Batch bills- Submission Id - netsuite

I need to grab the batch bill submission id (from different vendors) of the object from netsuite.Does anyone know how to do this?
TransactionSearchBasic transSearch = new TransactionSearchBasic();
SearchResult resVendorBill =;
resVendorBill.pageSize = 25;
resVendorBill.pageSizeSpecified = true;
resVendorBill.totalRecords = SearchRecentTransCount;
resVendorBill.totalRecordsSpecified = true;
transSearch.recordType = new SearchStringField() { #operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.#is, searchValue = "vendorpayment", operatorSpecified = true };
SearchResult resVendorPayment =;
if (resVendorPayment.status.isSuccess)
Record[] searchPaymentRecords = resVendorPayment.recordList;
if (searchPaymentRecords != null && searchPaymentRecords.Length >= 1)
List<VendorPayment> lstVendorPayments = searchPaymentRecords.Select(ep => (VendorPayment)ep).OrderByDescending(epo => epo.createdDate).Take(SearchRecentTransCount).ToList();


Acumatica - Where is the method that writes to CRRelation?

Can anyone help me find where in the code Acumatica writes to the CRRelation table when createing a Sales Order from an Opportunity? I've done a search for all instances of "CRRelation" but none of them seem to be doing the actual writing to the table.
It is done in the DoCreateSalesOrder(CreateSalesOrderFilter param) method which is called in the CreateSalesOrder action:
public PXAction<CROpportunity> createSalesOrder;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = Messages.CreateSalesOrder, MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Update, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
[PXButton(ImageKey = PX.Web.UI.Sprite.Main.DataEntry)]
public virtual IEnumerable CreateSalesOrder(PXAdapter adapter)
foreach (CROpportunity opportunity in adapter.Get())
Customer customer = (Customer)PXSelect<Customer, Where<Customer.bAccountID, Equal<Current<CROpportunity.bAccountID>>>>
.SelectSingleBound(this, new object[] { opportunity });
if (customer == null)
throw new PXException(Messages.ProspectNotCustomer);
var products = Products.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { opportunity }).RowCast<CROpportunityProducts>();
if (products.Any(_ => _.InventoryID == null) && !products.Any(_ => _.InventoryID != null))
throw new PXException(Messages.SalesOrderHasOnlyNonInventoryLines);
if (CreateOrderParams.AskExtFullyValid((graph, viewName) => { }, DialogAnswerType.Positive))
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, delegate()
var grapph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<OpportunityMaint>();
grapph.Opportunity.Current = opportunity;
grapph.CreateOrderParams.Current = CreateOrderParams.Current;
yield return opportunity;
if we look in that method we can find the following lines which are creating the relation:
var campaignRelation = docgraph.RelationsLink.Insert();
campaignRelation.RefNoteID = doc.NoteID;
campaignRelation.Role = CRRoleTypeList.Source;
campaignRelation.TargetType = CRTargetEntityType.CROpportunity;
campaignRelation.TargetNoteID = opportunity.NoteID;
campaignRelation.DocNoteID = opportunity.NoteID;
campaignRelation.EntityID = opportunity.BAccountID;
campaignRelation.ContactID = opportunity.ContactID;
You can find the full code of that method below:
protected virtual void DoCreateSalesOrder(CreateSalesOrderFilter param)
bool recalcAny = param.RecalculatePrices == true ||
param.RecalculateDiscounts == true ||
param.OverrideManualDiscounts == true ||
param.OverrideManualDocGroupDiscounts == true ||
param.OverrideManualPrices == true;
var opportunity = this.Opportunity.Current;
Customer customer = (Customer)PXSelect<Customer, Where<Customer.bAccountID, Equal<Current<CROpportunity.bAccountID>>>>.Select(this);
SOOrderEntry docgraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SOOrderEntry>();
CurrencyInfo info = PXSelect<CurrencyInfo, Where<CurrencyInfo.curyInfoID, Equal<Current<CROpportunity.curyInfoID>>>>.Select(this);
info.CuryInfoID = null;
info = CurrencyInfo.GetEX(docgraph.currencyinfo.Insert(info.GetCM()));
SOOrder doc = new SOOrder();
doc.OrderType = CreateOrderParams.Current.OrderType ?? SOOrderTypeConstants.SalesOrder;
doc = docgraph.Document.Insert(doc);
doc = PXCache<SOOrder>.CreateCopy(docgraph.Document.Search<SOOrder.orderNbr>(doc.OrderNbr));
doc.CuryInfoID = info.CuryInfoID;
doc = PXCache<SOOrder>.CreateCopy(docgraph.Document.Update(doc));
doc.CuryID = info.CuryID;
doc.OrderDate = Accessinfo.BusinessDate;
doc.OrderDesc = opportunity.Subject;
doc.TermsID = customer.TermsID;
doc.CustomerID = opportunity.BAccountID;
doc.CustomerLocationID = opportunity.LocationID ?? customer.DefLocationID;
if (opportunity.TaxZoneID != null)
doc.TaxZoneID = opportunity.TaxZoneID;
if (!recalcAny)
SOTaxAttribute.SetTaxCalc<SOLine.taxCategoryID>(docgraph.Transactions.Cache, null, TaxCalc.ManualCalc);
SOTaxAttribute.SetTaxCalc<SOOrder.freightTaxCategoryID>(docgraph.Document.Cache, null,
doc.ProjectID = opportunity.ProjectID;
doc.BranchID = opportunity.BranchID;
doc = docgraph.Document.Update(doc);
var campaignRelation = docgraph.RelationsLink.Insert();
campaignRelation.RefNoteID = doc.NoteID;
campaignRelation.Role = CRRoleTypeList.Source;
campaignRelation.TargetType = CRTargetEntityType.CROpportunity;
campaignRelation.TargetNoteID = opportunity.NoteID;
campaignRelation.DocNoteID = opportunity.NoteID;
campaignRelation.EntityID = opportunity.BAccountID;
campaignRelation.ContactID = opportunity.ContactID;
bool failed = false;
foreach (CROpportunityProducts product in SelectProducts(opportunity.QuoteNoteID))
if (product.SiteID == null)
InventoryItem item = (InventoryItem)PXSelectorAttribute.Select<CROpportunityProducts.inventoryID>(Products.Cache, product);
if (item != null && item.NonStockShip == true)
Products.Cache.RaiseExceptionHandling<CROpportunityProducts.siteID>(product, null,
new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(CROpportunityProducts.siteID).Name));
failed = true;
SOLine tran = new SOLine();
tran = docgraph.Transactions.Insert(tran);
if (tran != null)
tran.InventoryID = product.InventoryID;
tran.SubItemID = product.SubItemID;
tran.TranDesc = product.Descr;
tran.OrderQty = product.Quantity;
tran.UOM = product.UOM;
tran.CuryUnitPrice = product.CuryUnitPrice;
tran.TaxCategoryID = product.TaxCategoryID;
tran.SiteID = product.SiteID;
tran.IsFree = product.IsFree;
tran.ProjectID = product.ProjectID;
tran.TaskID = product.TaskID;
tran.CostCodeID = product.CostCodeID;
tran.ManualPrice = true;
tran.ManualDisc = true;
tran.CuryDiscAmt = product.CuryDiscAmt;
tran.DiscAmt = product.DiscAmt;
tran.DiscPct = product.DiscPct;
tran.POCreate = product.POCreate;
tran.VendorID = product.VendorID;
if (param.RecalculatePrices != true)
tran.ManualPrice = true;
if (param.OverrideManualPrices != true)
tran.ManualPrice = product.ManualPrice;
tran.ManualPrice = false;
if (param.RecalculateDiscounts != true)
tran.ManualDisc = true;
if (param.OverrideManualDiscounts != true)
tran.ManualDisc = product.ManualDisc;
tran.ManualDisc = false;
tran.CuryDiscAmt = product.CuryDiscAmt;
tran.DiscAmt = product.DiscAmt;
tran.DiscPct = product.DiscPct;
tran = docgraph.Transactions.Update(tran);
PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Products.Cache, product, docgraph.Transactions.Cache, tran,
PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Opportunity.Cache, opportunity, docgraph.Document.Cache, doc, Setup.Current);
if (failed)
throw new PXException(Messages.SiteNotDefined);
//Skip all customer dicounts
if (param.RecalculateDiscounts != true && param.OverrideManualDiscounts != true)
var discounts = new Dictionary<string, SOOrderDiscountDetail>();
foreach (SOOrderDiscountDetail discountDetail in docgraph.DiscountDetails.Select())
docgraph.DiscountDetails.SetValueExt<SOOrderDiscountDetail.skipDiscount>(discountDetail, true);
string key = discountDetail.Type + ':' + discountDetail.DiscountID + ':' + discountDetail.DiscountSequenceID;
discounts.Add(key, discountDetail);
Discount ext = this.GetExtension<Discount>();
foreach (CROpportunityDiscountDetail discountDetail in ext.DiscountDetails.Select())
SOOrderDiscountDetail detail;
string key = discountDetail.Type + ':' + discountDetail.DiscountID + ':' + discountDetail.DiscountSequenceID;
if (discounts.TryGetValue(key, out detail))
docgraph.DiscountDetails.SetValueExt<SOOrderDiscountDetail.skipDiscount>(detail, false);
if (discountDetail.IsManual == true && discountDetail.Type == DiscountType.Document)
docgraph.DiscountDetails.SetValueExt<SOOrderDiscountDetail.extDiscCode>(detail, discountDetail.ExtDiscCode);
docgraph.DiscountDetails.SetValueExt<SOOrderDiscountDetail.description>(detail, discountDetail.Description);
docgraph.DiscountDetails.SetValueExt<SOOrderDiscountDetail.isManual>(detail, discountDetail.IsManual);
docgraph.DiscountDetails.SetValueExt<SOOrderDiscountDetail.curyDiscountAmt>(detail, discountDetail.CuryDiscountAmt);
detail = (SOOrderDiscountDetail)docgraph.DiscountDetails.Cache.CreateInstance();
detail.Type = discountDetail.Type;
detail.DiscountID = discountDetail.DiscountID;
detail.DiscountSequenceID = discountDetail.DiscountSequenceID;
detail.ExtDiscCode = discountDetail.ExtDiscCode;
detail.Description = discountDetail.Description;
detail = (SOOrderDiscountDetail)docgraph.DiscountDetails.Cache.Insert(detail);
if (discountDetail.IsManual == true && (discountDetail.Type == DiscountType.Document || discountDetail.Type == DiscountType.ExternalDocument))
detail.CuryDiscountAmt = discountDetail.CuryDiscountAmt;
detail.IsManual = discountDetail.IsManual;
SOOrder old_row = PXCache<SOOrder>.CreateCopy(docgraph.Document.Current);
docgraph.Document.Cache.SetValueExt<SOOrder.curyDiscTot>(docgraph.Document.Current, DiscountEngineProvider.GetEngineFor<SOLine, SOOrderDiscountDetail>().GetTotalGroupAndDocumentDiscount(docgraph.DiscountDetails));
docgraph.Document.Cache.RaiseRowUpdated(docgraph.Document.Current, old_row);
doc = docgraph.Document.Update(doc);
if (opportunity.TaxZoneID != null && !recalcAny)
foreach (CRTaxTran tax in PXSelect<CRTaxTran, Where<CRTaxTran.quoteID, Equal<Current<CROpportunity.quoteNoteID>>>>.Select(this))
SOTaxTran newtax = new SOTaxTran();
newtax.LineNbr = int.MaxValue;
newtax.TaxID = tax.TaxID;
newtax = docgraph.Taxes.Insert(newtax);
if (newtax != null)
newtax = PXCache<SOTaxTran>.CreateCopy(newtax);
newtax.TaxRate = tax.TaxRate;
newtax.CuryTaxableAmt = tax.CuryTaxableAmt;
newtax.CuryTaxAmt = tax.CuryTaxAmt;
newtax.CuryUnshippedTaxableAmt = tax.CuryTaxableAmt;
newtax.CuryUnshippedTaxAmt = tax.CuryTaxAmt;
newtax.CuryUnbilledTaxableAmt = tax.CuryTaxableAmt;
newtax.CuryUnbilledTaxAmt = tax.CuryTaxAmt;
newtax = docgraph.Taxes.Update(newtax);
if (opportunity.AllowOverrideContactAddress == true)
CRContact _CRContact = Opportunity_Contact.SelectSingle();
CRAddress _CRAddress = Opportunity_Address.SelectSingle();
// Insert
if (_CRContact != null)
SOBillingContact _billingContact = docgraph.Billing_Contact.Select();
if (_billingContact != null)
_billingContact.FullName = _CRContact.FullName;
_billingContact.Salutation = _CRContact.Salutation;
_billingContact.Phone1 = _CRContact.Phone1;
_billingContact.Email = _CRContact.Email;
_billingContact = docgraph.Billing_Contact.Update(_billingContact);
_billingContact.IsDefaultContact = false;
_billingContact = docgraph.Billing_Contact.Update(_billingContact);
if (_CRAddress != null)
SOBillingAddress _billingAddress = docgraph.Billing_Address.Select();
if (_billingAddress != null)
_billingAddress.AddressLine1 = _CRAddress.AddressLine1;
_billingAddress.AddressLine2 = _CRAddress.AddressLine2;
_billingAddress.City = _CRAddress.City;
_billingAddress.CountryID = _CRAddress.CountryID;
_billingAddress.State = _CRAddress.State;
_billingAddress.PostalCode = _CRAddress.PostalCode;
_billingAddress = docgraph.Billing_Address.Update(_billingAddress);
_billingAddress.IsDefaultAddress = false;
_billingAddress = docgraph.Billing_Address.Update(_billingAddress);
if (recalcAny)
docgraph.recalcdiscountsfilter.Current.OverrideManualPrices = param.OverrideManualPrices == true;
docgraph.recalcdiscountsfilter.Current.RecalcDiscounts = param.RecalculateDiscounts == true;
docgraph.recalcdiscountsfilter.Current.RecalcUnitPrices = param.RecalculatePrices == true;
docgraph.recalcdiscountsfilter.Current.OverrideManualDiscounts = param.OverrideManualDiscounts == true;
docgraph.recalcdiscountsfilter.Current.OverrideManualDocGroupDiscounts = param.OverrideManualDocGroupDiscounts == true;
if (!this.IsContractBasedAPI)
throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(docgraph, "");
NOTE: you can find most part of the sources by the following path in the Acumatica's server folder App_Data\CodeRepository\PX.Objects,App_Data\CodeRepository\PX.Data,App_Data\CodeRepository\PX.Objects.FS

Hide a product in Kentico 10

I am performing CRUD operations for products of e-commerce site in kentico 10.I can add and update products using below API
Also there is an API for deleting product
But I do not wish to delete the product from database,rather just disable them so that they do not show up to the end users and still stay in the database .
I tried to set SKUEnabled as false but still user can see the product.So, I used below code to hide the products
ProductNode.SetValue("DocumentPublishTo", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1));
But my code setup adds a new product with above disabled property.Here is my code
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
manufacturer = GetManufacturer(Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_NAME"]));
department = GetDepartment(Convert.ToString(dr["CATEGORY_OF_PRODUCT_1"]));
var sku = new SKUInfo
SKUNumber = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]),
SKUName = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]),
SKUDescription = Convert.ToString(dr["TECHNICAL_SPECIFICATIONS"]).Trim('"'),
SKUShortDescription = Convert.ToString(dr["SHORT_DESCRIPTION"]).Trim('"'),
SKUPrice = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["RESELLER_BUY_INC"], 0),
SKURetailPrice = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["RRP_INC"], 0),
SKUEnabled = false,
SKUSiteID = siteId,
SKUProductType = SKUProductTypeEnum.Product,
SKUManufacturerID = manufacturer.ManufacturerID,
SKUDepartmentID = department.DepartmentID,
SKUHeight = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["HEIGHT"], 0),
SKUWidth = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["WIDTH"], 0),
SKUWeight = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["WEIGHT"], 0),
SKUDepth = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["LENGTH"], 0),
SKUAvailableItems = 1,
SKUSellOnlyAvailable = true
SKUInfo updateProduct = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
.WhereEquals("SKUNumber", sku.SKUNumber)
sku.SKUPrice += sku.SKUPrice * 0.015;
if (updateProduct != null)
updateProduct.SKUNumber = sku.SKUNumber; updateProduct.SKUName = sku.SKUName;
if (!sku.SKUEnabled)
SKUTreeNode productDoc = (SKUTreeNode)SKUTreeNode.New(productDocumentType.ClassName, tree);
if (sku.SKUEnabled == false)
productDoc.DocumentPublishTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
productDoc.DocumentSKUName = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]);
productDoc.DocumentSKUDescription = sku.SKUDescription;
productDoc.NodeSKUID = sku.SKUID;
productDoc.DocumentCulture = cultureCode;
productDoc.DocumentName = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]);
catch (Exception ex)
error += "error";
Please provide the possible solution.There ain't no property such as DocumentPublishTo in SKUInfo,hence I used it with SKUTreeNode which you can find in code setup.
SKUTreeNode productDoc = (SKUTreeNode)SKUTreeNode.New(productDocumentType.ClassName, tree);
if (sku.SKUEnabled == false)
productDoc.DocumentPublishTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
You need to get the node for the SKU, not create a new one. from the documentation :
SKUTreeNode productDoc = (SKUTreeNode)tree.SelectNodes()
productDoc.DocumentPublishTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)

NetSuite SuiteTalk API - Get Inventory Details

I'm using the SuiteTalk (API) service for NetSuite to retrieve a list of Assemblies. I need to load the InventoryDetails fields on the results to view the serial/lot numbers assigned to the items. This is the current code that I'm using, but the results still show those fields to come back as NULL, although I can see the other fields for the AssemblyBuild object. How do I get the inventory details (serials/lot#'s) to return on a transaction search?
public static List<AssemblyBuildResult> Get()
var listAssemblyBuilds = new List<AssemblyBuildResult>();
var service = Service.Context();
var ts = new TransactionSearch();
var tsb = new TransactionSearchBasic();
var sfType = new SearchEnumMultiSelectField
#operator = SearchEnumMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
operatorSpecified = true,
searchValue = new string[] { "_assemblyBuild" }
tsb.type = sfType;
ts.basic = tsb;
ts.inventoryDetailJoin = new InventoryDetailSearchBasic();
// perform the search
var response =;
response.pageSizeSpecified = true;
// Process response
if (response.status.isSuccess)
// Process the records returned in the response
// Get more records with pagination
if (response.totalRecords > 0)
for (var x = 1; x <= response.totalPages; x++)
var records = response.recordList;
foreach (var t in records)
var ab = (AssemblyBuild) t;
if (response.pageIndex < response.totalPages)
response = service.searchMoreWithId(response.searchId, x + 1);
// Parse and return NetSuite WorkOrder into assembly WorkOrderResult list
return listAssemblyBuilds;
After much pain and suffering, I was able to solve this problem with the following code:
/// <summary>
/// Returns List of AssemblyBuilds from NetSuite
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<AssemblyBuildResult> Get(string id = "", bool getDetails = false)
// Object to populate and return results
var listAssemblyBuilds = new List<AssemblyBuildResult>();
// Initiate Service and SavedSearch (TransactionSearchAdvanced)
var service = Service.Context();
var tsa = new TransactionSearchAdvanced
savedSearchScriptId = "customsearch_web_assemblysearchmainlist"
// Filter by ID if specified
if (id != "")
tsa.criteria = new TransactionSearch()
basic = new TransactionSearchBasic()
internalId = new SearchMultiSelectField
#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
operatorSpecified = true,
searchValue = new[] {
new RecordRef() {
type = RecordType.assemblyBuild,
typeSpecified = true,
internalId = id
// Construct custom columns to return
var tsr = new TransactionSearchRow();
var tsrb = new TransactionSearchRowBasic();
var orderIdCols = new SearchColumnSelectField[1];
var orderIdCol = new SearchColumnSelectField();
orderIdCols[0] = orderIdCol;
tsrb.internalId = orderIdCols;
var tranDateCols = new SearchColumnDateField[1];
var tranDateCol = new SearchColumnDateField();
tranDateCols[0] = tranDateCol;
tsrb.tranDate = tranDateCols;
var serialNumberCols = new SearchColumnStringField[1];
var serialNumberCol = new SearchColumnStringField();
serialNumberCols[0] = serialNumberCol;
tsrb.serialNumbers = serialNumberCols;
// Perform the Search
tsr.basic = tsrb;
tsa.columns = tsr;
var response =;
// Process response
if (response.status.isSuccess)
var searchRows = response.searchRowList;
if (searchRows != null && searchRows.Length >= 1)
foreach (SearchRow t in searchRows)
var transactionRow = (TransactionSearchRow)t;
listAssemblyBuilds.Add(GetAssemblyBuildsResult(transactionRow, getDetails));
// Parse and return NetSuite WorkOrder into assembly WorkOrderResult list
return listAssemblyBuilds;
private static string GetAssemblyBuildLotNumbers(string id)
var service = Service.Context();
var serialNumbers = "";
var tsa = new TransactionSearchAdvanced
savedSearchScriptId = "customsearch_web_assemblysearchlineitems"
service.searchPreferences = new SearchPreferences { bodyFieldsOnly = false };
tsa.criteria = new TransactionSearch()
basic = new TransactionSearchBasic()
internalId = new SearchMultiSelectField
#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
operatorSpecified = true,
searchValue = new[] {
new RecordRef() {
type = RecordType.assemblyBuild,
typeSpecified = true,
internalId = id
// Construct custom columns to return
var tsr = new TransactionSearchRow();
var tsrb = new TransactionSearchRowBasic();
var orderIdCols = new SearchColumnSelectField[1];
var orderIdCol = new SearchColumnSelectField();
orderIdCols[0] = orderIdCol;
tsrb.internalId = orderIdCols;
var serialNumberCols = new SearchColumnStringField[1];
var serialNumberCol = new SearchColumnStringField();
serialNumberCols[0] = serialNumberCol;
tsrb.serialNumbers = serialNumberCols;
tsr.basic = tsrb;
tsa.columns = tsr;
var response =;
if (response.status.isSuccess)
var searchRows = response.searchRowList;
if (searchRows != null && searchRows.Length >= 1)
foreach (SearchRow t in searchRows)
var transactionRow = (TransactionSearchRow)t;
if (transactionRow.basic.serialNumbers != null)
return transactionRow.basic.serialNumbers[0].searchValue;
return serialNumbers;
private static AssemblyBuildResult GetAssemblyBuildsResult(TransactionSearchRow tsr, bool getDetails)
if (tsr != null)
var assemblyInfo = new AssemblyBuildResult
NetSuiteId = tsr.basic.internalId[0].searchValue.internalId,
ManufacturedDate = tsr.basic.tranDate[0].searchValue,
SerialNumbers = tsr.basic.serialNumbers[0].searchValue
// If selected, this will do additional NetSuite queries to get detailed data (slower)
if (getDetails)
// Look up Lot Number
assemblyInfo.LotNumber = GetAssemblyBuildLotNumbers(tsr.basic.internalId[0].searchValue.internalId);
return assemblyInfo;
return null;
What I learned about pulling data from NetSuite:
Using SavedSearches is the best method to pull data that doesn't automatically come through in the API objects
It is barely supported
Don't specify an ID on the SavedSearch, specify a criteria in the TransactionSearch to get one record
You will need to specify which columns to actually pull down. NetSuite doesn't just send you the data from a SavedSearch automatically
You cannot view data in a SavedSearch that contains a Grouping
In the Saved Search, use the Criteria Main Line = true/false to read data from the main record (top of UI screen), and line items (bottom of screen)

Error #1069: Property Pertanyaan0 not found on String and there is no default value

I stuck here please help, i'm new in flash, using adobe flash cs5.5
Here's the code :
alert_mc.visible = false;
alert_mc.ok_btn.visible = false;
var score:Number = 0;
var jawaban;
var nextQst:Number = 0;
var i:Number = 0;
function btna(ev:MouseEvent):void
function btnb(ev:MouseEvent):void
function btnc(ev:MouseEvent):void
function btnd(ev:MouseEvent):void
var qvar_lv:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
qvar_lv.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;// Step 1
qvar_lv.load(new URLRequest("DaftarSoal.txt")); // Step 2
qvar_lv.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); // Step 3
function onComplete (event:Event):void // Step 4
var faq:String =; // Step 5
if (faq["Pertanyaan"+i] != undefined) {
no_txt.text = "PERTANYAAN KE-"+i;
soal_txt.text = faq["Pertanyaan"+i]; ja_txt.text = faq["a"+i];
jb_txt.text = faq["b"+i];
jc_txt.text = faq["c"+i];
jd_txt.text = faq["d"+i];
jawaban =faq["benar"+i];
} else {
skor_txt.text = score+"";
teks_txt.text = "Score akhir kamu :";
function cekJawaban(val) {
alert_mc.visible = true;
if (val != jawaban) {
alert_mc.alert_txt.text = "jawaban kamu salah, score anda berkurang 50 points";
score = score-50;
function btnok(ev:MouseEvent):void
nextQst = i+1;
alert_mc.visible = false;
} else {
score = score+100;
alert_mc.alert_txt.text = "jawaban kamu benar, score anda bertambah 100 points";
function btnok2(ev:MouseEvent):void
nextQst = i+1;
alert_mc.visible = false;
Error #1069:
Property Pertanyaan0 not found on String and there is no default value.
at revisi_fla::Symbol5_68/onComplete()

Drupal removing a node reference from a node

Ok, trying to process a script, both PHP and JavaScript, where I am moving a particular content type NODE from one reference to another. This is the structure:
I have a PROJECT
Inside each PROJECT are PAGES
Inside each PAGE are CALLOUTS
and Inside each CALLOUT are PRODUCTS.
What I want to do is take a PRODUCT from one CALLOUT to another CALLOUT. I am able to merge these, but now what I want to do is delete the first instance. An example:
I have PRODUCT AAG-794200 that is on PAGE 6 CALLOUT A. I am merging that PRODUCT with PAGE 6 CALLOUT B.
I can get the product to merge, but now I need to remove it from CALLOUT A. Here is my code:
$merge = explode(',', $merge); //Merge SKUs
$mpages = explode(',', $mpages); //Merge Pages
$mcallouts = explode(',', $mcallouts); //Merge Callouts
$mcallout_nid = explode(',', $mcallout_nid); //Merge Current callout
$length = count($merge);
$e = 0;
while ($e < $length) {
//Where is the SKU going to?
$to_callout_letter = strtoupper($mcallouts[$e]);
$to_page_num = $mpages[$e];
$sku = $merge[$e];
$from_callout = $mcallout_nid[$e];
//Where is the SKU coming from?
$other_callout = node_load($from_callout);
//Need page ID of current callout for project purposes
$page_nid = $other_callout->field_page[0]['nid'];
$page = node_load($page_nid);
//Need the project NID
$project_nid = $page->field_project[0]['nid'];
//We need to get the NID of the page we are going to
$page_nid = db_query('SELECT * FROM content_type_page WHERE field_page_order_value = "%d" and field_project_nid = "%d" ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1', $to_page_num, $project_nid);
$page_nid_res = db_fetch_array($page_nid);
$to_page_nid = $page_nid_res['nid'];
//We need to get the NID of the callout here
$co_nid = db_query('SELECT * FROM content_type_callout WHERE field_identifier_value = "%s" and field_page_nid = "%d"', $to_callout_letter, $to_page_nid);
$co_nid_res = db_fetch_array($co_nid);
$to_callout_letter_nid = $co_nid_res['nid'];
//Load the present callout the SKU resides on
$f_callout = node_load($from_callout);
$callout = node_load($to_callout_letter_nid);
$long = count($f_callout->field_skus);
$deletecallout = array();
foreach($f_callout->field_skus as $skus) {
$s = 0;
while ($s < $long) {
if($skus['nid'] == $sku) {
$callout->field_skus[] = $skus;
else {
$deletecallout[] = $skus;
foreach($other_callout->field_images as $old_image) {
$callout->field_images[] = $old_image;
foreach($other_callout->field_line_art as $old_image) {
$callout->field_line_art[] = $old_image;
foreach($other_callout->field_swatches as $old_image) {
$callout->field_swatches[] = $old_image;
$callout->field_copy_text[0]['value'] .= $other_callout->field_copy_text[0]['value'];
$callout->field_notes[0]['value'] .= $other_callout->field_notes[0]['value'];
$callout->field_image_notes[0]['value'] .= $other_callout->field_image_notes[0]['value'];
$callout->field_status[0]['value'] = 'In Process';
This causes the PRODUCTS to MERGE, but not delete the original.
Thanks for any help. I know it's something simple, and it will be a palm-to-face moment.
I was actually able to solve this myself. #Chris - The brace ended after node_save(callout); I must have missed that when I copied and pasted. However, here is the code I ended up using:
$merge = explode(',', $merge); //Merge SKUs
$mpages = explode(',', $mpages); //Merge Pages
$mcallouts = explode(',', $mcallouts); //Merge Callouts
$mcallout_nid = explode(',', $mcallout_nid); //Merge Current callout
if($merge[0] !== '0') {
//Store NIDs of Old Callouts to the proper SKU
$oc_sku = array();
$oc_sku_e = count($merge);
$oc_sku_ee = 0;
while ($oc_sku_ee < $oc_sku_e) {
$curr_sku = $merge[$oc_sku_ee];
$curr_oldco = $mcallout_nid[$oc_sku_ee];
$oc_sku[$curr_sku] = $curr_oldco;
//Convert page numbers to page_nids
$pc = count($mpages); //How many pages are we getting
$pc_e = 0;
while($pc_e < $pc) {
$nid = $mpages[$pc_e];
$sql = db_query('SELECT * FROM content_type_page WHERE field_page_order_value = "%d" AND field_project_nid = "%d" ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1', $nid, $project_nid);
$res = db_fetch_array($sql);
if($res) {
$npage_arr[] = $res['nid'];
} else { //If there is no page, we need to create it here.
$node = new StdClass();
$node->type = 'page';
$node->title = 'Page ' . $nid . ' of ' . $project->title;
$node->field_project[0]['nid'] = $project_nid;
$node->field_page_order[0]['value'] = $nid;
$node = node_submit($node);
$npage_arr[] = $node->nid;
// Convert callout letters to callout_nids
$coc = count($mcallouts);
$coc_e = 0;
while($coc_e < $coc) {
$cnid = strtoupper($mcallouts[$coc_e]);
$pnid = $npage_arr[$coc_e];
$page_node = node_load($pnid);
$sql = db_query('SELECT * FROM content_type_callout WHERE field_identifier_value = "%s" AND field_page_nid = "%d" ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1', $cnid, $pnid);
$res = db_fetch_array($sql);
if($res) {
$cpage_arr[] = $res['nid'];
} else { //If there is no callout that exists, we need to make it here.
$callout_node = new stdClass();
$callout_node->type = 'callout';
$callout_node->field_page[0]['nid'] = $pnid;
$callout_node->field_identifier[0]['value'] = $cnid;
$callout_node->field_sequence[0]['value'] = 0;
$callout_node->title = "Callout ".$callout." on page ".$page_node->field_page_order[0]['value'];
$callout_node->field_project[0]['nid'] = $project->nid;
$callout_node->field_wholesaler[0]['value'] = $project->field_wholesaler[0]['value'];
$callout_node->field_skus = array();
$callout_node->status = 1;
$callout_node->uid = 1;
$callout_node->revision = true;
$callout_node = node_submit($callout_node);
$cpage_arr[] = $callout_node->nid;
//Now we need to assign the skus to the appropriate callout for processing
$coc2 = count($cpage_arr);
$coc_e2 = 0;
while($coc_e2 < $coc2) {
$co = $cpage_arr[$coc_e2];
if($co !== '0') {
$sku = $merge[$coc_e2];
$m_arr[$co][] = $sku;
//we need a way to centrally store all NID's of SKUs to the callouts they belong to
$oc_arr = array();
$oc = count($mcallout_nid);
$oc_e = 0;
while($oc_e < $oc) {
$f_callout = $mcallout_nid[$oc_e];
$former_callout = node_load($f_callout);
foreach($former_callout->field_skus as $key=>$skus) {
$oc_arr[] = $skus;
//Now we are processing the Pages/Callouts/SKUs to save
$pc_e2 = 0;
foreach($m_arr as $key=>$values) {
$callout = node_load($key);
foreach($values as $value) {
$oc = count($oc_arr);
$oc_e = 0;
while($oc_e < $oc) {
$skus = $oc_arr[$oc_e];
if($value == $skus['nid']) {
$callout->field_skus[] = $skus;
//$nid = $oc_sku[$value];
$old_callout_info[] = $oc_sku[$value];
$oc_e = $oc;
else {
foreach($old_callout_info as $nid) {
/* $nid = $oc_sku[$value]; */
$former_callout = node_load($nid);
foreach($former_callout->field_images as $old_image) {
$callout->field_images[] = $old_image;
foreach($former_callout->field_line_art as $old_image) {
$callout->field_line_art[] = $old_image;
foreach($former_callout->field_swatches as $old_image) {
$callout->field_swatches[] = $old_image;
$callout->field_copy_text[0]['value'] .= $former_callout->field_copy_text[0]['value'];
$callout->field_notes[0]['value'] .= $former_callout->field_notes[0]['value'];
$callout->field_image_notes[0]['value'] .= $former_callout->field_image_notes[0]['value'];
$callout->field_logos = $former_callout->field_logos;
$callout->field_affiliations = $former_callout->field_affiliations;
$callout->field_graphics = $former_callout->field_graphics;
$callout->revision = 1;
$callout->field_status[0]['value'] = 'inprocess';
I realize this can probably be simplified in a way, but as for now, this works perfectly considering what I'm trying to do. No complaints from the client so far. Thanks for taking a look Drupal Community.
