GNUPLOT on Mac "x11 aborted" - gnuplot

To install gnuplot with x11, I used the following command:
brew install gnuplot --with-x11
I am running OS X EL Capitan Version 10.11.6. When I run gnuplot, I obtain:
G N U P L O T Version 5.0 patchlevel 5 last modified 2016-10-02
Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2016 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
gnuplot home: faq, bugs, etc: type "help FAQ" immediate help: type "help" (plot window: hit 'h')
Terminal type set to 'unknown'
I then tried to plot something simple like sin(x) and I get the error
gnuplot: unable to open display ''
gnuplot: X11 aborted.
Any advice?

First of all, if you haven't yet, you have to type the command
set term x11
this is fundamental, because without having set a term you can't have an output.
Then, if it's still not working, try uninstalling gnuplot and reinstall with another terminal, e.g. the qt terminal (which is good also because if you have a 3D plot you can interact with it), by using the command
brew uninstall gnuplot
brew install gnuplot --with-qt
Alternatively, if you really need x11 as terminal you can have a look here on AskDifferent (seem someone has already had a similar issue).
Also, typing set term could be helpful and give you the entire list of gnuplot terminal pre-installed, and remember, if you have a question check before the GNUPLOT guide, which is accessible with the command help "ANYTHING_INSIDE_GNUPLOT", in your case:
help term

Make sure you've XQuartz installed when installing with --with-x11.
Otherwise try reinstalling gnuplot with QT, e.g.
brew reinstall gnuplot --with-qt

I had to logout and login again after installing XQuartz before set term x11 worked.


How to make Gnuplot visible in Octave on Windows?

?I have installed Cygwin64 on Windows 7 with the following packages: octave (version 3.8.2), xterm, xinit, xlaunch, gnuplot. However, when typing figure; in the Cygwin Terminal window, no Gnuplot graphical window appear, instead the figure is plotted inside the Cygwin Terminal window.
What is wrong in my setup, or in my expectations. How do I get Gnuplot visible?
Thanks in advance !

how to compile gnuplot 5.0 with png -r pngcairo terminals

I have tried to compile gnuplot 5.0. Once finish compile I check for available terminals. There in the list I could not see terminal png or pngcairo. I also tried some options given in the release note for version 5 ( Unfortunately, that could not help me.
I am using ubuntu 14.04 and previously I used gnuplot ver 4.6.
Hope I could get some help.

in gnuplot terminals wxt and pngcairo nor available

I installed gnuplot version 4.6.6.
After that the terminals "wxt" and "pngcairo" were no longer available. The time before I have been working a lot with these two terminals with version 4.4 and with very good results.
How can I get these two terminals working with gnuplot version 4.6?
In the following I try to answer a question of Christoph:
I am working with Linux, with an old version of Kubuntu (Ubuntu 11.10 "oneiric").
I downloaded "gnuplot-4.6.6", unpacked it and read the File "INSTALL".
From this long text I read only the following lines:
Unix, configure
On Unix, use
$ ./configure
$ make
[ Optionally run demos--see "How to test gnuplot" below. ]
$ make install
and also the following lines:
./configure fails to find lua support because Ubuntu packages it as
"lua5.1" rather than "lua". You can fix this by adding a symlink
prior to running ./configure
ln -s /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua5.1.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua.pc
So I applied the following statements (as root):
'ln -s /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua5.1.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua.pc'
make install
All these statements produced a lot of output, but no problems were indicated.
The executable binary program is located in "/usr/local/bin".
My old gnuplot 4.4 is located in "usr/bin".I installed gnuplot version 4.6.6. After that the terminals "wxt" and "pngcairo" were no longer available. The time before I have been working a lot with these two terminals with version 4.4 and with very good results.
How can I get these two terminals working with gnuplot version 4.6?

gnuplot cursor not moving on OSX 10.9?

I have recently installed OSX 10.9, with the latest version of XQuartz and gnuplot 4.6.4
When I move the cursor across the gnuplot window the coordinates shown in the bottom left corner do not update. I am testing this using plot sin(x). The desired functionality I am describing is seen here.
I believe that this was working under OSX 10.7, so I am not sure what is the problem.
Installing gnuplot through macports instead of building from the official sourceforge download site solved the issue.
I also installed the wxt terminal while I was at it since it offers some improved features, but x11 works fine too. (Thanks #Christoph for bringing me to learn about wxt).
Install macports
Open the terminal and enter port variants gnuplot followed by sudo port install gnuplot +wxwidgets
(Note: the installation may take a while, but is all automated)

bad quality of picture in gnuplot 4.6.1

I have just shifted from gnuplot 4.4 to 4.6.1. And unluckily found that all the pictures in x11 terminal have lost in quality pretty much (low resolution). It seems to me smth is wrong with configuration of gnuplot (I compiled 4.6 from sources and did not apply any options to configure).
Has anybody encountered with such problem?
Best regards,
here are the screenshots of 4.2 and 4.6 respectively:
The wxt terminal is indeed what you want.
It is enabled by default in the 'configure' script, so I assume you were missing one or more libraries it depends on, when you ran it. I just tried it with version 4.6.1 from sourceforge.
The confgiure script gives you a list of requirements for the wxt terminal to be enabled. Look for the line
wxt terminal: no (requires C++, wxWidgets>2.6, cairo>0.9, pango>1.10)
You need C++ (I assume you have that). For the others, on my almost clean Ubuntu 12.10 64bit installation, I needed to install 3 additional packages with their dependencies to enable the wxt terminal option. You want:
On debian-based distributions, you can do:
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev
or install them manually on other systems. If you don't find them in your repositories, you can always get the latest versions from wxWidgets,cairo and pango. When you have the libraries installed, re-run ./configure and check that the wxt terminal line reads
wxt terminal: yes
If it does, re-compile your gnuplot by make and make install and you can use gnuplot as before with nice output on the screen.
Try "set term wxt". It works as a replacement for the x11 term and is likely to have better quality.
