How do I change a WAV to txt file of time vs amplitude? - audio

I want to use the file input feature of LTSpice to simulate a circuit using a real world bit of audio. I need the data in a time vs amplitude version but not sure which software package can do this for me. Audacity can convert the MP3 to WAV but from what I see can't do it to a headerless text file.
So a .WAV file to a two column text file of time/amplitude.
Any ideas for a free way of doing it?

Here's a quick'n'nasty implementation using javascript.
I'll leave it as an exercise to convert the result string to a Blob which can be easily downloaded, as will I leave channel selection, stereo results and the ability to select a small portion of the audio track for processing.
<!doctype html>
"use strict";
function byId(id){return document.getElementById(id)}
window.addEventListener('load', onDocLoaded, false);
var audioCtx;
function onDocLoaded(evt)
audioCtx = new AudioContext();
byId('fileInput').addEventListener('change', onFileInputChangedGeneric, false);
function onFileInputChangedGeneric(evt)
// load file if chosen
if (this.files.length != 0)
var fileObj = this.files[0];
loadAndTabulateAudioFile( fileObj, byId('output') );
// clear output otherwise
byId('output').textContent = '';
// processes channel 0 only
// creates a string that represents a 2 column table, where each row contains the time and amplitude of a sample
// columns are tab seperated
function loadAndTabulateAudioFile( fileObj, tgtElement )
var a = new FileReader();
a.onload = loadedCallback;
a.readAsArrayBuffer( fileObj );
function loadedCallback(evt)
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(, onDataDecoded);
function onDataDecoded(buffer)
var leftChannel = buffer.getChannelData(0);
//var rightChannel = buffer.getChannelData(1);
console.log("# samples: " + buffer.length);
var result = '';
var i, n = buffer.length, invSampleRate = 1.0 / buffer.sampleRate;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
var curResult = (invSampleRate*i).toFixed(8) + "\t" + leftChannel[i] + "\n";
result += curResult;
tgtElement.textContent = result;
<label>Select audio file: <input type='file' id='fileInput'/></label>
<pre id='output'></pre>


Extract specific portion of text from pdf using Javascript?

I need to do a modification. I am using this code that I found to extract all text in the pdf:
<!-- edit this; the PDF file must be on the same domain as this page -->
<iframe id="input" src="your-file.pdf"></iframe>
<!-- embed the pdftotext service as an iframe -->
<iframe id="processor" src=""></iframe>
<!-- a container for the output -->
<div id="output"></div>
var input = document.getElementById("input");
var processor = document.getElementById("processor");
var output = document.getElementById("output");
// listen for messages from the processor
window.addEventListener("message", function(event){
if (event.source != processor.contentWindow) return;
switch ({
// "ready" = the processor is ready, so fetch the PDF file
case "ready":
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;'GET', input.getAttribute("src"), true);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.onload = function(event) {
processor.contentWindow.postMessage(this.response, "*");
// anything else = the processor has returned the text of the PDF
output.textContent =\s+/g, " ");
}, true);
The output is packed text without any paragraphs. All my pdfs have the word 'Datacover' somewhere in the beginning and follows a big paragraph.
All I want to do is to delete all the text from its begining until the first instance of the word 'Datacover' and also at the front of the word 'Datacover' to show all text until the third instance of '. ' <--(dot with space) and delete all the next text to the end.
Can you help? thanks!
You could match Datacover between word boundaries \b and repeat in a non greedy way 3 times matching any char including a newling [\s\S]*? until the next occurrence of a dot and space \.
\bDatacover\b(?:[\s\S]*?\. ){3}
Regex demo
To get the data, you could use
For example:
const regex = /\bDatacover\b(?:[\s\S]*?\. ){3}/g;
let event = {
data: `testhjgjhg hjg jhg jkgh kjhghjkg76t 76 tguygtf yr 6 rt6 gtyut 67 tuy yoty yutyu tyu yutyuit iyut iuytiyu tuiyt Datacover uytuy tuyt uyt uiytuiyt uytutest.
yu tuyt uyt uyt iutiuyt uiy
yuitui tuyt
uiyt uiytuiyt
uyt ut ui
this is a test.
hgwryuehrgfhrghw fsdfdfsfs sddsfdfs.`

Is there a way to play background music using Google Apps Script?

I am creating an add-on which would ask the user to select music from a list and it would play it as background music. But previous posts show a sidebar with the user manually pressing the play button. I am wondering if there is a way to play it with Google Apps Script only. Also what would be helpful is if there was a volume property to set the volume?
My Code:
function onOpen(){
.createMenu("Background Music Add-On")
.addItem("Select Music","music")
.addItem("Set Volume","musicVol")
//music selection
function music(){
var musicName = DocumentApp.getUi()
.prompt("Please select one of the music names:\n\nElevator Music,\nLeaf Rag.\nso on...")
case "Elevator":
//code to play music Elevator
//So On
Playing music from a Playlist stored on your Google Drive
This script allows you to store mp3's on your Google Drive. It allows you to select which files you wish to listen too via a playlist. You must start the playlist the first time manually but then the rest of the selections play automatically. The script converts the mp3 files into dataURI's and loads them into the audio element. You can skip over the current selection and you can restart the playlist when it completes.
function onOpen() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('My Music')
.addItem('Launch Music', 'launchMusicDialog')
.addItem('Create New Music List', 'createMusicList')
function convMediaToDataUri(filename){
var filename=filename || "default.mp3";
var folder=DriveApp.getFolderById("Music Folder Id");
var files=folder.getFilesByName(filename);
var n=0;
while(files.hasNext()) {
if(n==1) {
var blob=file.getBlob();
var b64DataUri='data:' + blob.getContentType() + ';base64,' + Utilities.base64Encode(blob.getBytes());
var fObj={filename:file.getName(),uri:b64DataUri}
return fObj;
throw("Multiple Files with same name.");
return null;
function launchMusicDialog() {
var userInterface=HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('music1');
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(userInterface, 'Music');
function createMusicList() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getSheetByName("MusicList");
var folder=DriveApp.getFolderById("Music Folder Id");
var files=folder.getFiles();
var mA=[['Item','File Name','File Type','File Id','Play List']];
var n=1;
while(files.hasNext()) {
function getPlaylist() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('MusicList');
var rg=sh.getRange(2,1,sh.getLastRow()-1,sh.getLastColumn());
var vA=rg.getValues();
var pl=[];
for(var i=0;i<vA.length;i++) {
if(vA[i][4]) {
return pl;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src=""></script>
label{margin:2px 10px;}
var selectionList=[];
var gVolume=0.2;
var index=0;
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML="Loading Playlist";
var audio=document.getElementById("audio1");
audio.onended=function() {
var msg=document.getElementById('msg');
msg.innerHTML="Click play to begin playlist. Additional selections will begin automatically";
audio.onplay=function() {
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML='Playing: ' + selectionList[index-1];
function playnext() {
if(index<selectionList.length) {
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML='Next Selection: ' + selectionList[index];
var audio=document.getElementById('audio1');
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML='Playlist Complete';
document.getElementById('cntrls').innerHTML='<input type="button" value="Replay Playlist" onClick="replayPlaylist()" />';
function replayPlaylist() {
function skip() {
var audio=document.getElementById('audio1');
<div id="msg"></div>
<audio controls id="audio1" src=""></audio><br />
<div id="status"></div>
<div><input type="button" id="skipbtn" value="Skip" onClick="skip()" disabled /></div>
<div id="cntrls"></div>
Please read through the code. You need to add a music folder id and a couple of default.mp3's. The createMusicList() function reads your Music Folder and Loads them into a sheet named 'MusicList' with columns of "Item", "File Name", "File Type" ,"File Id", and PlayList. The last column is just a column of unchecked checkboxes for you to make your current playlist selection. Only one playlist for now, so you can enjoy building your own.
Here's what the dialog looks like:
And here's an image of my MusicList Sheet:
This is where you make your playlist selections.
Audio Properties and Methods
Apps Script Documentation
Latest Script Code
I used the answer to this question as a starting point: playing sound with google script
You would need to open a html sidebar and use an audio tag, to do this you can use the HtmlService class [1].
As a total background you can't, the sidebar must be always open to play the music. But you could still play the audio while editing the document.
To add the audio setting you can add the controls attribute to the audio tag [2]. For playing the audio automatically you can add the autoplay attibute [3].
Here is the code I implemented to achieve your goal. The code gets the selected value and uses it to change the autoplay value to true and to display the audio as well. Also, when the select element is on focus, it gets the previous selected value so later (when a new value is selected) it can be used to stop the previous audio selection and not display it anymore. For these purposes I used the onchange [4] and the onfocus [5] events.
var SIDEBAR_TITLE = 'Sidebar Musicbox';
function onOpen(e) {
.createMenu('Custom Menu')
.addItem('Show sidebar', 'showSidebar')
function showSidebar() {
var ui = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Sidebar')
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<div class="sidebar branding-below">
A little music for your enjoyment!
<select id="music" onchange="playSelection();" onfocus="setOldValue(this.value);">
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<audio id="player0" controls style="display:none">
<source src="[WEB-URL-FOR-MP3-FILE]" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<audio id="player1" controls style="display:none">
<source src="[WEB-URL-FOR-MP3-FILE]" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<audio id="player2" controls style="display:none">
<source src="[WEB-URL-FOR-MP3-FILE]" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<div id="sidebar-status"></div>
<div class="sidebar bottom">
<span class="gray branding-text">Docs Add-on Sound Demo</span>
var previousValue;
//Function called when select onFocus
function setOldValue(e) {
previousValue = e;
//Function called when selected value change
function playSelection() {
//Get the value for the selected option
var selectedValue = document.getElementById("music").value;
//Latest and previous selection IDs
var player = "player" + selectedValue;
var previousPlayer = "player" + previousValue;
//Stop and don't display the previous selection of audio
document.getElementById(previousPlayer).style.display = "none";
document.getElementById(previousPlayer).autoplay = false;
//Play and display the new selection and put the focus on it
document.getElementById(player).style.display = "block";
document.getElementById(player).autoplay = true;

get data from nodejs to frontend js for google maps but stuck in retrieving it looking for ways to solve it

My NodeJS GET route:
router.get('/stores', function (req, res, next) {
errorMsg = req.flash('error')[0];
successMsg = req.flash('success')[0];
Product.find(function (err, products) {
// console.log(products)
res.render('admin/stores', {
layout: 'admin-map.hbs',
stores: products,
errorMsg: errorMsg,
noErrors: 1
The route /stores returns json data which holds latitude and longitude and I want it in my script tag of map.html with loop, to render the pins on the map. Below, the script:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src = ""></script>
function loadMap() {
var mapOptions = {
center:new google.maps.LatLng(17.433053, 78.412172),
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("sample"),mapOptions);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(17.433053, 78.412172),
map: map,
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ });,marker);
<!-- ... -->
How can I do it?
It seems you need to follow two steps
1. Pass data from hbs to script
Using triple brackets syntax
let stores = {{{ stores }}}; // the triple brackets
console.log('Data : ', stores);
function loadMap() {
Check if data is being printed in console? If yes your data is available in the front-end script and you can
2. Loop through it
for (let i = 0; i < stores.length; i++) {
// the JS loop instead of hbs one, because we are on front-end
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(stores[i].lat, stores[i].lng), // whatever applies
map: map,
And donot need to call setMap(), you have already set the map in map: map above
the answer is inside fronted script i can have an object declared globally and this double flower brackets works fine with them
function loadMap() {
var mapOptions = {
center:new google.maps.LatLng(17.433053, 78.412172),
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("sample"),mapOptions);
{{#each stores}}
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(17.433053, 78.412172),
map: map,
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ });,marker);

html2canvas does not print jsPlumb Connectors

How to print SVG elements that are built by jsPlumb.
Known that getting all SVG Elements drawen by jsPlumb is retrieved by this code :
var uiJsPlumbConnectors=jsPlumb.getAllConnections().map(function(conn){return conn.canvas;})
All connectors are SVG elements :
Using html2canvas to print all connectors (SVG), it does not work :
An image has been generated , however, it is an emply image .
It seems that html2canvas does not support yet multi-elements drawing ?
Last time I checked html2canvas was not able to convert SVGs, you will need another script to handle that.
The steps:
transfer html elements to canvas
transfer svg elements to canvas
export canvas
I used to export to the same canvas after using html2canvas. Hope that helps you.
I just implemented this
<%--stuff for printing--%>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../Scripts/Print/html2canvas.js"></script>
<script src="<%=AdminPath%>Scripts/canvg/rgbcolor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="<%=AdminPath%>Scripts/canvg/StackBlur.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="<%=AdminPath%>Scripts/canvg/canvg.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
jsplumb div
<div class="demo statemachine-demo" id="statemachine-demo" style="margin: 0px;">
hidden div for printing
<div id="canvasDiv" style='visibility:hidden;' >
function renderImage()
var statemachinediv = document.getElementById('statemachine-demo');
html2canvas([statemachinediv], {
onrendered: function (canvas) {
var svgList = $(statemachinediv).find( "svg" );
svgList.each(function(index, value) {
var svgExample = this;
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
var svgMarkup = serializer.serializeToString(svgExample);
if(svgMarkup.indexOf("_jsPlumb_connector") > -1)
var leftIndex = svgMarkup.indexOf("left: ");
var endOfLeft = svgMarkup.indexOf("px", leftIndex);
var leftPosition = svgMarkup.substring(leftIndex+6, endOfLeft );
var left = parseInt(leftPosition);
var topIndex = svgMarkup.indexOf("top: ");
var endOfTop = svgMarkup.indexOf("px", topIndex);
var topPosition = svgMarkup.substring(topIndex+5, endOfTop );
var top = parseInt(topPosition);
svgMarkup = svgMarkup.replace('xmlns=""','');
var connectorCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvg(connectorCanvas, svgMarkup); //add connector to canvas
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(connectorCanvas, left, top);
showBalloon('error in print');
var stateMachineName = $("#stateMachineDropDown option:selected").text();
var data = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
var mywindow ='', 'my div', 'height=400,width=600');
mywindow.document.write('<html><head><title>' + stateMachineName + '</title>');
mywindow.document.write('</head><body ><table><tr><td>');
mywindow.document.write('</td></tr></table><img src="' + data + '" />');
return false;
Its a old question, but, this helped me. Mode details.
$clone.find('.jtk-connector').each(function () {
// for every SVG element created by JsPlumb for connections...
var left = parseInt(, 10) + 'px';
var top = parseInt(, 10) + 'px';
this.setAttribute('width', parseInt(this.getAttribute('width'), 10) + 'px');
this.setAttribute('height', parseInt(this.getAttribute('height'), 10) + 'px');
this.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet');
this.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
// this.children[0] is the path for connection line
// this.children[1] is the path for connection arrow shape
this.children[0].setAttribute('xmlns', '');
this.children[1].setAttribute('xmlns', '');
this.setAttribute('viewbox', '0 0 ' + parseInt(this.getAttribute('width'), 10) + ' ' + parseInt(this.getAttribute('height'), 10));
this.children[0].setAttribute('stroke-width', '2px');
this.children[0].setAttribute('stroke', '#c9c9c9');
this.children[1].setAttribute('fill', '#c9c9c9');
this.children[1].setAttribute('stroke', '#c9c9c9');
$clone.find(this).wrap('<span style="position: absolute; left: ' + left + '; top: ' + top + ';"></span>');

How to convert the RadEditor content to image

I have a radeditor,in that i have spans and a background image.I have some html input textboxes,on text changed of the textboxes,i'm binding the text to particular spans like:
function txtTitlechanged(x) {
var y = document.getElementById(x).value
var editor = $find("<%=RadEditor1.ClientID %>");
var oDocument = editor.get_document()
var img = oDocument.getElementById('span1');
if (y == '') {
img.innerHTML = 'UserName';
else {
img.innerHTML = y;
<input type='text' onchage="txtTitlechanged" />
Here i want that radeditor content as an image,i'm getting the radeditor content as html,but i want as it as an image.
You could search for a third party HTMLtoImage or XHTMLtoImage convertor and provide the generated content to it
export the content to PDF using the built-in PDF exporting feature of RadEditor:
