Application Insights response code 400 Bad request - azure

when trying to call application insights api service with this url it gave me 400 Bad request$filter=contains(pageView/url,'valid-url')&$count=true
appID and valid-url is set correctly and i delete them in this question to make it more easy to read
Is there any issue in using $filter=contains ???

the easiest way to verify this stuff is to use the api explorer, and the demo app:
this url shows that startswith works fine:$filter=startswith(pageView%2Furl%2C'http%3A%2F%2Faiconnect')
if you "need" something like contains, you can use $search (which looks across most fields, though, and has its own AND/OR text search logic)$search=%22Customers%2FCreate%22


Cors no-access-control-allow-origin when trying to call B2C login

I cannot resolve this error, i have a .net core web api, with a react application inside of it ( net core react template )
I have also added cors:
services.AddCors(options =>
builder => builder.WithOrigins("https://localhost:44300")
I have tried multiple things but i cant get past this error.
I have found loads of material online to try and nothing seems to work i feel like i am missing something really obvious?
Can someone point me in the right direction.
I expect that there should be an allow origin header:
I also tried using the Mosif browser extension to turn cors on, this stoped the cors error from showing but now i have a 404 (notfound ) on:
You mention that you get an 404 error when opening the openid-configuration url. This means that part of your configuration is incorrect. You must be able to open this url in your browser and get back a JSON document. Copy it to a new tab and tweak it until you get back a result.
Please double check your configured policy and tenant name. The full url usually looks like this:<policy-name>/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration<policy-name><policy-name>/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
All of these are equally valid and can be used depending on your scenario.
The config should then look something like this:
instance: '',
tenant: '',
Another issue might be if your B2C tenant quite new, Microsoft could be blocking support for microsoftonline for your tenant. In this case, try switching to the domain as your instance.
You can see a possible value for this url when opening the user flow in the Azure Portal.
As a sidenote, I would suggest switching to a different react library. The one you are using is not really being maintained. We are currently using

How to send POST variables with Nipple on NodeJS

I am trying to use nipple to post to an url within my nodejs application, which itself is running on hapi.js
The documentation essentially doesn't seem to spell it out.
I tried passing it as payload inside options but that, while not returning an error, returns a 400. Can someone provide a correct example doing a post using nipple?
Essentially, I have two variables that I need to send - let's call the var1 and var2.
That link says that the project has been renamed to wreck. On wreck's github, several of the tests are for a post requests, including this one:
If you are still scratching your head, you could also try using curl or postman to sanity check your URL, regardless of any nipple/wreck errors. If that also gives you a 400, nipple/wreck may not be the culprit.

azure method blows up if the records does not exist

I am using this method from the azure mobile services tutorial:
await todoTable.LookupAsync(id). I have 2 rows in a table of id 1,2.
If i do await todoTable.LookupAsync(1), it works and return the record. If i do
await todoTable.LookupAsync(8) to see how it's going to handle null, it just blows up with Not Found exception.
Thanks for help on this.
NULL would mean there is a record for id = 8, but its value is `NULL'. But in your case you do not have a record. Which is different.
What you observe is what you should observe if you do not have a record.
And this is a standard for REST based HTTP services. If record is not there, you get an HTTP 404 from the service.
Azure mobile services is nothing more than a combination of Web API and a wrapping (plumbing) code for your application. And every Web API call to a non-existent record would result into an HTTP 404 error.
And as already said in the comments, you should wrap your code around try - catch blocks and inspect the exception.
In .NET 4.5/4.6 there is new HttpClient type along with HttpResponseMessage and HttpRequestMessatge. The former has EnsureSuccessStatusCode() method. Which, if called will trigger exception.
In the older versions of the Framework there WebClient class, which would throw an exception if the HTTP status code is not 200.
So, again, at the end - you observe absolutely normal behavoir. Just have to read a little more about HTTP REST services, HTTP VERBS and HTTP Status Codes. Then also understand how the particular framework you use (.NET) handles the HTTP Status Codes.

Manage errors and translations in nodejs

My nodejs application uses a basic REST communication style to allow an HTML web ui to pass commands.
For instance:
In return, my web ui gets a JSON result of the form:
"success": true
"success": false,
"errorMsg": "Wrong parameter blabla"
My problem is, I now need to translate error messages on client-side (in many languages), and the english "errorMsg" is too variadic and too long to be a translation key.
So I need something like an "errorCode" (an integer, probably) and I'm searching for a strategy into my nodejs application to manage error codes. I don't really know what is usually done for that, considering I usually use throw new Error("message") to return the message directly to the web ui.
I don't know if it's better to make a list of uniq error codes for all my REST API of a contextual error list for every subset of this API.
UPDATE: finally, I opted for a string error id. For instance, "wrong argument for this command" becomes "WrongArgument" and will be used to identify the error on GUI side and thus, perform the localization process. And finally, I don't need to make the error id uniq.
Using a custom Error class in the back-end with error identifier will allow the front-end to directly use its translation module, without modifications.
From your Server, one can process the standard error by creating a custom class, throw the class, catch it in your controller and send to the front-end the response with correct http status and error id.
The reasons are:
1 - Front-end code maintanability.
2 - Keeping errors systems data on back-end logs because they might be sensitive. It should not be return to the client side.
I agree with naming identifier code instead of using a code number. This because it s hard to pre-define a range for each error type (SQL, API, Authentication...). And it s harder when the error may be found in different service.
Scope: In the front-end service, i define a scope when calling the server, so that if there is need for a global error to be more specific, it is there. The scope is just a string with the name of the page where the ressources is used, also found in JSON lang files.
If 'ld like to check this code out and give comments, it will be great:
Also leaving place for a debug message in the response may help front-end devs. Tho, this is optional.

Windows Azure - Set Blob Service Properties REST API Call Authentication parameter

I am trying to make a simple REST call to the Set Blob Properties API ( to just turn off/on logging. I have gotten the REST API call to successfully work for retrieving Blob Properties, so I know my hashing algorithms, headers-setting, and Authentication signature creation works, but I can't seem to get it working on the Set Properties side of things. I keep getting an error on the Authentication Header, so I know I'm not doing something right there.
I have copied below what is being created and eventually hashed and put into the auth header string. The online documentation ( does not really help in determining which of these fields are absolutely required for this particular type of Blob request, so I've tried filling most of them in, but I don't seem to get a difference response regardless of what I fill in. I've also tried the Shared Key Lite authentication, which would be preferred since it's much more lightweight, but that doesn't seem to work either when I fill in all 5 of those fields.
Shared Key Authentication for Blob Services:
x-ms-date:Tue, 19 Jun 2012 19:53:58 GMT\n
Is there anything obvious I'm missing here? The values (MD5_CONTENT_HASH) and (MY_ACCOUNT) are of course filled in when I make the request call, and the similar request call to "GET" the properties works fine when I send it. The only difference between that one and this is that I'm sending the MD5_content, along with the content-length. I may be missing something obvious here, though.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Programming Language I'm using: Objective-C (iOS iPhone)
I'm also using ASIHTTPRequest to make the request. I simply define the request, setRequestMethod:#"PUT", then I create the request body and convert it to NSData to calculate the length. I attach the request-body data via the appendPostData method to the request. I then build the auth string above, hash the whole thing, and attach it to the request as a header called "Authorization".
Request Body String I'm using:
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><StorageServiceProperties><Logging><Version>1</Version></Logging></StorageServiceProperties>
I know this is an incomplete request body, but I was planning on waiting for it to give a failure on "missing request body element" or something similar, until I proceeded on creating the full XML there. (could that be my issue?)
Error I get from the server:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code>AuthenticationFailed</Code><Message>Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
Time:2012-06-20T14:36:50.5313236Z</Message><AuthenticationErrorDetail>The MAC signature found in the HTTP request '(MY_HASH)' is not the same as any computed signature. Server used following string to sign: 'POST
x-ms-date:Wed, 20 Jun 2012 14:36:50 GMT
What's odd is that the error I get back from the server seems to look like that, no matter how many parameters I pass into the Authentication signature.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
Comparing your signed string and the error message indicates that you're sending a POST request but signing as though you're sending a PUT.
