VS Express 2012 Code View Scrollbar shrunk - visual-studio-2012

Normally the vertical scrollbar in the text editor (code view) of Visual Studio Express 2012 runs the full length of the window you're viewing the text in.
After installing on a new machine, my new scrollbar is two sad little arrows, one up, one down, and cannot be navigated by moving the indicator inbetween them as there isn't one. If I split the view, I get two sets of scrolling nubs.
I've tried disabling and re-enabling the vertical scrollbar in Tools > Options > Text Editor > General. When disabled the miniature scrollbar goes away and comes back miniature if I re-enable.
Trying to figure out what setting or group of settings regulate this and how to get back my proper scrollbar.

Following worked for me
Go to %System Drive%\Users(user-account)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ComponentModelCache
Rename the cache file (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.Cache) present there to 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.Cache_1'.
Restart the visual studio.


Scroll Bar’s scrolling bar missing

Recently in my version of Visual Studio 2012 my scrollbar’s scrolling bar went missing in the code editor(text editor) and I need them back. It’s not the Tools->Options->Text Editor->Display Vertical Scroll bar and Horizontal Scroll bar check box issue. They are both checked and when they are not checked the bar does go away. The arrows in the scroll bar still work and I can move through the code and the page follows the cursor when moving through the code. I checked my other versions of Visual Studios on my computer and the bars are there.
Missing Hbar Missing Vbar
I tried repairing Visual Studio with no luck. I then tried uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio also no luck.
I had the same problem. I cleared it up simply by moving the file "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.cache" from my folder
It appears to have cleared up this "cached" behavior "preference". The neighboring folder
had a couple other likely cache file culprits.
Although his solution to delete toolbox*.* files did not work for me, I was inspired by Roman Hnatiuk's resolution of a similar problem at
Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > Scroll Bars
Check the appropriate scroll bars
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Express and i don't have the path in the answer of Paul Scofield. Yet, i have searched for the ComponentModelCache keyword in my %userprofile% folder and found it as "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WDExpress\11.0\ComponentModelCache". Also found the "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.cache" file in the folder and deleted it. I can see the scroll bar now.
Posting as answer so that it might be usefull for other people like me.
In VS 2019 (maybe also earlier, didn't check), the vertical scrollbar has two modes: "bar mode" (the usual one) and "map mode" (the one where the code in the file is previewed).
For some reason, I had the "map mode" turned on by default, so I changed to "bar mode" by:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> Scroll Bars -> Use bar mode for vertical scroll.
In Visual Studio 2022, I was using a split editor layout (two documents side by side). The one on the right had its horizontal scroll bar. The one on the left didn't have one.
Turns out that when I widened the left split pane, the horizontal scroll bar for that pane appeared. There had apparently not been enough space due to Git commit info in the status bar and the horizontal scroll bar disappeared instead. Seems like a bug or at least a poorly designed feature.

Visual Studio 2015 Layout: Error List and Output

Problem: Having read this article, the initial intention was to dock the tabbed Error List and Output Windows to the IDE status bar, but won't accommodate as it seems this method is not implemented in the IDE interface.
Alternatively try raising the bottom edge of the IDE and move the Error List and Output below the IDE Window. Almost perfect except it squinches the right-docked Solution and Property Windows a little.
Now tabbed and grouped documents can be resized if they aren't docked to the top frame, but then the group becomes another Window outside the IDE (Win 8.11).
Questions: Is there a way to raise the bottom borders of the IDE docked document group to fit the Error List and Output?
That way it's not necessary to keep switching Window configs or hiding Error List & Output as we wish for a clear view of all content in a web page or document.
Or, as there's idle real estate either to the right of the IDE menu items or adjacent to the Notifications/Feedback/Quick Launch/ area is it possible to place buttons binding Window layouts to Ctrl+Alt+{num}?
Also reviving a question for previous VS version as a corollary, is there some way to bring back the old SDI feel of VB where the white space in the IDE is replaced by the desktop or another underlying window?
Helpful answers appreciated as always.

Android Studio: Create a second Windows window

I am getting familiar with Android Studio and now prefer it over Eclipse. However I find the window handling of Eclipse more efficient and flexible.
Is there any way to open a second window for the same project (like you can if you have separate projects)? Basically the "New Window" function of Eclipse.
Is there any way to store different window layouts and switch quickly between them (like the perspective of Eclipse)
I am developing on a Notebook, so space is limited. I rather switch with Alt+Tab between IDE windows than resizing 5 docked windows.
Opening a separate window (Qn #1)
This is possible. For an existing window tab, click and drag the tab outside of the window area of Android Studio. This is easier if the Window is in a restored state. So:
Ensure that there's some desktop area that's not covered by Android. This could be by ensuring the Android Studio window is not maximized (as you'd do on your notebook), or by having a dual-monitor setup.
Bring the window to be 'floated' to be the active tab
Drag the window outside of the Android Studio window area, and release mouse.
The window is now floating. To make it tabbed again, just drag it back to be where it was (beside other tabs).
Alt+Tab navigates between floating windows and the main IDE window.
Floating tool windows
Tool window tabs can be dragged in the same way:
... such that they float like this:
Window layouts (Qn #2)
It appears that there's only the option of a 'Default' layout, and after changing this (e.g. pinning tool windows), the option to revert to a previously saved 'Default' layout.
To save a layout, select 'Window' -> 'Save Current Layout as Default'. Now after re-arranging any tool window layouts, the saved layout can be restored via 'Window' -> 'Restore Default Layout'
Tool windows such as '1. Project', '2. Favorites', 'TODO', 'Terminal' etc. can be dragged to be in different border areas of the application. It's the arrangement of these tool windows that is affected by the layout feature.

Create DUPLICATE code window in visual studio 2012

I want one code window to have two duplicates. I want to place one code window on one monitor, and second code window on the second, extended monitor.
As I Go on typing, I want second window to display the code that I type on the first monitor. Is it possible in visual studio 2012?
It would be very helpful for me while teaching the trainees.
I haven't got a copy installed here to test but I believe the answer you're looking for lies hidden under the Window menu..
Activate the window you wish to duplicate and under Window on the toolbar choose New Window. This will create a duplicate of the active document. Under the Window menu again you should find the option to make the window Floating
Update for Visual Studio 2013: Vertical split of cshtml window in VS2013
In VS2012, the feature closest to what you are after is called "Split" and its under the Window menu when you have a code file selected. This creates a split view of the selected code file within the original window.
I don't know of any way to seperate the copies from each other and float them on different screens.

What is this "pull down" icon in Visual Studio 2012 text editor used for?

The icon below shows at the top of the vertical scrollbar in Visual Studio 2012's text editor. When I drag it down, another page shows behind the current visible page. It looks like a copy of it. (I am using dark theme)
What is it used for? I don't know what the feature is called, therefore I couldn't search for it. I am not sure if it's native to VS 2012 or it's from one of the VS add-ons I am using.
Sometimes the icon disappears. Why?
It's for split viewing of a file. So you can view part of the file and edit another part.
It's a common feature in advanced text editors.
