Cloud Explorer fails with "Unable to retrieve child resources" - azure

How to fix this bug?
Open Cloud Explorer (logged in)
Open "Files" folder for some Azure Web App (former Azure Website)
Cloud Explorer has encountered an unexpected error: Unable to retrieve
child resources.
Details: 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject' does not contain a definition
for 'requestNamespace'
I'm using:
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
Azure App Service Tools v2.9.6 14.0.21111.0
Common Azure Tools 1.8
Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 - v2.9.41104.6

I had this problem and it was a permissions issue, mine was with a Cosmos Document DB database node.
I had my DevOps guy add me as a contributor to the IAM Azure role and it started working for me. So check all the permissions, and it is the cloud so sometimes you have to give it time to propagate the changes too.

I had this issue when both Azure Storage Emulator and Azure Storage Explorer trying to run at the same time. Try uninstall one or run only one at a time to solve the issue.
Have a look at troubleshooting guide might also help.


Publishing Azure Function using Visual Studio not possible: Create button disabled

I want to publish an Azure Function Project using the Visual Studio 2022 publish option, but the Create button is always disabled without any visible reason for it:
How can I further research on this, get any error message or so?
Multiple times, Even I too faced the similar issue and haven’t found any permanent solution to it where I’m having the latest Version of Azure Functions Core Tools (4.0.4915), VS 2022 17.4.4 Version, .NET 6 SDK & Runtime installed.
I found the Similar SO issue where many users faced this issue #67813149.
I also found one of the causes of above issue - i.e., If we do not have access to the Azure Subscription, then I observed this Create button is greyed or disabled in the Visual Studio Azure Functions Project > Publish > Create New Function App Window.
Also, Please check you have right RBAC Access to manage the resources in the Subscription such as Contributor role for the Azure Function App Management. Visit this MS Q&A #669276 for more information.
After Sign-out and Sign-in in Visual Studio, System Restart, I got this fixed and working good as of now, but this should not be the fix. If you are facing this issue frequently, mail to

Debug Azure Germany with different Account

We recently changed our existing Azure subscription to Azure Germany and got a new account like Afaik this kind of domain is also used for Ofice365 accounts. Now i tried to add this account to my Visual Studio (2015 Community Edition), but i get this error (translated from german):
The account "" could not be added. Object reference not set to an object instance.
On the classic US Azure subscription we worked with our regular domain-Logins ( Does anybody know how to connect to my new azure subscription, so that i can browse and debug? Thanks in advance!
As far as I know, it is not possible to add Azure Germany accounts to Visual Studio. But there are some workarounds for common tasks you do with Visual Studio.
According to Microsoft Technical Evangelist Malte Lantin, there seems to be something hardcoded in Visual Studio, that prevents VS from connecting to Azure Germany.
Deploy a solution
Download the publishing profile in Azure Portal and use it to deploy your solution
View SQL Databases
Navigate to the Azure Portal and click, view in Visual Studio

Cloud Explorer - cannot access development Blob Containers

I am developing with Azure storage locally using VS2015. I created and accessed my development storage blob container fine. I upload three images and have code to calculate the size of the images.
For some unknown reason, I cannot expand the Blob Containers node in Cloud Explorer any more. I.e. Cloud explorer > Storage Accounts > (Development) > Blob Containers. Doing so results in the following error message:
Cloud Explorer has encountered an unexpected error: Unable to retrieve
child resources.
It has been working fine in the past, so not sure what's changed. I know there are containers inside and I can seemly create one but then it doesn't show up in the list.
It works for live Azure storage accounts but not development.
Though I can still write code against this Development container - so it's there and functional but Cloud Explorer just not listing the containers i.e. no access to view files / upload file through VS UI.
Here are my steps to resolve
Uninstall Cloud Explorer via Extensions and Updates
Restart VS
Update the Cloud Explorer in Extensions and Updates (that apparently wasn't uninstalled)
Experience the catastrophic behaviour (very slow)
Restart VS
Fixed (seemingly)
Look into Extensions and Updates to see Cloud Explorer is disabled
Everything is fixed.
Update (29/07/2018)
If you are having trouble launching Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (Development) e.g. blob storage and get the error message "Unable to retrieve child resources" followed by details of "A network error occurred...ECONNREFUSED" then simply (install and) run the Azure Storage Emulator.
The aforementioned solution didn't work for me.
The error went away after upgrading to Azure SDK 3.0 (using web platform installer). After that I am able to expand the child resources in App Services, and attach the debugger.
Another option that worked was using the Server Explorer to expand files/attach the debugger, but that option seems to have been turned off in 3.0.
The name of the Storage Account Name is case sensitive to teh azure service. The client however is not.
Because of this you can connect, but when the Storage Explorer tries to enumerate the child object it will fail if the Storage Account is not entered with the proper case.
I got this error when my system-clock was accidentally set a couple of hours back in time. Just saying.

How do you add an account using a connection string in VS 2015 using Cloud Explorer?

I can't for the life of me figure out how to add an external storage account to the Storage Accounts dropdown in the Cloud Explorer in VS 2015. I have Azure SDK 2.9.1 installed, and the Cloud Explorer extension installed.
In VS 2013, The Azure tab under Server Explorer had a Storage node/dropdown where I could add this by selecting "Attach External Storage...", but I can't seem to find where this is added in Cloud Explorer.
I wasn't actually able to get this to work, but Microsoft has released a new tool: which works for my needs!

How to publish a website with sql local db database to azure using visual studio 2013

I have my website up and running on local server I want to published it to azure. I searched a lot but unable to do so however succeeded in publishing without database.Can any one provide a step by step guide how to published to azure and what tools to download from azure management portal.
Try this and let us know if you need more help. You will just need Visual Studio 2013.
You can't use localdb with Azure Websites.
That said, you can use localdb for development, but change the connection string on deployment to use some other database, such as SQL Azure (see
