Transfer variables in ssh an get answer back - linux

I want to write script in bash to connect to server, ping on it another server, get ip from ping command, and send that info back to pc who ran the script, and at the end connect to server who is pinged before.
My script:
echo "Script to connect to server"
#ip_p used to connect to first server, on that server i want to use ping command'
user='username to the servers'
#ip_d - in that variable i want to save ip of the pinged server
ssh -t $user#$ip_p ip_d="ip_d=ping -c1 $1.domain | sed -nE 's/^PING[^(]+\(([^)]+)\).*/\1/p' && exit "
echo "start"
echo $ip_d
echo "stop"
ssh -t $user#$ip_d
How i wish to work:
domain i want to check
connect to server which ip, and username was defined in script
ping server(part "", is always the same, but "test" i want to read from first argument of script run
get ip of domain from previous point
transfer ip from point: 2 to local machine, on which script is run
connect to the server which ip we get from point: 2

Use command substitution:
ip_d=$(ssh -t $user#$ip_p "ping -c1 $1.domain | sed -nE 's/^PING[^(]+\(([^)]+)\).*/\1/p'")
The output of ping (through sed) comes to the local machine via ssh, whose output is captured in the local variable ip_d.


After bash script completion, change variable and restart script

I have some working script, in start of which I enter start parameters (server IP, user login and root login), and every time, when I need to restart this script on another server, I need to edit script, to change server IP variable.
How can I change this, to enter a bunch of IP addresses in variable(s), maybe in some array and when script finishes with first IP, it goes to second, and so on to the end of IP list?
Script example:
"here goes some script body"
You do indeed want an array, which you can then iterate over with a loop.
serv_address=( yyy.yy.yyy.yy)
for address in "${serv_address[#]}"; do
if ! ping -c 1 "$serv_address"; then
echo "$serv_address is not available" >&2
# Do some stuff here if the address did respond.
use a text file for storing ips like
$ cat ip.txt
then modify your script
while read ip
#some command on "$ip"
done<ip.txt # Your text file fed to while loop here
Or use bash array
declare ip_array=( )
for ip in "${ip_array[#]}"
#something with "$ip"
Both gives you the flexibility to add/delete IP addresses later.

ssh "port 22: no route to host" error in bash script

I wrote a scipt to execute a couple of ssh remote comands relating to apache storm. When I execute the script it says:
ssh: connect to host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 22: No route to host
ssh: connect to host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 22: No route to host
ssh: connect to host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 22: No route to host
ssh: connect to host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 22: Connection refused
If I execute the commands manually it works out well and I can ping the machine. So that there has to be something wrong with this code:
while [ $i -le $numVM ]
if [ $i -eq 1 ];then
ssh -i file root#IP1 './zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/ start'
ssh -i file root#IP2 'sed -i '"'"'s/#\ storm.zookeeper.servers.*/storm.zookeeper.servers:/'"'"' /root/apache-storm-0.9.3/conf/storm.yaml'
ssh -i file root#IP2 'sed -i '"'"'0,/^#[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*\"server1\".*/s//" - \"'${IParray[1]}'\""/'"'"' /root/apache-storm-0.9.3/conf/storm.yaml'
ssh -i file root#IP2 'sed -i '"'"'s/#\*/" \"'${IParray[2]}'\""/'"'"' /root/apache-storm-0.9.3/conf/storm.yaml'
ssh -i file root#IP2 './zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/ -server ${IParray[1]} &'
sleep 10
ssh -i file root#IP2 './apache-storm-0.9.3/bin/storm nimbus &' &
sleep 10
ssh -i file root#IP2 './apache-storm-0.9.3/bin/storm ui &' &
sleep 10
ssh -i file root#IP2 './apache-storm-0.9.3/bin/storm supervisor &' &
I'm starting several processes on 2 virtual machines that are deployed from the same image, so that they are identical in general. The confusing part is, that the first ssh command ( start) is working well but if I the script tries to execute the three "sed"-ssh-commands I get the error message above. But then the last four ssh-commands are working out well again. That does not make any sense to me...
Several things I can think of:
Most sshd daemons won't allow root access. Heck, many versions of Unix/Linux no longer allow root login. If you need root access, you need to use sudo.
The sshd daemon on the remote machine isn't running. Although rare, some sites may never had it setup, or purposefully shut it off as a security issue.
Your ssh commands themselves are incorrect.
Instead of executing the ssh commands in your shell script, modify the shell script just to print out what you're attempting to execute. Then, see if you can execute the command outside of the shell script. This way you can determine whether the problem is the shell script, or the problem is with the ssh command itself.
If your ssh commands don't work outside from the command line, you can then simplify them and see if you can determine what the issue could be. You have ssh -i file root#IP2. Is this suppose to be ssh -i $file root#$IP2? (i.e., you're missing the leading sigil).
$ ssh -i file root#$IP2 ls # Can't get simpler than this...
$ ssh -i file root#IPS # See if you can remotely log on...
$ ssh root#IP2 # Try it without an 'identity file'
$ ssh bob#IP2 # Try it as a user other than 'root'
$ telnet IP2 22 # Is port 22 even open on the remote machine?
If these don't work, then you have some very basic issue with the setup of your remote machine's sshd command.

How can I check to see if an SSH server is listening on a host without actually attempting a login

I am trying to make a bash script which checks to see if a host exists and then attempts to ssh into it if an SSH server is listening on the host. The command would default to telnet if an SSH server is not listening.
What would be the best way to do this? I was thinking about using something like ssh-keyscan to just grab the public key from the ssh server, but ssh-keyscan is not on this jumpserver. Nmap is not on this server either. I'm not able to copy those binaries onto the jump server, nor am I able to compile/build anything on the jumpserver.
What would be the best way to go about checking for an SSH server? I think expect might work, though I would like to avoid using that if possible.
Just check your ability to connect to it, if your bash has the necessary (/dev/tcp) extension; this requires no external commands whatsoever:
if (exec 2>/dev/null 4>/dev/tcp/"$hostname"/22); then
echo "port is open"
echo "unable to connect"
Note that your script will need to start with #!/bin/bash, not #!/bin/sh, for this to work.
You can write a shell script and use telnet command to find remote port status
[root#box ~]# telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Sample script:
TELNET=`echo "quit" | telnet $SERVER $PORT | grep "Escape character is"`
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT failed"
exit 1
echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT succeeded"
exit 0
I love oneliners :)
if nc "server" "port" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1;then echo yeah;else echo no;fi
works on my router and on my rpi

how to write a shell script to make an ssh connection to a machine and continue remaining script on that machine

I am writing a script where I run the script on one server through which I create an ssh connection to another machine and want to continue the following script code on the remote machine.... Can any body tell what is the way to do it?
if you want to execute a command on remote host through ssh and get the output on local host, that what i understand from you question then use.
ssh -n <hostname/IP> 'command'
where -n will Redirects stdin from /dev/null
you can store the output to a variable or file as
var =`ssh -n <hostname/IP> 'command'`
ssh -n <hostname/IP> 'command' >> output.txt
also if you want to send multiple command use ; for command separator.
NOTE: ssh without password should be enable from local host to remote host.
else you need to specify password explicitly.

Check if a Samba share exists in local network

i'm trying to figure out how to make a script for check if a dir exist in the network and than backup a directory in the network. Unfortunatly the IP of this machine (Windows 7 with samba) is not static and everytime is changing.
at the moment what I do for backup my notebook is:
in W7 notebook, launch cmq and with ipconfig check the ip of the machine
in linux, go in /etc/hosts file and change the IP set for the notebook
launch rsnapshot manually or wait for the crontab to do it
now what I want to do is a script that does:
to check which IP is available in a range of IPs
check which one has a specific dir available
if both tests are ok, I change the hosts name with the IP and I lanunch the rsnapshot.
maybe a smartest way could be to check if the MAC Address is available in the network and which IP is associated to it and launch the rssnapshot after have changed the hosts or the rsnapshots.conf file
till now what I did is:
for ip in 192.168.1.{128..142}; do # for loop and the {} operator
ping -c 1 -t 1 $ip > /dev/null 2> /dev/null # ping and discard output
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # check the exit code
if [check if dir exists for ip $ip] #not sure how do this check
/usr/bin/rsnapshot daily
echo "${ip} is down"
Use smbclient to list (-L) the shares ex. :
smbclient -L SERVERNAME | grep -i "YOURSHARENAME"
