FineUploader to Azure Storage - azure

When uploading to Azure Storage, does FineUploader send the file directly to Azure Storage or to the server first?
I noticed on the website that with S3, one can upload directly but the fact that S3 was singled out got me curious.
I'm looking for a really robust solution to upload files - even large files up to 10 GB - to Azure Storage. Wanted to see if FineUploader could be the answer for me.

When uploading to Azure Storage, does FineUploader send the file directly to Azure Storage or to the server first?
Fine Uploader Azure sends the files directly to Azure Cloud Storage. You do need a server to generate Shared Access Signatures for each request. Fine Uploader Azure will contact your SAS server before each upload request (or before any request to Azure) to obtain a SAS. More information on the Azure feature page at
Fine Uploader S3 functions using a similar workflow, but there is also an option to upload files directly to S3 without maintaining your own signature server. That particular option is not available with Fine Uploader Azure.


Azure Storage Blob with CodeIgnitor

I'd have a PHP {codeigniter} application that i want to migrate to its storage service from AWS S3 to Blob Storage,The application uploads all media files to S3 bucket and S3 generates a link that is stored to the database in which the media file can be accessed from,I want to do the same with azure Blobs storage.I'm facing technical hindrance as i can't find the right resources {libraries/code samples} achieve this goal.Tried the Azure PHP SKD but it didn't work out.
Actually, there is a detailed sample for using Azure Storage PHP SDK. You may refer to:
To run that sample, you just need to replace the following place with your own value:
$connectionString = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<yourAccount>;AccountKey=<yourKey>';
I see that you want to generate an access url and store it in database. I am not familiar with AWS S3, but with Azure Storage you may need to set public access level on container or blob.
Otherwise, you can not access the blob directly. You may need to created a SAS token.

Azure IoT File Upload

I have successfully used this feature to upload files to a storage container in Azure blob storage. I wanted to ask if this form of file upload has the same integrity checks using MD5 hash as there is with normal blob storage uploading. This link describes that feature for blob storage. Also, it seems this check is optional, if so, is there a way for me to ensure that this happens when I upload from my iot device using the azure-iot-sdk's.
I have tested this issue with Azure IoT SDK for CSharp. When uploading the file to azure iot hub, I uses fiddler to catch the http request. Actually, the headers in the request contains Content-MD5. So if you use Azure IoT SDK for CSharp, you need not to check the option for MD5. And you can refer to the method UploadFromStreamAsync in Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for .NET, this method is called when upload file via UploadFromStreamAsync method.
MD5 cannot be calculated for an existing blob because it would require reading the existing data. Please disable storeBlobContentMD5.

How to bypass a webapi proxy and upload directly to the blob service [duplicate]

I have seen few examples where a file is transferred to server side and then uploaded to Azure Blob Storage.
But I have files with size in few GBs.
Is there a way I can upload a file directly to Azure Blob Storage using Client Side scripts instead of doing it from Server Side to save time.
Updating my answer, now that CORS is supported in Windows Azure Storage and the OP has not accepted any answer :).
Yes, it is possible to upload large files directly from your browser to Windows Azure Storage. You may find these steps useful:
First create a Shared Access Signature URL (SAS) with at least Write permission on the blob container in which you wish to upload the files. Since you're uploading large files, I would recommend keeping SAS expiry time to be long enough.
Next enable CORS on your storage account. If you wish to do it programmatically, you may find this post useful: If you want to use a tool, my company has released a Free tool to do just that. You can read more about this tool and download from here:
I wrote a blog post some time back on uploading very large files into blob storage which you can read here: Once CORS is enabled on your storage account, code mentioned in the blog should work just fine.
Actually there's a way though there are some preconditions/caveats.
Because CORS is not supported in Blob Storage just yet, your HTML and JS file need to be present in same blob storage account. They should be in a public blob container.
Since you're uploading large files, they would need to be split into chunks less than 4 MB in size. HTML 5 has a File API which can split the file into chunks but not all browsers support this feature.
I wrote a blog post some time ago about uploading large files using pure JavaScript and Shared Access Signature. You can read that post here:

Upload Vhd to an Azure Page blob in chunks

I am trying to upload a Vhd (sizing atleast 30GB) to a page blob in azure storage in an mvc web application. Due to size of the file i can not upload this large file as a whole as browsers don't allow this large request to be sent. So, the only option is to upload file in chunks (i.e. 4mb). on client size i am able to do chunking and i am sending chunks to my server side controller through an ajax request (in a loop). But using .net sdk for azure i am not finding a way to upload chunks to a page blob.
P.S There is a way to upload file in chunks in block blob using putblock() and putblocklist() methods and i am able to achieve the uploading in that way but i need to create a VM image out of the uploaded vhd and for that purpose it needs to be a page blob.
So, i would welcome any guidance to show me the way to upload vhd in chunks in a Page Blob using azure .net sdk.
You can try AzCopy tool without writing any code.
AzCopy /Source:C:\myfolder
/DestKey:mykey /Pattern:abc.vhd /BlobType:Page
You could use CloudPageBlob.WritePages method to upload the chunks of data. Please see this blog post from Azure Storage Team for an example of using this method:

Direct upload to Azure blob storage using Plupload

I am trying to use Plupload to directly upload to Azure blob storage. From what I understand Azure requires a PUT request for uploading a file to a blob storage and Plupload only supports POST requests. Is there a way to setup plupload to make a PUT request? Or alternatively is there a way to upload directly to Azure using a POST request?
I think the Azure Storage JavaScript Client Library for Browsers can help you. Here is a guide
