NSFetchRequest predicate querying correctly, but resulting NSManagedObject showing incorrect fields [duplicate] - core-data

I am using UIManagedDocument with Parent Child context.
In my child context I do the following
Code 1
NSSet *results = [self.event.memberships filteredSetUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(id evaluatedObject, NSDictionary *bindings) {
return ([[evaluatedObject deleted] boolValue] == NO);
Above code returns the expected results (only Not deleted members for the event).
Code 2
But this code does not. It fetches all records.
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"deleted == NO"];
NSSet *results = [self.event.memberships filteredSetUsingPredicate:predicate];
It seems confusing. Both should return same results, but predicateWithBlock returns correct results where as predicateWithFormat returns all records.
What are the pros and cons of using predicateWithBlock instead of predicateWithFormat?

The problem is that you have defined an attribute deleted for your entity. That conflicts with the isDeleted method of NSManagedObject, so you should rename that attribute.
The following "experiment" shows that strange things happen if you call your attribute "deleted" (c is a managed object with a custom deleted attribute):
// Set custom "deleted" property to YES:
c.deleted = #YES;
// Use the property, as your Code 1
NSLog(#"%#", [c deleted]);
// Output: 1
// Use Key-Value Coding, as your Code 2
NSLog(#"%#", [c valueForKey:#"deleted"]);
// Output: 0
// Now really delete the object and try again:
[context deleteObject:c];
NSLog(#"%#", [c valueForKey:#"deleted"]);
// Output: 1
Your "Code 1" refers to the property, therefore it returns the expected result. "Code 2" uses Key-Value Coding, and [c valueForKey:#"deleted"] returns YES if the object
actually has been deleted from the context!
So renaming that attribute should solve your problem. Unfortunately the compiler does not
emit warnings if an attribute name conflicts with a built-in method.

Use the formatting placeholder to replace the bool value:
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"%K == %#",
#"deleted", #(NO)];
Your use of the key path is probably ok, but the right-hand side probably doesn't look like "NO" to the parser.


Core Data NSFetchRequest Sort by Category Method Return Value

How do I sort my fetched results by a value that is returned by a method in a category of the entity I'm fetching?
In my category, I sum up several values from the entity's to-many relationship, then divide by the number of objects in the relationship, effectively creating an average that I return in my category method as a float value.
Here is my code:
In the Category.h
- (float)smallPenaltyAvg;
In the Category.m
- (float)smallPenaltyAvg{
float smallPenaltyAvg = 0;
for (Match *mtch in self.matches) {
smallPenaltyAvg += [mtch.penaltySmall floatValue];
if ([self.matches count] > 0) {
smallPenaltyAvg = (float)smallPenaltyAvg/(float)[self.matches count];
return smallPenaltyAvg;
And when I call it in the Core Data Table View Controller class that I created...
NSFetchRequest *poolRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] initWithEntityName:#"Team"];
poolRequest.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"regionalIn.name = %#", _regionalToDisplay];
poolRequest.sortDescriptors = #[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:#"smallPenaltyAvg" ascending:YES]];
And I have the Category.h file imported on every file previously mentioned outside of the Category.h file itself.
It gives me the error of:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'keypath smallPenaltyAvg not found in entity <NSSQLEntity Team id=5>
Am I not allowed to do this?
If I am, what am I doing wrong?
I do not think this has anything to do with the kind of persistent store.
The trick is to create an appropriate attribute in the managed object model, and mark it as Transient. Then override the getter of this attribute to do your calculations.
Now your fetch request should work as expected (although there are some caveats with fetched results controllers).
As for the SQLite problem, when you add the SQLite store with
- (NSPersistentStore *)addPersistentStoreWithType:(NSString *)storeType
configuration:(NSString *)configuration
options:(NSDictionary *)options
error:(NSError **)error
just pass NSSQLiteStoreType as the storeType. The other options are binary and in-memory, so in this sense this is indeed the "default".
This is not possible when using a backing SQLite store.
My suggestion is you persist the average property, and maintain it yourself by overriding the Match setCategory: property and making the calculation there for every match added.
What I did to solve my problem was create a new attribute for every average or sum that I needed in the Team object from all of its Match objects' attributes and then created a method in the TeamCategory file that populated those averages and that method was called every time a Match object was inserted into the Team object. It took a while to do, but it works now. If there is a better solution, I'm still open for suggestions.

Evaluate CoreData entity type in predicate

I have a block predicate that I carefully crafted only to discover you can't use them in Core Data.
NSPredicate *rootContactPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(id evaluatedObject, NSDictionary *bindings) {
BOOL isPersonAndRoot = ([[[evaluatedObject entity] name] isEqualToString:#"Person"] && [[(Person*)evaluatedObject accounts] count] == 0);
BOOL isAccountAndRoot = ([[[evaluatedObject entity] name] isEqualToString:#"Account"] && [(Account*)evaluatedObject root] == nil);
return isPersonAndRoot || isAccountAndRoot;
So I need to convert this into a standard String format predicate, but I am unclear on how to check the entity type for the evaluated object. The Person and Account entities are subclasses of a Contact entity which is the type being evaluated in the fetch request. I'm hoping it will see the sub-types.
Check the entity like this:
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"self.entity = %#", Person.entity];
Swift 4.0 way of checking for entity type using the entity property of the NSManagedObject as per malhal's suggestion.
let entityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "Account", in: managedObjectContext)!
return NSPredicate(format: "entity = %#", entityDescription)
It seems that now you can now simply compare the entity in a predicate, supplying the managed objects entity as the value:
"entity = %#"
You can't. The reason is that the predicate will need to be converted so that it can be run on the underlying data store (presumably SQLite). The SQLite database doesn't have any data on the type of the element, it only knows about the keys and values of the objects.
Depending on what you're trying to do, you'll either need to run a single fetch request against the keys known in the super entity. Or you'd need to have 2 fetch requests, separately executed and then combine the 2 result sets.

CoreData: Fetch an object that has a given property AND a given relationship?

I have a CoreData model that looks a bit like this:
Object A:
Results -- A one to many relationship to an indeterminate number of Object B's.
Object B:
Object Name -- A string. (potentially not unique)
Parent -- A singular relationship with Object A.
I am struggling with writing a NSPredicate that will return ObjectB if I know a given Object A and the Object Name string I am looking for. I have tried the following, but always get this error:
"'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unable to parse the format string ..."
request.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"NameString == %#, SELF IN %#", NameString, ObjectA.results];
request.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"(NameString == %#) IN %#", NameString, ObjectA.results];
And so on...
This seems like this should be a simple and obvious thing to do, but I am new at Core Data and am having trouble finding an example that shows this.
You need to use %K.
You may need something like this in your predicate
NSString enitity=#"ObjectA";
NSString attribute=#"results";
request.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"NameString == %#, SELF IN %K.%K", NameString, enitity,attributes];
Look here.

CoreData, NSManagedObject fetch or create if not exists

I am trying to parse a lot of text files and organize their contents as managed objects. There are a lot of duplicates in the text files, so one of the "collateral" tasks is to get rid of them.
What i am trying to do in this respect is to check whether an entity with the given content exists, and if it doesn't, i create one. However, i have different entities with different attributes and relationships. What i want is a kind of function that would take a number of attributes as an input and return a new NSManagedObject instance, and i wouldn't have to worry if it was inserted into the data store or fetched from it.
Is there one?
I must also say that i am a noob at core data.
Some more detail, if you want:
I am trying to write a sort of dictionary. I have words (Word{NSString *word, <<-> Rule rule}), rules (Rule{NSString name, <->>Word word, <<->PartOfSpeech partOfSpeech, <<-> Ending endings}), parts of speech (PartOfSpeech{NSString name, <<-> Rule rule}) (i hope the notation is clear).
Two words are equal, if they have the same word property, and "linked" to the same rule. Two rules are the same, if they have the same endings and part of speech.
So far i've written a method that takes NSPredicate, NSManagedObjectContext and NSEntityDescription as an input, and first queries the datastore and returns an entity if it finds one, or creates a new one, inserts it into the datastore and returns it. However, in this case I cannot populate the new entity with the necessary data (within that method), so i have to either pass an NSDictionary with the names of attributes and their values and insert them, or return by reference a flag as to whether i created a new object or returned an old one, so that i could populate it with the data outside.
But it looks kind of ugly. I'm sure there must be something more elegant than that, i just couldn't find it. Please, help me if you can.
Your basically on the right path. Core Data is an object graph. There not a lot of dynamic built in. There's also no "upsert". like you surmise, you have to fetch and if it doesn't exist, you insert one.
Here is what I have just started using to handle a fetch-or-create scenario. I am using a top level managed object which contains a few to-many relationships to subordinate objects. I have a class that houses a few arrays of data (those are not shown here). This class is responsible for saving and retrieving to and from core data. When the class is created, I do a fetch-or-create to access my top level NSManagedObject.
#implementation MyDataManagerClass
#synthesize MyRootDataMO;
- (MyDataManagerClass *) init {
// Init managed object
NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext = [(MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] managedObjectContext];
// Fetch or Create root user data managed object
NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:#"MyRootDataMO" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
[request setEntity:entityDescription];
NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *result = [managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
if (result == nil) {
NSLog(#"fetch result = nil");
// Handle the error here
} else {
if([result count] > 0) {
NSLog(#"fetch saved MO");
MyRootDataMO = (MyRootDataMO *)[result objectAtIndex:0];
} else {
NSLog(#"create new MO");
MyRootDataMO = (MyRootDataMO *)[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"MyRootDataMO" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
return self;

Cocoa Core Data: Using a value transformer on an array controller's arrangedObjects to provide a filtered count

As per the title really. I have an entity which has a property "idNumber". Just as I can bind a text box to the array controller's arrangedObjects with Model Key Path "#count" to provide a count of all the objects in the array, I would like to be able to bind a text field to the array controller's arrangedObjects with a value transformer to return a count of a filtered subset of the array (those objects with an idNumber >5).
I'm assuming this is possible??
My attempt is:
I have bound the text box to the array controller, Controller Key "arrangedObjects" Model Key Path "" Value Transformer "AllToSomeTransformer".
The code for the AllToSomeTransformer is:
-(id)transformedValue:(id)value {
NSArray *arrayOfAllCars;
if (value == nil) return nil;
if ([value respondsToSelector: #selector(count)]) {
arrayOfAllCars = [NSArray arrayWithArray:value];
} else {
[NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
format: #"Value (%#) does not respond to -count.",
[value class]];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"idNumber > %#", [NSNumber numberWithInt:5]];
NSArray *arrayOfBlueCars = [arrayOfAllCars filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:[arrayOfBlueCars count]];
I believe my value transformer is correctly registered etc. By way of trying to figure out what's going on I added some NSLog outputs through to above code. It appears the above method is only called once, on app startup, and not again when new objects are added to the array. Could this be why the text field is not being updated with values??
Thanks, Oli
Since the transformer is called and does work but only once, that suggest there is something wrong with the bindings such that the transformer is not observing the changes in arrangedObjects. I'm not sure what that would be.
