Ambiguous occurrence compilation error of custom data types in Haskell - haskell

I have a custom data type Person and Employee (DataTypesAPI.hs)
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
data Person = Person {fName :: String
, lName :: String
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, ToBSON, FromBSON)
data Employee = Employee {fName :: String
, lName :: String
, id :: String
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, ToBSON, FromBSON)
I have an instance of Employee (as e) and want to create Person instance from it so that fName and lName will be populated from Employee. Code snippet is (src/MyLib.hs)
import DataTypesAPI.hs (Employee(..), Person(..)) (\e -> Person (fName e) (lName e))
However, as both types have same attributes name ghc give compilation error
Ambiguous occurrence ‘last_commit_hash’
It could refer to either the field ‘fName’,
imported from ‘FirstHaskellAPI’ at src/MyLib.hs:68:101-115
or the field ‘fName’,
imported from ‘FirstHaskellAPI’ at src/MyLib.hs:68:53-98
In later part of my code I need both types. How to resolve such compilation error?

Try disambiguating it using e.g. (\e -> Person (fName e) (lName (e :: Employee)))


How to Serialize a Type to specified database columns

I am using postgresql-simple in a haskell application, and i want to be able to serialize a data type to a row in my database that doesn't have a 1 to 1 mapping of the record fields used in the data type because i am using them in other data types. (I'm Fairly New to Haskell but I think this involves using the Identifier data constructor).
Example I have a database table Users with the following columns: user_id, email, name, password, address, phone_number
now I have a type with the following format:
data UserDetails = UserDetails {
user_id :: Int,
email :: Text,
phone_number :: Maybe (Text),
password :: Text,
name :: Maybe (Text),
address :: Maybe (Text),
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromRow)
And i can have a generic ToRow implemented for this type no problem since the record fields are the same as the column names, but I have another type that i want to generate a ToRow instance for which is:
data UserEditDetails = UserEditDetails {
ued_email :: Maybe (Email),
ued_phone_number :: Maybe (Text),
ued_address :: Maybe (Text),
ued_name :: Maybe (Text),
} deriving (Show, Generic)
how would i implement a ToRow instance of this type or more generally how can i write a ToRow instance like the following pseudo code
instance ToRow UserEditDetails where
toRow a = (columnname, ued_email a)... etc
hopefully it has a function similar to Aeson where you can easily write something like:
instance ToJSON Login where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = drop 4 }
but i havent found this.
postgresql-simple doesn't pay any attention to database column names. It just expects the count and order of columns serialized or deserialized by the ToRow/FromRow instances will match the count and order of columns in the SQL query. You can use the generic instance for ToRow UserEditDetails as long as the query you're feeding it to matches the four columns in the right order. For example, if you have the following definition and generic ToRow instance:
data UserEditDetails = UserEditDetails
{ ued_email :: Maybe Text
, ued_phone_number :: Maybe Text
, ued_address :: Maybe Text
, ued_name :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Show, Generic, ToRow)
then I believe the following query will work fine:
do let q = "update user_table set email=?, phone_number=?, address=?, name=? "
++ "where user_id=?"
execute conn q $ (UserEditDetails
(Just "me#example.invalid")
(Just "555-1212")
(Just "123 Fake Street")
(Just "Bob Jones"))
:. Only (15 :: Int) -- user_id 15
Note that the generic instances from FromRow and ToRow are equivalent to:
instance ToRow UserEditDetails where
toRow (UserEditDetails a b c d) = [toField a, toField b, toField c, toField d]
instance FromRow UserEditDetails where
fromRow = UserEditDetails <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field
The fields are anonymous and there's no place to give specific database columns anyway.

Safe Record field query

Is there a clean way to avoid the following boilerplate:
Given a Record data type definition....
data Value = A{ name::String } | B{ name::String } | C{}
write a function that safely returns name
getName :: Value -> Maybe String
getName A{ name=x } = Just x
getName B{ name=x } = Just x
getName C{} = Nothing
I know you can do this with Template Haskell, I am looking for a cleaner soln than that, perhaps a GHC extension or something else I've overlooked.
lens's Template Haskell helpers do the right thing when they encounter partial record fields.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
data T = A { _name :: String }
| B { _name :: String }
| C
makeLenses ''T
This'll generate a Traversal' called name that selects the String inside the A and B constructors and does nothing in the C case.
ghci> :i name
name :: Traversal' T String -- Defined at test.hs:11:1
So we can use the ^? operator (which is a flipped synonym for preview) from Control.Lens.Fold to pull out Maybe the name.
getName :: T -> Maybe String
getName = (^? name)
You can also make Prism's for the constructors of your datatype, and choose the first one of those which matches using <|>. This version is useful when the fields of your constructors have different names, but you do have to remember to update your extractor function when you add constructors.
makePrisms ''T
getName' :: T -> Maybe String
getName' t = t^?_A <|> t^?_B
lens is pretty useful!
Why don't you use a GADT? I do not know if you are interested in using only records. But, I fell that GADTs provide a clean solution to your problem, since you can restrict what constructors are valid by refining types.
module Teste where
data Value a where
A :: String -> Value String
B :: String -> Value String
C :: Value ()
name :: Value String -> String
name (A s) = s
name (B s) = s
Notice that both A and B produce Value String values while C produces Value (). When you define function
name :: Value String -> String
it specifically says that you can only pass a value that has a string in it. So, you can only pattern match on A or B values. This is useful to avoid the need of Maybe in code.

Haskells data types and constructors with functions?

I'm new to Haskell and I'm looking at basic data types and constructors with functions.
I've done the below code:
data Name = Name String deriving (Show)
data Age = Age Int deriving (Show)
data Iq = Iq Int deriving (Show)
data Language = Language String deriving (Show)
data DataSubject = DSInformation Name Age Iq Language | DSConstruct {name :: String, age :: Int, iq :: Int, language :: String} deriving (Show)
makeDataSubject :: DataSubject -> DataSubject --Take in info and output a record
makeDataSubject (DSInformation (Name n) (Age a) (Iq i) (Language l)) = (DSConstruct {name = n, age = a, iq = i, language = l})
main = do
let x = makeDataSubject $ (DSInformation (Name "Ron") (Age 34) (Iq 100) (Language "French"))
putStrLn $ show x
Runs fine, however it seems overly verbose -- how can I make to make it better?
Most of your data declarations can probably be simple type aliases.
type Name = String
type Age = Int
type Iq = Int
type Language = String
With these aliases, there is no significant difference (record syntax aside) between the two constructors for DataSubject. Get rid of one, and dispense with makeDataSubject. (Unless you want to encapsulate some logic or prevent pattern matching, you don't need a smart constructor to do what you are doing.)
data DataSubject = DS { name :: Name
, age :: Age
, iq :: Iq
, language :: Language
} deriving (Show)
main = do
let x = DS { name="Ron", age=34, iq=100, language="French"}
putStrLn $ show x
If you do want real types, not just aliases, use newtype instead of data.
newtype Name = Name String deriving Show
newtype Age = Age Int deriving Show
newtype Iq = Iq Int deriving Show
newtype Language = Language String deriving Show
data DataSubject = DS { name :: Name
, age :: Age
, iq :: Iq
, language :: Language
} deriving (Show)
main = do
let x = DS { name=Name "Ron", age=Age 34, iq=Iq 100, language=Language "French"}
putStrLn $ show x
You might want to add a smart constructor here, but have it take each piece of data as a separate argument (wrapped or unwrapped), not a single argument that is already the return value up to isomorphism. (That is, your constructor was essentially the identity function other than some repackaging of the input.)
makeDataSubject :: String -> Int -> Int -> String -> DataSubject
makeDataSubject name age iq lang = DS {name=Name name, age=Age age, iq=Iq iq, language=Language lang}
makeDataSubject' :: Name -> Age -> Iq -> Language -> DataSubject
makeDataSubject' name age iq lang = DS {name=name, age=age, iq=iq, language=lang}
Unfortunately you are running into one of Haskell's weaknesses: the record system. It would be nice if we had some sort notation to express and subject.age rather than destructuring explicitly but right now there is no good answer. Work coming down the pipeline in GHC 8 should address the problem soon, however, and there are are all sorts of libraries working in the problem space. But, for this question specifically, we can employ a simple trick: -XRecordWildcards.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
newtype Name = Name String deriving Show
newtype Age = Age Int deriving Show
newtype Iq = Iq Int deriving Show
newtype Language = Language String deriving Show
data DataSubject =
DSInformation Name Age Iq Language
| DSConstruct {name :: String, age :: Int, iq :: Int, language :: String}
deriving Show
-- | Take in info and output a record
makeDataSubject :: DataSubject -> DataSubject
makeDataSubject (DSInformation (Name name) (Age age) (Iq iq) (Language language)) =
DSConstruct {..}
main :: IO ()
main =
print . makeDataSubject $ DSInformation (Name "Ron") (Age 34) (Iq 100) (Language "French")
By destructuring into the names of the fields, {..} will pick up on those bindings in scope to automatically populate the fields. You will absolutely want to turn on -Wall -Werror during compilation because it will be now more than ever easier to misspell something and forget to populate a field and then you end up with a partial record (another wart of the records system) where some fields are left undefined.

Lensified Entity System

Inspired by this two comments on reddit I set out to create a 'lensified entity system'. The basic idea is to have Lens' Entity Value lenses, but although there is Action to create Getters with side effects there is no Setter or a combined LensM' -thing.
I could probably use something like Lens' (Entity, State) Value but I would be interested in how (and if) this could be done in a better way.
Ok ... here is what I got:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Lens
newtype Entity = Entity { unEntity :: Int }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
type Address = String
type Name = String
data EntitySystem = EntitySystem {
_nextEntity :: Entity,
_addresses :: M.Map Entity Address,
_names :: M.Map Entity Name
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
makeLenses ''EntitySystem
newEntry :: Name -> Address -> State EntitySystem Entity
newEntry name addr = do
ne <- nextEntity <<%= succ ne ?= addr ne ?= name
return ne
entityAddress e = addresses . at e
entityName e = names . at e
Basically I can use entityAddress entity (which should be of type Entity -> Lens' EntitySystem Address but ghc is complaining). But this doesn't feel 'lensy'. What I am hoping for is something like entityAddress :: Lens' Entity Address where all the stateful handling of the entity system is hidden from the user.

Why doesn't Haskell/GHC support record name overloading

I am a Haskell newbie. I have noticed that Haskell does not support record name overloading:
-- Records.hs
data Employee = Employee
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, ssn :: String
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Manager = Manager
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, ssn :: String
, subordinates :: [Employee]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
When I compile this I get:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Records.hs, Records.o )
Multiple declarations of `firstName'
Declared at: Records.hs:4:5
Multiple declarations of `lastName'
Declared at: Records.hs:5:5
Multiple declarations of `ssn'
Declared at: Records.hs:6:5
Given the "strength" of the Haskell type system, it seems like it should be easy for the compiler to determine which field to access in
emp = Employee "Joe" "Smith" "111-22-3333"
man = Manager "Mary" "Jones" "333-22-1111" [emp]
firstName man
firstName emp
Is there some issue that I am not seeing. I know that the Haskell Report does not allow this, but why not?
Historical reasons. There have been many competing designs for better record systems for Haskell -- so many in fact, that no consensus could be reached. Yet.
The current record system is not very sophisticated. It's mostly some syntactic sugar for things you could do with boilerplate if there was no record syntax.
In particular, this:
data Employee = Employee
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, ssn :: String
} deriving (Show, Eq)
generates (among other things) a function firstName :: Employee -> String.
If you also allow in the same module this type:
data Manager = Manager
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, ssn :: String
, subordinates :: [Employee]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
then what would be the type of the firstName function?
It would have to be two separate functions overloading the same name, which Haskell does not allow. Unless you imagine that this would implicitly generate a typeclass and make instances of it for everything with a field named firstName (gets messy in the general case, when the fields could have different types), then Haskell's current record system isn't going to be able to support multiple fields with the same name in the same module. Haskell doesn't even attempt to do any such thing at present.
It could, of course, be done better. But there are some tricky problems to solve, and essentially no one's come up with solutions to them that have convinced everyone that there is a most promising direction to move in yet.
One option to avoid this is to put your data types in different modules and use qualified imports. In that way you can use the same field accessors on different data records and keep you code clean and more readable.
You can create one module for the employee, for example
module Model.Employee where
data Employee = Employee
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, ssn :: String
} deriving (Show, Eq)
And one module for the Manager, for example:
module Model.Manager where
import Model.Employee (Employee)
data Manager = Manager
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, ssn :: String
, subordinates :: [Employee]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
And then wherever you want to use these two data types you can import them qualified and access them as follows:
import Model.Employee (Employee)
import qualified Model.Employee as Employee
import Model.Manager (Manager)
import qualified Model.Manager as Manager
emp = Employee "Joe" "Smith" "111-22-3333"
man = Manager "Mary" "Jones" "333-22-1111" [emp]
name1 = Manager.firstName man
name2 = Employee.firstName emp
Keep in mind that after all you are using two different data types and thus Manger.firstName is another function than Employee.firstName, even when you know that both data types represent a person and each person has a first name. But it is up to you how far you go to abstract data types, for example to create a Person data type from those "attribute collections" as well.
