Combining multiple columns (Excel) into 1 with associated column of dates - excel

Reviewed many threads on similar issues, but none addresses my particular challenge. I have a column (A) of dates (10K+), followed by a column (B) of event hosts, followed by multiple columns (C-X) of co-hosts. From these, I need to create 2 columns - 1 of dates and 1 combined list of hosts/co-hosts (each associated with their specific date). In other words, the co-host listings will be inserted into the host list (as a new row) and the appropriate associated date will be generated in the adjacent date column.
Caveats: (1) there are blank cells (in co-host columns), which need to be ignored; (2) the list will continue to expand each year (+~5K); (3) prefer a formulaic solution, if possible.
Can anyone assist? Many thanks!

For a formula way of doing this I would add the following formula into column Y
And then the following formula into Column Z:
=X1 & IF(LEN(C1)>0,", "&C1,"")
Then drag that formula across to the right for the 22 or so columns (the number between B and X). The last column should have what you are after, you could then Ctrl-X to a different part of the workbook. I have assumed you would like a column between the names. I hope that helps


Matching mulitple criteria across 2 sheets and pulling some data from that match in excel

I have two sheets of data, one is a list of 4000+ companies and some data about the company (including a CUSIP and an issue date). The other lists stock prices per day for a said list of companies spanning multiple years.
I need to match the CUSIP and the issue date from the first sheet with that of the second and extract a number from sheet 2 where both where a match and put it in sheet one in a colomn next to the other data from that company.
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
I tried =VLOOKUP(E1076&O1076;Sheet1!A:Sheet1!K;11;FALSE) but all this did was give me a #NAME error same for when I tried to do this on the same sheet
I tried =INDEX(W:AP,MATCH(1,(X:X=D5)*(AE:AE=N5),0),42) but that just tells me it isn't a formula to begin with
Combined Sheets
In Column R:
will work for you but will likely be slow (make sure to enter with ctrl+alt+enter)
You can try and mitigate the lag by using defined ranged (e.g. U2:U4000&AB2:AB4000) but since your list is ever growing I'll guess that the lag will come back pretty quick.
To keep things faster, I suggest you use a helper column where you concatenate U and AB. Let's say column AC:
(copied all the way down)
You can then use a simple INDEX/MATCH:
You could also concatenate D and N to another column and use that column as your lookup value.

Excel - How to locate and sum adjacent cells and over multiple columns based on criteria of other columns cells

Formula to add all occurrences where a name pops up in a column (multiple columns) and return the summed value of all adjacent cells. For more clarification see
Example Attached
In this circumstance I want it to find all of Jim's adding to 5, all of George adding to 4, and all of Terry adding to 7. The challenge is each column will have the names randomly assorted and some times the name may not show up for that day.
Is it possible to search all days for the month (for this example) and add the total of the adjacent column for each person if I input their name?
I was looking into SUMIF functions but I can only get that to work if its all in 2 columns, with the way this one is approached I can only work through multiple columns.
Thank you for any assistance!
Use SUMIF, You will need to provide the list of names:
Note the offset but same size ranges. Also change "Jim" to a cell that contains the name you want to sum.

Match values from two tables in excel

One table has policy numbers and the agent who wrote each policy. An agent's name multiple times.
Another table has just the policy numbers and I want to add the agents' names next to the numbers.
VLOOKUP doesn't work because the firs table shows the agents' names multiple times.
Any ideas how to do this?
If the numbers are unique and only the Agents are duplicates, you can use Index/Match or Vlookup.
With Index / Match:
Policy is the sheet where you have Numbers (Column A, A2:A5)and corresponding Agent (Column B, B2:B15) change the references to correspond the last row but keep $ for fixed references. You can drag it down next to A2 where the numbers that you need to find their Agent are.
With Vlookup:
You can drag it down, next to A2 where the numbers are in the new sheet.
Also change Policy!$A$2:$B$15 to correspond the references of your Data.
2 to return the value from the second column (Agent)
False for exact match.

Excel: Four columns with different lengths and data values, need to find matching values

I have a sheet with 4 columns of data. The first two columns show the name of a stock, followed by a PipDigit. These two values are connected and must not be seperated. The other 2 columns are another set of stock names and accompanying PipDigits. I want to do several things:
First, compare the stock names in each column and arrange it in such a way that matching stock names are aligned. The columns have different lenghts.
Second, I want another column to display which matching stocks have different PipDigit values. For example if for an Ebay stock I have a PipDigit of 2 in the first set of columns, and a PipDigit of 4 in the second set of columns, I would like to see message saying "different" or something similar. I have included a screenshot of the file.
If anything is unclear please let me know
This is the file in question
I believe from your question you are looking for the corresponding record in columns E/F for the 'Symbol' in column A.
The easiest way to get this data would to perform a VLOOKUP on the first column, looking at the data in columns 3/4.
In cell C2 you want the following formula:
This will give you the corresponding pip-digit from column F.
Now in cell D2, enter the following formula:
This will give you a column telling you whether the pip digits match.
Drag these two formulas down to replicate for each row of the table on the left.

EXCEL: Count values in column based on values in corresponding column

I feel like this should be really easy, but I can't figure out the commands.
I have data in columns C and D which either contains a date or is blank. I have data in column H which contains the name of an employee. I want to calculate the total number of times, for each individual employee, non-blank values occur in C and non-blank values occur in D.
CountIf doesn't quite seem to have the capacity to do this. Any ideas?
In addition to previos answer, if your criteria is for non-blank cells:
If you are using Excel 2007 or later, use
