How to list the 3rd party softwares installed in Centos - linux

Is there a way to list the 3rd party softwares installed in Centos?
I have tried using rpm -qa
but it contains the native packages also.
I am looking for something similar like Installed section in "Software Center in GUI mode" in CLI mode.

I do not have CentOS install. So I will show it how I will do that on my Fedora:
$ rpm -qi rpm |grep Vendor
Vendor : Fedora Project
This will get me who is vendor of rpm package. You may have there something like CentOS. Get that string. And then:
$ rpm -qa --qf '%{name} %{vendor}\n' | grep -v 'Fedora Project'
This will print all installed packages which are not from vendor "Fedora Project".


from where rpm query search and from where yum list search

I did rpm -qa and didn't found the package but when when I did yum list I found the package. why so and which command is useful in finding the installed packages in Linux?
I personally don't use yum or rpm to handle package management on my machine (running Debian 10 currently with XFCE) but I use the command apt list --installed to check my installed packages. Then you can grep for whatever specific stuff you are looking for.
You could also check out this article. It's well written and has a lot of good info.

How to find all installed apps including those which was installed using .sh

I am looking for a way to identify on how to get a list all installed application including those applications on Linux which is not installed by any RPM package or YUM package.
I have installed Oracle Database using .sh and [My company application agent] one more application when I try to search for those application using
rpm -qa | grep 'application name' or using rpm -qa | sort |less
yum list installed
Those applications were missing from the list. I am not sure why this is missing.
Could you please help me to find out this.
This is for Linux server.
rpm -qa
yum list installed
I am expecting the output of all installed application including those which are installed from .sh and .pkg or any third party application.

How to compare installed rpm and latest rpm availble on repository?

I would like to find difference between installed xyz-1.0.rpm & latest available xyz-1.1.rpm on repository. Also would like to find out any file change happened in new rpm. How can I do that?
please help.
check the changelog
You can check the changelog file:
make sure that you have the package yum-plugin-changelog
and then you can use this command to print the last (most recent) changelog message for the xyz package
# yum changelog 1 xyz | less
otherwise you can use rpm:
# rpm -q --changelog -p xyz-1.0.rpm | less
# rpm -q --changelog -p | less
compare the files list
to List Files inside the rpm:
Download xyz-1.1.rpm and list files in xyz-1.1.txt
# rpm -qlp xyz-1.1.rpm > xyz-1.1.txt
then list file of the installed package xyz-1.0.rpm
# rpm -ql xyz > xyz-1.0.txt
and finally:
# diff xyz-1.0.txt xyz-1.1.txt
yum check-update
This command allows you to determine whether any updates are available for your installed packages. yum returns a list of all package updates from all repositories if any are available.
You check the latest version of the as mentioned above using yum check-update and check the version of the installed rpm: rpm -qa | grep mypackage.
Next obtain the a copy of the current rpm and new rpm using yumdownloader (you may need to use sudo as some TLS certs may only be accessible to root) e.g:
sudo yumdownloader mypackage-current.version
sudo yumdownloader mypackage-latest.version
Then install pkgdiff: sudo yum install pkgdiff and run it to generate an HTML report on the differences:
pkgdiff mypackage-current.version mypackage-latest.version

How do I install the optional channel for RHEL to install Puppet?

I'm trying to install Puppet on RedHat Linux Version 7.
The instructions say you need to install an "optional channel".
Can someone provide directions on how to do this? I want to install Puppet. I tried to install Puppet Master without the optional channel. The main thing that is wrong is that I cannot start puppetmaster.
When I try and run:
/etc/init.d/puppetmaster restart
But I get this:
-bash: /etc/init.d/puppetmaster: No such file or directory
From reading over the docs:
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
(From the RedHat Docs)
Then, to install Puppetserver:
sudo rpm -ivh
sudo yum install puppet-server
From the Puppet Docs
That should work.
This is how I install the release package of the repository, the Puppet repository in this particular example:
BASEARCH=$(uname -i);
RELEASE=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | sed -rn '/(Final|release)/s/^[^0-9]*|[^0-9.]*$//gp' | sed -e 's/[.].*//');
rpm -Uhv$RELEASE/products/$BASEARCH/$(curl -s$RELEASE/products/$BASEARCH/ | grep puppetlabs-release | tail -n1 | sed 's%.*>\(.*.release-.*noarch.rpm\)<.*%\1%');
This code installs the latest version of the release package for the OS version you are running on. You do not need to know the precise release number...
Than install the Puppet server
yum install puppet-server

How to check recently installed rpms?

I am trying to find some recently installed rpms on my redhat linux system, Does RPM provide any way to do this?
I have tried
#rpm -qa
But it only provides installed rpms. What are the options available for this?
You should try
#rpm -qa --last
it provide a detailed summary of installed rpms with date and time stamp.
Hope it helps you.
#rpm -qa --last | more
If you mean rpm not installed but available on yum repos, you can use
yum list available
