How to download pubmed articles and read them? - python-3.x

Im having trouble to save pubmed articles and read them. I've seen at this page here that there are some special files types but no one of them worked for me. I want to save them in a way that I can continuous using the keys to get the the data. I don't know if its possible use it if I save it as a text file. My code is this one:
import sys
from Bio import Entrez
import re
import os
from Bio import Medline
from Bio import SeqIO
'''Class Crawler is responsable to browse the biological databases
from DownloadArticles import DownloadArticles
c = DownloadArticles()
class DownloadArticles():
def __init__(self):''
self.dataC = self.saveArticlesFilesInXMLMode('pubmed', '26837606')
'''Metodo 4 ler dado em forma de texto.'''
def saveArticlesFilesInXMLMode(self,dbs, ids):
net_handle = Entrez.efetch(db=dbs, id=ids, rettype="medline", retmode="txt")
directory = "/dataset/Pubmed/DatasetArticles/"+ ids + ".fasta"
# if not os.path.exists(directory):
# os.makedirs(directory)
# filename = directory + '/'
# if not os.path.exists(filename):
out_handle = open(directory, "w+")
record =, "fasta")
I'm getting this error: ValueError: No records found in handle
Pease someone can help me?
Now my code is like this, I am trying to do a function to save in .fasta like you did. And one to read the .fasta files like in the answer above.
import sys
from Bio import Entrez
import re
import os
from Bio import Medline
from Bio import SeqIO
def save_Articles_Files(dbName, idNum, rettypeName):
net_handle = Entrez.efetch(db=dbName, id=idNum, rettype=rettypeName, retmode="txt")
filename = path + idNum + ".fasta"
out_handle = open(filename, "w")
enter code here''
dbName = 'pubmed'
idNum = '26837606'
rettypeName = "medline"
path ="/run/media/Dropbox/codigos/Codes/"+dbName
save_Articles_Files(dbName, idNum, rettypeName)
But my function is not working I need some help please!

You're mixing up two concepts.
1) Entrez.efetch() is used to access NCBI. In your case you are downloading an article from Pubmed. The result that you get from looks like:
PMID- 26837606
STAT- In-Process
DA - 20160203
LR - 20160210
IS - 2045-2322 (Electronic)
IS - 2045-2322 (Linking)
VI - 6
DP - 2016 Feb 03
TI - Exploiting the CRISPR/Cas9 System for Targeted Genome Mutagenesis in Petunia.
PG - 20315
LID - 10.1038/srep20315 [doi]
AB - Recently, CRISPR/Cas9 technology has emerged as a powerful approach for targeted
genome modification in eukaryotic organisms from yeast to human cell lines. Its
successful application in several plant species promises enormous potential for
basic and applied plant research. However, extensive studies are still needed to
assess this system in other important plant species, to broaden its fields of
application and to improve methods. Here we showed that the CRISPR/Cas9 system is
efficient in petunia (Petunia hybrid), an important ornamental plant and a model
for comparative research. When PDS was used as target gene, transgenic shoot
lines with albino phenotype accounted for 55.6%-87.5% of the total regenerated T0
Basta-resistant lines. A homozygous deletion close to 1 kb in length can be
readily generated and identified in the first generation. A sequential
transformation strategy--introducing Cas9 and sgRNA expression cassettes
sequentially into petunia--can be used to make targeted mutations with short
indels or chromosomal fragment deletions. Our results present a new plant species
amenable to CRIPR/Cas9 technology and provide an alternative procedure for its
FAU - Zhang, Bin
AU - Zhang B
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
FAU - Yang, Xia
AU - Yang X
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
FAU - Yang, Chunping
AU - Yang C
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
FAU - Li, Mingyang
AU - Li M
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
FAU - Guo, Yulong
AU - Guo Y
AD - Chongqing Engineering Research Centre for Floriculture, Key Laboratory of
Horticulture Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University,
Chongqing 400716, China.
LA - eng
PT - Journal Article
PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
DEP - 20160203
PL - England
TA - Sci Rep
JT - Scientific reports
JID - 101563288
PMC - PMC4738242
OID - NLM: PMC4738242
EDAT- 2016/02/04 06:00
MHDA- 2016/02/04 06:00
CRDT- 2016/02/04 06:00
PHST- 2015/09/21 [received]
PHST- 2015/12/30 [accepted]
AID - srep20315 [pii]
AID - 10.1038/srep20315 [doi]
PST - epublish
SO - Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 3;6:20315. doi: 10.1038/srep20315.
2) is used to read and parse FASTA files. This is a format that is used to store sequences. A sequence in FASTA format is represented as a series of lines. The first line in a FASTA file starts with a ">" (greater-than) symbol. Following the initial line (used for a unique description of the sequence) is the actual sequence itself in standard one-letter code.
As you can see, the result that you get back from Entrez.efetch() (which I pasted above) doesn't look like a FASTA file. So gives the error that it can't find any sequence records in the file.


is there a method to detect person and associate a text?

I have a text like :
Take a loot at some of the first confirmed Forum speakers: John
Sequiera Graduated in Biology at Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales,University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2004 obtained a
PhD in Biology (Molecular Neuroscience), at University of Buenos
Aires, mentored by Prof. Marcelo Rubinstein. Between 2005 and 2008
pursued postdoctoral training at Pasteur Institute (Paris) mentored by
Prof Jean-Pierre Changeux, to investigate the role of nicotinic
receptors in executive behaviors. Motivated by a deep interest in
investigating human neurological diseases, in 2009 joined the
Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London where she performed
basic research with a translational perspective in the field of
Since 2016 has been chief of instructors / Adjunct professor at University of Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales.
Tom Gonzalez is a professor of Neuroscience at the Sussex Neuroscience, School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex. Prof.
Baden studies how neurons and networks compute, using the beautiful
collection of circuits that make up the vertebrate retina as a model.
I want to have in output :
[{"person" : "John Sequiera" , "content": "Graduated in Biology at Facultad...."},{"person" : "Tom Gonzalez" , "content": "is a professor of Neuroscience at the Sussex..."}]
so we want to get NER : PER for person and in content we put all contents after detecting person until we found a new person in the text ...
it is possible ?
i try to use spacy to extract NER , but i found a difficulty to get content :
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg")
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:

How to reconstruct original text from spaCy tokens, even in cases with complicated whitespacing and punctuation

' '.join(token_list) does not reconstruct the original text in cases with multiple whitespaces and punctuation in a row.
For example:
from spacy.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from spacy.lang.en import English
nlp = English()
# Create a blank Tokenizer with just the English vocab
tokenizerSpaCy = Tokenizer(nlp.vocab)
context_text = 'this is a test \n \n \t\t test for \n testing - ./l \t'
contextSpaCyToksSpaCyObj = tokenizerSpaCy(context_text)
spaCy_toks = [i.text for i in contextSpaCyToksSpaCyObj]
reconstruct = ' '.join(spaCy_toks)
reconstruct == context_text
Is there an established way of reconstructing original text from spaCy tokens?
Established answer should work with this edge case text (you can directly get the source from clicking the 'improve this question' button)
" UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05795279 Date: 01/07/2016\n\n\n RELEASE IN PART\n B5, B6\n\n\n\n\nFrom: H <>\nSent: Monday, July 23, 2012 7:26 AM\nTo: 'millscd'\nCc: '; ''\nSubject Re: S speech this morning\n\n\n\n Waiting to hear if Monica can come by and pick up at 8 to take to Josh. If I don't hear from her, can you send B5\nsomeone else?\n\n Original Message ----\nFrom: Mills, Cheryl D []\nSent: Monday, July 23, 2012 07:23 AM\nTo: H\nCc: Daniel, Joshua J <>\nSubject: FW: S speech this morning\n\nSee below\n\n B5\n\ncdm\n\n Original Message\nFrom: Shah, Rajiv (AID/A) B6\nSent: Monday, July 23, 2012 7:19 AM\nTo: Mills, Cheryl D\nCc: Daniel, Joshua.'\nSubject: S speech this morning\n\nHi cheryl,\n\nI look fwd to attending the speech this morning.\n\nI had one last minute request - I understand that in the final version there is no reference to the child survival call to\naction, but their is a reference to family planning efforts. Could you and josh try to make sure there is some specific\nreference to the call to action?\n\nAlso, in terms of acknowledgements it would be good to note torn friedan's leadership as everyone is sensitive to our ghi\ntransition and we want to continue to send the usaid-pepfar-cdc working together public message. I don't know if he is\nthere, but wanted to flag.\n\nLook forward to it.\n\nRaj\n\n\n\n\n UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05795279 Date: 01/07/2016\n\x0c"
You can very easily accomplish this by changing two lines in your code:
spaCy_toks = [i.text + i.whitespace_ for i in contextSpaCyToksSpaCyObj]
reconstruct = ''.join(spaCy_toks)
Basically, each token in spaCy knows whether it is followed by whitespace or not. So you call token.whitespace_ instead of joining them on space by default.

unable to get rid of all emojis

I need help removing emojis. I looked at some other stackoverflow questions and this is what I am de but for some reason my code doesn't get rid of all the emojis
d= {'alexveachfashion': 'Fashion Style * Haute Couture * Wearable Tech * VR\n👓👜⌚👠\nSoundCloud is Live #alexveach\n👇New YouTube Episodes ▶️👇', 'andrewvng': 'Family | Fitness | Friends | Gym | Food', 'runvi.official': 'Accurate measurement via SMART insoles & real-time AI coaching. Improve your technique & BOOST your performance with every run.\nSoon on Kickstarter!', 'triing': 'Augmented Jewellery™️ • Montreal. Canada.', 'gedeanekenshima': 'Prof na Etec Albert Einstein, Mestranda em Automação e Controle de Processos, Engenheira de Controle e Automação, Técnica em Automação Industrial.', 'jetyourdaddy': '', 'lavonne_sun': '☄️🔭 ✨\n°●°。Visual Narrative\nA creative heart with a poetic soul.\n————————————\nPARSONS —— Design & Technology', 'taysearch': 'All the World’s Information At Your Fingertips. (Literally) Est. 1991🇺🇸 🎀#PrincessofSearch 🔎Sample 👇🏽 the Search Engine Here 🗽', 'hijewellery': 'Fine 3D printed jewellery for tech lovers #3dprintedjewelry #wearabletech #jewellery', 'yhanchristian': 'Estudante de Engenharia, Maker e viciado em café.', 'femka': 'Fashion Futurist + Fashion Tech Lab Founder #technoirlab + Fashion Designer / Parsons & CSM Grad / Obsessed with #fashiontech #future #cryptocurrency', 'sinhbisen': 'Creator, TRiiNG, augmented jewellery label ⭕️ Transhumanist ⭕️ Corporeal cartographer ⭕️', 'stellawearables': '#StellaWearables ✉️ Premium Wearable Technology That Monitors Personal Health & Environments ☀️🏝🏜🏔', 'ivoomi_india': 'We are the manufacturers of the most innovative technologies and user-friendly gadgets with a global presence.', 'bgutenschwager': "When it comes to life, it's all about the experience.\nGoogle Mapper 🗺\n360 Photographer 📷\nBrand Rep #QuickTutor", 'storiesofdesign': 'Putting stories at the heart of brands and businesses | Cornwall and London | #storiesofdesign', '': '草創期から国産ウオッチの製造に取り組み、挑戦を続けてきたエプソンが世界に放つ新ブランド「TRUME」(トゥルーム)。目指すのは、最先端技術でアナログウオッチを極めるブランド。', 'themarinesss': "I didn't choose the blog life, the blog life chose me | Aspiring Children's Book Author |", 'ayowearable': 'The world’s first light-based wearable that helps you sleep better, beat jet lag and have more energy! #goAYO Get yours at:', 'wearyourowntechs': 'Bringing you the latest trends, Current Products and Reviews of Wearable Technology. Discover how they can enhance your Life and Lifestyle', 'roxfordwatches': 'The Roxford | The most stylish and customizable fitness smartwatch. Tracks your steps/calories/dist/sleep. Comes with FOUR bands, and a travel case!', 'playertek': "Track your entire performance - every training session, every match. \nBecause the best players don't hide.", '_kate_hartman_': '', 'hmsmc10': 'Health & Wellness 🍎\nBoston, MA 🏙\nSuffolk MPA ‘17 🎓 \n.\nJust Strong Ambassador 🏋🏻\u200d♀️', 'gadgetxtreme': 'Dedicated to reviewing gadgets, technologies, internet products and breaking tech news. Follow us to see daily vblogs on all the disruptive tech..', 'freedom.journey.leader': '📍MN\n🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿 \n📧 \n#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife', 'arts_food_life': 'Life through my phone.', 'medgizmo': 'Wearable #tech: #health #healthcare #wellness #gadgets #apps. Images/links provided as information resource only; doesn’t mean we endorse referenced', 'sawearables': 'The home of wearable tech in South Africa!\n--> #WearableTech #WearableTechnology #FitnessTech Find your wearable #', 'shop.mercury': 'Changing the way you charge.⚡️\nGet exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!🔋', 'invisawear': 'PRE-ORDERS NOW AVAILABLE! Get yours 25% OFF here: #girlboss #wearabletech'}
for key in d:
print("---with emojis----")
print("---emojis removed----")
x=''.join(c for c in d[key] if c <= '\uFFFF')
output example
---with emojis----
🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿
#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife
---emojis removed----
Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 • D Y I lover • Small town living in MN.
#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife
---with emojis----
Changing the way you charge.⚡️
Get exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!🔋
---emojis removed----
Changing the way you charge.⚡️
Get exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!
There is no technical definition of what an "emoji" is. Various glyphs may be used to render printable characters, symbols, control characters and the like. What seems like an "emoji" to you may be part of normal script to others.
What you probably want to do is to look at the Unicode category of each character and filter out various categories. While this does not solve the "emoji"-definition-problem per se, you get much better control over what you are actually doing without removing, for example, literally all characters of languages spoken by 2/3 of the planet.
Instead of filtering out certain categories, you may filter everything except the lower- and uppercase letters (and numbers). However, be aware that ꙭ is not "the googly eyes emoji" but the CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DOUBLE MONOCULAR O, which is a normal lowercase letter to millions of people.
For example:
import unicodedata
s = "🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿"
# Just filter category "symbol"
t = ''.join(c for c in s if unicodedata.category(c) not in ('So', ))
...results in
Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 • D Y I lover • Small town living in MN.
This may not be emoji-free enough, yet the • is technically a form of punctuation. So filter this as well
# Filter symbols and punctuations. You may want 'Cc' as well,
# to get rid of control characters. Beware that newlines are a
# form of control-character.
t = ''.join(c for c in s if unicodedata.category(c) not in ('So', 'Po'))
And you get
Wife Homeschooling Mom to 5 D Y I lover Small town living in MN

Scraping youtube playlist

I've been trying to write a python script which will fetch me the name of the songs contained in the playlist whose link will be provided. for eg. from the terminal.
I've found out that names could be extracted by using "li" tag or "h4" tag.
I wrote the following code,
import sys
link = sys.argv[1]
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
req = requests.get(link)
except Exception as exc:
print('There was a problem:',exc)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")
Then I tried using li-tag as:
for o in i:
But it printed "None" those number of time. I belive it is not able to reach those li tags which contains data-video-title attribute.
Then I tried using div and h4 tags as,
for i in soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class':'playlist-video-description'}):
o = i.find('h4')
But nothing happens again..
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
data = requests.get(url)
data = data.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
h4 = soup.find_all("h4")
for h in h4:
Mike Posner - I Took A Pill In Ibiza (Seeb Remix) (Explicit)
Alan Walker - Faded
Calvin Harris - This Is What You Came For (Official Video) ft. Rihanna
Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend (Official video)
Jonas Blue - Fast Car ft. Dakota
Calvin Harris & Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love
Galantis - No Money (Official Video)
Kungs vs Cookin’ on 3 Burners - This Girl
Clean Bandit - Rockabye ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie [Official Video]
Major Lazer - Light It Up (feat. Nyla & Fuse ODG) [Remix] (Official Lyric Video)
Robin Schulz - Sugar (feat. Francesco Yates) (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
DJ Snake - Middle ft. Bipolar Sunshine
Jonas Blue - Perfect Strangers ft. JP Cooper
David Guetta ft. Zara Larsson - This One's For You (Music Video) (UEFA EURO 2016™ Official Song)
DJ Snake - Let Me Love You ft. Justin Bieber
Duke Dumont - Ocean Drive
Galantis - Runaway (U & I) (Official Video)
Sigala - Sweet Lovin' (Official Video) ft. Bryn Christopher
Martin Garrix - Animals (Official Video)
David Guetta & Showtek - Bad ft.Vassy (Lyrics Video)
DVBBS & Borgeous - TSUNAMI (Original Mix)
AronChupa - I'm an Albatraoz | OFFICIAL VIDEO
Lilly Wood & The Prick and Robin Schulz - Prayer In C (Robin Schulz Remix) (Official)
Kygo - Firestone ft. Conrad Sewell
DEAF KEV - Invincible [NCS Release]
Eiffel 65 - Blue (KNY Factory Remix)
Ok guys, I have figured out what was happening. My code was perfect and it works fine, the problem was that I was passing the link as an argument from the terminal and co-incidentally, the link contained some symbols which were interpreted in some other fashion for eg. ('&').
Now I am passing the link as a string in the terminal and everything works fine. So dumb yet time-consuming mistake.

Writing to a NetCDF3 file using module netcdf4 in python

I'm having a issue writing to a netcdf3 file using the netcdf4 functions. I tried using the create variable function but it gives me this error: NetCDF: Attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file
nc = Dataset(root.fileName,'a',format="NETCDF4")
Hycom_U = nc.createVariable('/variables/Hycom_U','float',('time','lat','lon',))
Hycom_V = nc.createVariable('/variables/Hycom_V','f4',('time','lat','lon',))
root group (NETCDF3_CLASSIC data model, file format NETCDF3):
netcdf_library_version: 4.1.3
format_version: HFRNet_1.0.0
product_version: HFRNet_1.1.05
Conventions: CF-1.0
title: Near-Real Time Surface Ocean Velocity, Hawaii,
2 km Resolution
institution: Scripps Institution of Oceanography
source: Surface Ocean HF-Radar
history: 22-Feb-2017 00:55:46: NetCDF file created
22-Feb-2017 00:55:46: Filtered U and V by GDOP < 1.25 ;
FMRC Best Dataset
references: Terrill, E. et al., 2006. Data Management and Real-time
Distribution in the HF-Radar National Network. Proceedings
of the MTS/IEEE Oceans 2006 Conference, Boston MA,
September 2006.
creator_name: Mark Otero
summary: Surface ocean velocities estimated from HF-Radar are
representative of the upper 0.3 - 2.5 meters of the
ocean. The main objective of near-real time
processing is to produce the best product from
available data at the time of processing. Radial
velocity measurements are obtained from individual
radar sites through the U.S. HF-Radar Network.
Hourly radial data are processed by unweighted
least-squares on a 2 km resolution grid of Hawaii
to produce near real-time surface current maps.
geospatial_lat_min: 20.487279892
geospatial_lat_max: 21.5720806122
geospatial_lon_min: -158.903594971
geospatial_lon_max: -157.490005493
grid_resolution: 2km
grid_projection: equidistant cylindrical
regional_description: Unites States, Hawaiian Islands
cdm_data_type: GRID
featureType: GRID
location: Proto fmrc:HFRADAR,_US_Hawaii,_2km_Resolution,_Hourly_RTV
History: Translated to CF-1.0 Conventions by Netcdf-Java CDM (NetcdfCFWriter)
Original Dataset = fmrc:HFRADAR,_US_Hawaii,_2km_Resolution,_Hourly_RTV; Translation Date = Thu Feb 23 13:35:32 GMT 2017
dimensions(sizes): time(25), lat(61), lon(77)
variables(dimensions): float32 u(time,lat,lon), float64 time_run(time), float64 time(time), float32 lat(lat), float32 lon(lon), float32 v(time,lat,lon)
What are the netcdf 3 operations I can use to add data into the file? I found out that I could manually add data by simply doing this nc.variables["Hycom_U"]=U2which directly adds the data, but nothing else. Is there a better way to do this?
I believe the issue is that you're claiming the file to be netCDF4 format:
nc = Dataset(root.fileName,'a',format="NETCDF4")`
but you really want to indicate that it's netCDF3:
nc = Dataset(root.fileName,'a',format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC")
Additional documentation can be found here.
I figured it out! I simply couldn't use a path as a varname.
Hycom_U = nc.createVariable('Hycom_U','float',('time','lat','lon',))
It properly created a variable for me.
