PouchDB security - couchdb

What's the best security practice to follow while using PouchDB on the client-side to access a remote server?
The example on https://pouchdb.com/getting-started.html syncs with the remote server with the code:
var remoteCouch = 'http://user:pass#mname.example.com/todos';
The problem is I probably don't want the user to see the plaintext password with a file they can download -- even if that file is shown to the authenticated users only.
Please advise. Thanks in advance,

Here's a really good article regarding all things auth for CouchDB.
I've got a production server with CouchDB configured to use HTTP over localhost but external requests require HTTPS redirected via stunnel to CouchDB.
On the client I use PouchDB to maintain a local, replicated db. As part of the handshake to establish communication with CouchDB over HTTPS, the software acquires CouchDB credentials from another server - the credentials are never stored client side.
pouchdb-authentication is a good plugin, but I've found it better to handle auth personally.

Every site user should have his own CouchDB user. As #onno suggests, use HTTPS and the user's login credentials to access CouchDB. Passwords should never be available in client-side JavaScript.

This depends on your remote server. If you use a CouchDB server, you could configure it to communicate only via SSL (HTTPS), see the docs for details.
If you don't want to expose your CouchDB server directly to the internet, you could also hide it behind a reverse-proxy, e.g. an Apache server with the mod_proxy extension and SSL enabled.


Secure HTTPS connection to Node.js server from client

I am developing a backend for a mobile application using Node.js to handle HTTPS requests. I have set up an SSL to connect from the client to the server and was wondering if this was secure enough.
I don't have experience with intercepting endpoints from the mobile devices, but I have seen that it is possible for people to monitor internet traffic out of their cellphones and pick up endpoints to server requests. I have seen hacks on tinder where people can see response JSON and even automate swipes by sending http requests to tinder's endpoints.
My real concern is that people will be able to update/read/modify data on my backend. I can implement OAuth2 into my schema as well but I still see cases in which people could abuse the system.
My main question is whether or not using HTTPS is secure enough to protect my data, or if a session authentication system is needed like OAuth2.
HTTPS, providing it is properly configured, will ensure the message was not read or changed en route and that the client can know the server it is talking to is not a fake.
It will secure the transport. It will not secure the application.
For example supposing you have an app that allows you to send a message saying https://www.example.com/transfermoney?from=Kyle&to=BazzaDP&amount=9999.99 and the server does just that based on those parameters. Then I could send that message myself - I've no need to intercept any app messages.
Normally the server needs authentication as well as HTTPS to, for example, verify only Kyle user can send above message and not anyone else. HTTPS normally only gives server authentication not client authentication (unless using two way certificate HTTPS).
So the question is, even if an attacker cannot read or alter any messages between app and server can they still cause harm? That is the measure of whether it is secure enough.
A SSL connection is only secure with the content you are sending.
SSL encrypts and ensures the authenticity of the whole connection, including the requested method and URL
So i would say just using the SSL encryption is save to transfer data between - i might consider OAuth2 for password etc.
But i would recommend to use GET for retrieval data and post for authorized data
You're building an armored tunnel between two open fields.
Assuming that you use current SSL protocols and settings, and valid certificates from trusted issuers, you can pretty much assume the network is OK.
However it's still entirely possible to compromise any or all of your transaction from the client. Security really depends on the device and how well it's configured and patched.

Securing a https connection

I have exposed some rest services in spring, using spring mvc, I have secured the webapp using spring security, that uses bcrypt on the server to encode the password and store it in the datbase.
The user will send the password in the url in plain text under https, And i have written a custom basic_auth_filter to check the uername and passowrd - basically authenticate. I also have set up a firewall that only allows one ip to connect.
Im no security expert, is there anything else i need to, should i encode the username/password in the url.. even though it will be coming via https?
ps. this was a requirement to use username on the url?
Passwords, and all other non-ephemeral credentials, should never be sent in the URL, if for no other reason then because the browsers and other HTTP tools and servers will remember this in history, various logs etc, HTTPS or not, making it trivial to steal by anyone with local access, or even by someone just looking over your shoulder. This is why Spring by default rejects authentication via GET requests.
For this reason, you should move the sensitive parameters to the body of the request (thus requiring a POST).
If your login flow is based on username/passwords, I recommend you use UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter as it already encapsulates the logic and best practices for this type of flow.
In general your scheme is secure.
Consider pinning the server, that is validating the server certificate, to ensure the connection is to your server.
The password should not be used other than to authenticate using (in your case) bcrypt.
Re question update: "HTTPS encrypts the query string, only the actual server address portion is un-encrypted. But, the full URL including query string will probably be logged by the server so that has security implication. It is best to send confidential information in a POST.

To disable SSL for changing https to http without changing any other communication which happens over SSL

This might be silly question as I am very new to this. Please help me knowing the details:
I have only below information for a application:
1) Application is accessed using https through browser
2) Application talks to LDAP over SSL connection for authentication purpose
Now, my question is, if there would be some relation between SSL used by https and the SSL which application is using to communicate with LDAP?
Can we disable SSL so that application is accessed using http but the communication between application and LDAP is still over SSL?
There is requirement to change https to http because of some compatibility issue.
Thanks in advance.
Now, my question is, if there would be some relation between SSL used
by https and the SSL which application is using to communicate with
No, those are 2 different connections. In the first case the client is the browser and the server is your application and in the second case the client is your application and the server is LDAP.
Can we disable SSL so that application is accessed using http but the
communication between application and LDAP is still over SSL?
Yes, absolutely. Of course that would mean that the users passwords will be sent as cleartext between their browsers and your application. Depending on your scenario this could be acceptable but for a publicly facing website I would rather say that this is bad practice.

Restricting access to node.js by userid

I find myself in a bit of a dilemma. I am preparing to push code out to a test server (out in the wilds of the Internet) which handles user registration and authentication (using Express + Passport) for acceptance testing.
However, I would like to be able to restrict access to the test server to those users who will be performing testing. I know node does not support an .htpasswd file mechanism but looking for another way to restrict users from accessing the server even before the application authentication process begins.
All thoughts welcome!
You can restrict via IP address in your application, or the server's firewall. If you have a reverse proxy like nginx in front of node, then you can set it up to require basic authentication via an htpasswd-like file.

LDAP authentication with `ldap-haskell`: can it be made secure?

I'm building a Haskell web application for which I need authentication. My organization runs an LDAP server, and I would prefer not to reinvent the wheel. However, when I inspect the source code for LDAP.Init.ldapSimpleBind from the ldap-haskell package, I discover that it calls the C routine ldap_simple_bind_s. As far as I can tell, this API call is going to send my users' passwords in the clear to an LDAP server. Not acceptable.
Have I understood correctly what ldap-haskell is doing?
If so, is there a secure way for me to authenticate my users to an LDAP server from an application written in Haskell?
Passwords must be sent in the clear over a secure connection to an LDAP server that supports password policy checks. Failure to do so will result in the server being unable to manage password history and password quality checks. If the server does not support password policy and history checks, then that server should not be used for non-trivial, mission critical applications. Use either SSL, or failing that, an unsecure connection promoted to TLS using the StartTLS extended operation.
Can you use port 636 (secure LDAP) instead of port 389 to connect to your LDAP server? In this case you would at least have SSL protection.
