How can I call .WHY on a subroutine in a class in Perl 6? - metaprogramming

Calling .WHY on something declared returns the special comments built around it. That's pretty cool. How can I refer to a subroutine defined in a class? Is it always hidden? I'm curious about modules that provide subroutines instead of classes (for which the answer might be "don't do it that way"). I'm mostly playing around with the limits of .WHY and how far I can take it.
#| This is the outside bit
sub outside { 137 }
put &outside.WHY; # This works
#| Class Foo is an example
class Foo {
#| The bar method returns a number
method bar { 137 }
#| quux is a submethod
submethod quux { 137 }
#| qux is private
submethod !qux { 137 }
#| The baz method also returns a number
sub baz { 37 }
put &baz.WHY; # this works in this scope
put "---- With an object";
quietly {
my $object =;
put "As object: ", $object.WHY;
# sub is not really a method?
put "As object - bar: ", $object.^find_method( 'bar' ).WHY;
# should this work? It *is* private after all
put "As object - qux: ", $object.^find_method( 'qux' ).WHY;
put "---- With class name";
quietly {
put Foo.WHY;
put "As class lookup: ", ::("Foo").WHY;
put "As class lookup (quux): " ~ Foo.^lookup( 'quux' ).WHY;
put "As class lookup (baz): " ~ Foo.^lookup( 'baz' ).WHY; # nope!
# this is the part where I need help
put "As :: lookup: ", ::("Foo")::("&baz").WHY; #nope
Here's the output:
This is the outside bit
The baz method also returns a number
---- With an object
As object: Class Foo is an example
As object - bar: The bar method returns a number
As object - qux:
---- With class name
Class Foo is an example
As class lookup: Class Foo is an example
As class lookup (quux): quux is a submethod
As class lookup (baz):
As :: lookup:
It's that last line of output I'm asking about. How can I get to a subroutine defined in a class?

# should this work? It *is* private after all
put "As object - qux: ", $object.^find_method( 'qux' ).WHY;
Both of the following work:
put "As object - qux: ", $object.^find_private_method('qux').WHY;
put "As object - qux: ", $object.^private_method_table<qux>.WHY;
(find_private_method doesn't seem to be documented in p6doc, so I'm not sure if it is official API. private_method_table is documented, although not really explained.)
# this is the part where I need help
put "As :: lookup: ", ::("Foo")::("&baz").WHY; #nope
This one works if you declare sub baz { 37 } as our sub baz { 37 }.
You can also write the lookup more simply as:
put "As :: lookup: ", &Foo::baz.WHY;
The our declarator (explained in Synopsis 3, section "Declarators") associates a symbol with the current package – in this case, a class – so that it can be accessed from outside of it using the :: syntax.
By default, subroutines are lexically scoped – i.e. their default declarator, if none is specified, is my. (The statement sub baz { 37 } has basically1 the same effect as writing my &baz := sub { 37 } at the top of the curly-brace-delimited scope.)
By writing our sub baz { 37 }, you're telling it to use our instead of my scoping.
I'm curious about modules that provide subroutines instead of classes
Either declare it with our as shown above (in which case the user scope will have to use the fully qualified name Foo::baz), or export it into the user scope (in which case they can refer to it as just baz).
The easiest way to make a symbol exportable, is to use the is export trait:
module Foo {
#| The baz method also returns a number
sub baz is export(:ALL) { 37 }
import Foo :ALL;
say &baz.WHY;
A use statement implicitly calls import on the module in question. Since here the module is defined in the same file, we can just call import directly.
Note that you can also write sub baz is export { 37 } (without the :ALL), in which case the symbol would be imported by default whenever the class is use'd or import'ed. But in the Perl 5 / CPAN community that's considered bad practice, and letting users import individual symbols is recommended. In Perl 6, importing individual symbols doesn't work yet, so I recommend using the :ALL tag for now.
1) The only difference I'm aware of, is that in the first case the routine knows its own name for introspection purposes.

This is just lexical scoping at work:
Subs default to my, so if you want to get at them from the outside, you have to add an our (or expose them manually in some other fashion - as far as I'm aware, there's no builtin way to get at them, either through the MOP or other meta-programming capabilities like the MY:: pseudo-package).
I'm curious about modules that provide subroutines instead of classes
That's what is export is for.


Unable to display the age of an object that was passed to a kotlin function

I'm just starting to learn kotlin and ran into a problem:
I have a Person class that has two fields
-age (Int data type)
-name (data type String)
there is also a oldUp function where I pass a Person object and increment the object's age field by 10.
Before the end of the program ** I want to display the age of the object that was passed to oldUp **
However, age is not shown.
my code:
class Person(var name: String, var age: Int){
fun growOld(human: Person){
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var human = Person("Kitty",6)
If you want to print the age, you can just write: println(human.age).
In your example it might be cleaner to add the growOld method to your class so you can call it on the object. For example:
class Person(var name: String, var age: Int){
fun growOld() {
this.age += 10
fun main() {
var human = Person("Kitty", 6)
println(human.age) // prints 6
println(human.age) // prints 16
println( // prints Kitty
The problem is you're trying to print the human object itself. Under the hood, this calls its toString() method - every class has one of these, because it's defined on the type all classes derive from. If you don't override it and provide a nice way to "pretty print" your object, it'll use the default implementation, which is basically a reference to the object in memory.
A lot of classes you use have a nice toString() implementation, e.g. if you print a List you get ["something", "that", "looks", "like", "this"]. But that behaviour needed to be coded in - and you need to do that for your Person class too!
So you can override the default implementation like this:
override fun toString(): String {
// return a String here
override means you're taking an existing function and writing your own version of it to use instead - if this doesn't match an existing function you can override, you'll get an error. You'll also get an error if you don't use the override keyword for a function that looks exactly like an existing one in a supertype - it's just to make sure you don't accidentally do the wrong thing. In IntelliJ you can do Ctrl+O to override existing functions if you like.
So you could do something like this:
// inside your Person class
override fun toString(): String {
return "Name: $name, age: $age"
and then when you use it in a print statement, or in a string (like "Details: $person" or val details = "Details: " + person) it will call that toString() method and get the string you produced.
Another way to approach this is to use a data class:
data class Person(var name: String, var age: Int)
A data class is a special kind of class where all your "data" goes in the constructor (as properties, either val or var), and then you get some boilerplate stuff for free which uses those properties (and only those properties). Things like an equals() and hashCode() implementation that uses that data - and the relevant thing here, it gives you a toString() implementation that pretty prints name and age. Try it out!
Data classes can be really handy for simple data objects like you have here - but in normal classes, overriding toString() yourself is the general way of doing things. And you can still override a data class's toString if you want - sometimes you might want a more complex representation, or nice formatting, or you might want to only include some properties and ignore others. You're in control of how it prints itself!
And if you just want to print the age property, or print anything at all using the data in your object, then you just need to do what Robin's answer says. You don't need a toString() implementation at all for that (and since this is how you usually use objects, often you won't need to write a toString for your own classes at all)

Use Haskell like Prelude modules in a module in raku

I'm writing a drawing package with some parts, and I have operators and data types scattered througout. However I don't want the users to add the corresponding modules every time, since it would be quite messy, for instance I'd have a Point class, a Monoid role and a Style class
in different paths like this
unit module Package::Data::Monoid;
# $?FILE = lib/Package/Data/Monoid.pm6
role Monoid {...}
unit module Package::Data::Point;
# $?FILE = lib/Package/Data/Point.pm6
class Point {...}
unit module Package::Data::Style;
# $?FILE = lib/Package/Data/Style.pm6
class Style {...}
I would like to have a haskell like prelude in lib/Package/Prelude.pm6
with the effect that I can write such scripts
use Package::Prelude;
# I can use Point right away, Style etc...
instead of doing
use Package::Data::Style;
use Package::Data::Point;
use Package::Data::Monoid;
# I can too use point right away, but for users not knowing the
# inner workings it's too overwhelming
I've tried many things:
This version doesn't give me the right effect, I have to type
the whole path to point, i.e., Package::Data::Point...
unit module Package::Prelude;
# $?FILE = lib/Package/Prelude.pm6
use Package::Data::Style;
use Package::Data::Point;
use Package::Data::Monoid;
This version gives me the Point right away, but I get
problems with the operators and so on, also I would just like to
add automatically everything from the exported routines in the mentioned
example packages.
# $?FILE = lib/Package/Prelude.pm6
use Package::Data::Style;
use Package::Data::Point;
use Package::Data::Monoid;
sub EXPORT {
hash <Point> => Point
, <Style> => Style
, <mappend> => &mappend
Do you people know a better and quick way of getting such a prelude-like
Using EXPORT is in the right direction. The key things to know are:
Imports are lexical
We can use introspection to obtain and access the symbols in the current lexical scope
So the recipe is:
use all the modules inside of EXPORT
Then extract all the imported symbols and return them as the result from EXPORT
As an example, I create a module Foo::Point, including an operator and a class:
unit module Foo::Point;
class Point is export {
has ($.x, $.y);
multi infix:<+>(Point $a, Point $b) is export { => $a.x + $b.x, y => $a.y + $b.y)
And, just to demonstrate it can work with multiple modules, also a Foo::Monad:
unit module Foo::Monad;
class Monad is export {
method explain() { say "Just think of a burrito..." }
The goal is to make this work:
use Foo::Prelude;
say => 2, y => 4) + => 3, y => 5);
Which can be achieved by writing a Foo::Prelude that contains:
sub EXPORT() {
use Foo::Point;
use Foo::Monad;
return ::.pairs.grep(*.key ne '$_').Map;
There's a few oddities in here to explain:
A sub has implicit declarations of $_, $/, and $!. Exporting these would result in a compile-time symbol clash error when the module is use'd. A block only has an implicit $_. Thus we make our life easier with a nested bare block.
The grep is to make sure we don't export our implicitly declared $_ symbol (thanks to the nested block, it's the only one we have to care about).
:: is a way to reference the current scope (etymology: :: is the package separator). ::.pairs thus obtains Pair objects for each symbol in the current scope.
There's a speculated re-export mechanism that may appear in a future Raku language release that would eliminate the need for this bit of boilerplate.

Perl 6 - Is it possible to create an attribute trait that set a meta-attribute?

I try to create an attribute trait. The use case is to mark some attributes of a class as "crudable" in the context of an objects-to-documents-mapping while other are not.
role crud {
has Bool $.crud is default(True);
multi trait_mod:<is>(Attribute $a, crud, $arg) {
$a.container.VAR does crud($arg);
class Foo {
has $.bar is rw;
# Provide an extra nested information
has $.baz is rw is crud(True);
By reading and adapting some example code, I managed to get something that seems to do what I want. Here is a snippet with test case.
When I instantiate a new Foo object and set the $.bar attribute (that is not crud), it looks like that:
.Foo #0
├ $.bar is rw = 123456789
└ $.baz is rw = .Scalar+{crud} #1
└ $.crud +{crud} = True
What I understand from this is that the $.baz attribute got what I call a meta-attribute that is independent from its potential value.
It looks good to me (if I understood correctly what I did here and that my traits use is not a dirty hack). It is possible to reach $foo.baz.crud that is True. Though, I don't understand very well what .Scalar+{crud} means, and if I can set something there and how.
When I try to set the $.baz instance attribute, this error is returned:
Cannot modify an immutable Scalar+{crud} (Scalar+{crud}.new(crud => Bool::True))
in block <unit> at t/08-attribute-trait.t line 30
Note: This is the closest thing to a working solution I managed to get. I don't need different crud settings for different instances of instantiated Foo classes.
I never want to change the value of the boolean, in fact, once the object instantiated, just providing it to attributes with is crud. I am not even interested to pass a True or False value as an argument: if it would be possible to just set the boolean trait attribute to True by default, it would be enough. I didn't manage to do this though, like:
multi trait_mod:<is>(Attribute $a, :$crud!) {
# Something like this
$a.container.VAR does set-crud;
class Foo {
has $.bar is rw;
has $.baz is rw is crud;
Am I trying to do something impossible? How could I adapt this code to achieve this use case?
There are several things going on here. First of all, the signature of the trait_mod looks to be wrong. Secondly, there appears to be a bad interaction when the name of a trait is the same as an existing role. I believe this should be an NYI exception, but apparently it either goes wrong in parsing, or it goes wrong in trying to produce the error message.
Anyways, I think this is what you want:
role CRUD {}; # since CRUD is used as an acronym, I chose to use uppercase here
multi trait_mod:<is>(Attribute:D $a, :$crud!) { # note required named attribute!
$a.^mixin: CRUD if $crud; # mixin the CRUD role if a True value was given
class A {
has $.a is crud(False); # too bad "is !crud" is invalid syntax
has $.b is crud;
say "$ { $_ ~~ CRUD }" for A.^attributes; # $!a: False, $!b: True
Hope this helps.

Groovy DSL getting anonymous String assignments

I have a DSL that looks like this:
aMethod {
"a name"
"another name"
"and a third name"
My Problem is that I'm unable to access the three string, because calling the closure only returns the last statement. I tried to override the constructor of String(char[] value) which is called when an anonymous String-statement occurs:
def original
// primitive way to get the String(char[])-constructor
String.class.constructors.each {
if(it.toString() == "public java.lang.String(char[])") {
original = it
// overriding the constructor
String.metaClass.constructor = { char[] value ->
def instance = original.newInstance(value)
// ... do some further stuff with the instance ...
println "Created ${instance}"
// teststring to call String(char[] value)
Unfortunately it didn't work and I thought anyway that it is quite complicated.
Thank you for the comments. Actually it would be great to define everything without quotes. But: After having a dsl that can be translated to java objects I'd loved to have additional annotations in my language at development time. I want to annotate duplicate names and so on. The IDE's I know better, Intellij and Eclipse handle Strings "a name" as one PSI-Elements. Splitting these elements can be very inconvinient ... I guess. I think statements in a closure like aMethod {a name} would result in an interpretation like aMethod {}. That would mean that instead of having a StringLiteral Psi "a name", I would have an Object-Psi and a MethodCall-Psi or something like that. I don't know, and my next goal is just "parsing/creating" my java objects. Are you sure that it is impossible to override the String-Constructor?
Is any constructor called when you have a groovy script with this content:
"hello World"

Use groovy categories to add dynamic properties

Expanding on this blog post, I am trying to use a category to create a simple DSL for use with the javax.measure (JSR-275) classes (similar to TimeCategory for time intervals)
However, I do not want to add boilerplate code for each of the possible available methods (getMeter, getMilliMeter, getKelvin, getSecond etc.). I thought overriding the getProperty(String) method would work, but alas, it looks like the getProperty method defined in the category is not used when accessing the property directly.
Here is some simplified code to demonstrate:
import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
import javax.measure.unit.Unit;
import javax.measure.Measure;
class LengthCategory {
public Measure<BigDecimal, Length> getProperty(String unit){
return Measure.valueOf(this,Unit.valueOf(unit));
println 3.getProperty("m") // this works
println 3.m // this reports a non-exisiting property
prinlln 3.'m' // as does this
Assuming other methods of dynamically adding properties to a runtime object (e.g. Expando, subclassing GroovyInterceptible, mixins and other metaclass manipulations) is not viable and I would really rather not have to manually code getters for every possible unit and SI prefix combination. There are obviously other ways to go about creating a DSL for measurements, but I would still like to understand why this method would not work.
Could someone explain why the getProperty method of the category does not override .propertyName usage? I am obviously missing something important about the resolution of property names using the metaclass during runtime.
I don't know why getProperty doesn't work on categories. But you can define a get method on them that does basically the same (i think). This works:
class LengthCategory {
def get(String unit) {
"$this $unit"
use (LengthCategory) {
println 3.m // 3 m
println 3.'m' // 3 m
As far as I can tell, you can't actually extend Integers with full (i.e., readable and writable) properties using Category -- only with methods.
You can extend an Integer using read-only properties by using the method version of the property. You can even make it writable by including a set method. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to store the value passed in other than in a static variable and that ends up affecting all Integers.
$ cat catprop
class CatInteger {
private static String str = "default"
public static String setN(Integer i, String _str) { str = _str }
public static String getN(Integer i) { return str }
use (CatInteger) {
3.n = "333a"
println "3.n is " + 3.n
3.n = "333b"
println "3.n is " + 3.n
4.n = "444"
println "4.n is " + 4.n
println "3.n is " + 3.n
$ catprop
3.n is 333a
3.n is 333b
4.n is 444
3.n is 444
Note that in the last line 3.n return "444" because the stored field is static. I suppose that one could use a private HashMap and store a value for every Integer accessed, but that's too ugly to contemplate.
Another possibility would be to use the MetaClass Interface's getProperty() and setProperty(). However, I haven't looked into that so I don't know if it would work or not (just a thought).
Nice answer, but not sure, if you's still want to use JSR-275 now that JSR-363 is final?;-)
