Spark DataSet filter performance - apache-spark

I have been experimenting different ways to filter a typed data set. It turns out the performance can be quite different.
The data set was created based on a 1.6 GB rows of data with 33 columns and 4226047 rows. DataSet is created by loading csv data and mapped to a case class.
val df =[FireIncident]
A filter on UnitId = 'B02' should return 47980 rows. I tested three ways as below:
1) Use typed column (~ 500 ms on local host)
df.where($"UnitID" === "B02").count()
2) Use temp table and sql query (~ same as option 1)
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM FireIncidentsSF WHERE UnitID='B02'").count()
3) Use strong typed class field (14,987ms, i.e. 30 times as slow)
df.filter(_.UnitID.orNull == "B02").count()
I tested it again with the python API, for the same data set, the timing is 17,046 ms, comparable to the performance of the scala API option 3.
df.filter(df['UnitID'] == 'B02').count()
Could someone shed some light on how 3) and the python API are executed differently from the first two options?

It's because of step 3 here.
In the first two, spark doesn't need to deserialize the whole Java/Scala object - it just looks at the one column and moves on.
In the third, since you're using a lambda function, spark can't tell that you just want the one field, so it pulls all 33 fields out of memory for each row, so that you can check the one field.
I'm not sure why the fourth is so slow. It seems like it would work the same way as the first.

When running python what is happening is that first your code is loaded onto the JVM, interpreted, and then its finally compiled into bytecode. When using the Scala API, Scala natively runs on the JVM so you're cutting out the entire load python code into the JVM part.


Spark request only a partial sorting for row_number().over partitioned window

Version: DBR 8.4 | Spark 3.1.2
I'm trying to get the top 500 rows per partition, but I can see from the query plan that it is sorting the entire data set (50K rows per partition) before eventually filtering to the rows I care about.
max_rank = 500
ranking_order = Window.partitionBy(['category', 'id'])
.orderBy(F.col('primary').desc(), F.col('secondary'))
df_ranked = (df
.withColumn('rank', F.row_number().over(ranking_order))
.where(F.col('rank') <= max_rank)
I read elsewhere that expressions such as df.orderBy(desc("value")).limit(n) are optimized by the query planner to use TakeOrderedAndProject and avoid sorting the entire table. Is there a similar approach I can use here to trigger an optimization and avoid fully sorting all partitions?
For context, right now my query is taking 3.5 hours on a beefy 4 worker x 40 core cluster and shuffle write time surrounding this query (including some projections not listed above) appears to be my high-nail, so I'm trying to cut down the amount of data as soon as possible.

Spark Error - Max iterations (100) reached for batch Resolution

I am working on Spark SQL where I need to find out Diff between two large CSV's.
Diff should give:-
Inserted Rows or new Record // Comparing only Id's
Changed Rows (Not include inserted ones) - Comparing all column values
Deleted rows // Comparing only Id's
Spark 2.4.4 + Java
I am using Databricks to Read/Write CSV
Dataset<Row> insertedDf = newDf_temp.join(oldDf_temp,oldDf_temp.col(key)
Long insertedCount = insertedDf.count();"Inserted File Count == "+insertedCount);
Dataset<Row> deletedDf = oldDf_temp.join(newDf_temp,oldDf_temp.col(key)
Long deletedCount = deletedDf.count();"deleted File Count == "+deletedCount);
Dataset<Row> changedDf = newDf_temp.exceptAll(oldDf_temp); // This gives rows (New +changed Records)
Dataset<Row> changedDfTemp = changedDf.join(insertedDf, changedDf.col(key)
.equalTo(insertedDf.col(key)),"left_anti"); // This gives only changed record
Long changedCount = changedDfTemp.count();"Changed File Count == "+changedCount);
This works well for CSV with columns upto 50 or so.
The Above code fails for one row in CSV with 300+columns, so I am sure this is not file Size problem.
But if I have a CSV having 300+ Columns then it fails with Exception
Max iterations (100) reached for batch Resolution – Spark Error
If I set the below property in Spark, It Works!!!
sparkConf.set("spark.sql.optimizer.maxIterations", "500");
But my question is why do I have to set this?
Is there something wrong which I am doing?
Or this behaviour is expected for CSV's which have large columns.
Can I optimize it in any way to handle Large column CSV's.
The issue you are running into is related to how spark takes the instructions you tell it and transforms that into the actual things it's going to do. It first needs to understand your instructions by running Analyzer, then it tries to improve them by running its optimizer. The setting appears to apply to both.
Specifically your code is bombing out during a step in the Analyzer. The analyzer is responsible for figuring out when you refer to things what things you are actually referring to. For example, mapping function names to implementations or mapping column names across renames, and different transforms. It does this in multiple passes resolving additional things each pass, then checking again to see if it can resolve move.
I think what is happening for your case is each pass probably resolves one column, but 100 passes isn't enough to resolve all of the columns. By increasing it you are giving it enough passes to be able to get entirely through your plan. This is definitely a red flag for a potential performance issue, but if your code is working then you can probably just increase the value and not worry about it.
If it isn't working, then you will probably need to try to do something to reduce the number of columns used in your plan. Maybe combining all the columns into one encoded string column as the key. You might benefit from checkpointing the data before doing the join so you can shorten your plan.
Also, I would refactor your above code so you could do it all with only one join. This should be a lot faster, and might solve your other problem.
Each join leads to a shuffle (data being sent between compute nodes) which adds time to your job. Instead of computing adds, deletes and changes independently, you can just do them all at once. Something like the below code. It's in scala psuedo code because I'm more familiar with that than the Java APIs.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
var oldDf = ..
var newDf = ..
val changeCols = newDf.columns.filter(_ != "id").map(col)
// Make the columns you want to compare into a single struct column for easier comparison
newDf =$"id", struct(changeCols:_*) as "compare_new")
oldDf =$"id", struct(changeCols:_*) as "compare_old")
// Outer join on ID
val combined = oldDF.join(newDf, Seq("id"), "outer")
// Figure out status of each based upon presence of old/new
// IF old side is missing, must be an ADD
// IF new side is missing, must be a DELETE
// IF both sides present but different, it's a CHANGE
val status = when($"compare_new".isNull, lit("add")).
when($"compare_old".isNull, lit("delete")).
when($"$compare_new" != $"compare_old", lit("change")).
val labeled =$"id", status)
At this point, we have every ID labeled ADD/DELETE/CHANGE/NOCHANGE so we can just a groupBy/count. This agg can be done almost entirely map side so it will be a lot faster than a join.

Spark window function on dataframe with large number of columns

I have an ML dataframe which I read from csv files. It contains three types of columns:
ID Timestamp Feature1 Feature2...Feature_n
where n is ~ 500 (500 features in ML parlance). The total number of rows in the dataset is ~ 160 millions.
As this is the result of a previous full join, there are many features which do not have values set.
My aim is to run a "fill" function(fillna style form python pandas), where each empty feature value gets set with the previously available value for that column, per Id and Date.
I am trying to achieve this with the following spark 2.2.1 code:
val rawDataset ="header", "true").csv(inputLocation)
val window = Window.partitionBy("ID").orderBy("DATE").rowsBetween(-50000, -1)
val columns = Array(...) //first 30 columns initially, just to see it working
val rawDataSetFilled = columns.foldLeft(rawDataset) { (originalDF, columnToFill) =>
originalDF.withColumn(columnToFill, coalesce(col(columnToFill), last(col(columnToFill), ignoreNulls = true).over(window)))
I am running this job on a 4 m4.large instances on Amazon EMR, with spark 2.2.1. and dynamic allocation enabled.
The job runs for over 2h without completing.
Am I doing something wrong, at the code level? Given the size of the data, and the instances, I would assume it should finish in a reasonable amount of time? And I haven't even tried with the full 500 columns, just with about 30!
Looking in the container logs, all I see are many logs like this:
INFO codegen.CodeGenerator: Code generated in 166.677493 ms
INFO execution.ExternalAppendOnlyUnsafeRowArray: Reached spill
threshold of
4096 rows, switching to
I have tried setting parameter spark.sql.windowExec.buffer.spill.threshold to something larger, without any impact. Is theresome other setting I should know about? Those 2 lines are the only ones I see in any container log.
In Ganglia, I see most of the CPU cores peaking around full usage, but the memory usage is lower than the maximum available. All executors are allocated and are doing work.
I have managed to rewrite the fold left logic without using withColumn calls. Apparently they can be very slow for large number of columns, and I was also getting stackoverflow errors because of that.
I would be curious to know why this massive difference - and what exactly happens behind the scenes with the query plan execution, which makes repeated withColumns calls so slow.
Links which proved very helpful: Spark Jira issue and this stackoverflow question
var rawDataset ="header", "true").csv(inputLocation)
val window = Window.partitionBy("ID").orderBy("DATE").rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
rawDataset = => coalesce(col(column), last(col(column), ignoreNulls = true).over(window)).alias(column)): _*)
rawDataset.write.option("header", "true").csv(outputLocation)

Is it worth converting 64bit integers to 32bit (of 16bit) ints in a spark dataframe?

I have a dataframe that contains ~4bn records. Many of the columns are 64bit ints, but could be truncated into 32bit or 16bit ints without data loss. When I try converting the data types using the following function:
def switchType(df, colName):
df = df.withColumn( colName + "SmallInt", df[colName].cast(ShortType()))
df = df.drop(colName)
return df.withColumnRenamed(colName + 'SmallInt', colName)
positionsDf = switchType(positionsDf, "FundId")
# repeat for 4 more cols...
This shows as taking 54.7 MB in ram. When I don't do this, it shows as 56.7MB in ram.
So, is it worth trying to truncate ints at all?
I am using Spark 2.01 in stand alone mode.
If you plan to write it in format that saves numbers in binary (parquet, avro) it may save some space. For calculations there will be probably no difference in speed.
Ok, for the benefit of anyone else that stumbles across this. If I understand it, it depends on your JVM implementation (so, machine/OS specific), but in my case it makes little difference. I'm running java 1.8.0_102 on RHEL 7 64bit.
I tried it with a larger dataframe (3tn+ records). The dataframe contains 7 coulmns of type short/long, and 2 as doubles:
As longs - 59.6Gb
As shorts - 57.1Gb
The tasks I used to create this cached dataframe also showed no real difference in execution time.
What is nice to note is that the storage size does seem to scale linearly with the number of records. So that is good.

spark scala RDD[double] IIR filtering (sequential feedback filtering operation)

I can't find a way to do this in Apache Spark (Scala), basically I have a RDD[Double]
I want to perform a sequential feedback operation on such RDD[Double] with the following operation
y(n) = 0.5*y(n-1) + x(n), where y(n) is the output , with y(n) = 0 when n < 0 and x(n) is the input, for n = 0,1,2,3...
(this can be exactly implemented in Matlab using the following command filter(1,[1 -0.5],[1,2,3,2,4]).
So the expected output will be
I looked for scanLeft in Scala equivalent for spark RDD and got this which is related to It seems Spark is planning to have this feature... I'm not familiar with Spark architecture/roadmap yet... may some one please help? thanks
It doesn't seem like a job for Spark, it can't be effectively parallelized - every element in output depends on all previoius elements of output (and input).
Process it with simple program, but use Seqence (or Iterator) to only store single element that is currently needed and even huge size of data won't be a problem.
