Android Studio - automatically write item from suggestions popup - android-studio

In Android Studio I changed the tab key function from file > settings > keymap. I chose to remove all other bindings from tab key (mistake!!). And now I can't get auto-complete to work like before.
I want to select an item from the auto-complete pop-up then press tab to complete the word (I think this the default behaviour):
But when I press tab it "completes the sentence" and puts my cursor at the end of the line:
I don't want this, I want to just complete the word and the cursor to stay in place. This is my current configuration for tab:
How do I get the default behaviour back? I really don't want to reinstall Android Studio and it is driving me crazy.
--------------- edit ---------------
"Complete current statement" binding doesn't work:
Now when I press tab nothing happens, it doesn't auto complete at all.

Found the problem. Had to bind "Choose lookup item replace" to tab key to get the default / correct behaviour.


How to return item to context menu in Android Studio

In my Android Studio, when I have a cursor on the regular exprssion and if I click Alt + Enter I see a context menu like this
There was an item Check Regexp or something like this but I click accidentaly Disable... and it disappeared. Tell me please where can I find it in android studio to make it return back.
Those menu items are called Intention Actions.
To configure intention settings using the Settings/Preferences dialog
Open the Settings / Preferences Dialog by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S or by choosing File | Settings for Windows and Linux or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences for macOS, and click Intentions under Editor.
In the Intentions page, clear the checkboxes of the intention actions or action c1ategories that you do not currently need.
Selecting or clearing a category affects all intention actions in this category.
Apply changes and close the dialog.
Check for details here

Jumping out of string keyboard shortcut for Android Studio

While we are typing a string is there any way, except pressing right arrow button, to go out of double quotation in Android studio or intellij-idea(for example a kind of shortcut or something)
If it inserts a comma and goes to next empty field it would be better also.
for example:
Log.i("stingLogName|") ==> Log.i("stingLogName", |)
(i've shown blinking cursor with |)
You can achieve this in Android Studio (and of course in intelij) with Live Templates.
But you can move from field to field with Tab button (default) or if you want Space or Enter by selecting it in the Live Templates settings.
Open Android Studio and place the cursor inside a statment (the OnCreate method for example)
Type logi and press Tab ( or type Ctrl+J and select an element from the list)
You can find more information here IntelliJ Live Templates
Hope it helps

How to configure IntelliJ (also Android Studio) redo shortcut to CTRL+Y instead of CTRL+SHIFT+Z?

The default IntelliJ / Android Studio "Redo" action shortcut is CTRL+Shift+Z and this is a common problem for Windows users.
A bigger problem is CTRL+Y is mapped to the "Delete line" action - and this causes the undo stack to be lost.
To solve this issue, how can the "Redo" shortcut be changed to CTRL+Y in IntelliJ?
Open Settings (press CTRL+ALT+S)
Click Keymap on the left list.
There is a combobox that contains keymaps. Select one of them (default means IntelliJ of course. We can't change any of pre-defined keymap however we can copy, edit and then use the edited one. So) we should copy "default" to change only redo mapping.
Give a new name to your copied keymap.
Right click on:
Main Menu -> Edit -> Redo to click "Add Keyboard Shortcut"
Press CTRL+Y
Click OK
Click "Remove" to "the shortcut is already assigned to other actions. Do you want to remove other assignments?"
If you want to use any "remove line" shortcut also, then go to delete line shortcut and give to it any other shortcut (like 5th step)
Click OK to close settings window.
Change the keymap setting to the Visual Studio, Eclipse, or NetBeans preset.
The settings window can be found under File > Settings. CTRL+ALT+S should work if the shortcut hasn't been changed. In the settings window you should find Keymap under the Appearance & Behavior settings list.
You can configure each editor command to a key combo that you like (as #ismail yavuz mentioned) such as for Redo to CTRL+Y or you can just change the Keymap setting to an editor that you are used to. This might be best if you are in the process of switching to IntelliJ as it is probably the path of least resistance. The default settings for the Visual Studio, Eclipse, and NetBeans keymaps all map Redo to CTRL+Y.
The Principle of least astonishment is strangely violated for Windows users but at least shortcuts is customizable. Because of this command being so contrary to the Windows experience I decided it wasn't worth learning the IntelliJ keyboard when anywhere you're working at you need to, you can quickly change. There are almost no drawbacks to not learning the IntelliJ. Remember that in the keymap menu you can search for a command in the search box or click on the magnifying glass on the right to search by key combo.
Of course neither answer is wrong. Chose your preference.

Strange Arrow in Visual Studio Gutter Window

What does the following arrow icon mean in the Visual Studio 2012 gutter window? I've never seen it before.
This particular line of code has nothing special about it, nor do I recall doing anything to this line that would cause an arrow to appear. It's definately attached to this line of code. Moving the line of code down causes the arrow to follow.
I have no add-ons installed in Visual Studio.
It marks a Task List shortcut. You add them with Edit > Bookmarks > Add Task List Shortcut, [Ctrl+E,T] keystroke. That adds an entry to the task list, use View > Task List to display it. Select "Shortcuts" in the combobox. You'll see a list of all the shortcuts you added. Double-click an entry to jump to the line.
Remove it again with Edit > Bookmarks > Remove Task List Shortcut, [Ctrl+E,T] again.
NOTE: In visual studio 2015 and above, its [Ctrl+K,Ctrl+H]

How to turn off ReSharper's "Find All Usages"

I am giving ReSharper for C# a whirl. I have found that I prefer Visual Studio's simpler "Find All References" over ReSharper's more detailed "Find All Usages". "Find All References" finds everything I need 95+% of the time. Does anyone know of a way to turn off "Find All Usages" and revert back the VS's implementation?
Unfortunately, there is no way to turn it off without turning the whole thing off.
Sorry, it takes a bit of getting used to.
To restore the original VS 'Find All References' command:
Go to ReSharper Options > Environment > Keyboard & Menus
Clear 'Hide overridden Visual Studio menu items'
The 'Find All References' command will be available in the context menu of a type
To restore the original 'Shift+F12' shortcut:
Go to Visual Studio Options > Environment > Keyboard
Enter 'Edit.FindAllReferences' in the search box
Set the cursor in the 'Press shortcut keys' field , press Shift+F12 and click 'Assign'
Select 'Text Editor' in the 'Use new shortcut in' selector, then set the cursor in the 'Press shortcut keys' field, press Shift+F12 and click 'Assign'
"Yet, selecting "None" on the Group By combobox of the Find Usages window gives a listing similar to VS's Find All References."
Unfortunately that is still a regression as the filename is not listed on the line items. Ironically the line/column coords are still displayed which seems a bit pointless without the context of the filenames.
I'm using ReSharper 8, and when I have many usages, I would prefer having VS's Find All References listing because it's more compact. Yet, selecting "None" on the Group By combobox of the Find Usages window gives a listing similar to VS's Find All References.
