Sequelize Nested Association with Two Tables - node.js

I have a scenario where I am trying to query a parent table (document) with two associated tables (reference & user) that do not have a relationship to each other, but do have a relationship with the parent table. In SQL, this query would look like such and correctly outputs the data I am looking for:
select *
from `document`
left join `user`
on `document`.`user_id` = `user`.`user_id`
left join `reference`
on `document`.`reference_id` = `reference`.`reference_id`
where `user`.`organization_id` = 1;
However, associations that are nested have to relate in hierarchical order in order for the query to work. Since the nested associations are not related to each other I get an association error. How can I avoid this error? Would required: false have any influence on this?
order: 'documentDate DESC',
include: [{
model: models.User,
where: { organizationId: req.user.organizationId },
include: [{
model: models.Reference,
Unhandled rejection Error: reference is not associated to user!
associate: function(db) {
Document.belongsTo(db.User, {foreignKey: 'user_id'}),
Document.belongsTo(db.Reference, { foreignKey: 'reference_id'});;
associate: function(db){
Reference.hasMany(db.Document, { foreignKey: 'reference_id' });
Should I just chain queries instead?

If you want to replicate your query (as closely as possibly) use the following query. Keep in mind that the where on the User include will only serve to remove matches on Document.user_id where the User.organization_id does not match, but the Document will still be returned. If you want to omit Documents where the User.organization_id does not match use required: true.
User <- Document -> Reference
// this is an array of includes, don't nest them
include: [{
model: models.User,
where: { organization_id: req.user.organization_id }, // <-- underscored HERE
required: true, // <-- JOIN to only return Documents where there is a matching User
model: models.Reference,
required: false, // <-- LEFT JOIN, return rows even if there is no match
order: [['document_date', 'DESC']], // <-- underscored HERE, plus use correct format

The error is indicating that the User model is not associated to the Reference model, but there are only definitions for the Document and Reference models in your description. You are joining these tables in your query with the include option, so you have to make sure they are associated. You don't technically need the foreignKey here either, you are specifying the default values.
Add Reference->User association
associate: function(db) {
// belongsTo()? maybe another relationship depending on your data model
Reference.belongsTo(db.User, {foreignKey: 'user_id'});
Reference.hasMany(db.Document, { foreignKey: 'reference_id' });
It also looks like you probably set underscored: true in your model definitions, so your query should reflect this. Additionally if you want to perform a LEFT JOIN you need to specify required: false on the include, otherwise it is a regular JOIN and you will only get back rows with matches in the included model. You are also using the wrong order format, it should be an array of values, and to sort by model.document_date DESC you should use order: [['document_date', 'DESC']].
Proper query arguments
order: [['document_date', 'DESC']], // <-- underscored HERE, plus use correct format
include: [{
model: models.User,
where: { organization_id: req.user.organization_id }, // <-- underscored HERE
required: false, // <-- LEFT JOIN
include: [{
model: models.Reference,
required: false, // <-- LEFT JOIN
If you are still having trouble, try enabling logging by setting logging: console.log in your Sequelize connection, that will show you all the queries it is running in your console.

It seems to me that your problem might be the associations, trying to link back to your primary key on Documents instead of the columns 'user_id' and 'reference_id'. You didn't post the table attributes so I might have understood this wrong.
Association on documents are ok.
associate: function(db) {
Document.belongsTo(db.User, {foreignKey: 'user_id'}), //key in documents
Document.belongsTo(db.Reference, { foreignKey: 'reference_id'}); //key in documents
associate: function(db) {
User.belongsTo(db.Document, {
foreignKey: 'id', //Key in User
targetKey: 'user_id' //Key in Documents
associate: function(db) {
Reference.belongsTo(db.Document, {
foreignKey: 'id', //Key in reference
targetKey: 'reference_id' //Key in Documents
For debbuging consider using logging so you can see the queries.
var sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
logging: console.log
logging: function (str) {
// do your own logging


Sequelize join two tables on id

I have a table of book users and a table of movie users. I'm trying to return a list of the top 100 movie viewers, along with their book profile information. I want to join on ids, but I can't seem to find the right syntax.
This is what I've tried:
const mostActiveMovieWatchers = await MovieWatchers.findAll({
order: [
['moviesWatched', 'DESC'],
limit: '100',
include: [{
model: BookReaders,
where: {
userId: '$$'
required: true
I've also seen examples where the where clause looks something like this where: ['userId = id']
Before join tables you need create association:
BookReaders.hasMany(MovieWatchers, { foreignKey: 'bookId' });
MovieWatchers.belongsTo(BookReaders, { foreignKey: 'bookId' });
Then, you can use the include option in a find or findAll method call on the MovieWatchers model to specify that you want to include the associated BookReaders data:
include: [
model: BookReaders,
}).then((movies) => {
// array of movies including books

Sequelize - N:M Association Count Number of Included Model with Condition

I have two models: Articles and Tags. These models are associated to each other by belongsToMany, so an article may have many tags, and tags can be used by many articles.
Articles.belongsToMany(Tags, {
foreignKey: 'articleId',
as: 'tags',
Tags.belongsToMany(Articles, {
foreignKey: 'tagId',
as: 'articles',
When querying, I need to get articles that has searchTag as tag, but get all tag information associated to article.
What I tried is:
const articles = await Articles.findAll({
include: [{
model: Tags,
as: 'tags',
where: {
tag: searchTag,
attributes: ['id', 'tag'],
required: true,
where: {
// querying condition
but this code gets the matching tag only, which fails to get all tags that belongs to the article.
Another solution I thought was to check if any tag that tag=searchTag exists in tags, but I have no idea how to fit this condition into sequelize object. What is the proper way to fit this condition into sequelize object? Or any other way to solve this problem other than getting all ids of articles that has searchedTag and get all articles based on the ids?
You have to query for your searchTag in the top where clause.
const articles = await Articles.findAll({
include: [{
model: Tags,
as: 'tags',
// where: {
// tag: searchTag,
// },
attributes: ['id', 'tag'],
required: true,
where: {
$$': searchTag // <-- New
By querying inside the include part, you get only the filtered tags like you described in your post.

Multiple Sequelize Associations

I have a few associations between models like so:
Patient.hasMany(Transaction, {
as: 'transactions',
foreignKey: 'patient_id',
sourceKey: 'id'
Transaction.belongsTo(Patient, {
as: 'patient',
foreignKey: 'patient_id',
targetKey: 'id'
Transaction.hasMany(Transaction, {
as: 'transactions',
foreignKey: 'item_to_pay',
sourceKey: 'id'
I'm writing a query to get a list of transactions that belong to a patient and include the models associated with them:
where: {
patient_id: 1
include: [{
model: Patient,
as: 'patient',
attributes: ['first_name']
}, {
model: Transaction,
as: 'transactions',
include: [{
model: Patient,
as: 'patient',
attributes: ['first_name']
However when the result returns, it does not include the second nested patient model as I expect it to.
I've also tried writing a different query to see if I can get the desired result:
where: {
patient_id: 1
include: [{
model: Transaction,
as: 'transactions',
include: [{
model: Patient,
as: 'patient',
attributes: ['first_name']
But this query errors out and returns 'Unknown column '' in field list'.
Does anyone see something wrong with my query or associations? Is there something I'm not understanding about the associations here?
I ended up changing my original query since I couldn't figure it out at the time. I stumbled into the same issue recently and realized the issue came from how I named my associations. I named the transaction.hasMany association as transactions which ended up confusing MySQL with the query that was generated because one of the tables is named transactions.
TLDR, don't name your associations the same name as any of your table names.

Sequelize, Issue with filtering on the join model for belongsToMany associations

The Sequelize docs suggest that you can filter your query on join table attributes using the following params on the options object:
I've tried to use this formulation in the code below and found that the filtering does not work.
Model User and model Network are associated through the join table network-affiliations, which has additional attribute (boolean) 'confirmed'. I can't seem to write a query that returns only confirmed networks associated with a user.
My code is excerpted below.
const network_affiliations = db.define('network_affiliations', {
networkEmail: { type: Sequelize.STRING },
confirmed: { type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN }
}, {
freezeTableName: true,
defaultScope: {
where: {
confirmed: true
// User belongs to many Networks and Networks belong to many Users (join table)
User.belongsToMany(Network, { through: network_affiliations });
Network.belongsToMany(User, { through: network_affiliations });
//querying to find one user, including their confirmed networks
where: {
include: [{ model: Network, through: { network_affiliations: { where: { confirmed: true } } } }]
I expect this query to return a user instance with its associated networks -- but only networks where confirmed: true. Instead I'm getting all networks associated with the user (including confirmed: false and confirmed: undefined).
As you can also see in the above code, I tried setting a defaultScope for the join table ({confirmed: true}). This also appears not to do anything.
I've also tried a User.findAll query that is otherwise identical, and that also does not work.
What am I missing, or Sequelize just not working here?
Sequelize version: "^3.30.4"

Create Association in Sequelize to do a Left Join

I want to do a left join using Sequelize that does the same as this SQL code.
SELECT * FROM events LEFT JOIN zones ON event_tz=zid WHERE event_creator_fk=116;
I have two tables: events and zones (with a list of time zones).
When querying for all the events that are created by a specific user, I also want to get the name of the time zone and other details about the TZ.
I have tried many combinations of solutions by reviewing sample code, other Stack Overflow questions and the documentation as best I can. The query always works, but doesn't do any joins. That is, it below code always returns the list of events, but no time zone data from the zones table. The generated SQL is correct, except it doesn't have the ...LEFT JOIN zones ON event_tz=zid... part.
The below code is wrong. See answers for details.
{ where: { event_creator_fk: someUserID } },
{ include: [{ model: db.Zone } ]}
If I understand correctly, adding associations between tables in sequelize results in an additional column from automatically being created. This is not what I want to do. I do not want Sequelize to modify the tables or database in any way. I want to setup my database and it's tables without Sequelize. Therefore, I am not calling sequelize.sync(). I don't know if there is away to setup associations the way I want.
Model Definitions
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
var Event = sequelize.define('Event', {
eid: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true
event_tz: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
references: "Zone",
referencesKey: "zid"
}, {
classMethods: {
associate: function (models) {
return models.Event.hasOne(models.Zone);
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false,
tableName: 'events'
return Event;
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
return sequelize.define('Zone', {
zid: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true
}, {
classMethods: {
associate: function (models) {
return models.Zone.belongsTo(models.Event);
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false,
tableName: 'zones'
Table Definitions
zid integer NOT NULL,
country_code character(2) NOT NULL,
zone_name text NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (event_tz)
You need to reverse the associations and tell sequelize about your foreign key. belongsTo means 'add the fk to this model':
models.Event.belongsTo(models.Zone, { foreignKey: 'event_tz');
models.Zone.hasOne(models.Event, { foreignKey: 'event_tz');
// or hasMany if this is 1:m
Part of the problem was that I was using the findAll method incorrectly. The query options where and include should have been included as part of the same object. The first parameter to findAll is an options parameter. See here for more details. The correct code should look like the following.
where: { event_creator_fk: someUserID },
include: [{ model: db.Zone } ]
