Node Express API + Front-End - node.js

I'm coding my first "solo" nodejs webapp. Its based on a previous app (that I coded by following some kind of tutorial/course) which was an Express REST API that allows you to add/remove/update/list a Todo list. I've also implemented user authentication using jwt/bcrypt. All this is stored in a MongoDB database.
Also note that all the endpoints return JSON.
I'm now trying to add a front-end to the app. The API endpoints are at /api/endpoint1, /api/endpoint2, etc., and the views are rendered on /view1, /view2, etc. I'm doing this on purpose so that I can get the responses in plain JSON from the API, or show it in a webpage rendered.
I started by using jQuery's ajax to make the calls but I realized this was not the way I wanted to do this. I removed all the js scripts on my webpage and started working directly on the server, rendering the pages with the info fetched from the api.
This is what I have now:
server.js (main file) [sample]
app.get('/todos', authenticate, (req, res) => {
let auth = req.cookies['x-auth'];
url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/todos',
headers: {
'x-auth': auth
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) {
return res.status(response.statusCode || 500).send('Error'); // TODO
let bodyJSON = JSON.parse(body);
res.render('todos', {
title: 'Todo App - Todos',
todos: bodyJSON.todos
// API endpoint to 'GET TODOs' (JSON)
app.get('/api/todos', authenticate, (req, res) => {
_creator: req.user._id
}).then((todos) => {
}, (err) => {
I don't know why, but all this looks weird to me. I'm wondering if this is how I'm supposed to do this. I mean, is this a good approach/practice on making a API+front-end node app ?
Also, I'm using an auth middleware twice: in the views and in the API itself. I guess this is OK?
It would probably be better to use React/Angular but this is such a small app and I just wanted to make a really simple front-end.

Just keep things simple.
If you go with server-side HTML rendering, you don't need a REST API, just drop it. You need an API in case of an ajax frontend or mobile app.
If you needed a combined approach (server-side rendering + mobile app or server side rendering with some ajax), at the very first step you would want to isolate your database querying code into a separate module (which is actually always a good idea) and use the module from your API and from your views directly, avoiding API usage from server-side views.
This way you will eliminate excessive auth and make debugging much easier, also your code will become cleaner, thus more maintainable.
Also, React is not that complex, i would definitely give it a shot :)


How can i pass a secure/sensitive string from my back (nodejs) to my front (angular) hidden from user?

I am currently working on a project composed by:
Front: Angular ; Back: NodeJS
The backend compiles angular static files with the command: response.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'dirname', 'index.html'));
I have stored my API keys into my backend using dotenv. Then, when i start (in main.ts file) my Angular app, i do an API call to my back to get these API keys. But the response is visible from user POV, so i encrypted it. But now, I have to hide the encryption key. That's the string I want to pass from my back to my front.
Anyone has an idea ?
There is no way to hide such information from a very experienced and determined user / attacker. All types of obfuscation can be broken because your code for de-obfuscation / decryption will run at the client side and can thus be re-enigeered, as I already stated in my comment.
To be safe you should build a proxy layer for the unprotectable keys (SendInBlue, Stripe). The proxy can be built quite lightweight by using the same routes as the actual APIs extended by some prefix like, e.g. /sendinblue. This way you can use a single request handler and just add the authorization information (code not tested, just a hint):
const axios = require('axios');
app.get('/sendinblue/:remainder', (request, response, next) => {
// I am not sure, if this takes the whole remainder or just until
// the next slash /
// If not you have to parse the url-attribute of the request object
let originalurl = request.params.remainder;
axios.get(sendinblueBaseUrl + '/' + originalurl, {
headers: {
'Authorization': // API key here
.then(result => {
The code can be reduced even more by using axios interceptors.
I know, that is not satisfying but frustrating. Nonetheless, you should not try to implement some amateurish (no offense!) encryption or obfuscation.

React fullstack architecture: When adding a react front-end to a node/express application, what aspects does react's state generally handle?

I have a fully built node/express application that I want to add react to in order to practice that relationship in full stack applications. I've built apps in react before, and in node, but never together and I am confused about how react fits into the MVC architecture.
In a react-node full stack application does react state then handle all of the data I was previously passing into my ejs views?
I have been looking through tutorials on full stack applications with node and react, but they only seem to go into issues like how does react fetch data from the back end, or how to set up the configuration,
but I get that part, I just don't understand what react does in a full stack application, what part of the model-controller-view architecture of a node/express backend app does react take over? How are the responsibilities split between the backend and front end?
So for example, I'm working with a reddit-clone type app so when you click on a post title to see the post my controller queries the database for that post and then passes it to the view as {post}:
show(req, res, next){
postQueries.getPost(, (error, post) => {
if(error || post == null){
res.redirect(404, "/");
} else {
res.render("posts/show", {post});
So when I add a front-end with react, would that {post} object then be something handled by react? So react would fetch that data and use it in a post component to create what is currently my view show.ejs file?
So when I add a front-end with react, would that {post} object then be something handled by react? So react would fetch that data and use it in a post component to create what is currently my view show.ejs file?
Yes. The show.ejs would be a React view or a page that contains a component to handle how to show it.
To simplify:
React -- is a virtual DOM, so it'll swap views/containers/components in and out based upon events (like clicking a button), which in turn, will: retrieve, display, manipulate and/or send data to the API. In development, it is completely separate from your back-end. All the routing will be handled by a front-end router package. In production, all of the front-end src code is compiled into a dist or build folder that contains your assets (images, fonts, css) and most importantly bundle.js file(s) that are then served by express.
Express + some database -- will act as your API where it'll CRUD data based upon the front-end request(s). If your app is a MPA (multiple page application), then a common practice is to delineate your back-end routes from your front-end routes with a /api/ prefix. In production, if express doesn't recognize the route (it's not a /api/ request), then it'll fall back into the front-end bundle.js file where it'll be handled by the front-end router.
See a working example here: (client is the frontend, everything else is the backend)
See a working codesandbox (where I'm making a GET request to an API that returns json):
For your example above, your show controller will just be sending JSON (or a string message) back to the frontend (redirects will happen on the frontend via a router -- like react-router-dom):
show(req, res, next){
postQueries.getPost(, (error, post) => {
if(error || post == null){
// res.status(404).send("Unable to locate posts.");
res.status(404).json({ err: Unable to locate posts });
} else {
res.status(200).json({ post });
You can even simplify the above using async/await:
const show = async (req, res, done) => {
try {
const post = await postQueries.getPost(;
res.status(200).json({ post });
} catch(err) {
// res.status(404).send("Unable to locate posts.");
res.status(404).json({ err: Unable to locate posts });
And then the React front-end handles the response.

What is the best way to connect react.js UI to my node.js API and mongoDB?

I'm working on my first project and would like to know if is the only or the best solution to connect my UI to node.
Is there anything else you could recommend me? Real-time is not important, I just want to access my data. Simple keywords would already help me a lot.
Thank you!
It is pretty straightforward:
Make sure your node.js server returns (JSON) data on certain calls, e.g.
//this is your API endpoint
app.use('/api/endpoint', (req, res, next) => {
key: 'value'
//this sends your html file with react bundle included
//has to be placed after the api handling
app.use('*', (req, res, next) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'index.html'));
You don't have to serve your html with the same server, but it normally makes sense.
Now, you can make API calls inside your React app to fetch the data. I like to use axios (, but you can make the calls however you want.
You should make the call and save it somehow, either in state or in your store if you use redux.
componentDidMount() {
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
Sending Data to your node server to store it in a DB is pretty similar.
Please note, that this is just a basic example, you will encounter some issues along the way, especially when you go to production, such as CSRF protection or JWT for securing your API. However, this should get you started!

Isomorphic Flux - get data on server for components

In my recent applications I've been using Flux (with flummox - on server per request to make isomorphic rendering. Generally it looked as follows:
app.get('/some-route', (req, res) => {
api.getData(data => {
app.use((req, res) => {, req.url, Handler => {
res.render('base', {
snapshot: new Buffer(req.flux.serialize(), 'utf-8').toString('base64'),
appString: React.renderToString(
React.createElement(Handler, { flux: req.flux })
As you see I've been receiving data through api services however some React components make requests on client on their own.
They doing this by calling e.g. flux.getActions('items').getSomeDataAsync action in container components (in componentDidMount lifecycle method).
My question - is it possible (from your experience) to have some method inside container component that will be called on server to call async actions inside it?
Check out react-nexus
Even though it still remains a work in progress, I think that would "answer" your question
We want to keep fetching data from within the components, but have this data also possibly rendered server side - that's where "isomorphic" will really mean something to react
Too bad this isomorphic word got hyped before actually solving this issue
Yes, I've been using an isomorphic API that can be called from the server and the client in a big react-based isomorphic SPA.
This library that makes it so you can build your APIs in an isomorphic fashion, and re-use it in the client and server without bloating or breaking the bundle. This is what we're currently using in a big single-page application.
It's called Isomorphine, and you can find it here:
Disclaimer: I'm the author of this library.

mean.js $resource to call express server RESTful API

I come from a completely non web-development background, but having seen the traction that mean.js is picking up, i really wanted to give it a shot.
I've followed tutorials online so I've basically started, run and modified the example app but am now trying to do something thats off of the tutorials. As a result I have a basic understanding of express and angular
I've been trying to integrate the activator npm package ( into the app, and while I've managed to fit in the angular bits, I'm having trouble plugging in the express bits. Which brings me to a very fundamental doubt, the answers to which I haven't really been able to find. I know that in Mean, the angular code connects to the express code using REST API's created in express. And that I believe happens using angular services. But I don't understand how. For instance, the users module has the following service defined:
angular.module('users').factory('Users', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource('users', {}, {
update: {
method: 'PUT'
Can anyone explain how this works ?
Also if I have some code on the express side say:
var sayHello = function(name){
return "Hello"+name;
How can I call this through angular? I know we use $resource for that from the ngResource module, but I dont really understand how.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Connecting these things together can be a bit confusing. I think the thing to understand is that when using Express on the server side, you need to model your API around a route, and handle communication with the req and res objects you'll be handed.
So first on the client side, taking a simple example, I generally use the $resource as a way of wrapping the HTTP/ajax details which I don't want to worry about. So I'll write my service as such:
"use strict";
angular.module("myModule").factory("UserService", ["$resource",
function($resource) {
var resource;
resource = $resource("/api/users", null, {
listUsers: {
method: "GET",
isArray: true
return resource;
(Notice that I'm passing the isArray parameter to this resource since I expect an array of users to return -- which is not always the case with all APIs).
Then to take advantage of that resource, perhaps in my controller I'll have code like this:
"use strict";
angular.module("myModule").controller("UserCtrl", ["$scope", "UserService",
function($scope, userService) {
$scope.loadUsers = function() {
userService.listUsers(function(resource, headers) {
// this function is called on success, with the result
// stored within the `resource` variable
// ...
}, function(response) {
// this function is called on error
// ...
Now assuming everything goes right on the server side, we'll receive our list of users to play around with passed in to the first function as the resource.
On the server side, we'll need to configure our routes (wherever those are configured) to include our users controller, which will serve as our users API. So perhaps within this app we have a routes directory which contains all our Express routes (see the app.route documentation for more information on Express routes). We also have a controllers directory which contains all our Express controllers that handle the logic for our routes. Keeping with the "users" example, we'll have a route defined that matches the /api/users $resource route we defined above in our Angular code:
"use strict";
var controller = require("../controllers/user");
module.exports = function(app) {
This code takes in the Express app as input, and defines a single route for /api/users as a GET HTTP request (notice the .get function called). The logic for this route is defined in the user controller, which would be something like this:
"use strict";
exports.listUsers = function(req, res) {
var users;
// ...somehow populate the users to return...
We've left the details on how to populate that array of users, but hopefully this gives you the idea. This controller is passed the req (request) and res (response) HTTP objects as input, so it can query the request object for details on what the user passed in, and must send some response back to the user to complete the request/response loop. In this example I'm using the res.send function to simply send back our JavaScript array (which will be passed as JSON).
Does that make sense?
