Creating a picture of a map with a recurssive function - haskell

i'm using haskell gloss for the first time and I'm having some trouble, in this code:
-- the initial c and l will be imagine for dimension 9: (-160) 160
-- (so the square ends in the center of the window
-- column; line; dimension
drawmap :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Picture
drawmap c l d = (drawline x c l d) : (drawmap xs c (l+40) d)
drawline :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Picture
drawline c l d = if (d>0) then (Translate c l $ Color red (circle 20)) : (drawline (c+40) l (d-1))
else (Translate c l $ Color red (circle 20))
The only question I have right now is with the type, because I need it to be the type Picture, and not [Picture], any help?
And also, how do i make this stop point:
drawline _ _ 0 = Nothing or []
I know this is not acceptable, but how do I tell it when to stop doing circles?
This is not pratical at all, is just an example very simple, if someone helps me understand this I can after apply what I really need to do.


Coordinates for clockwise outwards spiral

I'm trying to make what I think is called an Ulam spiral using Haskell.
It needs to go outwards in a clockwise rotation:
6 - 7 - 8 - 9
| |
5 0 - 1 10
| | |
4 - 3 - 2 11
..15- 14- 13- 12
For each step I'm trying to create coordinates, the function would be given a number and return spiral coordinates to the length of input number eg:
mkSpiral 9
> [(0,0),(1,0),(1,-1),(0,-1),(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,1),(1,1)]
(-1, 1) - (0, 1) - (1, 1)
(-1, 0) (0, 0) - (1, 0)
| |
(-1,-1) - (0,-1) - (1,-1)
I've seen Looping in a spiral solution, but this goes counter-clockwise and it's inputs need to the size of the matrix.
I also found this code which does what I need but it seems to go counterclock-wise, stepping up rather than stepping right then clockwise :(
type Spiral = Int
type Coordinate = (Int, Int)
-- number of squares on each side of the spiral
sideSquares :: Spiral -> Int
sideSquares sp = (sp * 2) - 1
-- the coordinates for all squares in the given spiral
coordinatesForSpiral :: Spiral -> [Coordinate]
coordinatesForSpiral 1 = [(0, 0)]
coordinatesForSpiral sp = [(0, 0)] ++ right ++ top ++ left ++ bottom
where fixed = sp - 1
sides = sideSquares sp - 1
right = [(x, y) | x <- [fixed], y <- take sides [-1*(fixed-1)..]]
top = [(x, y) | x <- reverse (take sides [-1*fixed..]), y <- [fixed]]
left = [(x, y) | x <- [-1*fixed], y <- reverse(take sides [-1*fixed..])]
bottom = [(x, y) | x <- take sides [-1*fixed+1..], y <- [-1*fixed]]
-- an endless list of coordinates (the complete spiral)
mkSpiral :: Int -> [Coordinate]
mkSpiral x = take x endlessSpiral
endlessSpiral :: [Coordinate]
endlessSpiral = endlessSpiral' 1
endlessSpiral' start = coordinatesForSpiral start ++ endlessSpiral' (start + 1)
After much experimentation I can't seem to change the rotation or starting step direction, could someone point me in the right way or a solution that doesn't use list comprehension as I find them tricky to decode?
Let us first take a look at how the directions of a spiral are looking:
R D L L U U R R R D D D L L L L U U U U ....
We can split this in sequences like:
n times n+1 times
_^_ __^__
/ \ / \
R … R D … D L L … L U U … U
\_ _/ \__ __/
v v
n times n+1 times
We can repeat that, each time incrementing n by two, like:
data Dir = R | D | L | U
spiralSeq :: Int -> [Dir]
spiralSeq n = rn R ++ rn D ++ rn1 L ++ rn1 U
where rn = replicate n
rn1 = replicate (n + 1)
spiral :: [Dir]
spiral = concatMap spiralSeq [1, 3..]
Now we can use Dir here to calculate the next coordinate, like:
move :: (Int, Int) -> Dir -> (Int, Int)
move (x, y) = go
where go R = (x+1, y)
go D = (x, y-1)
go L = (x-1, y)
go U = (x, y+1)
We can use scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a] to generate the points, like:
spiralPos :: [(Int, Int)]
spiralPos = scanl move (0,0) spiral
This will yield an infinite list of coordinates for the clockwise spiral. We can use take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] to take the first k items:
Prelude> take 9 spiralPos
The idea with the following solution is that instead of trying to generate the coordinates directly, we’ll look at the directions from one point to the next. If you do that, you’ll notice that starting from the first point, we go 1× right, 1× down, 2× left, 2× up, 3× right, 3× down, 4× left… These can then be seperated into the direction and the number of times repeated:
direction: > v < ^ > v < …
# reps: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 …
And this actually gives us two really straightforward patterns! The directions just rotate > to v to < to ^ to >, while the # of reps goes up by 1 every 2 times. Once we’ve made two infinite lists with these patterns, they can be combined together to get an overall list of directions >v<<^^>>>vvv<<<<…, which can then be iterated over to get the coordinate values.
Now, I’ve always thought that just giving someone a bunch of code as the solution is not the best way to learn, so I would highly encourage you to try implementing the above idea yourself before looking at my solution below.
Welcome back (if you did try to implement it yourself). Now: onto my own solution. First I define a Stream data type for an infinite stream:
data Stream a = Stream a (Stream a) deriving (Show)
Strictly speaking, I don’t need streams for this; Haskell’s predefined lists are perfectly adequate for this task. But I happen to like streams, and they make some of the pattern matching a bit easier (because I don’t have to deal with the empty list).
Next, I define a type for directions, as well as a function specifying how they interact with points:
-- Note: I can’t use plain Left and Right
-- since they conflict with constructors
-- of the ‘Either’ data type
data Dir = LeftDir | RightDir | Up | Down deriving (Show)
type Point = (Int, Int)
move :: Dir -> Point -> Point
move LeftDir (x,y) = (x-1,y)
move RightDir (x,y) = (x+1, y)
move Up (x,y) = (x,y+1)
move Down (x,y) = (x,y-1)
Now I go on to the problem itself. I’ll define two streams — one for the directions, and one for the number of repetitions of each direction:
dirStream :: Stream Dir
dirStream = Stream RightDir $ Stream Down $ Stream LeftDir $ Stream Up dirVals
numRepsStream :: Stream Int
numRepsStream = go 1
go n = Stream n $ Stream n $ go (n+1)
At this point we’ll need a function for replicating each element of a stream a specific number of times:
replicateS :: Stream Int -> Stream a -> Stream a
replicateS (Stream n ns) (Stream a as) = conss (replicate n a) $ replicateS ns as
-- add more than one element to the beginning of a stream
conss :: [a] -> Stream a -> Stream a
conss [] s = s
conss (x:xs) s = Stream x $ appends xs s
This gives replicateS dirStream numRepsStream for the stream of directions. Now we just need a function to convert those directions to coordinates, and we’ve solved the problem:
integrate :: Stream Dir -> Stream Point
integrate = go (0,0)
go p (Stream d ds) = Stream p (go (move d p) ds)
spiral :: Stream Point
spiral = integrate $ replicateS numRepsStream dirStream
Unfortunately, it’s somewhat inconvenient to print an infinite stream, so the following function is useful for debugging and printing purposes:
takeS :: Int -> Stream a -> [a]
takeS 0 _ = []; takeS n (Stream x xs) = x : (takeS (n-1) xs)

Haskell implementation of De-convolution (Richardson lucy)

I'm trying to implement an algorithm of de-convolution in Haskell and couldn't find a simpler one than Richardson Lucy. I looked up at the existing matlab/python implementation but am unable to understand from where to start or how exactly to implement.
The library I want to use is
If someone can provide an outline of some implementation or some general idea about the functions with some code snippets, that would be very helpful to me.
Thanks in advance!
The algorithm is actually pretty straightforward. Using the notation on the Wikipedia page for Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, if an underlying image u0 was convolved by a kernel p to produce an observed image d, then you can iterate the function:
deconvolve p d u = u * conv (transpose p) (d / conv p u)
over u with an initial starting estimate (of d, for example) to get a progressively better estimate of u0.
In HIP, the actual one-step deconvolve function might look like:
deconvolve :: Image VS X Double
-> Image VS RGB Double
-> Image VS RGB Double
-> Image VS RGB Double
deconvolve p d u
= u * conv (transpose p) (d / conv p u)
where conv = convolve Edge
and you could use something like this:
let us = iterate (deconvolve p d) d
u10 = us !! 10 -- ten iterations
An example of a full program is:
import Graphics.Image as I
import Graphics.Image.Interface as I
import Prelude as P
blur :: Image VS X Double
blur = blur' / scalar (I.sum blur')
where blur' = fromLists [[0,0,4,3,2]
deconvolve :: Image VS X Double
-> Image VS RGB Double
-> Image VS RGB Double
-> Image VS RGB Double
deconvolve p d u
= u * conv (transpose p) (d / conv p u)
where conv = convolve Edge
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- original underlying image
u0 <- readImage' "images/frog.jpg" :: IO (Image VS RGB Double)
-- the kernel
let p = blur
-- blurred imaged
let d = convolve Edge p u0
-- iterative deconvolution
let us = iterate (deconvolve p d) d
u1 = us !! 1 -- one iteration
u2 = us !! 20 -- twenty iterations
let output = makeImage (rows u0, cols u0 * 4)
(\(r,c) ->
let (i, c') = c `quotRem` cols u0
in index ([u0,d,u1,u2] !! i) (r,c'))
:: Image VS RGB Double
writeImage "output.jpg" output
which generates the following image of (left-to-right) the original frog, the blurred frog, a one-fold deconvolution, and a twenty-fold deconvolution.

RGB to CMYK in Haskell

I'm suppposed to convert a given RGB color to CMYK format, and in case of white (0,0,0) I should get (0,0,0,1). I've been trying this whole night but every time it crashes, could please someone tell what's wrong?
rgb2cmyk :: (Int,Int,Int) -> (Float,Float,Float,Float)
rgb2cmyk (r,g,b) = (c,m,y,k)
| (r,g,b) == (0,0,0) = (0,0,0,1)
| otherwise = ((w - (r/255))/w, (w - (g/255))/w, (w - (b/255))/w, 1 - w)
w = maximum [r/255, g/255, b/255]
I get: parse error on input '|'
You want to say either
rgb2cmyk (r, g, b) = ...
rgb2cymk (r, g, b)
| ... = ...
| ... = ...
But not both at the same time. (Which expression would it execute?)
As an aside, you don't actually need to test (r,g,b) == (0,0,0); you can just pattern-match (0,0,0) directly.
rgb2cymk (0,0,0) = (0,0,0,1)
rgb2cymk (r,g,b) = ???
The section = (c, m, y, k) in rgb2cmyk (r,g,b) = (c,m,y,k) is incorrect.
When using guards, you should think of it as using something like
rgb2cmyk (r,g,b) = case (r,g,b) of
(0,0,0) -> (0,0,0,1)
_ -> ...
as this is what GHC will actually rewrite your guards into (this is the same with if, as well, which turns into case predicate of...).
It doesn't make sense to write
rgb2cmyk (r,g,b) = (c,m,y,k)
And then later on have:
case (r,g,b) of ...
sitting as a floating definition in your source file.

Raycaster displays phantom perpendicular wall faces

The output looks like this:
You should just see a flat, continuous red wall on one side, blue wall on another, green on another, yellow on another (see the definition of the map, testMapTiles, it's just a map with four walls). Yet there are these phantom wall faces of varying height, which are perpendicular to the real walls. Why?
Note that the white "gaps" aren't actually gaps: it's trying to draw a wall of height Infinity (distance 0). If you specifically account for it (this version of the code doesn't) and just cap it at screen height, then you just see a very high wall there.
The source code is below. It's plain Haskell, using Haste to compile to JavaScript and render to canvas. It is based on the C++ code from this tutorial, though note that I replaced mapX and mapY with tileX and tileY, and I don't have the ray prefix for pos and dir within the main loop. Any discrepancies from the C++ code are probably what's breaking everything, but I can't seem to find any after having pored over this code many times.
Any help?
import Data.Array.IArray
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Haste
import Haste.Graphics.Canvas
data MapTile = Empty | RedWall | BlueWall | GreenWall | YellowWall deriving (Eq)
type TilemapArray = Array (Int, Int) MapTile
emptyTilemapArray :: (Int, Int) -> TilemapArray
emptyTilemapArray dim#(w, h) = listArray ((1, 1), dim) $ replicate (w * h) Empty
testMapTiles :: TilemapArray
testMapTiles =
let arr = emptyTilemapArray (16, 16)
myBounds#((xB, yB), (w, h)) = bounds arr
in listArray myBounds $ flip map (indices arr) (\(x, y) ->
if x == xB then RedWall
else if y == yB then BlueWall
else if x == w then GreenWall
else if y == h then YellowWall
else Empty)
type Vec2 a = (a, a)
type DblVec2 = Vec2 Double
type IntVec2 = Vec2 Int
add :: (Num a) => Vec2 a -> Vec2 a -> Vec2 a
add (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)
mul :: (Num a) => Vec2 a -> a -> Vec2 a
mul (x, y) factor = (x * factor, y * factor)
rot :: (Floating a) => Vec2 a -> a -> Vec2 a
rot (x, y) angle =
(x * (cos angle) - y * (sin angle), x * (sin angle) + y * (cos angle))
dbl :: Int -> Double
dbl = fromIntegral
-- fractional part of a float
-- `truncate` matches behaviour of C++'s int()
frac :: Double -> Double
frac d = d - dbl (truncate d)
-- get whole and fractional parts of a float
split :: Double -> (Int, Double)
split d = (truncate d, frac d)
-- stops 'Warning: Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type ‘Integer’'
square :: Double -> Double
square = (^ (2 :: Int))
-- raycasting algorithm based on code here:
data HitSide = NorthSouth | EastWest deriving (Show)
-- direction, tile, distance
type HitInfo = (HitSide, IntVec2, Double)
-- pos: start position
-- dir: initial direction
-- plane: camera "plane" (a line, really, perpendicular to the direction)
traceRays :: TilemapArray -> Int -> DblVec2 -> DblVec2 -> DblVec2 -> [HitInfo]
traceRays arr numRays pos dir plane =
flip map [0..numRays] $ \x ->
let cameraX = 2 * ((dbl x) / (dbl numRays)) - 1
in traceRay arr pos $ dir `add` (plane `mul` cameraX)
traceRay :: TilemapArray -> DblVec2 -> DblVec2 -> HitInfo
traceRay arr pos#(posX, posY) dir#(dirX, dirY) =
-- map tile we're in (whole part of position)
-- position within map tile (fractional part of position)
let ((tileX, fracX), (tileY, fracY)) = (split posX, split posY)
tile = (tileX, tileY)
-- length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side
deltaDistX = sqrt $ 1 + (square dirY / square dirX)
deltaDistY = sqrt $ 1 + (square dirX / square dirY)
deltaDist = (deltaDistX, deltaDistY)
-- direction of step
stepX = if dirX < 0 then -1 else 1
stepY = if dirY < 0 then -1 else 1
step = (stepX, stepY)
-- length of ray from current position to next x or y-side
sideDistX = deltaDistX * if dirX < 0 then fracX else 1 - fracX
sideDistY = deltaDistY * if dirY < 0 then fracY else 1 - fracY
sideDist = (sideDistX, sideDistY)
(hitSide, wallTile) = traceRayInner arr step deltaDist tile sideDist
in (hitSide, wallTile, calculateDistance hitSide pos dir wallTile step)
traceRayInner :: TilemapArray -> IntVec2 -> DblVec2 -> IntVec2 -> DblVec2 -> (HitSide, IntVec2)
traceRayInner arr step#(stepX, stepY) deltaDist#(deltaDistX, deltaDistY) tile sideDist#(sideDistX, sideDistY)
-- a wall has been hit, report hit direction and coördinates
| arr ! tile /= Empty = (hitSide, tile)
-- advance until a wall is hit
| otherwise = case hitSide of
EastWest ->
let newSideDist = first (deltaDistX+) sideDist
newTile = first (stepX+) tile
traceRayInner arr step deltaDist newTile newSideDist
NorthSouth ->
let newSideDist = second (deltaDistY+) sideDist
newTile = second (stepY+) tile
traceRayInner arr step deltaDist newTile newSideDist
hitSide = if sideDistX < sideDistY then EastWest else NorthSouth
-- calculate distance projected on camera direction
-- (an oblique distance would give a fisheye effect)
calculateDistance :: HitSide -> DblVec2 -> DblVec2 -> IntVec2 -> IntVec2 -> Double
calculateDistance EastWest (startX, _) (dirX, _) (tileX, _) (stepX, _) =
((dbl tileX) - startX + (1 - dbl stepX) / 2) / dirX
calculateDistance NorthSouth (_, startY) (_, dirY) (_, tileY) (_, stepY) =
((dbl tileY) - startY + (1 - dbl stepY) / 2) / dirY
-- calculate the height of the vertical line on-screen based on the distance
calculateHeight :: Double -> Double -> Double
calculateHeight screenHeight 0 = screenHeight
calculateHeight screenHeight perpWallDist = screenHeight / perpWallDist
width :: Double
height :: Double
(width, height) = (640, 480)
main :: IO ()
main = do
cvElem <- newElem "canvas" `with` [
attr "width" =: show width,
attr "height" =: show height
addChild cvElem documentBody
Just canvas <- getCanvas cvElem
let pos = (8, 8)
dir = (-1, 0)
plane = (0, 0.66)
renderGame canvas pos dir plane
renderGame :: Canvas -> DblVec2 -> DblVec2 -> DblVec2 -> IO ()
renderGame canvas pos dir plane = do
let rays = traceRays testMapTiles (floor width) pos dir plane
render canvas $ forM_ (zip [0..width - 1] rays) (\(x, (side, tile, dist)) ->
let lineHeight = calculateHeight height dist
wallColor = case testMapTiles ! tile of
RedWall -> RGB 255 0 0
BlueWall -> RGB 0 255 0
GreenWall -> RGB 0 0 255
YellowWall -> RGB 255 255 0
_ -> RGB 255 255 255
shadedWallColor = case side of
EastWest ->
let (RGB r g b) = wallColor
in RGB (r `div` 2) (g `div` 2) (b `div` 2)
NorthSouth -> wallColor
in color shadedWallColor $ do
translate (x, height / 2) $ stroke $ do
line (0, -lineHeight / 2) (0, lineHeight / 2))
-- 25fps
let fps = 25
timeout = (1000 `div` fps) :: Int
rots_per_min = 1
rots_per_sec = dbl rots_per_min / 60
rots_per_frame = rots_per_sec / dbl fps
tau = 2 * pi
increment = tau * rots_per_frame
setTimeout timeout $ do
renderGame canvas pos (rot dir $ -increment) (rot plane $ -increment)
HTML page:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<noscript>If you're seeing this message, either your browser doesn't support JavaScript, or it is disabled for some reason. This game requires JavaScript to play, so you'll need to make sure you're using a browser which supports it, and enable it, to play.</noscript>
<script src=raycast.js></script>
The "phantom faces" are occurring because an incorrect HitSide is being reported: you're saying the face was hit on a horizontal move (EastWest), but was actually hit on a vertical move (NorthSouth), or vice-versa.
Why is it reporting an incorrect value, then? if sideDistX < sideDistY then EastWest else NorthSouth seems pretty foolproof, right? And it is.
The problem isn't how we calculated that value. It's when we calculated that value. The distance calculation function needs to know the direction we moved in to get to the wall. However, what we've actually given is the direction we would move in if we were to keep going (that is, if that tile wasn't a wall, or we were to ignore it for some reason).
Look at the Haskell code:
traceRayInner arr step#(stepX, stepY) deltaDist#(deltaDistX, deltaDistY) tile sideDist#(sideDistX, sideDistY)
-- a wall has been hit, report hit direction and coördinates
| arr ! tile /= Empty = (hitSide, tile)
-- advance until a wall is hit
| otherwise = case hitSide of
EastWest ->
let newSideDist = first (deltaDistX+) sideDist
newTile = first (stepX+) tile
traceRayInner arr step deltaDist newTile newSideDist
NorthSouth ->
let newSideDist = second (deltaDistY+) sideDist
newTile = second (stepY+) tile
traceRayInner arr step deltaDist newTile newSideDist
hitSide = if sideDistX < sideDistY then EastWest else NorthSouth
Notice that we do things in this order:
calculate hitSide
check if a wall has been hit, and if so, report hitSide
Compare this to the original C++ code:
//perform DDA
while (hit == 0)
//jump to next map square, OR in x-direction, OR in y-direction
if (sideDistX < sideDistY)
sideDistX += deltaDistX;
mapX += stepX;
side = 0;
sideDistY += deltaDistY;
mapY += stepY;
side = 1;
//Check if ray has hit a wall
if (worldMap[mapX][mapY] > 0) hit = 1;
It does things in a different order:
check if a wall has been hit, and if so, report side (equivalent to hitSide)
move and calculate side
The C++ code only calculates side when it moves, and then it reports that value if it hits a wall. So, it reports the way it moved in order to hit the wall.
The Haskell code calculates side whether or not it moves: so it's correct for each move, but when it hits a wall, it reports the way it would have moved were it to keep going.
So, the Haskell code can be fixed by re-ordering it so that it checks for a hit after moving, and if so, reports the hitSide value from that move. This isn't pretty code, but it works:
traceRayInner arr step#(stepX, stepY) deltaDist#(deltaDistX, deltaDistY) tile sideDist#(sideDistX, sideDistY) =
let hitSide = if sideDistX < sideDistY then EastWest else NorthSouth
in case hitSide of
EastWest ->
let newSideDist = first (deltaDistX+) sideDist
newTile = first (stepX+) tile
in case arr ! newTile of
-- advance until a wall is hit
Empty -> traceRayInner arr step deltaDist newTile newSideDist
-- a wall has been hit, report hit direction and coördinates
_ -> (hitSide, newTile)
NorthSouth ->
let newSideDist = second (deltaDistY+) sideDist
newTile = second (stepY+) tile
in case arr ! newTile of
-- advance until a wall is hit
Empty -> traceRayInner arr step deltaDist newTile newSideDist
-- a wall has been hit, report hit direction and coördinates
_ -> (hitSide, newTile)
Problem solved!
Side note: I figured out what was wrong after carrying out the algorithm on paper. While in that particular case it just so happened the last two HitSide values matched, it became obvious that that they might not in every case. So, a big thanks to Madsy on Freenode's #algorithms for suggesting trying it out on paper. :)

Create a method acting on different types in Haskell

I'm trying to use different data types in a list. e.g:
data Shape = Square Int
| Circle Int
| Rectangle Int Int
| Triangle Int Int Int
deriving (Show)
shapes = [Square 5, Circle 2, Rectangle 10 5]
showShapes :: [Shape] -> [Int]
showShapes [] = []
showShapes (s:xs) = getArea (s : xs)
However I'm struggling to create the method "getArea" as I need one for each different type. I don't know a way to do this using parameter pattern matching. Is there a way to do this or am I tackling this problem the wrong way?
How would you do it using an if statement and "typeOf" function
I tried changing Shape to this:
data Shape = Square Int
| Rectangle Int Int
| Triangle Int Int Int
deriving (Show, Typeable)
But I get a compile time error!
For your simple case, just use pattern matching in getArea, but you'll have to convert your values to Doubles since the area of a circle is never going to be an integer when you have an integer radius:
getArea :: Shape -> Double
getArea (Square l) = fromIntegral $ l * l
getArea (Circle r) = pi * fromIntegral r ^ 2
getArea (Rectangle l w) = fromIntegral $ l * w
-- assuming the constructor takes the 3 side lengths
getArea (Triangle a b c) = sqrt $ p * (p - a') * (p - b') * (p - c')
[a', b', c'] = map fromIntegral [a, b, c]
p = (a' + b' + c') / 2
Although I don't know what you want to do in showShapes. Usually the word show in Haskell means the same thing as toString in other languages, but you're trying to apply getArea inside it. Regardless, your pattern matching for showShapes is off, you need parentheses around s:xs or you'll get a syntax error, and you can't prepend a number on front of a list of Shapes as with getArea s : xs. Instead you might be wanting to calculate the area for each shape in a list? For that you can use map:
getAreas :: [Shape] -> [Double]
getAreas shapes = map getArea shapes
Note, that you don't need to store all figures in one datatype in this case. You can use existential quantification instead:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Square = Square Int
data Circle = Circle Int
data Rectangle = Rectangle Int Int
class HasArea a where
area :: a -> Double
instance HasArea Square where
area (Square n) = fromIntegral n * fromIntegral n
instance HasArea Circle where
area (Circle r) = pi * fromIntegral r ^ 2
instance HasArea Rectangle where
area (Rectangle n m) = fromIntegral n * fromIntegral m
data Shape = forall s. HasArea s => Shape s
shapes :: [Shape]
shapes = [Shape (Square 5), Shape (Circle 2), Shape (Rectangle 10 5)]
shapeArea :: Shape -> Double
shapeArea (Shape s) = area s
main = print $ map shapeArea shapes
You can read about existential quantification here:
Existential quantification itself is weaker, than generalized algebraic datatypes. You can read about them here:
