Possible to return an image in the Google Actions webhook response? - dialogflow-es

From the docs it seems like SpeechResponse is the only documented type of response you can return:
Is it be possible to load an image or some other type of media in the assistant conversation via API.AI or the Actions SDK? Seems like this is supported with api.ai for FB, other messengers:

As of today, Google Actions SDK supports Conversation Actions, by building a better Voice UI, which is integrated with Google Home.
Even API.AI integrations with Google Actions can be checked out here, which shows currently no support for images in the response.
When they provide integrations with Google Allo, then in the messaging interface, they might start supporting images, videos etc.

That feature seems to be present now. You can look it up in the docs at https://developers.google.com/actions/assistant/responses
Note: But images would be supported only on devices with a visual output. So Google Home would obviously not be able to do it. But the devices with screen do support a card with an image.

Pro Tip: Yes you can
What you want to do is represent your (image/video) as a URL within API.AI and render the URL as a (image/video) within your app
see working example


Triggering DialogFlow with Face detection

Does anyone know if there is a way to trigger DialogFlow from Face Detection API?
The DialogFlow conversation process is not very user friendly since you need to say :
"Ok Google, Talk to my app"
I've seen something about implicit invocations and deep links here:
that provides a better approach
I'm trying to do something like this
But with Google Assistant / Dialogflow / Vision API (Face detection)
Anyone has ideas how to do this in Google?
I am afraid that using face detection to trigger Google Assistant is not possible. Google requires you to use a trigger word such as "Ok, Google Talk to my app" when you build actions. This is done due to privacy for the user and makes sure that the app cannot be triggered without the user talking to the device.
Implicit invocations and deep links are shortcuts in your conversations, but they can only be used if you trigger the assistant first by saying "Okay Google..." Thanks for reading my blog by the way :)

dialogflow, google action and webdemo

Can you like with the Test Simulator have an embedded Google Action or use a Live chat style bot on a website with Google Actions responses? Are there any code labs or third party platforms that do this?
Yes, some of the 3rd party chat windows I know of:
- Smooch
- Kommunicate
You will have to use the Payload response to send specific components (such as cards, quick replies or images)
There's also this Github repository which allows you to set Google Actions replies and it will display it in chat:
Or you can write your own in React or Vue.
Actions on Google is the platform for Google Assistant developers and have own library and components. You can use these features and components only on Google Assistant projects, since every platform has different features and capability. If you need to create a chatbot with these kind of features, you should check platform's docs eg. Facebook, Telegram...
If you want to create a chatbot which has some rich responses, Dialogflow has own attributes such as Card, Suggestion. So, you can build your agent and integrate Dialogflow (not Google Action).
You can check here for platform and Dialogflow's response and payload ability.

Google how can I create a music player for my Google Assistant

I’m wondering how I can create a music Player for my Google Assistant compatible devices (e.g. Google Home mini, my tablet, phone...). I’ve been researching about how I can do this, but I’ve just found things like using Dialogflow, node-js and/or Actions on Google using Google Firebase Cloud Functions. I’m new to all this, I was motivated by Spotify and Pandora and all those other services. So I also tried looking up how they do it, but I found nothing. If any of you Know how to do it, please help me.
In addition to all that, I am just a tad bit confused about the whole Dialogflow and Actions on Google integration, but that’s easier to fix than the overall question.
If this isn’t “solvable” is there a way to do it with Dialogflow Fulfillment’s?
In order to create something like Spotify or Pandora, you need to partner with Google to create a media action. These are different than the conversational actions that you can create using Actions on Google and Dialogflow.
If you want to create a conversational action with Actions on Google and Dialogflow that produce long-form audio results as part of the conversation, you will want to look into the Media response, which you can include in your replies.

Linking DialogFlow to a Desktop Application

i just started on a project in DialogFlow and i was wondering is it possible to link my dialogflow to a specific desktop application? And if possible, what is the solution?
For example:
By saying "launch app", it will open up the desktop application "app"
While this is certainly something that Dialogflow's APIs can help with - this isn't a feature provided by Dialogflow itself. Dialogflow's NLP runs in the cloud - there is nothing local that it can "do".
However, you can create a launcher app that does this sort of thing by opening the microphone and sending either the stream or a speech-to-text version to Dialogflow through the Detect Intent API. Dialogflow can determine an Intent that would handle this and pass that information back to your launcher, and your launcher can then locate the app and start it.
I'm not sure how practical this would be, however. Microsoft already has this feature built-in with Cortana, and Google is building the Assistant into ChromeOS which will do this as well. While I'm not aware of Apple doing this, I may just have missed an announcement that Siri does this as well. And if there isn't someone who is doing this for Linux using some local speech-to-text libraries, it sounds like the perfect opportunity to do so.
You may try and use different Dialogflow clients available on their GitHub page. Java Client 2 may be helpful to start your work. However, you will be required to write your own UI code and have to consume Dialogflow API.

Launching app from Google assistant via Dialogflow

I'm using Dialogflow to interact with my users (they can ask questions, ask to receive reports etc...) and I would like to launch an Android application when they invoke one the intents I created, is there a way to that?
Short answer: Not really.
Longer answer: While you can't have one of your Actions trigger any Android Intent directly, you do have a few options to strongly suggest to a user that they do so. For example:
You can use something like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to trigger a notification/event.
If you're relying on the screen of the Android device, you can send a card that includes a URL, and that URL can deep link into your application if you've configured it.
