issue plotting .cap files ScaPy Python3 - python-3.x

After reading .cap file using rdpcap successfully, I've been trying to use the function pdfdump but it keeps giving me an error:
"AttributeError: 'SingleTexRunner' object has no attribute 'texoutput' "
here's my code:
from scapy.all import *
import pyx
a = rdpcap("the file path..")
a.pdfdump("output filename")
anyone got an idea how to solve this issue?

Use sudo apt-get install python3-pyx on Linux(Debian, Ubuntu...) to install pyx and its dependencies; installing pyx with pip install pyx is not enough.

I'm using Python 3.6.0
I've installed scapy with:
pip3 install scapy-python3
Using wireshark 2.2.3, I saved a dump using the default file format which is .pcapng
I've used the same code as you :
from scapy.all import *
import pyx
a = rdpcap("test.pcapng")
and I obtain a valid pdf.

Don't run scapy (if you use the command line) or your script as root. This fixed it for me.


cannot import module imageio in python3

Using python3, I am unable to import the imageio module into my python program, which I need, as I try to animate a list of PNG images I have. Thus far I have tried:
"pip3 install imageio" both running as myself and as root. The install succeeded, but it still errors out as in the subject line. I suppose I could try "apt-get install (package name)", but need to determine the package_name.
Any ideas more than welcome - TIA.
Try importing the last version.
import imageio.v3 as iio
im = iio.imread('imageio:chelsea.png')
print(im.shape) # (300, 451, 3)

Scapy not working with Python 3.6. Import problems with Python?

I am trying to test a simple code that will inspect a .pcap file using scapy. My OS is Ubuntu 18.04 and my Python version is 3.6.
However when I do: from scapy.all import * I get the error message ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scapy.all'.
When I change this to be from scapy import *, I get an error later in my code when I try and use the scapy sendrecv sniff function. I get the error NameError: name 'sniff' is not defined. Note if I switch from sniff() to rdpcap() I get the same error but its now "rdpcap is not defined".
I've read through a bunch of previous stack overflow answers and nothing is helping. My python script name is "", so the issue is not the script name being
When I run pip3 install scapy in the terminal I get the message Requirement already satisfied: scapy in /home/vic/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (2.4.4)
I've also tried running pip3 install --pre scapy[basic] as the docs recommend here: but it didn't help.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am super stuck.
First off, you will never be able to import sniff() from scapy, since it is within the submodule scapy.all. There are two ways I can think of to fix this:
Since you're on Ubuntu, try running sudo apt-get install python3-scapy and see if it lets you run from scapy.all import sniff now.
Check the path that python is currently pulling from by typing the following in terminal:
$ which scapy
Then run
$ python
>>> import os
>>> scapy_path = "/location-of-scapy-on-your-system"
>>> if not scapy_path in os.sys.path: os.sys.path.append(scapy_path)
That should hopefully fix things. If not, it's possible you installed the wrong version of scapy: you can check this by running
$ python
>>> import scapy
>>> print(scapy.__version__)

Could not find the matplotlib data files

I am new to python and I am trying to create an .exe from py script with pyinstaller but I get this error when trying to run the .exe: Could not find the matplotlib data files.
When i run the script in python idle i dont get this error.
I've tried:
import matplotlib
But i get an error saying that setup is not defined.
I've fixed the problem by downgrading matplotlib to version 3.0.3
Using this command:
python -m pip install matplotlib==3.0.3
The only thing that worked "sustainably" for me is to also downgrade to and earlier version of Matplotlib version 3.1.3. I can now use pyinstaller. I can also run all program without that horrible warnings and stuff that it gives.
I used pip install matplotlib==3.1.3. make sure you uninstall all previous matplotlib.
hi i faced the same problem too when generating script using pyinstaller (im using python 3.7). The problem is solved when i installed:
pip install matplotlib==3.0.3
Find and edit the inside of lib/site-packages/pyinstaller/hooks
edit the data section from:
datas = [
(mpl_data_dir, "mpl-data"),
datas = [
(mpl_data_dir, "matplotlib/mpl-data"),
Pyinstaller can't find the location of your mpl-data folder.
Please search for mpl-data directroy and export that in your program
as a workaround
import os
os.environ['MATPLOTLIBDATA'] = 'location of mpl-data folder'

Pandas-profiling error AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'profile_report'

I wanted to use pandas-profiling to do some eda on a dataset but I'm getting an error : AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'profile_report'
I have created a python script on spyder with the following code :
import pandas as pd
import pandas_profiling
data_abc = pd.read_csv('abc.csv')
profile = data_abc.profile_report(title='Pandas Profiling Report')
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'profile_report'
The df.profile_report() entry point is available from v2.0.0. soln from here
Did you install pandas-profiling via pip or conda?
use : pip install -U pandas-profiling to solve this and restart your kernel
The issue is that the team hasn't updated the pip or conda installations yet (described here). If you installed using one of these, try this for the time being.
profile = pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(df)
This should work for those who want to use the latest version:
Run pip uninstall pandas_profiling from anaconda prompt (given you're using Spyder, I'd guess this would be your case) / or command prompt
Run pip install
If you're using something like a Jupyter Notebook/Jupyter Lab, be sure to restart your kernel and re-import your packages.
I hope this helps.
For the those using google colabs, the profiling library is outdated, hence use the command below and restart the runtime
! pip install
The only workaround I found was that the python script I made is getting executed from the command prompt and giving the correct output but the code is still giving an error in Spyder.
Some of the version of the pandas-profiling does not work for me and I installed 2.8.0 version and it work for me.
!pip install pandas-profiling==2.8.0
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas_profiling as pp
df = pd.read_csv('/content/sample_data/california_housing_train.csv')
profile = df.profile_report(title = "Data Profiling Report")
If none of the above worked, can you check by setting the encoding to unicode_escape in read_csv? It may be due to one of your columns
encoding = 'unicode_escape'
My solution
For me installation via pip was giving errors, therefore I installed it via conda from here.
Code Example
And here is the code example to use profile report:
import pandas as pd
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
data_abc = pd.read_csv('abc.csv')
profile = ProfileReport(data_abc, minimal=True)
To read the html file I used the following code
df = pd.read_html("abc_pandas_profiling.html")
Try in conda environment
!pip install --user pandas-profiling
import pandas_profiling

Pip in python34 does not work properly (OS Windows)

I'm writing a data extraction from xls python script using xlrd. I'm having trouble however with pip, I just managed to get a positive reply from the cmd when i requested (I had some trouble with it at first, but a few posts helped out)
py -m install requests
The response I now get is: "Requirement already satisfied." (with some mention of update since my pip version is 6.0.8 and there's a 7.0.1 available)
However, when I run my code part of which can be seen below I get a syntax error.
import xlrd
from xlrd import open_workbook
import xlwt
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('editable.xls')
The error:
File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\", line 1187
print "EXTERNSHEET(b7-):"
^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I run your program on Ubuntu/Linux and it runs fine.
I will recommend to follow my instructions for installing the xlrd on your Windows machine.
From here download the latest version of the xlrd.
Then extract the file, and using the command prompt in the new xlrd directory type:
python3 install
Unfortunately I don't own a Windows machine so I can't guaranteed to you that this is the right way to install it.
The trick was that you should run the using the python3 and not the python
(note that on my machine, I run the above command using sudo, which means in Linux administration permissions, so if you have any problems try to run your command prompt with administration permissions.)
I test this code on my Ubuntu machine:
import xlrd
from xlrd import open_workbook
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('Untitled.xls')
I remove the import xlwt as I don't have this module, please try and let me know.
Edit: Also you will need the setuptools installed on your computer.
