Iterator malfunction when looping through string - string

What I'm trying to do is get the user to input a phone number in a format they prefer and then remove the helper characters the user has used in their input using a loop which compares each character in the string with a another set of defined helper characters, if there is a match it erases that character from the string. I'm doing this as a practice problem to develop my understaing of iterators. I have successfully done this with the trivial for loop. However when I try to do it this way to my surprise whenever there are two helper characters like the "(+" the loop does not run for the next character which in this case is the "+". It direclt skips to the "9" and works fine after that. It does the same behaviour if other helper characters are present later on in the string. I have checked this by placing a cout << *i just under the first for loop. I don't understand why this would happen? Because of this the program fails to do what it's supposed to and out puts "+91892333" instead of the desired "91892333".
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string main = "(+91)892-333";
string dictionary = "(+)-";
for( string::iterator i = main.begin(); i != main.end(); i++)
for( char word : dictionary)
if(*i == word)
cout << main;

According to the documentation erase invalidates iterators. So after you call erase you must not use iterators obtained before or you get UB. In your case erase does not change iterator but moves the end if the string after erased symbol one symbol left. So your iterator now points to the next character. But that behaviour is not guaranteed, std::string may allocate new buffer and move the data there, leaving old iterators pointing to nowhere.


I'm need to count every word, line , and character of a given string

as you can see i'm trying to get the word count, character count and line count but the below code is not working.
using namespace std;
int main()
char ch;
int wc=1, lc=1, cc=0;
if(ch==' ')
else if(ch=='\n')
cout<<"\n the number of character=="<<cc;
cout<<"\n the number of words=="<<wc;
cout<<"\n the number of lines=="<<lc;
return 0;
I entered your code and compiled it with g++. It is working without any problems. Can you post the error you get or did it compile ?
Maybe your visual c++ compiler is not working right. The code itself should work.
Edit: Below a different version of the above code, where no text input is threaded as zero words and EOF is also a break condition of the loop.
EOF depends on your system, on Windows it is Control + z, on Linux it might be Control + d.
The input text might have multiple spaces between words. Punctuation characters and digits (0-9) are threaded as word delimiters as good as possible. Underscore, backticks, tildes and apostrophe like in "don't" are handled as part of a word.
Curly brackets are handled as part of a word to keep the code simple but normal brackets are delimiters.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int ch, wc=0, lc=1, cc=0, old=0;
cout<<"Enter your text, exit with '*':\n";
while ((ch=cin.get())!='*' && ch!=EOF)
if (old<='?' && old!='\'')
wc += !(ch<='?' && ch!='\'');
lc += ((old=ch)=='\n');
cout<<"\nthe number of character=="<<cc
<<"\nthe number of words=="<<wc
<<"\nthe number of lines=="<<lc<<"\n";
return 0;

I used cin to get a string input as shown below in the code and it works fine. Is it alright?

using namespace std;
int main()
{ int n;
char s[15];
return 0;
I tried with gets and fgets function but they don't work just after cin..
I'm kind of confused on what you are asking here, but I have noticed something here that can be fixed.
Yes the code you have compiles and it works. However, it could be improved.
When prompted to input something to your char array, you'll notice that it will not accept whitespaces. So if I input, Jon Smith, the output will only be Jon and the rest of the string input is cut off. To fix this, you will need to make a call the the getline() function.
The documentation of getline() states:
Extracts characters from is and stores them into str until the delimitation character delim is found (or the newline character, '\n'..)
This will allow you to get whitespaces from the input and put the entire input back into a string.
If you add this function call to your code where the second input prompt lies and you were to run the code, you would notice that you will only get prompted once and then the program would finish running before the second prompt appears to be executed. This is because getline() does not ignore leading whitespace characters and it stops reading any further because the cin>> before it is seen as a newline character.
To make getline() work with cin>>, you must use cin.ignore() before the call to getline(). Below is some code that I wrote to make this adjustment:
// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n;
string s; //using string allows us to use getline()
cout<<"Enter a number: "; //Let user know they are being prompt for number
cin.ignore(); //ignore the leading newline
cout<<"Enter a string: "; //let user know being prompt for string
getline (cin,s);
return 0;
Again, the code you have works and compiles. I'm not sure if my solution is the answer you are hoping to get but I hope that you are able to find this useful! Cheers!

Visual Studio '13 (Access Violation)

When I compile and run this program via gcc(g++)/Cygwin it compiles and acts as expected.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
for (int arg = 1; arg <= argc; arg++)
cout << argv[arg] << endl;
return 0;
However, when compiling with Visual Studio 13, the program compiles but I am given an access violation upon execution. What gives?
Unhandled exception at 0x000B5781 in demo.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
argv is a pointer to the first element of an array containing argc+1 elements. The first argc elements of this array contain pointers to first elements of null terminated strings representing the arguments given to the program by the environment (commonly the first of these strings is the name of the program, followed by the command line arguments).
The last element of this array (the argc+1th element, which argv[argc] refers to) is a null pointer. Your code dereferences this null pointer, leading to undefined behaviour.
The important thing to note here is that array indexing in C++ is zero based, rather than one based. This means that the first element of an array arr of length n is arr[0], and the last element is arr[n-1]. Your code appears to assume that the first element of such an array is arr[1] and that the last element is arr[n].

Longest Subsequence with all occurrences of a character at 1 place

In a sequence S of n characters; each character may occur many times in the sequence. You want to find the longest subsequence of S where all occurrences of the same character are together in one place;
For ex. if S = aaaccaaaccbccbbbab, then the longest such subsequence(answer) is aaaaaaccccbbbb i.e= aaa__aaacc_ccbbb_b.
In other words, any alphabet character that appears in S may only appear in one contiguous block in the subsequence. If possible, give a polynomial time
algorithm to determine the solution.
Below I give a C++ implementation of a dynamic programming algorithm that solves this problem. An upper bound on the running time (which is probably not tight) is given by O(g*(n^2 + log(g))), where n is the length of the string and g is the number of distinct subsequences in the input. I don't know a good way to characterise this number, but it can be as bad as O(2^n) for a string consisting of n distinct characters, making this algorithm exponential-time in the worst case. It also uses O(ng) space to hold the DP memoisation table. (A subsequence, unlike a substring, may consist of noncontiguous character from the original string.) In practice, the algorithm will be fast whenever the number of distinct characters is small.
The two key ideas used in coming up with this algorithm were:
Every subsequence of a length-n string is either (a) the empty string or (b) a subsequence whose first element is at some position 1 <= i <= n and which is followed by another subsequence on the suffix beginning at position i+1.
If we append characters (or more specifically character positions) one at a time to a subsequence, then in order to build all and only the subsequences that satisfy the validity criteria, whenever we add a character c, if the previous character added, p, was different from c, then it is no longer possible to add any p characters later on.
There are at least 2 ways to manage the second point above. One way is to maintain a set of disallowed characters (e.g. using a 256-bit array), which we add to as we add characters to the current subsequence. Every time we want to add a character to the current subsequence, we first check whether it is allowed.
Another way is to realise that whenever we have to disallow a character from appearing later in the subsequence, we can achieve this by simply deleting all copies of the character from the remaining suffix, and using this (probably shorter) string as the subproblem to solve recursively. This strategy has the advantage of making it more likely that the solver function will be called multiple times with the same string argument, which means more computation can be avoided when the recursion is converted to DP. This is how the code below works.
The recursive function ought to take 2 parameters: the string to work on, and the character most recently appended to the subsequence that the function's output will be appended to. The second parameter must be allowed to take on a special value to indicate that no characters have been appended yet (which happens in the top-level recursive case). One way to accomplish this would be to choose a character that does not appear in the input string, but this introduces a requirement not to use that character. The obvious workaround is to pass a 3rd parameter, a boolean indicating whether or not any characters have already been added. But it's slightly more convenient to use just 2 parameters: a boolean indicating whether any characters have been added yet, and a string. If the boolean is false, then the string is simply the string to be worked on. If it is true, then the first character of the string is taken to be the last character added, and the rest is the string to be worked on. Adopting this approach means the function takes only 2 parameters, which simplifies memoisation.
As I said at the top, this algorithm is exponential-time in the worst case. I can't think of a way to completely avoid this, but some optimisations can help certain cases. One that I've implemented is to always add maximal contiguous blocks of the same character in a single step, since if you add at least one character from such a block, it can never be optimal to add fewer than the entire block. Other branch-and-bound-style optimisations are possible, such as keeping track of a globally best string so far and cutting short the recursion whenever we can be certain that the current subproblem cannot produce a longer one -- e.g. when the number of characters added to the subsequence so far, plus the total number of characters remaining, is less than the length of the best subsequence so far.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class RunFinder {
string s;
map<string, string> memo[2]; // DP matrix
// If skip == false, compute the longest valid subsequence of t.
// Otherwise, compute the longest valid subsequence of the string
// consisting of t without its first character, taking that first character
// to be the last character of a preceding subsequence that we will be
// adding to.
string calc(string const& t, bool skip) {
map<string, string>::iterator m(memo[skip].find(t));
// Only calculate if we haven't already solved this case.
if (m == memo[skip].end()) {
// Try the empty subsequence. This is always valid.
string best;
// Try starting a subsequence whose leftmost position is one of
// the remaining characters. Instead of trying each character
// position separately, consider only contiguous blocks of identical
// characters, since if we choose one character from this block there
// is never any harm in choosing all of them.
for (string::const_iterator i = t.begin() + skip; i != t.end();) {
if (t.end() - i < best.size()) {
// We can't possibly find a longer string now.
string::const_iterator next = find_if(i + 1, t.end(), bind1st(not_equal_to<char>(), *i));
// Just use next - 1 to cheaply give us an extra char at the start; this is safe
string u(next - 1, t.end());
u[0] = *i; // Record the previous char for the recursive call
if (skip && *i != t[0]) {
// We have added a new segment that is different from the
// previous segment. This means we can no longer use the
// character from the previous segment.
u.erase(remove(u.begin() + 1, u.end(), t[0]), u.end());
string v(i, next);
v += calc(u, true);
if (v.size() > best.size()) {
best = v;
i = next;
m = memo[skip].insert(make_pair(t, best)).first;
return (*m).second;
RunFinder(string s) : s(s) {}
string calc() {
return calc(s, false);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
RunFinder rf(argv[1]);
cout << rf.calc() << '\n';
return 0;
Example results
C:\runfinder>stopwatch runfinder aaaccaaaccbccbbbab
stopwatch: Terminated. Elapsed time: 0ms
stopwatch: Process completed with exit code 0.
C:\runfinder>stopwatch runfinder abbaaasdbasdnfa,mnbmansdbfsbdnamsdnbfabbaaasdbasdnfa,mnbmansdbfsbdnamsdnbfabbaaasdbasdnfa,mnbmansdbfsbdnamsdnbfabbaaasdbasdnfa,mnbmansdbfsbdnamsdnbf
stopwatch: Terminated. Elapsed time: 609ms
stopwatch: Process completed with exit code 0.
C:\runfinder>stopwatch -v runfinder abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456abcdefghijklmnop
stopwatch: Command to be run: <runfinder abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456abcdefghijklmnop>.
stopwatch: Global memory situation before commencing: Used 2055507968 (49%) of 4128813056 virtual bytes, 1722564608 (80%) of 2145353728 physical bytes.
stopwatch: Process start time: 21/11/2012 02:53:14
stopwatch: Terminated. Elapsed time: 8062ms, CPU time: 7437ms, User time: 7328ms, Kernel time: 109ms, CPU usage: 92.25%, Page faults: 35473 (+35473), Peak working set size: 145440768, Peak VM usage: 145010688, Quota peak paged pool usage: 11596, Quota peak non paged pool usage: 1256
stopwatch: Process completed with exit code 0.
stopwatch: Process completion time: 21/11/2012 02:53:22
The last run, which took 8s and used 145Mb, shows how it can have problems with strings containing many distinct characters.
EDIT: Added in another optimisation: we now exit the loop that looks for the place to start the subsequence if we can prove that it cannot possibly be better than the best one discovered so far. This drops the time needed for the last example from 32s down to 8s!
EDIT: This solution is wrong for OP's problem. I'm not deleting it because it might be right for someone else. :)
Consider a related problem: find the longest subsequence of S of consecutive occurrences of a given character. This can be solved in linear time:
char c = . . .; // the given character
int start = -1;
int bestStart = -1;
int bestLength = 0;
int currentLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < S.length; ++i) {
if (S.charAt(i) == c) {
if (start == -1) {
start = i;
} else {
if (currentLength > bestLength) {
bestStart = start;
bestLength = currentLength;
start = -1;
currentLength = 0;
if (bestStart >= 0) {
// longest sequence of c starts at bestStart
} else {
// character c does not occur in S
If the number of distinct characters (call it m) is reasonably small, just apply this algorithm in parallel to each character. This can be easily done by converting start, bestStart, currentLength, bestLength to arrays m long. At the end, scan the bestLength array for the index of the largest entry and use the corresponding entry in the bestStart array as your answer. The total complexity is O(mn).
import java.util.*;
public class LongestSubsequence {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String str =;
static void execute(String str) {
int[] hash = new int[256];
String ans = "";
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
char temp = str.charAt(i);
for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) {
if (hash[i] != 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < hash[i]; j++)
ans += (char) i;
Space: 256 -> O(256), I don't if it's correct to say this way..., cause O(256) I think is O(1)
Time: O(n)

Having trouble passing array to function

I am getting all kinds of errors when passing my array to this function. The function is suppose to have the user enter a name and a score and store them in 2 seperate arrays, one for the names, one for the scores. I believe I have to use pointers but have no idea on how to use them. I don't want the answer, just a push in the right direction. Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
int InputData(int &, char, int);
using namespace std;
int main()
char playerName[100][20];
int score[100];
int numPlayers = 0;
InputData(numPlayers, playerName, score);
return 0;
int InputData(int &numPlayers, char playerName[][20], int score[])
while (numPlayers <= 100)
cout << "Enter Player Name (Q to quit): ";
cin.getline(playerName, 100, ā€˜\nā€™);
if ((playerName[numPlayers] = 'Q') || (playerName[numPlayers] = 'q'))
return 0;
cout << "Enter score for " << playerName[numPlayers] <<": ";
cin >> score[numPlayers];
Ok, I made some more changes and the errors are less, must be getting close, Lol!
This looks like a school assignment and I applaud you for not asking for the answer. There are several ways to do it, but you are already fairly close in the approach that you are using. When you pass an array reference, you do not want to include the length of the array. For example, the parameter int score[100] should be int score[]. The exception, especially in your scenario, is with multidimensional arrays. In this case, you want to use char playerName[][20]. Your function declaration also needs to change to match. Don't forget InputData returns an int. Your declarations and function call are correct; you just need to adjust your function signature.
Keeping the errors aside -
InputData(numPlayers, playerName, score, size);
// ^^^^ size is no where declared
// resulting Undeclared indentifier error
Prototype mentions of taking 3 arguments but calling the function passing 4 parameters.
Hint regarding errors:
An 1D array decays to a pointer pointing to first element in the array while passing to a function.
A 2D array decays to a pointer pointing to the 1D array ( i.e., T[][size] ) while passing to a function.
Return type of main() should be int.
It seems with the given hints you corrected most of the errors. But you forgot to change the prototype. So, change -
int InputData(int &, char, int);
int InputData(int &, char[][20], int[]);
Why aren't you using std::string array for player names ? Use it and remove rest of the errors. Good luck.
