Generic AVS smart home skill - alexa-skill

I'm interacting with alexa programmatically using AVS (rather than via an Echo device).
I post audio commands such as 'how is the weather' to AVS, and I get a meaningful response. Great.
I would like to ask alexa to 'turn off the lights in the kitchen', and receive a response that includes the intent in the JSON response, which my code running on my server will react to (rather than relying on the 'device cloud' to perform the action for me).
However, Alexa wants to route the command to some smart home device service - so it responds with something like "sorry, I don't know about your devices" - because I have not connected my alexa app to the smart device service.
Is there a generic skill I can enable that sends the 'turn off the lights in the kitchen' intent in the response? Or some other way to achieve my goal?
FWIW I am posting an audio file to ''

Use a custom adapter hosted on the local server.
In the skills configuration page don't use a lambda function - instead point it at your local server.
During development it will be useful to use something like ngrok.
Select 'wildcard' ssl cert in the skill SSL configuration section.
so the process will look like:
1) App sends AVS request
2) AVS sends intent request to custom adapter
3) custom adapter sends responds to AVS
4) AVS sends voice response to App


How can I create a discord bot that will send out notifications about streams?

I need my discord bot written in PYTHON to be able to send a text chat notification about the start of the stream. I tried using webhooks in discord using the IFTTT site, but the alerts come with a huge delay. Can someone throw off some of the code for notification of streams? Thank you in advance
You can use Twitch's Eventsub to recieve a notification when a Stream goes live then modify the payload to match Discord's Webhook format and forward the payload on. Which is essentially what IFTTT does anyway.
Currently EventSub only offers a Webhook Transport. So you need a "Server" that can recieve a HTTP Post from Twitch.
Twitch EventSub is covered here
Discord Webhooks is covered here
If you want your Discord Bot to do it itself, then you generally would not use EventSub as you don't want your Bot process to be directly web accesable, so you'd have to poll the Streams Endpoint of the Helix API periodically and test for the Stream changing from offline to online and do whatever is needed. (Or setup a side process to recieve and internal relay the data)
You would use a Twitch App Access/Client Credentials Token, since this is a server to server request.

NodeRed: How to get reply from Slack app interactive message

I'm trying to make it so that NodeRed uses a webhook to send an interactive message to a slack app to ask permission to activate something. I can POST to the webhook without any issues from my custom node, but how do I get the reply?
Do I need to use the "http in" node to create an endpoint Slack can use? Is there a way to handle it from the same node that POSTs the message?
Also, I'm running NodeRed locally. Can I use ngrok so that Slack can access the http endpoint (in case I need to use that)?
You can define your own http endpoints that are private to your custom node, this is how nodes that need to do oAuth handle the callback. Also nodes like the serial port node do this to supply information to the config dialog.
Make sure to give the endpoint a unique route so it's unlikely to clash with any other nodes.
You can look at the source for the serial port node here
How you ensure that Node-RED is safely made accessible from the internet should be a separate question.
1) Yes, ngrok works nicely for exposing your local webserver securely to the Internet and Slack. I use it every day for my Slack app development. Keep in mind that if your app can't be reached from the Internet, then also Slack can not reach it.
2) Interactive Messages only work with Slack apps. One reason being that you need to provide the route to your app, so that Slack knows where to send the requests when someone uses your interactive messages (e.g. clicks on a button). But you can use interactive messages with webhooks, as long as both are setup within the same Slack app.
3) Don't believe the "http-in node" approach will work. As said, you need to configure the route to your app for receiving messages from Slack in your Slack appp.

Is it possible to receive webhook events in web extensions?

We need to get webhook events from a domain in the web extensions itself. That domain is not under our control.
We get the web extension's URL using browser.identity.getRedirectURL(). We have registered this as the webhook POST callback URL in other domain.
Is it possible to receive the webhook events whenever the other domain POSTs the data in callback URL? Would it be sufficient to intercept HTTP headers in order to get the data or would we need to have Node modules/servers inside the web extension?
No, not like you described. This is a pretty deep misunderstanding how webhooks and/or browser.identity work.
Your webextension is running on a client machine; it's not a webserver listening for connections (an extension can't do that at all).
So whenever some other machine that emits a webhook event tries to connect to the endpoint provided, whatever it connects to is not your extension.
You make an allusion to browser.identity.getRedirectURL() and seem to think that this is a real address that is assigned to your webextension and others can POST to it (and your extension be somehow informed about it).
This is not the case: instead, it's a "virtual" URL that the browser will treat specially if you (the browser) navigates to it. That request never actually leaves your machine to some server. No other client can connect to it (except for other browsers with the same extension - but again it will only ever reach them).
A solution for receiving webhooks would be to have an actual webserver somewhere that can receive them, plus some sort of push mechanism to inform your extension of the event:
A persistent WebSocket connection to your "receiver" server.
GCM push messaging initiated by your "receiver" server. Not for Firefox

How to check if a ChromeCast Session is already in progress

The use case is that a user starts playback from their iPhone, lets say, and then picks up their iPad (both running my app) and wants to contect to and control the running video from this other iOS device.
On iOS, I do not see any way to determine if there is a instance of my receiver app already running on the Google ChromeCast device. Once I create my session it seems the only thing I can do is to attach a new protocol message stream, which interrupts whatever might be playing already.
It this suppose to be handled in the iOS client side Framework, perhaps there is some coding I need to do in the HTML receiver app?
There is a way outside the API to determine if an app is running. Do a HTTP GET on the apps URL for the ChromeCast IP address: http://192.168.0.x:8008/apps/
If the HTTP response is 200, nothing is running. If the HTTP response is 204, then an app is running and the HTTP response would be redirected to a URL like: http://192.168.0.x:8008/apps/GoogleMusic
Which tells you which app is running.
Interestingly, Google Play Music cannot be controlled by 2 devices simultaneously, but YouTube can. I suspect Play Music is using RAMP which is what the Cast SDK does for media streams. YouTube could be using a proprietary message stream to control the media playback. So you might have to do the same if you want to have the an app on a device controlled by multiple sender apps.
One method is to check the playStatus after you start your session and before you initiate a loadMedia(). If your app is already running - it should return a non-nil (ie. IDLE, PLAYING, ...) result.

how to send notification (email, SMS, whatever) stealthy programacticly linux

I have seen many of the posts relating to sending email under linux but they do not address my particular need.
I want to implement code (C/C++) in my linux application that will send me back some kind of notification (in a stealthy way) under a certain program condition. All it needs to send me is less than 50 bytes of status data. The only thing I am guarenteed is that the box will be on a local network which will have access to the Internet via the usual gateway.
One possibility would be to send me a text to my wireless carrier like this: But that assumes that I have a mail client available on the linux box which is not a guarantee. If I programmed this at the socket layer directly using SMTP I would have to manage a TCP connection which is not what I prefer to do.
Any suggestions of what would be a possible way to send me a notification from my linux app?
For email you could use something like SendGrid, specifically their WebAPI - this will allow you to send email with only a HTTP request.
For SMS you could use something like Nexmo, which will allow you to send an SMS with a HTTP request.
Note that you'll have to include your API credentials in the compiled code - a potental security issue (for your credentials).
Disclaimer: I do a bit of developer evangelism for Nexmo.
