How to integrate On-Premweb application with Web app hosted on Azure (AAD authentication)? - azure

What could be the ways to integrate a web application ( on-prem) to another web application (Azure) using azure AD authentication( happening in the background), with out the user being prompted for credentials.

It depends on how your on-premise application authenticated. Based on the description, you want to implement the single sign-on for the on-premise application with the application which protected by Azure AD.
In this scenario, you can deploy ADFS on-premise and make the on-premise web application authenticate by the ADFS. Then we need to enable the trust from the ADFS to Azure AD. After build the federated trust, when the users try to access the web application which protect by Azure AD will redirect to the ADFS, and if the users already authenticate the on-premise application they will not required to enter their credential again. Here is a figure to demonstrate this progress and you can refer more detail about it from this link.
And now, we can use Azure AD connect to integrate your on-premises directories with Azure Active Directory easily. You can refer the video on this link about different settings for this tool.


Provide App service security in Azure solutions

I have a click once windows application which already has authentication n Authorization built in. Earlier i used to deploy it on physical server n share the location with users so that they can install it n use it. But now we have decided to deploy it on azure PAAS service (App service ). But currently url is geting access by anyone which i want to restrict. Currently my organization AD is not synced with Azure AD. So not able to use Azure AD for authentication.
Kindly provide some better solutions other than restricting users based on IP.
If it's a file download you can put it on Azure Blob storage for download and generate short-time SAS tokens.
While IP address restrictions and Azure AD authentication would be one-efficient approach for your scenario. Since you do not want to go that route (due to environment limitations), If you wish you could authenticate users with the specified provider (Microsoft Account, Facebook, Google, Twitter or Any OpenID Connect provider). App Service provides built-in authentication and authorization support, so you can sign in users and access data by writing minimal or no code.
App Service uses federated identity, in which a third-party identity provider manages the user identities and authentication flow for you. You can also use multiple sign-in providers.
So the simple process could be:
The option is Log in with . App Service redirects all anonymous requests to /.auth/login/<provider> for the provider you choose. If the anonymous request comes from a native mobile app, the returned response is an HTTP 401 Unauthorized.
Kindly checkout step-step instructions on the process/workflow:
Configure your App Service or Azure Functions app to use Microsoft Account login
If your WebApp is on VNet, you can have service endpoints enabled for Microsoft.Web, through access restrictions.
See- Advanced usage of authentication and authorization in Azure App Service

After migrating to Azure, how can I query my organization Active Directory from within the application now hosted in Azure?

I am searching around Google about this topic, but I can't find anything that talks about this. We have an ASP.NET WebForms application hosted on premise, and the login authenticate with our Active Directory. I can access the Active Directory outside the office, of course, using a VPN.
However, this application will be migrated to Azure. From Azure, we don't have access to our domain anymore, so we can't query our Active Directory users.
Which options do we have? There's a workaround for this?
Thank you!
You can use Azure AD to create an Active Directory domain in the cloud and connect it to your on-premises Active Directory domain. Azure AD connect integrates your on-premises directories with Azure AD. Refer to this article for more details.
With this solution, you need to setup Azure AD authentication on your app.
Integrate on-premises AD with Azure AD.

Azure AD connect and Azure ADFS

What is Azure AD connect and Azure ADFS? This is what I have understood: Azure ADFS is exposing on premises AD to Azure cloud and Azure AD connect is means to do that. Am I right?
We need to build an application which needs to authenticate users from different clients' AD. They may or may not have exposed their AD to Azure. Can someone please guide how can this problem be solved?
Azure ADFS is exposing on premises AD to Azure cloud and Azure AD connect is means to do that.
AS of now, the way Azure ADFS works, it essentially provides a way for a company to use AD and ADFS services, without having to deploy themselves. Just like how a Azure has Azure Web App will allow you to have a web server without having your own.
Unfortunately, It does not actually connect or integrate or expose your on premise AD. If you want your clients authenticate against multiple IDs, you do it the old fashioned way, by connecting to the on-premises AD directly. You cannot actually route it through Azure.
One thing which you can do (this will be a huge endeavour) is to move the on premises AD to Azure cloud, which can be done using Azure VMs. Now, that would allow your client to get rid of their on premises AD and use the Azure cloud for everything.

IIS Windows Authentication using Federated Identities in Azure AD

I am trying to make Windows Authentication (with Kerberos/NTLM) work in a Web App hosted in IIS using Azure AD Federated users but seems it does not work. Below are the whole infrastructure details:
I have an Azure AD (e.g. with Azure AD Domain Services Configured
I have an on premises Windows AD (e.g. which is federated with the Azure AD. The on-prem users are available in AAD, SSO works but the password hash is not synced with AAD.
A VM is created in Azure and joined to the AAD Domain
I created a Web App which uses Windows Authentication and hosted in IIS present in the above Azure VM
When I try to login using an AAD user (e.g. to the web app, it works all fine using both Kerberos and NTLM
However when I try to login using a federated identity (e.g., it fails showing a 401 Unauthorized Status code.
Here my question is, is this at all possible to make the Windows Auth (with Kerberos or NTLM) work with the Federated identities? If yes, please let me know the ways I can achieve this.

Azure AD Domain Services Single-sign-on with Application Proxy using KCD

I have connected an Azure VM with Azure AD Domain Services. I am trying to set up sso for IIS web app which authenticates users using Integrated Windows.
I have followed the guide to setup the Application Proxy and I am stuck at Delegating KCD.
Has anyone tried to authenticate users with Integrated Windows Authentication via Azure AD SSO?
This is not possible as in Azure AD Domain Services you don't have access to the domain controller so you can't configure KCD for the connector.
Disclaimer - I worked in the App Proxy team :-)
