Can I build my .net-core application on a linux platform, then deploy to an azure web app - linux

I am building and deploying APIs to azure web apps, and want to setup a build pipeline for continuous delivery. The options for setting this up are very limited if using msbuild is a requirement. A lot of popular solutions are linux only, or docker based.
Is it possible to use a linux based build system to build an application (web Api), but then deploy it to an azure web app?

Have you seen Create a web app with App Service on Linux on


How to Deploy Blazor Webassembly Web Application to Azure?

I have created a Blazor Webassembly web application with the PWA feature. It is a CRUD application.
This is my folder structure:
Now I want to deploy it to azure. How can I do that?
The server app is just an ordinary ASP.NET Core application (this is the app that needs to be published). You have several options, like publishing the app to an Azure App Service or an Azure virtual machine. The former would require you to prepare a Docker image (usually a good start would be to enable Docker support for the server project and tweak the created Dockefile to your needs).
Just read the docs at to get the full picture.

Azure linux app service: Is it possible to publish two API projects in same app service?

We have set up an Azure Linux app service (API) and want to deploy two API projects (.Net Core) in the same app service. Is it possible in Linux based app service?
It's impossible.
You can refer to the answer in the post below.
Hosting Two Website Under one Web App - Azure Services
IIS can handler mappings and virtual applications and directories, you can't use virtual applications and directories in linux.
If you have more questions about azure web app, you can raise a support ticket on portal. You can also put forward your ideas and suggestions in the feedback, and optimize the product together with Microsoft official.

Limitations of Web App for Containers in Azure

We are planning to develop a new web application in Java or .NET. The application should be containerized using docker in Azure cloud platform and it should be scalable (user base at pick is about 80-90). Since, there is no need to develop a Microservice based application we have have planned to develop REST services in back end and Angular JS in front end as the application architecture.The Service back end will be deployed in web server and will run in one container and the Angular JS front end in another.
In this context will Web App for container in Azure App service would be the right choice?
What are the limitations of Web App for containers?
Is there any limitations with Web App for containers in Azure App service if the application is developed using Java Spring Boot?
Yes, it's a good choice to develop a web application in Java or .NET and containerized it for deployment easier.
The limitation, please refer to the section App Service limits of the offical document Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints.
And there is not any limits for using Java Spring Boot with WebApp for container on Linux. it's also same as do developing on Docker.
Additionally, just considered for developing REST service in back, I recommended you may use Azure Functions in Java that I think easier.
If you want to run just Spring Boot, you can also use the "Java SE" offering which is available for Windows or Linux in App Service. In this case you just deploy your code and you don't need to worry about managing containers, like updating the JRE version, etc.
However, if you are interested in deploying a containerized app, you can use Windows Containers or Linux Containers in Azure App Service.

deploying frontend and backend to the same web service on azure

i have a web app that has a seperate nodejs backend and angular frontend.
is it possible to make them both run on the same azure web service? or do i need a stand alone service for each?
my nodejs server is just a light API that feeds my angular app with some statistical data to render it. if it is possible what would be the way to do it?
since i am using typescript i know i need to push my nodejs using zipdeployment and i know i need to use visual studio to push my angular project to azure. but when i want to run both on the same service, how do i do it?
is it possible to make them both run on the same azure web service? or do i need a stand alone service for each?
If you choose the Web App on Windows OS, IIS allows you to configure multiple virtual applications within a single website. For this approach, you could follow Deploying multiple virtual directories to a single Azure Website. Note: The multiple virtual applications would share the same application pool.
As kim mentioned, you pay for the App Service Plan, not for the Web App. You could also host nodejs backend and angular frontend in different web apps under the same app service plan.
For the deployment, you could leverage VS publish wizard or manually upload your files via KUDU or FTP. Moreover, you could also follow Deploy the app section about various approaches for deployment.
You can run multiple web sites in different web apps in Azure so that they are sharing the same Azure App Service.
You can think of the App Service as a virtual machine offering resources for your applications. How many web apps you can run simultaneously depends on the size of your plan, see this page for details.
This way you can deploy them separately, manually or automatically using e.g. VSTS.

Web API app with OWIN 'SystemWeb' on Azure App Service

I am creating app which uses Identity 2.1.0 framework in .NET. I started project in Visual Studio 2015 as Empty Web App (template). Now, I use Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin, and also Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb NuGet packages in my project. I understand that OWIN is a specification made to avoid monolithic frameworks and to specify how smaller application components interact with servers. However, I have requirement to deploy to Azure App Services.
I have found examples (blogs) where people deploy OWIN Web Api app as self-hosted to the Azure Cloud Services worker role. But I don't want this, as I don't use Cloud Service.
Since I am using Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb, am I going to be able to deploy this to Azure App service (which I assume manages internal IIS instance) ?
.NET ecosystem newbie here - so please excuse me for any possible redundancies in the question.
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb is designed for hosting in IIS and all Azure App Service web apps are hosted in IIS, so this is exactly what you want (In fact, self-hosting likely won't work with Azure App Service).
