Count how many processes hold a file on a linux system - linux

I am intersted to know how many processes or any other entity whatsover, holds a specific file on the system.
I tried to find a way using lsof (I don't want to aggregate all the holders for effectiveness reasons), but couldn't find anything in the man page.
Please note that I don't mean the inode link count that is counting the hardlink count for this specific file on the fs.
Edit: I know now it is possible to use fuser (mentioned in one of the answers below) to get this information, but fuser uses procfs and therefore it is not very efficient. Does anyone knows of any other tool which doesn't iterate procfs?

Try using following command
fuser filename
You can also try


How can I know which files were modified by a specific process in linux machines?

I need to get list of all modified files on my linux machines (AIX, Solaris, Red Hat, CentOS, HP-UX) in a specific time range (similar to proc mon or forfiles in Windows)
I tried to use find command. But since it didn't search per specific PID I got too many results.
I wanted to narrow down the results by looking for files that were modified by specific process. I used the lsof command for specific PID. but I got list of files that were accessed, which wasn't helpful for me, because I could not know if the process changed them.
I tried the strace command for specific PID, but the output was to hard to work with (too much irrelevant info, and I need it for 24 hours time range)
I kind of got to a dead end. Any ideas?
(In short - I want to get list of all modified files by a specific process in a specific time range)
Linux does not maintain a log of a record, of any kind, of which files were modified by which process.
The only logged information is each file's last modification timestamp. And even that can be arbitrarily adjusted by any process, which has appropriate privileges, to be ten years in the future, for example.
The short answer is that the information you're looking for does not exist.
The closest what I know of for your usecase is SELinux. This will only work if SELinux is enabled on your Operating System.
SELinux is capable of logging a bunch of information along with uid, gid, and PIDs ( exactly what you need ) for different operations.
For more details look at:

Unix and Linux /proc PID system

For my intro to operating systems class we were introduced to the /proc directory and many of the features that can be used to access data stored in the process ID's that are available in /proc.
When I was trying out some commands learned (and a few I looked up) on the UNIX server hosted by my school I noticed that some sub directories that were present in a process, that I created, were a file type called "TeX font metric data" or a .tfm file. I figured that was the file type that was used when my professor showed us how to get data from the directories like status and map.
When I entered the command cat /proc/(PID)/status to look into the status file I got a random assortment of characters and white space. When I tried the same command on a process I created in my schools Linux server I was shown the information I expected to see in the status and map files.
My question is:
Why did the Unix server produce the random characters from my process's /proc/(PID)/status file while the Linux server gave me the data I would expect from the same command? Also Is there a way to access the Unix /proc data by accessing the /proc directory?
The Linux procfs you are familiar with, aka /proc/ is not a POSIX thing. It's OS-specific and multiple OSes just happen to implement similar things also called /proc.
Because no formal standard covers it, it's allowed to be / going to be different on any *nix-like system that implements it.
My guess with /proc/(PID)/status is that your UNIX is dumping the process status in a binary form instead of easy to read plain text.
See also:
Knowing the process status using procf/<pid>/status
If you can determine WHAT Unix you're on (odds are, Solaris since there's a free variant) you should be able to find a more specific answer.

Creating temporary named fifo in *nix system

I have some tasks requiring massive temporary named pipes to deal with.
Originally, I just simply think that generate random numbers, then append it as <number>.fifo be the name of named pipe.
However, I found this post: Create a temporary FIFO (named pipe) in Python?
It seems there is something I don't know that may cause some security issue there.
So my question here is that, what's the best way to generate a named pipe?
Notice that even though I am referencing a Python related post, I don't really mean to ask only in Python.
Since I want to use a named pipe to connect unrelated processes, my plan is having process A call process B first via shell, and capture stdout to acquire the name of pipe, then both know what to open.
Here I am just worrying about whether leaking the name of pipe will become an issue. Before I never thought of it, until I read that Python post.
If you have to use named FIFOs and need to ensure that overlap/overwriting cannot occur, your best bet is probably to use some combination of mktemp and mkfifo.
Although mktemp itself cannot create FIFOs, it can be used to create unique temporary directories, which you can then put your FIFOs into.
The GNU mktemp documentation has an example of this.
Alternatively, you could create some name containing well random letters. You could read from /dev/random (or /dev/urandom, read random(4)) some random bytes to e.g. seed a PRNG (e.g. random(3) seeded by srandom), and/or mix the PID and time, etc.
And since named fifo(7) are files, you should use the permission system (and/or ACL) on them. In particular, you might create a command Linux user to run all your processes and restrict the FIFOs to be only owner-readable, etc.
Of course, and in all cases, you need to "store" or "transmit" securely these FIFO names.
If you start your programs in some bash script, you might consider making your fifo names using mktemp(1) as:
fifoname=$(mktemp -u -t yourprog_XXXXXX).fifo-$RANDOM-$$
mkfifo -m 0600 $fifoname
(perhaps in some loop). I guess it would be secure enough if the script is running in a dedicated user (and then pass the $fifoname in some pipe or file, not as a program argument)
The recent renameat2(2) syscall might be helpful (atomicity of RENAME_EXCHANGE).
BTW, you might want some SElinux. Remember that opened file descriptors -and that includes your fifos- are available as symlinks in proc(5) !
PS. it all depends upon how paranoid are you. A well sysadmined Linux system can be quite secure...

How to tell if a given process opened files with O_DIRECT?

I would like to tell if a process has opened any files using O_DIRECT, but I can only examine it after the process was launched (i.e. strace is not an option). I tried looking in /proc/$pid/fd/ to see if there was anything useful, but there wasn't. My goal is to track down if any of several hundred users on a system have opened files with O_DIRECT. Is this possible?
Since kernel 2.6.22, /proc/$pid/fdinfo/$fd contains a flags field, in octal. See
I don't think it's visible in /proc or elsewhere in user space.
With kernel code, it's possible:
1. Get the process's task_struct (use find_task_by_pid).
2. Go over files - use task->files->count and task->files->fd_array.
3. Look for file->f_flags & O_DIRECT.

how to detect if a file operation is currently done on a file on linux

How can i detect if a file is open and a file operation is being done on it by another process on linux by using c or c++? I know lsof lists all open files but i dont how it gets that information.
I'm not sure lsof is actually working like this, but a way to implement it could be this:
get your process' open files by looknig to /proc/$PID/fd/ files.
look to any any other process' /proc/$PID/fd/ in order to see who is reading your same files.
Why don't you look at the lsof source code? It's probably a bit intimidating, but I'm sure you can isolate the two or three interesting syscalls that give it all the relevant information.
lsof iterates over all /proc/*/fd/* this can be seen if you do strace of the lsof command.
