How to add dependencies in hybris using external-dependencies.xml file? - sap-commerce-cloud

I'm newbie in hybris. I want to add maven dependency in hybris using external-dependencies.xml. But I can't see any of those jar(s) popped-in. Is it possible to get jar using external-dependencies.xml, if yes, please provide your response.

The platform build is coupled with ant but you can use maven dependency (by default is disabled because all necessary libraries are shipped with the hybris).
In order to activate dependency management you have to follow these steps:
1) Make sure you have maven installed
2) Open the extensioninfo.xml from your extension
2.1) Include usemaven="true", for instance
3) Manage your dependencies inside "external-dependencies.xml" file (Inside this file is a regular maven pom.xml)
4) build your project (ant all). Hybris fetch required libraries into \lib and \web\webroot\WEB-INF\lib (Bear in mind that there are two "external-dependencies.xml", one for the core module and other for the web module)
Besides if you look the ant targets you will see there is one call "updateMavenDependencies". This task delete all jars in the lib folder and replaces them with the defined maven dependencies. In case you dont want maven to manage a few libraries you can handle this, creating a file in the root of your extension call "unmanaged-dependencies.txt".On this file you will include all libraries maven is not going to manage (therefore the ant target is not going to delete the libraries include on this file)

My official answer: add usemaven="true" in your extensioninfo.xml (extension tag)

I'm newbie too to Hybris but what I know is that whenever you need a dependency in a Hybris extension you need to add the name of the dependency to hybris/config/localextensions.xml and in extensioninfo.xml in the extension you want to add the dependency.
As for the Maven dependency, I'm not sure how to do that because I mostly use the out-of-the-box build system which is based on Ant.


Octoperf - Specifying custom / third-party dependencies - where does Octoperf pull dependencies from?

I am exploring the option of using Octoperf as a hosted solution.
One thing that I need is the ability to call some custom libraries (either Java or Javascript / Node.js).
In the SCRIPT PRE and SCRIPT POST examples in the Octoperf documentation I see calls being made to import However, it is not clear to me how Octoperf knows where to pull this dependency from.
Does anyone know if there is a way to specify this and how?
this dependency in your example is already included in every JVM. If you need to add other dependencies in OctoPerf, just place them in the files menu of your project and they will be copied to lib/ext when the test is started:

How to override hybris platform files other than customize

So, I can see many files under customize folder under platform.
Is there any other way to oveerride platform in general other than putting it in customize folder?
If we have to override some OOTB file there are two ways:
1) If its in some extension, we can create customized extension and do our changes.
2) Add stuff into customize folder and do ant customize.
What if OOTB file is in platform? Is there any other way?
I expect to customize platform without adding it to customize folder.
Is the function/bean you want to override is injected through Spring?
If no, and you need to override say some jar, class or xml. You have choice of ant customize or buildcallbacks.xml
If yes, it's no different than overriding any other beans from parent extension. The only thing is that you will not need to create an extension dependency as platform is available globally.
For example : If you wish to override some function in DefaultCatalogDao to give your own implementation. You can do it like...
Create your own implementation extending the platform related service
Inject your custom bean with alias of the defaultCatalogDao
<alias alias="catalogDao" name="customCatalogDao"/>
<bean id="customCatalogDao" class="......CustomCatalogDao" parent="defaultCatalogDao"/>
For Commerce Cloud
You can change platform files using customize folder in Commerce Cloud V2 too. You would need to create a folder in your custom repository with name _CUSTOMIZE_ and then as you do in non cloud version, add your files (with exact folder structure as in platform).
Once you creare above folder, CCV2 build strategy automatically picks and deploys it, without any additional configuration.
Hope it helps!
Using buildcallbacks you can replace the files even the files in platform jar .
You can simply copy paste your file or write your own shell script to execute it and copy file to platform but how would it be different from ant customize. And why would you want to go away from standard hybris practices? Would that give you any extra benefit? I am sure that would only lead to issues during upgrade etc. Its not spring bean injection where you could tell your platform to use your implementation instead on other. There is no sense in wasting time in finding something which doesnt go along with product best practices.

Package References in F#

I am wondering if there is a way to bundle group of certain packages to load in to a new project outside of the PM(package manager). Like a predefined script?
This is commonly managed by Paket. It can add nuget package references to projects (like NuGet), but also has the option of generating include scripts for use in .fsx files.
For details, see the Paket FAQ.

How to get dependency list in gradle

I'm developing a plugin for gradle, that will check license types for dependencies. I didn't find anything in plugin API how to get dependency list for the project and then retrieve it's metadata (like license type).
Is it possible in gradle?
For analyzing dependencies in general, check out Configuration in the Gradle Build Language Reference, in particular Configuration.resolvedConfiguration and Configuration.incoming.
That said, Gradle's dependency model doesn't capture licenses. Unless you have some external service that you can query for this information, the other option is to parse Maven/Ivy module descriptors.
Gradle doesn't currently give direct access to Maven/Ivy module descriptors. Instead you'll have create a detached configuration, populate it dynamically with dependencies pointing to the descriptors, resolve the configuration, and parse the descriptors yourself (e.g. with Groovy's excellent XmlSlurper). It's not trivial, but doable.
Another approach is to use the license reporting capabilities of repository managers such as Artifactory combined with Black Duck.

Creating own groovy library

Do anyone have an idea whats the best way of creating an own library for groovy.
I have several methods which i just dont want copy and paste into all my groovy scripts.
The perfect solution would be to do it by an
import myownmethods
How to create the library myownmethods.jar?
Thanks for any answer and solution
The simplest method is to compile your groovy files with groovyc and then package them into a jar file with jar. For example:
groovyc -d classes myclasses.groovy
jar cvf myclasses.jar -C classes .
I'd also consider looking at gradle. To get started, you can use a build.gradle containing just:
apply plugin: 'groovy'
Then put your source files in a subdirectory called src/main/groovy and run gradle jar. It will build your source files into a jar file in build/libs.
You should follow the same process that you would for a Java library, i.e.
Create a project for the code
Configure your favorite build tool (Ant, Maven, etc.) to build a JAR for that project
Put the JAR somewhere where other projects can find it. If you're using a tool like Ivy or Maven that does dependency management you'll likely want to deploy it to a repository. Otherwise, you can probably just put it somewhere in source control †
Projects that depend on this library should either load it from the repository (if using dependency management), or have it copied into their lib directory (if not) †
† I know this sucks, but I can't remember how I used to manage dependencies without using a dependency management tool
