I have a good grasp on imperative programming, but now I learn myself a Haskell for great good.
I think, I have a good theoretical understanding of Monads, Functors and Applicatives, but I need some practice. And for practice I sometimes bring some bits from my current work tasks.
And I'm stuck a bit with combining stuff in applicative way
First question
I have two functions for validation:
import Prelude hiding (even)
even :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
even x = if rem x 2 == 0 then Just x else Nothing
isSmall :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
isSmall x = if x < 10 then Just x else Nothing
Now I want validate :: Integer -> Maybe Integer built from even and isSmall
My best solution is
validate a = isSmall a *> even a *> Just a
And it's not point free
I can use a monad
validate x = do
even x
isSmall x
return x
But why use Monad, if (I suppose) all I need is an Applicative? (And it still not point free)
Is it a better (and more buitiful way) to do that?
Second question
Now I have two validators with different signatures:
even = ...
greater :: (Integer, Integer) -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
-- tuple's second element should be greater than the first
greater (a, b) = if a >= b then Nothing else Just (a, b)
I need validate :: (Integer, Integer) -> Maybe (Integer, Integer), which tries greater on the input tuple and then even on the tuple's second element.
And validate' :: (Integer, Integer) -> Maybe Integer with same logic, but returning tuple's second element.
validate (a, b) = greater (a, b) *> even b *> Just (a, b)
validate' (a, b) = greater (a, b) *> even b *> Just b
But I imagine that the input tuple "flows" into greater, then "flows" into some kind of composition of snd and even and then only single element ends up in the final Just.
What would a haskeller do?
When you are writing validators of the form a -> Maybe b you are more interested in that whole type than in the Maybe applicative. The type a -> Maybe b are the Kleisli arrows of the Maybe monad. You can make some tools to help work with this type.
For the first question you can define
(>*>) :: Applicative f => (t -> f a) -> (t -> f b) -> t -> f b
(f >*> g) x = f x *> g x
infixr 3 >*>
and write
validate = isSmall >*> even
Your second examples are
validate = even . snd >*> greater
validate' = even . snd >*> fmap snd . greater
These check the conditions in a different order. If you care about evaluation order you can define another function <*<.
If you use the type a -> Maybe b a lot it might be worth creating a newtype for it so that you can add your own instances for what you want it to do. The newtype already exists; it's ReaderT, and its instances already do what you want to do.
newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT { runReaderT :: r -> m a }
When you use the type r -> Maybe a as a validator to validate and transform a single input r it's the same as ReaderT r Maybe. The Applicative instance for ReaderT combines two of them together by applying both of their functions to the same input and then combining them together with <*>:
instance (Applicative m) => Applicative (ReaderT r m) where
f <*> v = ReaderT $ \ r -> runReaderT f r <*> runReaderT v r
ReaderT's <*> is almost exactly the same as >*> from the first section, but it doesn't discard the first result. ReaderT's *> is exactly the same as >*> from the first section.
In terms of ReaderT your examples become
import Control.Monad.Trans.ReaderT
checkEven :: ReaderT Integer Maybe Integer
checkEven = ReaderT $ \x -> if rem x 2 == 0 then Just x else Nothing
checkSmall = ReaderT Integer Maybe Integer
checkSmall = ReaderT $ \x -> if x < 10 then Just x else Nothing
validate = checkSmall *> checkEven
checkGreater = ReaderT (Integer, Integer) Maybe (Integer, Integer)
checkGreater = ReaderT $ \(a, b) = if a >= b then Nothing else Just (a, b)
validate = checkGreater <* withReaderT snd checkEven
validate' = snd <$> validate
You use one of these ReaderT validators on a value x by runReaderT validate x
You ask why use Monad if all you need is Applicative? I can ask -- why use Applicative if all you need is Monoid?
All you're doing is essentially trying to take advantage of monoidal behavior/a Monoid, but trying to do it through an Applicative interface. Kind of like working with Int's through their string representation (implementing + for the strings "1" and "12" and working with strings instead of just 1 and 12 and working with ints)
Note that you can get an Applicative instance from any Monoid instance, so finding a Monoid that can solve your problem is the same as finding an Applicative that can.
even :: Integer -> All
even x = All (rem x 2 == 0)
isSmall :: Integer -> All
isSmall x = All (x < 10)
greater :: (Integer, Integer) -> All
greater (a, b) = All (b > a)
To prove that they are the same, we can write conversion functions back and forth:
convertToMaybeFunc :: (a -> All) -> (a -> Maybe a)
convertToMaybeFunc f x = guard (getAll (f x)) $> x
-- assuming the resulting Just contains no new information
convertFromMaybeFunc :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> All)
convertFromMaybeFunc f x = maybe (All False) (\_ -> All True) (f x)
You could directly write your validate:
validate :: Int -> All
validate a = isSmall a <> even a
But you could also write it in the lifted style you want:
validate :: Int -> All
validate = isSmall <> even
Want do notation?
validate :: Int -> All
validate = execWriter $ do
tell isSmall
tell even
tell (other validator)
validate' :: (Int, Int) -> All
validate' = execWriter $ do
tell (isSmall . fst)
tell (isSmall . snd)
tell greater
As you can see, every Monoid instance begets an Applicative/Monad instance (through Writer and tell), which makes this a bit convenient. You can think of Writer/tell here as "lifting" a Monoid instance to a free Applicative/Monad instance.
In the end, you're noticing a design pattern/abstraction that is useful, but it's really the monoid that you're noticing. You're fixated on working on that monoid through an Applicative interface, somehow...but it might be simpler to just work with the monoid directly.
validate :: Int -> All
validate = mconcat
[ isSmall
, even
, other validator
is arguably comparable in clarity to the do notation version w/ Writer :)
I'm trying to create an instance for bind operator (>>=) to the custom type ST a
I found this way to do it but I don't like that hardcoded 0.
Is there any way to implement it without having the hardcoded 0 and respecting the type of the function?
newtype ST a = S (Int -> (a, Int))
-- This may be useful to implement ">>=" (bind), but it is not mandatory to use it
runState :: ST a -> Int -> (a, Int)
runState (S s) = s
instance Monad ST where
return :: a -> ST a
return x = S (\n -> (x, n))
(>>=) :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
s >>= f = f (fst (runState s 0))
I often find it easier to follow such code with a certain type of a pseudocode rewrite, like this: starting with the
instance Monad ST where
return :: a -> ST a
return x = S (\n -> (x, n))
we get to the
runState (return x) n = (x, n)
which expresses the same thing exactly. It is now a kind of a definition through an interaction law that it must follow. This allows me to ignore the "noise"/wrapping around the essential stuff.
Similarly, then, we have
(>>=) :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
s >>= f = -- f (fst (runState s 0)) -- nah, 0? what's that?
-- runState (s >>= f) n = runState (f a) i where
-- (a, i) = runState s n
S $ \ n -> let (a, i) = runState s n in
runState (f a) i
because now we have an Int in sight (i.e. in scope), n, that will get provided to us when the combined computation s >>= f will "run". I mean, when it will runState.
Of course nothing actually runs until called upon from main. But it can be a helpful metaphor to hold in mind.
The way we've defined it is both the easiest and the most general, which is usually the way to go. There are more ways to make the types fit though.
One is to use n twice, in the input to the second runState as well, but this will leave the i hanging unused.
Another way is to flip the time arrow around w.r.t. the state passing, with
S $ \ n -> let (a, i2) = runState s i
(b, i ) = runState (f a) n
in (b, i2)
which is a bit weird to say the least. s still runs first (as expected for the s >>= f combination) to produce the value a from which f creates the second computation stage, but the state is being passed around in the opposite direction.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that your ST type is a wrapper around a function. What if you started your definition as (>>=) = \s -> \f -> S (\n -> ... )? It might be (ok, is) a bit silly to write separate lambdas for the s and f parameters there, but I did it to show that they're not really any different from the n parameter. You can use it in your definition of (>>=).
I can see that there's a lot of questions asking about the Maybe type and composition here, but I'm quite stuck and reading these has my head hurting, if I'm being quite honest.
Here's my situation:
Say, for the sake of example, I have a function:
addm a b = Just (a + b)
How can I create a function add :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int using the addm function without using pattern matching to unwrap the Maybes?
I have tried something like
add x y = (addm <$> x) <*> y
but this has a type of Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Maybe Int)
I'd also like to avoid using anything outside of the standard library if possible.
Edit: In my specific case, I actually only needed a function Maybe Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
so I was able to use
add x y = x >>= addm y
which did the trick. I'm stil curious about the answer to the original question, though.
There are a number of ways to write this. All involve the fact that Maybe is a Monad.
Perhaps the easiest way to understand is to use the join function, which, for any Monad, removes the outermost level of nesting. Here it has type Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a, which is exactly what you are looking for, in combination with standard Applicative operators:
add ma mb = join $ addm <$> ma <*> mb
Or you can use do notation to write the computation in a more imperative style, with what look like variable assignments, in which the Monad takes care of propagating any Nothing values:
add ma mb = do
a <- ma
b <- mb
addm a b
Or you could explicitly use the "bind" (>>=) operator, which is what the do block above desugars to (but I find this less explicit and understandable than the other two options):
add ma mb = ma >>= \a -> mb >>= \b -> addm a b
Stick a join on top.
Control.Monad.join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a -- combine two ms into one, this is why, as the meme goes, monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors
add x y = join $ addm <$> x <*> y
I would like to point out that writing addm like this (really, any function that always returns Just) is unnatural. You'd really just write add x y = (+) <$> x <*> y or just add = liftA2 (+), but the general pattern of throwing join on top of an expression in applicative style is useful when you're dealing with actually interesting monadic code.
Use the force types, Luke!
Your addm has type Int -> Int -> Maybe Int. Your goal is to wrap it in a way that will give you a Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int. To do that, we need a function with type (Int -> Int -> Maybe Int) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int. If we search for that type on Hoogle, although there's no results in base, there are a few results in third-party libraries. liftJoin2 and bind2 are equivalent, and both do exactly what you want. If you don't want to bring in a new dependency just for this, then check the source of those to see how they do it:
bind2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
bind2 f x y = liftA2 (,) x y >>= uncurry f
liftJoin2 :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
liftJoin2 f ma mb =
join (liftM2 f ma mb)
(I modified liftJoin2 here slightly to use only base methods directly, rather than utility-ht's renamed wrappers.)
New to Haskell, and am trying to figure out this Monad thing. The monadic bind operator -- >>= -- has a very peculiar type signature:
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
To simplify, let's substitute Maybe for m:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
However, note that the definition could have been written in three different ways:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> ( a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> ( a -> b) -> Maybe b
Of the three the one in the centre is the most asymmetric. However, I understand that the first one is kinda meaningless if we want to avoid (what LYAH calls boilerplate code). However, of the next two, I would prefer the last one. For Maybe, this would look like:
When this is defined as:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
instance Monad Maybe where
Nothing >>= f = Nothing
(Just x) >>= f = return $ f x
Here, a -> b is an ordinary function. Also, I don't immediately see anything unsafe, because Nothing catches the exception before the function application, so the a -> b function will not be called unless a Just a is obtained.
So maybe there is something that isn't apparent to me which has caused the (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b definition to be preferred over the much simpler (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b definition? Is there some inherent problem associated with the (what I think is a) simpler definition?
It's much more symmetric if you think in terms the following derived function (from Control.Monad):
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
(f >=> g) x = f x >>= g
The reason this function is significant is that it obeys three useful equations:
-- Associativity
(f >=> g) >=> h = f >=> (g >=> h)
-- Left identity
return >=> f = f
-- Right identity
f >=> return = f
These are category laws and if you translate them to use (>>=) instead of (>=>), you get the three monad laws:
(m >>= g) >>= h = m >>= \x -> (g x >>= h)
return x >>= f = f x
m >>= return = m
So it's really not (>>=) that is the elegant operator but rather (>=>) is the symmetric operator you are looking for. However, the reason we usually think in terms of (>>=) is because that is what do notation desugars to.
Let us consider one of the common uses of the Maybe monad: handling errors. Say I wanted to divide two numbers safely. I could write this function:
safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv _ 0 = Nothing
safeDiv n d = n `div` d
Then with the standard Maybe monad, I could do something like this:
foo :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
foo a b = do
c <- safeDiv 1000 b
d <- safeDiv a c -- These last two lines could be combined.
return d -- I am not doing so for clarity.
Note that at each step, safeDiv can fail, but at both steps, safeDiv takes Ints, not Maybe Ints. If >>= had this signature:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
You could compose functions together, then give it either a Nothing or a Just, and either it would unwrap the Just, go through the whole pipeline, and re-wrap it in Just, or it would just pass the Nothing through essentially untouched. That might be useful, but it's not a monad. For it to be of any use, we have to be able to fail in the middle, and that's what this signature gives us:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
By the way, something with the signature you devised does exist:
flip fmap :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
The more complicated function with a -> Maybe b is the more generic and more useful one and can be used to implement the simple one. That doesn't work the other way around.
You can build a a -> Maybe b function from a function f :: a -> b:
f' :: a -> Maybe b
f' x = Just (f x)
Or, in terms of return (which is Just for Maybe):
f' = return . f
The other way around is not necessarily possible. If you have a function g :: a -> Maybe b and want to use it with the "simple" bind, you would have to convert it into a function a -> b first. But this doesn't usually work, because g might return Nothing where the a -> b function needs to return a b value.
So generally the "simple" bind can be implemented in terms of the "complicated" one, but not the other way around. Additionally, the complicated bind is often useful and not having it would make many things impossible. So by using the more generic bind monads are applicable to more situations.
The problem with the alternative type signature for (>>=) is that it only accidently works for the Maybe monad, if you try it out with another monad (i.e. List monad) you'll see it breaks down at the type of b for the general case. The signature you provided doesn't describe a monadic bind and the monad laws can't don't hold with that definition.
import Prelude hiding (Monad, return)
-- assume monad was defined like this
class Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> b) -> m b
return :: a -> m a
instance Monad Maybe where
Nothing >>= f = Nothing
(Just x) >>= f = return $ f x
instance Monad [] where
m >>= f = concat (map f m)
return x = [x]
Fails with the type error:
Couldn't match type `b' with `[b]'
`b' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for >>= :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
at monadfail.hs:12:3
Expected type: a -> [b]
Actual type: a -> b
In the first argument of `map', namely `f'
In the first argument of `concat', namely `(map f m)'
In the expression: concat (map f m)
The thing that makes a monad a monad is how 'join' works. Recall that join has the type:
join :: m (m a) -> m a
What 'join' does is "interpret" a monad action that returns a monad action in terms of a monad action. So, you can think of it peeling away a layer of the monad (or better yet, pulling the stuff in the inner layer out into the outer layer). This means that the 'm''s form a "stack", in the sense of a "call stack". Each 'm' represents a context, and 'join' lets us join contexts together, in order.
So, what does this have to do with bind? Recall:
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
And now consider that for f :: a -> m b, and ma :: m a:
fmap f ma :: m (m b)
That is, the result of applying f directly to the a in ma is an (m (m b)). We can apply join to this, to get an m b. In short,
ma >>= f = join (fmap f ma)
I have a bunch of data structures like data Foo = Foo {a :: Type1, b :: Type2} deriving (Something) with Type1 and Type2 being always different (generally primitive types but it's irrelevant) and in different numbers.
I came to have a bunch of functions like
justFooify :: Maybe Type1 -> Maybe Type2 -> Maybe Foo
justFooify f b =
| isNothing f = Nothing
| isNothing b = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ Foo (fromJust f) (fromJust b)
Is there something I'm missing? After the third such function I wrote I came to think that maybe it could be too much.
You need applicatives!
import Control.Applicative
justFooify :: Maybe Type1 -> Maybe Type2 -> Maybe Foo
justFooify f b = Foo <$> f <*> b
Or you can use liftA2 in this example:
justFooify = liftA2 Foo
It acts like liftM2, but for Applicative. If you have more parameters, just use more <*>s:
data Test = Test String Int Double String deriving (Eq, Show)
buildTest :: Maybe String -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Double -> Maybe String -> Maybe Test
buildTest s1 i d s2 = Test <$> s1 <*> i <*> d <*> s2
What are Applicatives? They're basically a more powerful Functor and a less powerful Monad, they fall right in between. The definition of the typeclass is
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- plus a few more things that aren't important right now
If your Applicative is also a Monad, then pure is the same as return (in fact, some people feel that having return is incorrect, we should only have pure). The <*> operator is what makes them more powerful than Functors, though. It gives you a way to put a function in your data structure, then apply that function to values also wrapped in your data structure. So when you have something like
> :t Test -- Our construct
Test :: String -> Int -> Double -> String -> Test
> :t fmap Test -- also (Test <$>), since (<$>) = fmap
fmap Test :: Functor f => f String -> f (Int -> Double -> String -> Test)
We see that it constructs a function inside of a Functor, since Test takes multiple arguments. So Test <$> Just "a" has the type Maybe (Int -> Double -> String -> Test). With just Functor and fmap, we can't apply anything to the inside of that Maybe, but with <*> we can. Each application of <*> applies one argument to that inner Functor, which should now be considered an Applicative.
Another handy thing about it is that it works with all Monads (that currently define their Applicative instance). This means lists, IO, functions of one argument, Either e, parsers, and more. For example, if you were getting input from the user to build a Test:
askString :: IO String
askInt :: IO Int
askDouble :: IO Double
-- whatever you might put here to prompt for it, or maybe it's read from disk, etc
askForTest :: IO Test
askForTest = Test <$> askString <*> askInt <*> askDouble <*> askString
And it'd still work. This is the power of Applicatives.
FYI, in GHC 7.10 there will be implemented the Functor-Applicative-Monad Proposal. This will change the definition of Monad from
class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
class Applicative m => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
return = pure
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
join :: m (m a) -> m a
(more or less). This will break some old code, but many people are excited for it as it will mean that all Monads are Applicatives and all Applicatives are Functors, and we'll have the full power of these algebraic objects at our disposal.
I'm currently in the process of trying to learn Haskell, and ran into an odd issue regarding the Maybe monad which I can't seem to figure out.
As an experiment, I'm currently trying to take a string, convert each letter to an arbitrary number, and multiply/combine them together. Here's what I have so far:
lookupTable :: [(Char, Int)]
lookupTable = [('A', 1), ('B', 4), ('C', -6)]
strToInts :: String -> [Maybe Int]
strToInts = map lookupChar
lookupChar :: Char -> Maybe Int
lookupChar c = lookup c lookupTable
-- Currently fails
test :: (Num n, Ord n) => [Maybe n] -> [Maybe n]
test seq = [ x * y | (x, y) <- zip seq $ tail seq, x < y ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ test $ strToInts "ABC"
When I try running this, it returns the following error:
Could not deduce (Num (Maybe n)) arising from a use of `*'
from the context (Num n, Ord n)
bound by the type signature for
test :: (Num n, Ord n) => [Maybe n] -> [Maybe n]
at test.hs:12:9-48
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (Maybe n))
In the expression: x * y
In the expression: [x * y | (x, y) <- zip seq $ tail seq]
In an equation for `test':
test seq = [x * y | (x, y) <- zip seq $ tail seq]
I'm not 100% sure why this error is occurring, or what it exactly means, though I suspect it might be because I'm trying to multiply two Maybe monads together -- if I change the definition of test to the following, the program compiles and runs fine:
test :: (Num n, Ord n) => [Maybe n] -> [Maybe n]
test seq = [ x | (x, y) <- zip seq $ tail seq, x < y ]
I also tried changing the type declaration to the below, but that didn't work either.
test :: (Num n, Ord n) => [Maybe n] -> [Num (Maybe n)]
I'm not really sure how to go about fixing this error. I'm fairly new to Haskell, so it might just be something really simple that I'm missing, or that I've structured everything completely wrong, but this is stumping me. What am I doing wrong?
Maybe does not have a num instance so you cannot multiply them together directly. You need to somehow apply the pure function to the values inside the context. This is exactly what applicative functors are for!
Applicative functors live in Control.Applicative:
import Control.Applicative
So you have this function and you want to apply it to 2 arguments in a context:
(*) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
You probably learned about fmap, it takes a function and applies it to a value in a context. <$> is an alias for fmap. When we fmap the pure function over the maybe value we get the following result:
(*) <$> Just 5 :: Num a => Maybe (a -> a)
So now we have maybe a function and we need to apply it to maybe a value, this is exactly what the applicative functor does. Its main operator is <*> which has the signature:
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
When we specialize it we get the function we need:
(<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
We apply it and the output is the number you expect.
(*) <$> Just 5 <*> Just 5 :: Num a => Maybe a
So to make your code compile you need to change your test function to use <$> and <*>, see if you can figure out how.
Reite's answer is correct, and it's generally how I'd normally recommend handling it - however, it seems to me that you don't quite understand how to work with Maybe values; if so there is little sense looking at applicative functors right now.
The definition of Maybe is basically just
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
Which basically means exactly what it sounds like when you read it in plain english "A value of type Maybe a is either the value Nothing for that type, or a value of the form Just a".
Now you can use pattern matching to work with that, with the example of lists:
maybeReverse :: Maybe [a] -> Maybe [a]
maybeReverse Nothing = Nothing
maybeReverse (Just xs) = Just $ reverse xs
Which basically means "If the value is Nothing, then there's nothing to reverse, so the result is Nothing again. If the value is Just xs then we can reverse xs and wrap it with Just again to turn it into a Maybe [a] value).
Of course writing functions like this for every single function we ever want to use with a Maybe value would be tedious; So higher order functions to the rescue! The observation here is that in maybeReverse we didn't do all that much with reverse, we just applied it to the contained value and wrapped the result of that in Just.
So we can write a function called liftToMaybe that does this for us:
liftToMaybe :: (a->b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
liftToMaybe f Nothing = Nothing
liftToMaybe f (Just a) = Just $ f a
A further observation we can make is that because functions are values, we can also have Maybe values of functions. To do anything useful with those we could again unwrap them... or notice we're in the same situation as in the last paragraph, and immediately notice that we don't really care what function exactly is in that Maybe value and just write the abstraction directly:
maybeApply :: Maybe (a->b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
maybeApply Nothing _ = Nothing
maybeApply _ Nothing = Nothing
maybeApply (Just f) (Just a) = Just $ f a
Which, using our liftToMaybe function above, we can simplify a bit:
maybeApply :: Maybe (a->b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
maybeApply Nothing _ = Nothing
maybeApply (Just f) x = liftToMaybe f x
The <$> and <*> operators in Reite's answer are basically just infix names for liftToMaybe (which is also known as fmap) and maybeApply respectively; They have the types
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a->b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a->b) -> f a -> f b
You don't really need to know what the Functor and Applicative things are right now (although you should look into them at some point; They're basically generalizations of the above Maybe functions for other kinds of "context") - basically, just replace f with Maybe and you'll see that these are basically the same functions we've talked about earlier.
Now, I leave applying this to your original problem of multiplication to you (although the other answers kinda spoil it).
You are correct, the problem is that you are trying to multiply two Maybe values together, but (*) only works in instances of Num.
As it turn out, Maybe is an instance of the Applicative typeclass. This means that you can "lift" funcions that work with a type a to functions that work with a type Maybe a.
import Control.Applicative
Two functions provided by Applicative are:
pure :: a -> f a Puts a pure value in a "neutral context". For Maybe, this is Just.
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b Lets you apply a "function in a context" to two "values in a context".
So, suppose we have this pure computation:
(*) 2 3
Here are some analogous computations in a Maybe context:
Just (*) <*> Just 2 <*> Just 3
-- result is Just 6
pure (*) <*> pure 2 <*> pure 3
-- result is Just 6 -- equivalent to the above
pure (*) <*> pure 2 <*> Nothing
-- Nothing
Nothing <*> pure 2 <*> Just 3
-- Nothing
Nothing <*> Nothing <*> Nothing
-- Nothing
If the function or one of the argument is "missing", we return Nothing.
(<*>) is the explicit application operator when working with applicatives (instead of using a blank space, as when we work with pure values).
It's instructive to explore what (<*>) does with other instances of Applicative, like []:
ghci> [succ,pred] <*> pure 3
ghci> [succ,pred] <*> [3]
ghci> pure succ <*> [2,5]
ghci> [succ] <*> [2,5]
ghci> [(+),(*)] <*> pure 2 <*> pure 3
ghci> [(+),(*)] <*> [2,1] <*> pure 3
ghci> [(+),(*)] <*> [2,1] <*> [3,7]