Combining arrays in powershell gives System.Object[] in output? - string

I'm looping through some files and want to prepend the filename to an existing file.
I thought I'd got stuff going ok, but by the second time around the loop, I lose the existing end of the file, and get System.Object[] instead of the former contents.
A simple example here shows roughly what I'm doing to prepend the information, and replicates the outcome (which I don't want!).
$a = "1","2","3"
$b = "test"
$c = -join $b,$a
# At this point, $c is as I expect; it has added $b to the start of the list.
$a = $c
$c = -join $b,$a
# This time, when I try to add $b to the front of $a, it correctly adds the new line, and the second line is also correct, but then it dumps the object properties of the remaining lines (or something?)
The output is shown below
Length : 3
LongLength : 3
Rank : 1
SyncRoot : {1, 2, 3}
IsReadOnly : False
IsFixedSize : True
IsSynchronized : False
Count : 3
If you're writing this to a file using set-content, then it writes the object properties as System.Object[], which isn't what I want!
As per the comment on this original post, the solution I'm looking for is to use $a = (,$b)+$a.
This has the effect of prepending the string in $b to the start of the array of strings stored in $a.

I think, you need some clarification here:
$a = "1","2","3"
$b = "test"
$c = -join $b,$a
does not create an array $c containing
'test', '1', '2', '3'
instead $clooks like this:
'test', ('1', '2', '3')
What I think you wanted to do is:
$c = $b , $a
which results in
'test', '1', '2', '3'


Powershell: Count the occurence of every single "1" string in a txt file

We have a text file of students and their notes and we have to count how many "1" notes all the students have got.
My code shows how many lines contain the "1" note, but when it finds a "1", it jumps to the next line.
Could you help me please?
for example:
Huckleberry Finn 2 1 4 1 1
Tom Sawyer 3 2 1 4 1
It should be 5, but it gets 2.
$ones = 0
$file= Get-Content notes.txt
foreach ($i in $file) {
if ($i.Split(' ') -eq 1){
$ones ++
If all the 1 tokens are whitespace-separated in your input file, as the sample content suggests, try:
# With your sample file content, $ones will receive the number 5.
$ones = (-split (Get-Content -Raw notes.txt) -eq '1').Count
The above uses the unary form of -split, the string splitting operator and the -Raw switch of the Get-Content cmdlet, which loads a file into memory as a single, multi-line string.
That is, the command above splits the entire file into white-space separated tokens, and counts all tokens that equal '1', across all lines.
If, instead, you meant to count the number of '1' tokens per line, use the following approach:
# With your sample file content, $ones will receive the following *array*:
# 3, 2
$ones = Get-Content notes.txt | ForEach-Object { ((-split $_) -eq '1').Count }
As for what you tried:
if ($i.Split(' ') -eq 1)
While $i.Split(' ') does return all (single-)space-separated tokens contained in a single input line stored in $i, using that expression in a conditional expression of an if statement only results in one invocation of the associated { ... } block and therefore increments $ones only by a value of 1, not the number of 1 tokens in the line at hand.
Thank you mklement0!
I don't understand why, but it works so:
$ones = 0
$file= Get-Content notes.txt
foreach ($i in $file) {
$ones=(-split ($i) -eq '1').Count

Perl - Searching values in a log file and store/print them as a string.

I would like to search values after a specific word (Current Value = ) in a log file, and makes a string with values.
vcs_output.log: a log file
** Fault injection **
Count = 1533
0: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rcc_data_e[6]
0: Current value = x
1: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs3_data_e[51]
1: Current value = x
2: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs1_data_e[3]
2: Current value = 1
3: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.shft_alu_shift_out_e[18]
3: Current value = 0
4: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs3_data_e[17]
4: Current value = x
5: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs1_data_e[43]
5: Current value = 0
6: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rcc_data_e[38]
6: Current value = x
7: Path = cmp_top.iop.sparc0.exu.alu.byp_alu_rs2_data_e_l[30]
7: Current value = 1
If I store values after "Current value = ", then x,x,1,0,x,0,x,1. I ultimately save/print them as a string such as xx10x0x1.
Here is my code
use strict;
use warnings;
##### Read input
open ( my $input_fh, '<', 'vcs_output.log' ) or die $!;
chomp ( my #input = <$input_fh> );
my $i=0;
my #arr;
while (#input) {
if (/Current value = /)
$arr[i]= $input; # put the matched value to array
## make a string from the array using an additional loop
close ( $input_fh );
I think there is a way to make a string in one loop (or even not using a loop). Please advise me to make it. Any suggestion is appreciated.
You can do both that you ask for.
To build a string directly, just append to it what you capture in the regex
my $string;
while (<$input_fh>)
my ($val) = /Current\s*value\s*=\s*(.*)/;
$string .= $val;
If the match fails then $val is an empty string, so we don't have to test. You can also write the whole while loop in one line
$string .= (/Current\s*value\s*=\s*(.*)/)[0] while <$input_fh>;
but I don't see why that would be necessary. Note that this reads from the filehandle, and line by line. There is no reason to first read all lines into an array.
To avoid (explicit) looping, you can read all lines and pass them through map, naively as
my $string = join '',
map { (/Current\s*value\s*=\s*(.*)/) ? $1 : () } <$input_fh>;
Since map needs a list, the filehandle is in list context, returning the list of all lines in the file. Then each is processed by code in map's block, and its output list is then joined.
The trick map { ($test) ? $val : () } uses map to also do grep's job, to filter -- the empty list that is returned if $test fails is flattened into the output list, thus disappearing. The "test" here is the regex match, which in the scalar context returns true/false, while the capture sets $1.
But, like above, we can return the first element of the list that match returns, instead of testing whether the match was successful. And since we are in map we can in fact return the "whole" list
my $string = join '',
map { /Current\s*value\s*=\s*(.*)/ } <$input_fh>;
what may be clearer here.
Comments on the code in the question
the while (#input) is an infinite loop, since #input never gets depleted. You'd need foreach (#input) -- but better just read the filehandle, while (<$input_fh>)
your regex does match on a line with that string, but it doesn't attempt to match the pattern that you need (what follows =). Once you add that, it need be captured as well, by ()
you can assign to the i-th element (which should be $i) but then you'd have to increment $i as you go. Most of the time it is better to just push #array, $value
You can use capturing parentheses to grab the string you want:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #arr;
open ( my $input_fh, '<', 'vcs_output.log' ) or die $!;
while (<$input_fh>) {
if (/Current value = (.)/) {
push #arr, $1;
close ( $input_fh );
print "#arr\n";
x x 1 0 x 0 x 1
Use grep and perlre
If on a non-Unix environment then...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open (my $fh, '<', "vcs_output.log");
chomp (my #lines = <$fh>);
# Filter for lines which contain string 'Current value'
#lines = grep{/Current value/} #lines;
# Substitute out what we don't want... leaving us with the 'xx10x0x1'
#lines = map { $_ =~ s/.*Current value = //;$_} #lines;
my $str = join('', #lines);
print $str;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $output = `grep "Current value" vcs_output.log | sed 's/.*Current value = //'`;
$output =~ s/\n//g;
print $output;

How to extract key value pairs from a file when values span multiple lines?

I'm a few weeks into bash scripting and I haven't advanced enough yet to get my head wrapped around this problem. Any help would be appreciated!
I have a "script.conf" file that contains the following:
key3=( "k3v1" "k3 v2" "k3v3")
key4=( "k4v1"
"k4 v2"
#key6="Do Not Include Me"
In a bash script, I want to read the contents of this script.conf file into an array. I've learned how to handle the scenarios for keys 1, 2, 3, and 5, but the key4 scenario throws a wrench into it with it spanning across multiple lines.
I've been exploring the use of sed -n '/=\s*[(]/,/[)]/{/' which does capture key4 and its value, but I can't figure out how to mix this so that the other keys are also captured in the matches. The range syntax is also new to me, so I haven't figured out how to separate the key/value. I feel like there is an easy regex that would accomplish what I want... in plain-text: "find and group the pattern ^(.*)= (for the key), then group everything after the '=' char until another ^(.*)= match is found, rinse and repeat". I guess if I do this, I need to change the while read line to not handle the key/value separation for me (I'll be looking into this while I'm waiting for a response). BTW, I think a solution where the value of key4 is flattened (new lines removed) would be acceptable; I know for key3 I have to store the value as a string and then convert it to an array later when I want to iterate over it since an array element apparently can't contain a list.
Am I on the right path with sed or is this a job for awk or some other tool? (I haven't ventured into awk yet). Is there an easier approach that I'm missing because I'm too deep into the forest (like changing the while read line in the LoadConfigFile function)?
Here is the code that I have so far in for processing and capturing the other pairs into the $config array:
__AppDir=$(dirname $0)
typeset -A config #init config array
config=( #Setting Default Config values
[Verbose]=0 #Ex. Usage: [[ "${config[Verbose]}" -gt 0 ]] && echo ">>>Debug print"
function LoadConfigFile() {
local cfgFile="${1}"
shopt -s extglob #Needed to remove trailing spaces
if [ -f ${cfgFile} ]; then
while IFS='=' read -r key value; do
if [[ "${key:0:1}" == "#" ]]; then
#echo "Skipping Comment line: ${key}"
elif [ "${key:-EMPTY}" != "EMPTY" ]; then
value="${value%%\#*}" # Delete in-line, right comments
value="${value%%*( )}" # Delete trailing spaces
value="${value%%( )*}" # Delete leading spaces
#value="${value%\"*}" # Delete opening string quotes
#value="${value#\"*}" # Delete closing string quotes
#Manipulate any variables included in the value so that they can be expanded correctly
# - value must be stored in the format: "${var1}". `backticks`, "$var2", and "doubleQuotes" are left as is
value="${value//\"/\\\"}" # Escape double quotes for eval
value="${value//\`/\\\`}" # Escape backticks for eval
value="${value//\$/\\\$}" # Escape ALL '$' for eval
value="${value//\\\${/\${}" # Undo the protection of '$' if it was followed by a '{'
value=$(eval "printf '%s\n' \"${value}\"")
config[${key}]=${value} #Store the value into the config array at the specified key
echo " >>>DBG: Key = ${key}, Value = ${value}"
# echo "Skipped Empty Key"
done < "${cfgFile}"
echo "Config File # ${CONFIG_FILE}"
LoadConfigFile ${CONFIG_FILE}
#Print elements of $config
echo "Script Config Values:"
echo "----------------------------"
for key in "${!config[#]}"; do #The '!' char gets an array of the keys, without it, we would get an array of the values
printf " %-20s = %s\n" "${key}" "${config[${key}]}"
echo "------ End Script Config ------"
#To convert to an array...
declare -a valAsArray=${config[RequiredAppPackages]} #Convert the value from a string to an array
echo "Count = ${#valAsArray[#]}"
for itemCfg in "${valAsArray[#]}"; do
echo " item = ${itemCfg}"
As I mentioned before, I'm just starting to learn bash and Linux scripting in general, so if you see that I'm doing some taboo things in other areas of my code too, please feel free to provide feedback in the comments... I don't want to start bad habits early on :-).
*If it matters, the OS is Ubuntu 14.04.
As requested, after reading the script.conf file, I would like for the elements in $config[#] to be equivalent to the following:
typeset -A config #init config array
[key3]="( \"k3v1\" \"k3 v2\" \"k3v3\" )"
[key4]="( \"k4v1\" \"k4 v2\" \"k4v3\" )"
I want to be able to convert the values of elements 'key4' and 'key3' into an array and iterated over them the same way in the following code:
declare -a keyValAsArray=${config[keyN]} #Convert the value from a string to an array
echo "Count = ${#keyValAsArray[#]}"
for item in "${keyValAsArray[#]}"; do
echo " item = ${item}"
I don't think it matters if \n is preserved for key4's value or not... that depends on if declare has a problem with it.
A shell is an environment from which to call tools with a language to sequence those calls. It is NOT a tool to manipulate text. The standard UNIX tool to manipulate text is awk. Trying to manipulate text in shell IS a bad habit, see why-is-using-a-shell-loop-to-process-text-considered-bad-pr‌​actice for SOME of the reasons why
You still didn't post the expected result of populating the config array so I'm not sure but I think this is what you wanted:
$ cat
declare -A config="( $(awk '
{ gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|([[:space:]]+|#.*)$/,"") }
!NF { next }
/^[^="]+=/ {
name = gensub(/=.*/,"",1)
value = gensub(/^[^=]+=/,"",1)
n2v[name] = value
{ n2v[name] = n2v[name] OFS $0 }
for (name in n2v) {
value = gensub(/"/,"\\\\&","g",n2v[name])
printf "[%s]=\"%s\"\n", name, value
' script.conf
) )"
declare -p config
$ ./
declare -A config='([key5]="value5" [key4]="( \"k4v1\" \"k4 v2\" \"k4v3\" )" [key3]="( \"k3v1\" \"k3 v2\" \"k3v3\")" [key2]="/home/Ed/Folder" [key1]="value1" )'
The above uses GNU awk for gensub(), with other awks you'd use [g]sub() instead.

Why file path now getting concatenate in variable

I am writing powershell script to find few string in a path. It returns file path correctly in variable. Now if I try to add it to some other variable it adds empty (adds nothing), but if I print variable separately it gets print correctly.
My code,
$final = ""
foreach($e in $stringIDColum)
$var = (Get-ChildItem “C:\path” -recurse -exclude $excluded | Select-String -pattern $e | group path | select name)
$final += "," + $e + "," + $var
Here value of $e is getting added, $var is not getting added. But if I print $var separately it prints path correctly.
Secondly I have tried various ways, to print line number, but it does not print line number in front of path.
I think the issue is that $var is potentially an array. So you need to convert it a string. Check the type once it's created.

Why does Powershell replace commas with whitespaces?

I'm doing some script in Powershell to automate a task. This script is going to get arguments, such as:
PS > myscript.ps1 par=a,1,2,0.1 par=b,3,4,0.1 par=c,5,6,0.1 bin=file.exe exeargs="fixed args for file.exe"
In short, file.exe is an executable which accept parameters (including a, b and c) and this ps1 script is going to execute file.exe passing args a, b and c within the specified range, varying 'em by the specified precision.
The question is, I first split each $arg in $args by the character "=", and then I should split them by "," to get the specified values.
The thing is, when I do:
foreach ($arg in $args)
$parts = ([string] $arg).split("=")
Write-Host $parts[1]
The output is
a 1 2 0.1
b 3 4 0.1
c 5 6 0.1
fixed args for file.exe
I.e., it already substituted the "," character with a whitespace, so my second split should be with white space, not with comma.
Any guess on why does it happen?
Thanks in advance!
First of all why are you writing it like a C program or something? You don't have to pass arguments like that, use $args and split on = etc. when Powershell has a more powerful concept of parameters, whereby you can pass the named paramters and arguments rather than doing the parsing that you are doing. ( More on parameters here:
With that said, let me answer your question:
What you are doing is when you pass in arguments like:
par=a,1,2,0.1 par=b,3,4,0.1 par=c,5,6,0.1 bin=file.exe exeargs="fixed args for file.exe"
you are passing in array of arrays. The first element is the array with elements:
Ok coming to the split:
When you do [string] $a, you are converting the array into a string. By default this means an array with elements 1,2,3 will become 1 2 3.
So your first argument there par=a,1,2,0.1, becomes par=a 1 2 0.1 and the split on = means parts[1] becomes a 1 2 0.1, which is what you see.
So how can you retain the comma?
Just make an array to be converted into a string with , inbetween than space, right?
Here are some ways to do that:
Using -join operator:
foreach ($arg in $args)
$parts = ($arg -join ",").split("=")
Write-Host $parts[1]
now you will see the output with the commas that you want.
Another way, using $ofs special variable:
foreach ($arg in $args)
$ofs =","
$parts = ([string] $arg).split("=")
Write-Host $parts[1]
(more on $ofs here: )
Disclaimer - All this explanation to make you understand what is happening. Please do not continue this and use paramters.
This is happening in the parsing of the command line for your script and not during the split() method. To see this, try putting a "Write-Host $args" at the beginning, like so:
Write-Host $args
foreach ($arg in $args)
$parts = ([string] $arg).split("=")
Write-Host $parts[1]
This is because the ',' character is used to separate elements in an array. For example:
PS C:\temp> $a = 1,2,3
PS C:\temp> Write-Host $a
1 2 3
PS C:\temp> $a.GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
Try this command line instead:
.\myscript.ps1 "par=a,1,2,0.1" "par=b,3,4,0.1" "par=c,5,6,0.1" "bin=file.exe" "exeargs=fixed args for file.exe"
