -O0 -s WASM=1
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? (Or another way I can achieve my goal?)
Duh, I needed to add a target option:
rustc --emit=llvm-ir --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
emcc test.ll -O0 -s WASM=1 -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0
Of course, this leaves me with "Unknown symbol" errors now... -sigh-
EDIT: Actually, what I should be doing is using the -C flag on rustc to directly pass paramaters to emcc, which is what I wanted to do in the first place:
rustc --target wasm32-unknown-unknown -C link-arg="-s MINIMAL_RUNTIME=1" -C link-arg="-s INVOKE_RUN=0"

Why does clap fail to compile when added to Cargo.toml?

I'm fairly new to Rust and decided to use it to port an existing project into it. I intended to use clap to handle CLI options, but I keep getting errors.
What do I need to do for clap to install correctly so that it's usable in my project as a dependency (e.g. extern crate clap; [...] use clap::App; [...]?
I haven't had problems with other crates (so far), so I'm not sure what's so different here or if there's a problem with the crate itself.
I've already seen a few questions (e.g. this one), which simply suggests that the dependency be added into the .toml file or don't seem to provide a solution to what I'm seeing.
I'm in Ubuntu Linux, if that makes a difference.
What I Tried
Adding clap = "2.33.0" to my Cargo.toml file (see causes VSCode (through RLS) to log the following:
"resource": "[...]/Projects/takeout/Cargo.toml",
"owner": "rust",
"severity": 8,
"message": "Could not compile `clap`.\nprocess didn't exit successfully: `[...]/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/rls --crate-name clap [...]/.cargo/registry/src/ --color never --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature=\"ansi_term\"' --cfg 'feature=\"atty\"' --cfg 'feature=\"color\"' --cfg 'feature=\"default\"' --cfg 'feature=\"strsim\"' --cfg 'feature=\"suggestions\"' --cfg 'feature=\"vec_map\"' -C metadata=630980a214d5fd10 -C extra-filename=-630980a214d5fd10 --out-dir [...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps -L dependency=[...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps --extern ansi_term=[...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps/libansi_term-1510a9addefc0253.rmeta --extern atty=[...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps/libatty-7c4847fd9fc1e3d9.rmeta --extern bitflags=[...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps/libbitflags-8369a9aec15a5abb.rmeta --extern strsim=[...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps/libstrsim-301d1cf239e9cd24.rmeta --extern textwrap=[...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps/libtextwrap-a799d71e2d028df4.rmeta --extern unicode_width=[...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps/libunicode_width-58e38dd9d658dcfb.rmeta --extern vec_map=[...]/Projects/takeout/target/rls/debug/deps/libvec_map-4f8e59c92e9953d8.rmeta --cap-lints allow --error-format=json --sysroot [...]/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` (exit code: 101)",
"startLineNumber": 1,
"startColumn": 1,
"endLineNumber": 10000,
"endColumn": 1
According to the README in the clap repo itself, just adding it should work:
For full usage, add clap as a dependency in your Cargo.toml to use from
clap = "~2.33"
But it doesn't.
I've tried it with and without the ~ prefix as well as clap = {version = "2.33", features = ["yaml"]}, which is also shown in the repo, but no luck. (Yes, I'm trying to load the CLI options from a .yaml file.)
Trying cargo install clap --version 2.33.0 from the shell simply returns an error message saying: error: specified package has no binaries.
Aiming directly at the Git repo also produces the same error message:
cargo install --git --tag v2.31.2 --features yaml 101 ↵
Updating git repository ``
Installing clap v2.31.2 (
error: specified package has no binaries
Note that there's no v2.33.0 tag in the Git repo (at the time of this writing).
Bonus if you know how to get VSCode to stop marking everything as an error:
cargo install
There's misunderstanding about the cargo install command. You can learn more about it here.
This command manages Cargo’s local set of installed binary crates. Only packages which have executable [[bin]] or [[example]] targets can be installed, and all executables are installed into the installation root’s bin folder.
It's not your case. The only thing you have to do is to list clap in the dependencies section (Cargo.toml). That's all. No need to use cargo install at all. cargo build, cargo run, ... commands will download & compile & statically link all dependencies.
An example
Folder structure:
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
   ├── cli.yaml
Current directory:
$ pwd
Cargo.toml content:
name = "clap-yaml"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Zrzka"]
edition = "2018"
clap = { version = "2.33.0", features = ["yaml"] }
src/cli.yaml content:
name: clap-yaml
version: "1.0"
author: Zrzka
about: Stackoverflow sample
- lang:
short: l
long: lang
default_value: cz
takes_value: true
- cz
- en
src/ content:
use clap::{App, load_yaml};
fn main() {
let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yaml");
let matches = App::from_yaml(yaml).get_matches();
match matches.value_of("lang").unwrap() {
"cz" => println!("Ahoj"),
"en" => println!("Hello"),
_ => unreachable!("see possible_values in yaml, handled by clap"),
Run it with cargo:
$ cargo -q run -- --lang en
Run it directly:
$ cargo build
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
$ target/debug/clap-yaml --lang cz
Visual Studio Code
I still have vscode complaining and underlining everything in red in the Cargo.toml file. Any suggestions to fix this completely? It seems close to a full resolution.
I can confirm that this problem do exist in Rust 1.34.0. I did install this version and I've got same symptoms:
could not compile clap
the whole Cargo.toml is underlined (error)
There're two ways how to fix this.
Update your Cargo.toml file dependencies section manually if you'd like to stick with Rust 1.34.0:
bitflags = "=1.0.4"
clap = { version = "2.33.0", features = ["yaml"] }
Or update your Rust toolchain to >= 1.35.0.
I just tested both ways and it works.
Related issues:
Could not compile clap. process didn't exit successfully
Compiler panics on latest RLS when compiling crates that depend on bitflags 1.0.5

Is it possible to avoid recompiling a crate when I haven't made any changes to it?

I have a Rust crate which is a wrapper for a large C API and takes several minutes to compile. Running cargo build in the directory without making any changes always results in a recompile. It seems that Cargo should not be recompiling this crate unless I make a change, which I have not done.
I would like to compile the crate once and avoid re-compiling the crate unless I make a change. Is there any way for me to avoid constantly recompiling this scrate?
It seems that something is likely incorrect in my crate's build script. I will try to create a minimal reproducible example, but in the meantime I have provided the build script below:
use std::env;
use std::fs::copy;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::Command;
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let c_src_path = Path::new("parasail_c");
// configure the build
.expect("Failed to configure parasail.");
// build the library
.expect("Failed to build parasail.");
// put the static library in the right directory so we can clean up
let target_file = format!("{}/", out_dir);
copy("parasail_c/", target_file)
.expect("Problem copying library to target directoy.");
let target_file = format!("{}/parasail.h", out_dir);
copy("parasail_c/parasail.h", target_file)
.expect("Problem copying header to target directoy.");
// clean up the temporary build files
.expect("Failed to clean up build files.");
// clean up the configuration files
.expect("Failed to clean up configuration files.");
// let cargo know that it can find the file in the out directory
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", out_dir);
Here is the output from cargo build --verbose
cargo build --verbose
Compiling parasail-sys v0.1.0 (/home/fortier/testcode/rust/pairhmm/parasail-sys)
Fresh libc v0.2.51
Running `/home/fortier/testcode/rust/pairhmm/parasail-sys/target/debug/build/parasail-sys-f2d2d1f27a70b4d4/build-script-build`
Running `rustc --edition=2018 --crate-name parasail_sys src/ --color always --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,link -C debuginfo=2 -C metadata=8879665b3d9bf7e1 -C extra-filename=-8879665b3d9bf7e1 --out-dir /home/fortier/testcode/rust/pairhmm/parasail-sys/target/debug/deps -C incremental=/home/fortier/testcode/rust/pairhmm/parasail-sys/target/debug/incremental -L dependency=/home/fortier/testcode/rust/pairhmm/parasail-sys/target/debug/deps --extern libc=/home/fortier/testcode/rust/pairhmm/parasail-sys/target/debug/deps/liblibc-bc949bf21f4fe772.rlib -L native=/home/fortier/testcode/rust/pairhmm/parasail-sys/target/debug/build/parasail-sys-2ac393455c1f3545/out -l dylib=parasail`
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 58s
After further inspection I have discovered that the issue is somewhere in the C code that the sub-crate is wrapping. I replaced the current C code with an older version, while changing none of the Rust code and the issue has disappeared. I'll continue doing some further investigation to see exactly what was causing the problem and I'll update this post once I narrow it down.
Add to the build script println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", &file); lines for each file and for each directory.
