Replace a string with a format string - string

I have the following input:
Dim str_format as string = "XXXXX00000"
Dim str as string = "INV"
Dim int as integer = "56"
How can I replace XXXXX with INV and replace 00000 with 56?
For the example above the result should be INVXX00056.
X can only replace with alphabet and 0 can only replace with integer, if str has more than five alphabet. The extra alphabets will be thrown away because str_format only has five X. The same algorithm is true for the integer.
Example 2
Dim str_format as string = "XXX00000"
Dim str as string = "ABCD"
Dim int as integer = 654321
Expected result: ABC54321
1. ABCD XXX00000 654321
2. ABC DXX000006 54321
3. AB CDX00065 4321
4. A BCD00654 321
5. ABC06543 21
6. ABC65432 1
7. ABC54321

As Spidey mentioned... show some code. That said the process you describe is a bit long-winded.
The Letter part of the solution can be done by grabbing the first 3 characters of str using Left(str,3) this will bring in the leftmost 3 character (if there are less it will get what is there). Then check that you have 3 characters using str.Length(). If the length is less than 3 then append the appropriate number of 'X'.
The Numeric part can be done in a similar way. Your int is actually a string in your code above. If it was a real integer you can cast it to string. Use Right(int,5). Again check to see you have 5 digits and if not prepend with appropriate number of 0.
Have a go... if you run into problems post your code and someone is bound to help.
As there have been actual answers posted here is my solution
Function FormatMyString(str As String, num as String) As String
Dim result As String
result = Left(str,3).PadRight(3, "X"c).ToUpper() & Right(num,5).PadLeft(5, "0"c)
Return result
End Function
based on Wiktors answer... made an amendment to my solution to cope with different formats
Function FormatMyString(str As String, num as String, alpha as Integer, digits as Integer) As String
Dim result As String
result = Left(str, alpha).PadRight(alpha, "X"c).ToUpper() & Right(num, digits).PadLeft(digits, "0"c)
Return result
End Function
To use...
FormatMyString("ABCDE", "56",3 5) will return ABC00056
FormatMyString("ABCDE", "123456",4 3) will return ABCD456
FormatMyString("AB", "123456",4 3) will return ABXX456

Here is a possible solution that just uses basic string methods and PadLeft/PadRight and a specific method to count occurrences of specific chars in the string. It assumes the format string can only contain X and 0 in the known order.
Public Function CountCharacter(ByVal value As String, ByVal ch As Char) As Integer
Return value.Count(Function(c As Char) c = ch)
End Function
Public Sub run1()
Dim str_format As String = "XXXXX00000" '"XXX00000"
Dim str As String = "INV"
Dim int As Integer = 56 ' ABC54321
Dim xCnt As Integer = CountCharacter(str_format, "X")
Dim zCnt As Integer = CountCharacter(str_format, "0")
Dim result As String
If xCnt > str.Length Then
result = str.PadRight(xCnt, "X")
result = str.Substring(0, xCnt)
End If
If zCnt > int.ToString().Length Then
result = result & int.ToString().PadLeft(zCnt, "0")
result = result & int.ToString().Substring(int.ToString().Length-zCnt
End If
End Sub
Output for your both scenarios is as expected.

Take a look at this sample
Dim str_format As String = str_format.Replace("XXX", "ABC")
Msgbox(str_format )
As we assume that the X is 3 only. I dont want to give you more it is a start and everything will be easy.
If that kind of format is fix I mean the number of X will go or down then you can make a conditional statement based on the length of string


Put a space in front of every capital letter in a string

I want to put spaces before each capital letter in a string.
So turn this: TheQuickBrownFox
into this: The Quick Brown Fox
This is the code I have so far: it finds uppercase chars in the string and shows each upper letter in a Message Box.
I can't figure out where to go from here:
Dim input As String = "TheQuickBrownFox"
For i As Integer = 0 To input.Length - 1
Dim c As Char = input(i)
If Char.IsUpper(c) Then
End If
I've googled around but I wasn't able to find a solution for visual basic.
A couple of example using LINQ:
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Dim input As String = "TheQuickBrownFox"
In case you don't know it, a String is a collection of Chars, so you can iterate the string content using a ForEach loop (e.g., For Each c As Char In input).
▶ Generate a string from an collection of chars (Enumerable(Of Char)), excluding the first uppercase char if it's the first in the string.
The second parameter of a Select() method, when specified (in Select(Function(c, i) ...)), represents the index of the element currently processed.
String.Concat() rebuilds a string from the Enumerable(Of Char) that the Select() method generates:
Dim result = String.Concat(input.Select(Function(c, i) If(i > 0 AndAlso Char.IsUpper(c), ChrW(32) + c, c)))
The same, not considering the position of the first uppercase char:
Dim result = String.Concat(input.Select(Function(c) If(Char.IsUpper(c), ChrW(32) + c, c)))
▶ With an aggregation function that uses a StringBuilder as accumulator (still considering the position of the first uppercase char).
When processing strings, a StringBuilder used as storage can make the code more efficient (creates way less garbage) and more performant.
See, e.g., here: How come for loops in C# are so slow when concatenating strings?
➨ Note that I'm adding an Array of chars to the StringBuilder:
Dim result = input.Aggregate(New StringBuilder(),
Function(sb, c) sb.Append(If(sb.Length > 0 AndAlso Char.IsUpper(c), {ChrW(32), c}, {c})))
➨ result is a StringBuilder object: extract the string with result.ToString().
Or, as before, without considering the position:
Dim result = input.Aggregate(New StringBuilder(),
Function(sb, c) sb.Append(If(Char.IsUpper(c), {ChrW(32), c}, {c})))
▶ The two example above are somewhat equivalent to a simple loop that iterates all chars in the string and either creates a new string or uses a StringBuilder as storage:
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
For Each c As Char In input
sb.Append(If(sb.Length > 0 AndAlso Char.IsUpper(c), {ChrW(32), c}, {c}))
Change the code as described before if you want to add a space to the first uppercase Char without considering its position.
Yet another option is a language extension method.
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Module Module1
Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Sub Demo()
Dim data = New List(Of String) From
data.ForEach(Sub(item) Console.WriteLine($"{item,-25}[{item.SplitCamelCase}]"))
End Sub
End Module
Public Module StringExtensions
Public Function SplitCamelCase(sender As String) As String
Return Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(sender,
"(\P{Ll})(\P{Ll}\p{Ll})", "$1 $2"),
"$1 $2")
End Function
End Module
You can use a regular expression:
Dim input = "TheQuickBrownFox"
Dim withSpaces = Regex.Replace(a, "(?<!^)([A-Z])", " $1")
The regex finds any uppercase A-Z that are not preceded by the start of the string and captures it into a group. The replacement takes the group content and prefixes a space
If you don't want to use the negative lookbehind, you can trim the result:
Dim withSpaces = Regex.Replace(a, "([A-Z])", " $1").TrimStart()
Or don't trim if you don't care that the string starts with a space
To expand on your code:
Dim input As String = "TheQuickBrownFox"
Dim outputSB as new StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To input.Length - 1
Dim c As Char = input(i)
If Char.IsUpper(c) Then
outputSB.Append(" ")
End If

Recursive function to convert from decimal to binary

My code has a problem with conversion of the number 3
I would like to write a function which converts a decimal number into a binary one. The principle of recursion must be used. I have already written the following code.
Function recursive(number As Integer) As String
Dim result As String
If number > 0 Then
Dim binaryNumber As String
Dim digit As Integer
binaryNumber = recursive(number / 2)
digit = number Mod 2
result = result & binaryNumber & digit
End If
recursive = result
End Function
Right result:
Input: 10
Output: 1010
Wrong result:
Input: 3
Output: 101
It also works reasonably well, but I get a wrong result when I try to convert the decimal number 3. Where is the error?
Function recursive(number As Integer) As String
Dim result As String
If number > 0 Then
Dim binaryNumber As String
Dim digit As Integer
digit = number Mod 2
number = Int(number / 2)
binaryNumber = recursive(number)
result = result & binaryNumber & digit
End If
recursive = result
End Function

Split a float number at decimal point using Excel VBA

I am trying to split a number at the decimal point and store the two parts in two strings.
E.g. 12.345 to be stored as S1 = 12 and S2 = 345
E.g. 12.3450 to be stored as S1 = 12 and S2 = 345
Can someone guide me with excel VBA for this?
You can use the split function to do this:
Dim splitnnum
Dim num as Double
num = 111.222
splitnum = Split(Str(num), ".")
s1 = splitnum(0)
s2 = splitnum(1)
This will split at the decimal and assign each part to a string.
Dim x as Variant
Dim num1 as String, num2 as String
x = Split(Str(12.345), ".")
num1 = x(Lbound(x,1))
num2 = x(Ubound(x,1))
The easiest way to do it would likely be something like:
Dim lHolder as Double
Dim lWhole as Double
Dim lRemain as Double
lHolder = 12.345 ' Or whatever variable you have your number stored in
lWhole = Fix(lHolder)
lRemain = lHolder - lWhole
You can then round lRemain as needed. For example
Round(lRemain, 5) ' Rounds out to 5 decimal places
Will return .345
This breaks your number at decimal point
mynumber = 111.222
splitmynumber = Split(Str(mynumber ), ".")
'This is an array storing 2 number
numberbeforedecimal = val(splitmynumber (0))
numberafterdecimal = val(splitmynumber (1))
Answer : 111 & 222

VBA Regular Expression Mail

I want to split a string into 3 parts. For example i have a email adress like
and i want to split it into
with left, right and mid (str) i only can extract a string if is a fixed lenght.
Has anybody some ideas to make it?
with left, right and mid (str) i only can extract a string if is a fixed length.
This is not actually true, because you can also use the len function to get the length of the string.
Dim L as Integer
L = Len("")
MsgBox L
You can also use the Instr (and InstrRev, reversed) function to find the index of a particular character or substring.
Dim I as Integer
I = Instr("", "#")
So, for your case, a custom function without regex will return an array of three items:
Function SplitEmail(email$)
'Function returns an array like:
' {"username", "domain", "tld"}
Dim Dot As Integer, At As Integer
Dot = InStrRev(email, ".")
At = InStr(email, "#")
Dim ret(1 To 3) As String
ret(1) = Left(email, At - 1)
ret(2) = Mid(email, At + 1, Dot - At - 1)
ret(3) = Mid(email, Dot + 1)
SplitEmail = ret
End Function
To get the username part, you could do:
Dim some_email$
some_email = ""
MsgBox SplitEmail(some_email)(1)

Dividing a string in groups of two

I have a Hex string that has a value like
I was wondering how to split it into a string array, where each index of the array holds a group of 2 of those chars.
string(0)=26,string(1)=C7,string(2) = 26,string (3) = F0, and so on.
How can I do this?
Dim MyList as New List(Of String)
Dim s as String = "26C726F026C426A1269A26AB26F026CC26E226C726E226CD"
For x as Integer = 0 to s.Length - 1 step 2
You can get it with MyList(0), MyList(1) or etc
