Can we add fields to summary section in purchase order - netsuite

How can i edit the Summary section in the purchase order record i.e., can i add extra fields to that section

The basic answer is No. Not if you follow NetSuites guidelines about DOM manipulation. With that said, you can just a client-side javascript library to access the table (class:"totallingtable") that holder the TR's for the fields. I would not use the below code in production, it's just an example you can run in your browser console to see it work.
jQuery('.totallingtable').append('<tr><td><div data-field-type="currency" class="uir-field-wrapper"><span class="smalltextnolink uir-label " id="sit_custom_fs_lbl_uir_label"><span style="" class="smalltextnolink" id="sit_custom_fs_lbl"><a onmouseout="this.className=\'smalltextnolink\'; " onmouseover="this.className=\'smalltextul\'; return true;" class="smalltextnolink" onclick="return nlFieldHelp(\'TRAN_PURCHORD\',\'total\', this)" style="cursor:help" href="javascript:void("help")" title="What\'s this?" tabindex="-1">CUSTOM</a></span></span><span class="uir-field inputreadonly">FIELD</span></div></td><td></td></tr>');


Add HTML input field to Advanced PDF of Netsuite

I want to add a HTML input field to Advanced PDF of Netsuite. We have a requirement from client where we need to add an editable field to the Advanced PDF. If anyone has tried doing this previously please help. I want to add a textarea to the Advanced PDF.
The BFO Report Generator documentation has details on how to create PDF form fields. (page 57)
The code would look something like
<input type="text" name="address" lines="4" scrollable="no" />
However, take note that this functionality is only available in the "Extended Edition" of the Report Generator. I am not sure what version NetSuite licenses.

Stripe checkout.js with coupons

I'm using Stripe's checkout.js because it's so easy to setup and use. Is there a way to add coupons?
<script src=""
data-name="Demo Site"
data-description="2 widgets ($20.00)"
Stripe Checkout does not currently support coupons. It's not listed in the documentation, for either the button or the custom integration.
One might wonder if there is some secret feature. However, using undocumented features, especially when it comes to your payment processor is a bad idea. Full stop.
This being Stack Overflow - let's keep digging!
Fire up jsfiddle. Paste your code into the html section. Open up developer tools so you can see network requests.
There is a en.json, which is a internationalized strings file. If there is an input for coupons, there ought to be a label saying "Enter Coupon Code" or something similar. There is none. (Sure, there is the possibility that Stripe decided to hard code this particular string, but that seems unlikely).
You can also see that inner.js is used to power the popup. Copy the source into a js beautifier and you find that there is no mention. In fact, you can see the code that parses the options and none of them have to do with coupons.
"lib/optionParser": function(exports, require, module) {
(function() {
var BOOLEAN_OPTIONS, DEFAULTS, STRING_OPTIONS, URL_OPTIONS, extractValue, helpers, toBoolean, _;
_ = require("vendor/lodash");
helpers = require("lib/helpers");
currency: "usd",
allowRememberMe: true
BOOLEAN_OPTIONS = ["billingAddress", "shippingAddress", "notrack", "nostyle", "allowRememberMe", "allowPhoneVerification", "zipCode", "trace", "alipayReusable", "bitcoin"];
STRING_OPTIONS = ["key", "amount", "name", "description", "panelLabel", "currency", "email", "locale", "alipay"];
URL_OPTIONS = ["url", "referrer", "image"];
You can see how each of the options here align one to one with the options that available for custom integration, which map to the options for the button (you just need to use hyphens instead of camelcase)
At this point, you can keep digging if you want to convince yourself further, but I'd be reaching out to Stripe Support and making a feature request. Happy digging!
Checkout only creates the token. The coupon is applied to the customer after the token is returned to the server and customer is charged.
Stripe have finally answered our prayers after having discount codes for Stripe checkout/payments on the roadmap for years
Discount codes are now here for Stripe checkout.
See here:
You can also manually create it here:
For customer-facing promo codes, which is probably what we want, check out here:
(Technically, coupons are merchant-facing and promo codes are customer-facing)
If you want to pass a coupon code to your back end, you can just add an input field for it within the form. It won't alter the amounts in the pop-up form from stripe however, unless you wanted to get sophisticated and call additional javascript to check the parameters of the entered coupon code and change the stripe script parameters.
You can include any inputs you need within the form tags so long as they are not used by stripe.
<form action="/your-server-side-code" method="POST">
Coupon Code: <input type="text" name="coupon_code">
<script src="" class="stripe-button" data-key="pk_test_czwzkTp2tactuLOEOqbMTRzG" data-amount="2000" data-name="Demo Site" data-description="2 widgets ($20.00)" data-image="/128x128.png">
This maybe a new Stripe feature, use PaymentLinks and you can use the QueryString parameters like this.

How to apply images conditionally using entries and categories?

Using version 2.5.3 of ExpressionEngine, I have a list of products displayed by category, but I need the premium products among this list being featured with a small star image. How do you call conditionally this little stars besides the {title}?
At the moment this code shows stars for all products and that is not ideal.
<ol class="voices-list">
{exp:channel:entries channel="product" orderby="title" sort="asc" category="2&6" dynamic="no"}
<li>{title}<img class="feature_icon medium" src="{root_url}img/audio/smallstar.png" alt="star"></li>
I need your help, please.
Best to set up a new checkbox field named "is_premium" with the value set to "y".
Next, edit each premium product entry and check the box and save.
Finally, in your template use this conditional.
{if is_premium == "y"}add star code{/if}
I like the approach shown in the answer posted by #MediaGirl and have used it many times.
An alternative approach is to handle it with a custom status rather than a custom field, if only to have the ability on the main edit screen to quickly and easily see and sort the list by "premium" (Zenbu could add the custom field to the edit screen, of course). The conditional would be similar, and of course the entries loop would need to have the status param of "open|premium".

Creating tooltips for each field in Sharepoint form

I want to create tool tips for each part in a form which employees have to fill in a share point web page. When users move the mouse cursor on each field (Title, description, department etc.) the related tip will be automatically became visible as a simple pop-up (tool tip) and summarize what they should write there. and when the mouse cursor is not on one of these fields there is no tool tip.
How can I design such a system via share point designer? I am not able use any add ons. I can't upload any additional things to the server. I have to make page based design.
I would be glad if you kindly help me.
Have you considered using field description?
This is SharePoint's default way of adding additional information to fields.
I couldn't find the ToolTip control in my SharePoint Designer 2007 Toolbox, so I looked on for a standard HTML option and found that you can use the <ABBR> tag.
See for the reference, but here's an example of a tooltip implemented on a SharePoint field title in a display form:
<td valign="top" class="ms-formlabel" style="width: 50px">
<H3 class="ms-standardheader">
<nobr><abbr title="The actual number of man-days effort expended.">Man-days (Actual)</abbr></nobr>
Open up the aspx page for the form in SharePoint designer. Then you can use SharePoint designer just like Visual Studio to see the code. Try adding the "tooltip" attribute to the field controls within the form. There is a small possibility these controls will actually be written using XSLT instead of ASP, so be prepared to do some studying.
By default the display name of the site column becomes the tool tip for that field.

Is it possible to format a NumberField in a page layout?

I'm developing a SharePoint publishing site and setting up its content types and page layouts. I need to display the value for a Year field with type Number. The markup currently is:
<SharePointWebControls:NumberField FieldName="Year" runat="server" id="Year" />
The problem with the default behaviour is that it shows each number with a comma, e.g. "2,009" instead of "2009". Is there a way I can set some sort of String.Format syntax on the field to make it display correctly?
I tried creating a new rendering template which looks like this:
<SharePoint:RenderingTemplate ID="YearNumberField" runat="server">
<SharePoint:FormField ID="TextField" runat="server"/>
... but there doesn't appear to be any 'Format' property on the FormField object.
Thanks for any help.
I tried wrapping the SharePoint:FormField tag inside SharePoint:FormattedString. Unfortunately the field was not formatted, same results as this question.
The issue is that the rendering template must use FormField. This always renders the value in the format: 1,989 . To resolve this the rendered text needs to be trapped and altered to get the desired output. Here are two approaches to resolving this:
1. Write a custom control inherited from NumberField
The RenderFieldForDisplay and RenderFieldForInput methods can be overridden to provide the desired output. Additional properties can be added to the control to describe additional behaviour.
Pros: No changes to rendering templates required.
2. Write a custom control for use in the rendering template
A control that (for example) uses regular expressions to alter text can wrap around the FormField control.
<SharePoint:RenderingTemplate ID="YearField" runat="server">
<RX:RegexManipulatorControl runat="server"
<SharePoint:FormField runat="server"/>
Pros: Generic solution can be used for any type of field.
from Just Another SharePoint Blog
Open the list view in SharePoint
Right click on the data view web part.
(the list)
Select Convert to XSLT Data View
Click on the number field you would
like to format
A > will appear showing Data Field,
Format As
Click on the link below Format As -
Number formatting options
Under Options deselect Use 1000
Click OK
Save your changes and hit F12 to
