Understanding bindings in IIS on Azure VM - azure

I have a VM in Azure with IIS running and hosting a website. This site was originally written and hosted by another company and they recently moved it to this VM for us. The binding still shows as the old website name (as hosted on the other company's site) and we still access it by going to the original website URL name in our browser. The developer mentioned to me that I'd need to eventually change the binding to reflect something hosted by my company.
My question is what is my next step? I know how to change the binding, but I'm having trouble knowing what to change it to? Ideally, I'd like to have the site hosted in Azure - the url name does not matter to me, as long as I can change it from the old original one. I created a new Web App in Azure and am trying to point the website to that new url but it's not working. Not sure that's the best route anyway.

If I understood your question correctly, Original website may have a domain name associated with it. You will have to update the DNS records with PIP (static-public IP) of Azure VM (site is now running on IIS on Azure VM).
Trust this helps.


A domain that used to be on Azure now has new dns but Azure 404 error still shows up. What to do?

My domain was previously hosted in another place (some years ago) and was connected to Azure. Some days ago I successfully changed the dns to a different hosting company but it seems I still get a webpage related to Azure when I try to access the website on my browsere. This is what is displayed:
Error 404 - Web app not found.
The web app you have attempted to reach is not available in this Microsoft Azure App Service region. This could be due to one of several reasons:
The web app owner has registered a custom domain to point to the Microsoft Azure App Service, but has not yet configured Azure to recognize it. Click here to read more.
The web app owner has moved the web app to a different region, but the DNS cache is still directing to the old IP Address that was used in the previous region. Click here to read more.
btw. I clicked the links and they are not helpful.
I have no idea how Azure works, but I have access to the login information. When I log in on portal.azure.com everything seems to be empty, there are no apps, only a canceled subscription and really nothing to see.
If I click "All resources", I get "No resources to display".
My first thought is that this is some kind of a cache problem, but I have cleared the cache in my browsers, tried different ISP and different computers in different continents, but I always get the same error message.
If I check whois.com and who.is I can see that the new dns is correct and the only thing that should be displaying is the temporary index.html page that is currently in the htdocs folder for the new host.
Do you know what I need to do to remove any connection to Azure and display my new website?
It's solved.
I just needed to edit my dns entries. For some reason, they were still pointing to an old IP.

How to host a .com or a .net website in Windows Azure?

I am new to Windows Azure, and from what I have read online it appears that any website hosted in Windows Azure needs to be a .azurewebsites.net website. So, if I had a website www.mysite.com hosted elsewhere, then it seems I cannot host this same site in Windows Azure, since I would have to use mysite.azurewebsites.net as the website url.
Question: Is above fact true? I could not find any documentation or any online article on this.
You can certainly host your own domain using Azure, as detailed in this support article (which links to a walk-through).
You can bind your domain to a website or cloud service, just I believe this is only something available in a paid tier. (Follow-up: Using a domain is only available in Shared, Basic or Standard mode.)
No, this is not true. You can have other domains, but in the background it will always has a .azurewebsites.net. See my blog as an example: http://www.buzzfrog.se. (This is only an example of the hosting.)
Here is an article how to do it: https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/web-sites-custom-domain-name/

How to redirect from an Azure sub-domain name?

I have some HTML widgets hosted on an Azure website. I would like to move these to a different Azure website.
Unfortunately, the mobile apps that consume these widgets are referencing their Azure sub-domain name directly. Example: old_widgets_site.cloudapp.net
Now I would like to shut down the old location where the widgets are hosted and move over to a new Azure website. Example: new_widgets_site.cloudapp.net :)
Is there a way for me to shut down the old website while still supporting the older mobile apps? Or do I have to keep the old app alive so I can host some kind of URL redirect mechanism on it?
PS - I know it's much better to reference a "virtual" domain name and have that redirect to Azure using DNS CNAMEs and I will. My question is not about that, but about redirecting *.cloudapp.net sub-domains.
To my understanding there is no option within Azure Web Sites to configure a redirect from within the portal.
What you could do is keep the old Web Site active and replace the content with a URL redirect statement in the web.config file (See: http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/using-the-url-rewrite-module). Of course that does mean you need to keep the old Web Site active.
Maybe you want to submit this idea using the Azure Feedback Forums: http://feedback.azure.com/

Map custom domain (and wildcard sub-domains) to Azure Website

I've looked at all related posts in MSDN and stack overflow but still having difficulty finding a solution.
I am looking to map a domain and all sub-domains to my windows azure website. It is a reserved website instance. I am using Amazon Route 53 DNS manager and have mapped a wildcard CNAME to my azure sub domain, and created a redirect on the naked domain to the www. subdomain.
When I navigate to the naked root, the redirect kicks in and I'm brought to www..com, where I receive a 404 error from azure.
I know the wildcard CNAME is working. I've verified using MXToolbox. If I go to "Manage Domains" in the Azure web UI admin system, I can manually add "www..com" or any other subdomain (e.g. "helloworld..com"). Azure verifies it fine and after saving, I can pull up the website fine by navigating to that subdomain and my azure website loads.
Is there any way to add wild card subdomains without having to verify each one manually through the azure ui interface? My application is a SaaS that relies on custom user sub-domains to serve up their branded website and gain access to their account so I need any and all subdomains to map to my application.
Currently, wildcard domains are not supported as far as I know. At least on Windows Azure Web Sites. They are on the roadmap, but currently you'll have to rely on adding every domain manually.
See wildcard comment on "Configuring a custom domain name for a Windows Azure web site".
Another feature not yet available on Azure Web Sites is SSL using a vanity (your own) domain name. If you want full control of your site(s) you can use Azure Cloud Services instead of Web Sites. With Cloud Services you can provision certificates, domain names, and run multiple sites on the same instances using host header routing.
Anything you can do with IIS Management you can do with a cloud service.
You're a little closer to the metal compared to Azure Web Sites (but not as close as with a VM) and you get load balancing, scaling, caching, and other goodness. Visual Studio 2010/2012 has excellent deployment tooling. You will need to study up on Azure deployment projects from VS, bit it's not bad.

Point with N sub domains to one WebRole in Azure

Currently I'm trying to port a web application(ASP.NET MVC) to windows azure and have come across a point, I don't know how to solve.
The application is a multi tenant one. Every customer who registers, can enter a name for his instance and is able to surf the site later on over theenteredname.example.com. Further, the domain is used in an ActionFilter to switch between the databases.
How can I realize this in Windows Azure? I know that I must define a binding with defined hostHeader attribute, but as the subdomains a generated dynamically I would have to change the service definition every time a user registers and a new sub domain appears and redeploy it. But that is really not the way I want it.
Any help would be appreciated!
I think the problem is that IIS does not support subdomain wildcard mapping, see here Wildcard subdomains in IIS7. Is it possible to make them like it is in Apache? for more information.
If you would still like to do this there is a solution here http://www.seoconsultants.com/windows/isapi/subdomains/ , but it requires:
Ability to update DNS records
IIS web server admin access
ISAPI_Rewrite component (for Solution 2)
In Windows Azure, if you simply don't assign any host headers to your web role (which is the default), the site will be configured to accept any host header.
You still need to configure wildcard DNS to point to your Azure instance, just as you would for a non-Azure solution.
