How do I enable Blocked Connection Notifications extension in RabbitMQ - node.js

I am trying to use the blocked and unblocked channel events using Nodejs module amqplib on RabbitMQ. My understanding is RabbitMQ will send a connection blocked command to the producers if the system resources have reached an "alarm" state. My intention is to utilize this to determine if the producer should proceed in creating a job, or to respond to with a "try again later".
amqplib docs:
Here are the versions of software I am using:
RabbitMQ 3.6.6, Erlang R16B03
NodeJS 6.9.2
amqplib ^0.5.1 (node module)
Ubuntu 14.04
Things I have tried
My nodejs code:
var amqp = require('amqplib');
amqp.connect('amqp://localhost').then((connection) => {
return connection.createChannel();
}).then((channel) => {
channel.on('blocked', (reason) => {
console.log(`Channel is blocked for ${reason}`);
channel.on('unblocked', () => {
console.log('Channel has been unblocked.');
return channel.assertQueue('myQueue', {
durable : true,
// This doesn't seem to do anything
arguments : {
"connection.blocked" : true
}).then(() => {
channel.sendToQueue('myQueue', new Buffer('some message'), {
persistent : true
I understand that this particular feature is an extension to the AMQP protocol and needs to be enabled/declared. I'm not very familiar with the erlang config syntax. Using an example config, I built a config that looks something like:
[{rabbit, [
{"server-properties", [
{"compatibilities", {
{ "connection.blocked", true }
As per the docs here:
"To receive these notifications, the client must present a
capabilities table in its client-properties in which there is a key
connection.blocked and a boolean value true. See the capabilities
section for further details on this. Our supported clients indicate
this capability by default and provide a way to register handlers for
the connection.blocked and connection.unblocked methods."
And then restarted the server using service rabbitmq-server restart.
This does not crash the server, but the events do not fire either. I'm expecting that the connection should become block in the event that system resources are low. The RabbitMQ docs has a link for more info on Capabilities but the link is dead, and I'm not sure what else to try.

blocked and unblocked are on connection not on channel.
In your example: connection.on('blocked', console.log) and connection.on('unblocked', () => console.log('unblocked')).
To test it just run: rabbitmqctl set_vm_memory_high_watermark 0.000001 and send a new message to your queue.
compatibilities are enabled by default, and amqplib informs server about connection.blocked. Nothing should be done here.


Unsubscribe from a specific queue using node-amqplib on reconnect

problem: remote systems reconnect to multiple nodes websocket server, for each system a dedicated queue in RabbitMQ is created/used. The queues should be automatically removed if no active connections exist. Websocket connect/disconnect events handlers are asynchronous, quite heavy, observed problem that a disconnect event handler finished after reconnect, making system inconsistent.
The main issue is with RabbitMQ queues - initial solution was to create unique queues for each connection and remove them on disconnect. Appeared to be heavy.
Second approach was to keep a dedicated queue per remote system (same queue name for any connection), the problem was that assertQueue added consumers for the same queue. Need to find way to remove stale queue consumers without removing the queue itself.
Solution is to store list of consumers per remote system and on disconnect event trigger cancel function with the olderst consumerTag, then update the list of queue consumers for the given remote system.
on remote system connect event
import { Replies } from "amqplib";
// bind callback function for queue-specific messages and store returned consumer description
const result: Replies.Consume = await channel.consume(queueName, this.onSomeMessage.bind(this));
// update consumers list for the connected remote system
const consumers: Array<string> | undefined = this.consumers.get(remoteId);
if (consumers === undefined) {
const consumersList: Array<string> = new Array();
this.consumers.set(remoteId, consumersList);
} else {
on remote system disconnect event
// remove the oldest consumer in the list and update the list itself
// use cancel method of the amqp channel
const consumers = this.consumers.get(remoteId);
if (consumers === undefined) {
// shouldn't happen
console.error(`consumers list for ${remoteId} is empty`);
} else {
const consumerTag = consumers[0];
await this.rxchannel.addSetup(async (channel: ConfirmChannel) => {
await channel.cancel(consumerTag);
The code snippets are from some class' methods implementation (if you're wondering about "this").
Copyright notice (especially for German colleagues): the code from this answer can be used under Beerware ( or MIT license (whatever one prefers).

Why am I receiving this error on Azure when using eventhubs?

I started using Azure recently and It has been an overwhelming experience. I started experimenting with eventhubs and I'm basically following the official tutorials on how to send and receive messages from eventhubs using nodejs.
Everything worked perfectly so I built a small web app (static frontend app) and I connected it with a node backend, where the communication with eventhubs occurs. So basically my app is built like this:
frontend <----> node server <-----> eventhubs
As you can see it is very simple. The node server is fetching data from eventhubs and sending it forward to the frontend, where the values are shown. It is a cool experience and I'm enjoying MS Azure until this error occured:
azure.eventhub.common.EventHubError: ErrorCodes.ResourceLimitExceeded: Exceeded the maximum number of allowed receivers per partition in a consumer group which is 5. List of connected receivers - nil, nil, nil, nil, nil.
This error is really confusing. Im using the default consumer group and only one app. I never tried to access this consumer group from another app. It said the limit is 5, I'm using only one app so it should be fine or am I missing something? I'm not checking what is happening here.
I wasted too much time googling and researching about this but I didn't get it. At the end, I thought that maybe every time I deploy the app (my frontend and my node server) on azure, this would be counted as one consumer and since I deployed the app more than 5 times then this error is showing up. Am I right or this is nonsense?
I'm using websockets as a communication protocol between my app (frontend) and my node server (backend). The node server is using the default consumer group ( I didn't change nothing), I just followed this official example from Microsoft. I'm basically using the code from MS docs that's why I didn't post any code snippet from my node server and since the error happens in backend and not frontend then it will not be helpful if I posted any frontend code.
So to wrap up, I'm using websocket to connect front & backend. It works perfectly for a day or two and then this error starts to happen. Sometimes I open more than one client (for example a client from the browser and client from my smartphone).
I think I don't understand the concept of this consumer group. Like is every client a consumer? so if I open my app (the same app) in 5 different tabs in my browser, do I have 5 consumers then?
I didn't quite understand the answer below and what is meant by "pooling client", therefore, I will try to post code examples here to show you what I'm trying to do.
Code snippets
Here is the function I'm using on the server side to communicate with eventhubs and receive/consume a message
async function receiveEventhubMessage(socket, eventHubName, connectionString) {
const consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(consumerGroup, connectionString, eventHubName);
const subscription = consumerClient.subscribe({
processEvents: async (events, context) => {
for (const event of events) {
console.log("[ consumer ] Message received : " + event.body);
io.emit('msg-received', event.body);
processError: async (err, context) => {
console.log(`Error : ${err}`);
If you notice, I'm giving the eventhub and connection string as an argument in order to be able to change that. Now in the frontend, I have a list of multiple topics and each topic have its own eventhubname but they have the same eventhub namespace.
Here is an example of two eventhubnames that I have:
"EventHubName": "eh-test-command"
"EventHubName": "eh-test-telemetry"
If the user chooses to send a command (from the frontend, I just have a list of buttons that the user can click to fire an event over websockets) then the CommandEventHubName will be sent from the frontend to the node server. The server will receive that eventhubname and switch the consumerClient in the function I posted above.
Here is the code where I'm calling that:
// io is a object
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('onUserChoice', choice => {
// choice is an object sent from the frontend based on what the user choosed. e.g if the user choosed command then choice = {"EventhubName": "eh-test-command", "payload": "whatever"}
receiveEventhubMessage(socket, choice.EventHubName, choice.EventHubNameSpace)
.catch(err => console.log(`[ consumerClient ] Error while receiving eventhub messages: ${err}`));
The app I'm building will be extending in the future to a real use case in the automotive field, that's why this is important for me. Therefore, I'm trying to figure out how can I switch between eventhubs without creating a new consumerClient each time the eventhubname changes?
I must say that I didn't understand the example with the "pooling client". I am seeking more elaboration or, ideally, a minimal example just to put me on the way.
Based on the conversation in the issue, it would seem that the root cause of this is that your backend is creating a new EventHubConsumerClient for each request coming from your frontend. Because each client will open a dedicated connection to the service, if you have more than 5 requests for the same Event Hub instance using the same consumer group, you'll exceed the quota.
To get around this, you'll want to consider pooling your EventHubConsumerClient instances so that you're starting with one per Event Hub instance. You can safely use the pooled client to handle a request for your frontend by calling subscribe. This will allow you to share the connection amongst multiple frontend requests.
The key idea being that your consumerClient is not created for every request, but shares an instance among requests. Using your snippet to illustrate the simplest approach, you'd end up hoisting your client creation to outside the function to receive. It may look something like:
const consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(consumerGroup, connectionString, eventHubName);
async function receiveEventhubMessage(socket, eventHubName, connectionString) {
const subscription = consumerClient.subscribe({
processEvents: async (events, context) => {
for (const event of events) {
console.log("[ consumer ] Message received : " + event.body);
io.emit('msg-received', event.body);
processError: async (err, context) => {
console.log(`Error : ${err}`);
That said, the above may not be adequate for your environment depending on the architecture of the application. If whatever is hosting receiveEventHubMessage is created dynamically for each request, nothing changes. In that case, you'd want to consider something like a singleton or dependency injection to help extend the lifespan.
If you end up having issues scaling to meet your requests, you can consider increasing the number of clients for each Event Hub and/or spreading requests out to different consumer groups.

How to handle connection timeout in ZeroMQ.js properly?

Consider a Node.js application with few processes:
single main process sitting in the memory and working like a web server;
system user's commands that can be run through CLI and exit when they are done.
I want to implement something like IPC between main and CLI processes, and it seems that ZeroMQ bindings for Node.js is a quite good candidate for doing that. I've chosen 6.0.0-beta.4 version:
Version 6.0.0 (in beta) features a brand new API that solves many fundamental issues and is recommended for new projects.
Using Request/Reply I was able to achieve what I wanted: CLI process notifies the main process about some occurred event (and optionally receives some data as a response) and continues its execution. A problem I have right now is that my CLI process hangs if the main process is off (is not available). The command still has to be executed and exit without notifying the main process if it's unable to establish a connection to a socket.
Here is a simplified code snippet of my CLI running in asynchronous method:
const { Request } = require('zeromq');
async function notify() {
let parsedResponse;
try {
const message = { event: 'hello world' };
const socket = new Request({ connectTimeout: 500 });
await socket.send(JSON.stringify(message));
const response = await socket.receive();
parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response.toString());
catch (e) {
return parsedResponse;
(async() => {
const response = await notify();
if (response) {
else {
console.log('Nothing is received.');
I set connectTimeout option but wonder how to use it. The docs state:
Sets how long to wait before timing-out a connect() system call. The connect() system call normally takes a long time before it returns a time out error. Setting this option allows the library to time out the call at an earlier interval.
Looking at connect one see that it's not asynchronous:
Connects to the socket at the given remote address and returns immediately. The connection will be made asynchronously in the background.
Ok, probably send method of the socket will wait for connection establishment and reject a promise on connection timeout...but nothing happens there. send method is executed and the code is stuck at resolving receive. It's waiting for reply from the main process that will never come. So the main question is: "How to use connectTimeout option to handle socket's connection timeout?" I found an answer to similar question related to C++ but it actually doesn't answer the question (or I can't understand it). Can't believe that this option is useless and that it was added to the API in order to nobody can't use it.
I also would be happy with some kind of a workaround, and found receiveTimeout option. Changing socket creation to
const socket = new Request({ receiveTimeout: 500 });
leads to the the rejection in receive method and the following output:
{ [Error: Socket temporarily unavailable] errno: 11, code: 'EAGAIN' }
Nothing is received.
Source code executed but the process doesn't exit in this case. Seems that some resources are busy and are not freed. When main process is on the line everything works fine, process exits and I have the following reply in output:
{ status: 'success' }
So another question is: "How to exit the process gracefully on rejecting receive method with receiveTimeout?". Calling process.exit() is not an option here!
P.S. My environment is:
Kubuntu 18.04.1;
Node 10.15.0;
ZeroMQ bindings are installed this way:
$ yarn add zeromq#6.0.0-beta.4 --zmq-shared
ZeroMQ decouples the socket connection mechanics from message delivery. As the documentation states connectTimeout only influences the timeout of the connect() system call and does not affect the timeouts of sending/receiving messages.
For example:
const zmq = require("zeromq")
async function run() {
const socket = new zmq.Dealer({connectTimeout: 2000})"connect:retry", event => {
console.log(new Date(), event.type)
The connect:retry event occurs every ~2 seconds:
> node test.js
2019-11-25T13:35:53.375Z connect:retry
2019-11-25T13:35:55.536Z connect:retry
2019-11-25T13:35:57.719Z connect:retry
If we change connectTimeout to 200 then you can see the event will occur much more frequently. The timeout is not the only thing influencing the delay between the events, but it should be clear that it happens much quicker.
> node test.js
2019-11-25T13:36:05.271Z connect:retry
2019-11-25T13:36:05.531Z connect:retry
2019-11-25T13:36:05.810Z connect:retry
Hope this clarifies the effect of connectTimeout.

Redis connection lost without any indication

I'm using a very simple redis pub-sub application, in which I have a redis server in AWS and a nodejs based redis client that is located inside office LAN that subscribes to some channel.
This worked great until the network changed and it seems that some device is now interfering with outgoing connections (I also started receiving socket hangups on outbound SSH connections which I mitigated with the ServerAliveInterval 60 setting in the SSH config).
After the network change, whenever the redis client application is executed, it creates a redis client, subscribes to some channel and acts upon published messages in that channel.
It works okay for several minutes, but then it stops receiving any messages.
I registered the redis client to all known connection events (including the "error" event), I added a "retry_strategy" handler and also modified the configuration to have "socket_keepalive" and "socket_initialdelay" to 10 seconds (see code below).
Nevertheless, no event is triggered when the connection is interfered.
When the application stops receiving the messages, I see that the connection on the redis port is still valid:
dev#server:~> sudo netstat -tlnpua | grep 6379
tcp 0 0 <server_ip>:6379 ESTABLISHED 27014/node
I also captured a PCAP on port 6379 on which I don't see any resets or TCP errors, and it seems that from the connection perspective everything is valid.
I tried running another nodejs application from within the LAN in which I create a client that connects to the AWS redis server, registers to all events and only publishes messages once in a while.
After several minutes (in which the connection breaks), I try publishing another command and the error event handler is indeed triggered:
> client.publish("channel", "ANOTHER TRY")
> Error: Redis connection to <server_hostname>:6379 failed - read ECONNRESET
Redis connection ended
Redis reconnecting
Redis connected
Redis connection is ready
So if I try publishing via the client after the connection was interfered, the connection event callbacks are indeed called and I can run some kind of reconnection logic.
But in the scenario in which I subscribe and wait for publishes to the channel, no connection event handler is called and the application is basically broken.
Application code:
const redis = require('redis');
const config = { "host": <hostname>, "port": 6379, "socket_keepalive": true,
"socket_initdelay": 10};
config.retry_strategy = function (options) {
console.log("retry strategy. error code: " + (options.error ?
options.error.code : "N/A"));
console.log("options.attempt", options.attempt, "options.total_retry_time",
return 2000;
const client = redis.createClient(config);
client.on('message', function(channel, message) {
console.log("Channel", channel, ", message", message);
client.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error " + err);
client.on("end", function () {
console.log("Redis connection ended");
client.on("connect", function () {
console.log("Redis connected");
client.on("reconnecting", function () {
console.log("Redis reconnecting");
client.on("ready", function () {
console.log("Redis connection is ready");
const channel = "channel";
console.log("Subscribing to channel", channel);
I'm using redis#2.8.0 and node v8.11.3.
The solution for this issue is quite sad.
First, there is indeed some network device between the redis client and server, which drops inactive connections after some timeout. It seems that this timeout is really low (several minutes).
Redis has a socket_keepalive configuration which is enabled by default, and its default value is Node.js's default socket keep alive value (which is set for 2 hours if i'm not mistaken).
As can be seen above, I used a socket_initdelay configuration parameter that should have changed this default value, but unfortunately the code that uses this parameter isn't in the redis npm package but rather in node-redis.
To summarize:
There is no configuration setting to change the keep alive timeout value in redis#2.8.0 (latest version when writing this post).
You can either:
Use node-redis which accepts the socket_initdelay setting.
Modify the timeout manually by running the following:
const client = redis.createClient();
client.on("connect", function () {, <timeout_value_in_milliseconds>);

Request/response "language" design when using Web Sockets

I am using with nodejs on the server side to provide two-way communication between my web application and the server.
I am using the API to issue commands and receive responses, but I am not sure if there is a more methodical way of defining a "language" for sending commands to the server and receiving results from it.
For sending commands to the server, I am emitting events from the web application like the following (I am using pseudo code below):
socket.emit('commandRequest', {
msg_id: '...'
username: '...',
command: '...'
The server evaluates the command and emits responses like the following:
socket.on('commandRequest', (data) => {
// parse and execute data.command
socket.emit('commandResponse', {
msg_id: data.msg_id,
username: data.username,
response: ...,
error: ...
Finally, the web application is listening to responses from the server and it updates the app content accordingly:
socket.on('commandResponse', (data) => {
if (data.error) {
} else {
// interpret data.response
So I am using the commandRequest/commandResponse event naming paradigm and the event data structure has corresponding {command: ...} and {response: ...} properties.
Is there a more formal way of defining a request/response "language" that can be used for more complex client/server interactions? Something similar to what REST APIs achieve with HTTP request, but using web sockets?
You could try looking into Primus and its Responder plugin as described in this blog post: Request-Response Oriented Websockets
An excerpt from the post:
It allows to request the opposite peer for a response using a simple API known from other libraries.
Primus Responder adds two things to Primus' core functionality:
A new event called request is emitted as soon as a peer requests a response.
The new method named writeAndWait(data, fn) writes data to a peer and runs given callback function as the peer sends its response.
Primus Responder is available on the client too.
