What exactly is considered a breaking change to a library crate? - rust

Rust crates use Semantic Versioning. As a consequence, each release with a breaking change should result in a major version bump. A breaking change is commonly considered something that may break downstream crates (code the depends on the library in question).
However, in Rust a whole lot has the potential of breaking downstream crates. For example, changing (including merely adding to) the set of public symbols is possibly a breaking change, because downstream crates can use glob-imports (use foo::*;) to pull symbols of our library into their namespace. Thus, adding symbols can break dependent crates as well; see this example.
Similarly, changing (adding or changing the version) the set of our dependencies can break downstream builds. You can also imagine that the downstream crate relies on a specific size of one of our public types. This is rarely, if at all, useful; I just want to show: everything could be a breaking change, if only the downstream crate tries hard enough.
Is there any guideline about this? What exactly is considered a breaking change and what not (because it's considered "the user's fault")?

There is a Rust RFC on this subject: RFC 1105: API Evolution. It's applicable to any Rust library project, and it covers all kinds of changes (not just breaking changes) and how they impact semantic versioning. I'll try to summarize the key points from the RFC in order to not make this answer a link-only answer. :)
The RFC acknowledges that pretty much any change to a library can cause a client to suddenly stop compiling. As such, it defines a set of major changes, which require a bump of the major version number, and a set of minor changes, which require a bump of the minor version number; not all breaking changes are major changes.
The key attribute of a minor change is that there must be a way that clients can avoid the breakage in advance by altering slightly their source code (e.g. change a glob import to a non-glob import, disambiguate an ambiguous call with UFCS, etc.) in such a way that the code is compatible with the version prior to the change and with the version that includes the change (assuming that it's a minor release). A minor change must also not force downstream crates to make major breaking changes in order to resolve the breakage.
The major changes defined in the RFC (as of commit 721f2d74) are:
Switching your project from being compatible with the stable compiler to only being compatible with the nightly compiler.
Renaming, moving or removing any public item in a module.
Adding a private field to a struct when all current fields are public.
Adding a public field to a struct that has no private fields.
Adding new variants to an enum.
Adding new fields to an enum variant.
Adding a non-defaulted item to a trait.
Any non-trivial change to the signature of a trait item.
Implementing a fundamental trait on an existing type.
Tightening bounds on an existing type parameter.
Adding or removing arguments to a function.
Any other breaking change that is not listed as a minor change in the RFC.
The minor changes defined in the RFC (as of commit 721f2d74, breaking unless specified) are:
Altering the use of Cargo features on a crate.
Adding new public items in a module.
Adding or removing private fields in a struct when at least one already exists (before and after the change) [not breaking].
Turning a tuple struct with all private fields (with at least one field) into a normal struct, or vice versa.
Adding a defaulted item to a trait.
Adding a defaulted type parameter to a trait [not breaking].
Implementing any non-fundamental trait on an existing type.
Adding any item to an inherent impl.
Changing an undocumented behavior of a function.
Loosening bounds on an existing type parameter [not breaking].
Adding defaulted type parameters to a type or trait [not breaking].
Generalizing an existing struct or enum field by replacing its type by a new type parameter that defaults to the previous type [breaking until issue 27336 is fixed].
Introducing a new type parameter to an existing function.
Generalizing a parameter or the return type of an existing function by replacing the type by a new type parameter that can be instantiated to the previous type.
Introducing new lint warnings/errors.
See the RFC for explanations and examples.


Create a map using type as key

I need a HashMap<K,V> where V is a trait (it will likely be Box or an Rc or something, that's not important), and I need to ensure that the map stores at most one of a given struct, and more importantly, that I can query the presence of (and retrieve/insert) items by their type. K can be anything that is unique to each type (a uint would be nice, but a String or even some large struct holding type information would be sufficient as long as it can be Eq and Hashable)
This is occurring in a library, so I cannot use an enum or such since new types can be added by external code.
I looked into std::any::TypeId but besides not working for non-'static types, it seems they aren't even unique (and allegedly collisions were achieved accidentally with a rather small number of types) so I'd prefer to avoid them if feasible since the number of types I'll have may be very large. (hence this is not a duplicate of this IMO)
I'd like something along the lines of a macro to ensure uniqueness but I can't figure out how to have some kind of global compile time counter. I could use a proper UUID, but it'd be nice to have guaranteed uniqueness since this is, in theory at least, statically determinable.
It is safe to assume that all relevant types are defined either in this lib or in a singular crate that directly depends on it, if that allows for a solution that might be otherwise impossible.
e.g. my thoughts are to generate ids for types in the lib, and also export a constant of the counter, which can be used by the consumer of the lib in the same macro (or a very similar one) but I don't see a way to have such a const value modified by const code in multiple places.
Is this possible or do I need some kind of build script that provides values before compile time?

Is there a way in rust to mark a type as non-droppable?

I would like to make it a compiler error to allow a type to be dropped, instead it must be forgotten. My use case is for a type the represents a handle of sorts that must be returned to its source for cleanup. This way a user of the API cannot accidentally leak the handle. They would be required to either return the handle to its source or explicitly forget it. In the source, the associated resources would be cleaned up and the handle explicitly forgotten.
The article The Pain Of Real Linear Types in Rust mentions this. Relevant quote:
One extreme option that I've seen is to implement drop() as
abort("this value must be used"). All "proper" consumers then
mem::forget the value, preventing this "destructor bomb" from going
off. This provides a dynamic version of strict must-use values.
Although it's still vulnerable to the few ways destructors can leak,
this isn't a significant concern in practice. Mostly it just stinks
because it's dynamic and Rust users Want Static Verification.
Ultimately, Rust lacks "proper" support for this kind of type.
So, assuming you want static checks, the answer is no.
You could require the user to pass a function object that returns the handle (FnOnce(Handle) -> Handle), as long as there aren't any other ways to create a handle.

What exactly is considered a breaking change to a PureScript library?

The Rust community has a fairly detailed description of their interpretation of Semantic Versioning.
The PureScript community has this, which includes:
We should write a semver tutorial for beginners, specifically its use in PureScript and the way we rely on ~-versions.
The odd thing is that looking at an assortment of 65 randomish purescript libraries, they all use ^-versions rather than ~-versions, but I have been unable to find any newer documentation and we recently had our build broken due to a mismatch in expectations.
Does the PureScript community have a reasonably consistent interpretation of semver, specifically regarding what is or isn't considered a breaking change? If so, what is it?
We don't have an exhaustive list anywhere, no. Now's as good a time as any to start one!
Taking advantage of features that require a newer compiler than when the current version was released.
Adding a dependency.
Removing a dependency.
Bumping a dependency's major version.
Deleting or renaming a module.
Removing a member (that means anything - type, value, class, kind, operator) from a module (either by hiding the export or deleting it).
Changing a type signature of an existing function or value in a way that means it won't unify with the previous version (so it is allowable to make types more general, but not less so).
Adding, removing, or altering the kind of type variables for a type.
Adding, removing, or altering data constructors for a type (unless the type does not export its constructors).
Adding or removing members of a type class declaration.
Changing the expected type parameters of a class.
Adding or altering functional dependencies of a class.
Changing the laws of a class.
Removing instances of a class.
Pretty much anything other than adding new members (or re-exports) to a module is considered a breaking change!
Occasionally we've made changes that are technically breaking (due to type signature changes), but done so to fix something that was completely unusable without the fix. In those cases they've gone out as patch bumps, but those cases are very rare. They tend only to occur when the FFI is involved.
Re: ~ vs ^... I think at the time the linked page was made there wasn't the option to use ^ in Bower (or it didn't default to that at least). ^ is the preferred/recommended range to use for libraries now.

Dropping a typeclass instance and the package version policy

I've been asked to drop my dependency on system-filepath.
My package defines a typeclass Arguable, and defines an instance for Filesystem.Path's FilePath type. No system-filepath means no Filesystem.Path means no FilePath, so by dropping this dependency, I'd be changing my API to no longer provide the Arguable instance.
How does that line up with the PVP? Is this a major version change?
Yes, it's a major version change. The Haskell wiki page on the PVP states about A.B.C version numbers (relevant phrase bolded):
If any entity was removed, or the types of any entities or the definitions of datatypes or classes were changed, or orphan instances were added or any instances were removed, then the new A.B must be greater than the previous A.B. Note that modifying imports or depending on a newer version of another package may cause extra orphan instances to be exported and thus force a major version change.
Otherwise, if only new bindings, types, classes, non-orphan instances or modules (but see below) were added to the interface, then A.B may remain the same but the new C must be greater than the old C. Note that modifying imports or depending on a newer version of another package may cause extra non-orphan instances to be exported and thus force a minor version change.
Otherwise, A.B.C may remain the same (other version components may change).

What's the benefit of defining Go methods away from struct definitions?

Go allows one to define methods separately from the struct/datatype they work on. Does it mean just flexibility in placing the method definitions or something more?
I've heard Go's struct/methods system being compared to monkey patching, but if I understand correctly, then you really can't add methods to any existing type (struct), as methods must reside in same package as the type. Ie. you can monkey patch only the types which are under your control anyway. Or am I missing something?
In which cases would you define a type and its methods in separate source files (or in different parts of the same source file)?
This is an advantage of Go over type based languages : you can organize your files as you like :
you can put all the similar functions together, even if there are many receiver types
you can split a file which would otherwise be too big
As frequently, Go didn't add a constraint which was useless. So the answer could also be "why not" ?
you really can't add methods to any existing type (struct), as methods must reside in same package as the type
If you could, you might not be able to determine which function to call in case of the same function name used on the same struct in two different packages. Or that would make certain packages incompatible.
This is (partly, probably) because in Go, you can have methods on any type, not just struct:
type Age uint
func (a Age) Add(n Age) Age {
return a + n
This is also how you can add methods to an existing type. What you do is define a new type based on that existing type, and add methods as you like.
Monkey Patching is not possible in go. The type you define methods on must reside in the same package.
What you can do is to define functions and methods wherever you like inside the package. It doesn't really matter if the type definition is in the same file as the method definition for the type.
This makes it possible to group all type definitions in one file and have the method implementation in another. Possibly with other helper which are needed by the methods.
