Adaboost vs. Gaussian Naive Bayes - scikit-learn

I'm new to Adaboost, but have been reading about it, and it seemed like the perfect solution for a problem I've been working on.
I have a data set where the classes are 'UP' and 'DOWN'. The Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier classifies both classes with ~55% accuracy (weakly accurate). I thought that using Adaboost with Gaussian Naive Bayes as my base estimator would allow me to get a greater accuracy, however when I do this, my accuracy drops to around 45-50%.
Why is this? I find it very unusual that Adaboost would underperform its base estimator. Additionally, any tips for getting Adaboost to work better would be appreciated. I have tried it with many different estimators with similar poor results.

The reason could be the Diversity dilemma of the Ensemble methods, which particularly concerns the Adaboost algorithm.
Diversity is the error between the component classifiers of the Adaboost algorithm, which we prefer to keep uncorrelated. Otherwise, component classifiers will perform worse than single component classifiers. On the other hand, if we use weak base classifiers but achieve reasonable accuracy, the final ensemble will achieve higher accuracy.
This is well explained in this paper.
From which we can retrieve this explanation:
Accuracy and Diversity dilemma of Adaboost
This diagram is a scatter-plot where each point corresponds to a component classifier. The x coordinate value of a point is the diversity value of the corresponding component classifier while the y coordinate value is the accuracy value of the corresponding component classifier. From this figure, it can be observed that, if the component classifiers are too accurate, it is difficult to find very diverse ones, and combining these accurate but non-diverse classifiers often leads to very limited improvement (Windeatt, 2005). On the other hand, if the component classifiers are too inaccurate, although we can find diverse ones, the
combination result may be worse than that of combining both more accurate and diverse component classifiers. This is because if the combination result is dominated by too many inaccurate component classifiers, it will be wrong most of the time, leading to poor classification result
To directly answer your question, it may be that using the Guassian Naive Bayes as base estimators is creating classifiers that do not disagree (enough) with each other (diversify the error), hence Adaboost generalizes even worse than the single Gaussian Naive Bayes.


How to put more weight on one class during training in Pytorch [duplicate]

I have a multilabel classification problem, which I am trying to solve with CNNs in Pytorch. I have 80,000 training examples and 7900 classes; every example can belong to multiple classes at the same time, mean number of classes per example is 130.
The problem is that my dataset is very imbalance. For some classes, I have only ~900 examples, which is around 1%. For “overrepresented” classes I have ~12000 examples (15%). When I train the model I use BCEWithLogitsLoss from pytorch with a positive weights parameter. I calculate the weights the same way as described in the documentation: the number of negative examples divided by the number of positives.
As a result, my model overestimates almost every class… Mor minor and major classes I get almost twice as many predictions as true labels. And my AUPRC is just 0.18. Even though it’s much better than no weighting at all, since in this case the model predicts everything as zero.
So my question is, how do I improve the performance? Is there anything else I can do? I tried different batch sampling techniques (to oversample minority class), but they don’t seem to work.
I would suggest either one of these strategies
Focal Loss
A very interesting approach for dealing with un-balanced training data through tweaking of the loss function was introduced in
Tsung-Yi Lin, Priya Goyal, Ross Girshick, Kaiming He and Piotr Dollar Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection (ICCV 2017).
They propose to modify the binary cross entropy loss in a way that decrease the loss and gradient of easily classified examples while "focusing the effort" on examples where the model makes gross errors.
Hard Negative Mining
Another popular approach is to do "hard negative mining"; that is, propagate gradients only for part of the training examples - the "hard" ones.
see, e.g.:
Abhinav Shrivastava, Abhinav Gupta and Ross Girshick Training Region-based Object Detectors with Online Hard Example Mining (CVPR 2016)
#Shai has provided two strategies developed in the deep learning era. I would like to provide you some additional traditional machine learning options: over-sampling and under-sampling.
The main idea of them is to produce a more balanced dataset by sampling before starting your training. Note that you probably will face some problems such as losing the data diversity (under-sampling) and overfitting the training data (over-sampling), but it might be a good start point.
See the wiki link for more information.

Multilabel classification with class imbalance in Pytorch

I have a multilabel classification problem, which I am trying to solve with CNNs in Pytorch. I have 80,000 training examples and 7900 classes; every example can belong to multiple classes at the same time, mean number of classes per example is 130.
The problem is that my dataset is very imbalance. For some classes, I have only ~900 examples, which is around 1%. For “overrepresented” classes I have ~12000 examples (15%). When I train the model I use BCEWithLogitsLoss from pytorch with a positive weights parameter. I calculate the weights the same way as described in the documentation: the number of negative examples divided by the number of positives.
As a result, my model overestimates almost every class… Mor minor and major classes I get almost twice as many predictions as true labels. And my AUPRC is just 0.18. Even though it’s much better than no weighting at all, since in this case the model predicts everything as zero.
So my question is, how do I improve the performance? Is there anything else I can do? I tried different batch sampling techniques (to oversample minority class), but they don’t seem to work.
I would suggest either one of these strategies
Focal Loss
A very interesting approach for dealing with un-balanced training data through tweaking of the loss function was introduced in
Tsung-Yi Lin, Priya Goyal, Ross Girshick, Kaiming He and Piotr Dollar Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection (ICCV 2017).
They propose to modify the binary cross entropy loss in a way that decrease the loss and gradient of easily classified examples while "focusing the effort" on examples where the model makes gross errors.
Hard Negative Mining
Another popular approach is to do "hard negative mining"; that is, propagate gradients only for part of the training examples - the "hard" ones.
see, e.g.:
Abhinav Shrivastava, Abhinav Gupta and Ross Girshick Training Region-based Object Detectors with Online Hard Example Mining (CVPR 2016)
#Shai has provided two strategies developed in the deep learning era. I would like to provide you some additional traditional machine learning options: over-sampling and under-sampling.
The main idea of them is to produce a more balanced dataset by sampling before starting your training. Note that you probably will face some problems such as losing the data diversity (under-sampling) and overfitting the training data (over-sampling), but it might be a good start point.
See the wiki link for more information.

Why does more features in a random forest decrease accuracy dramatically?

I am using sklearn's random forests module to predict values based on 50 different dimensions. When I increase the number of dimensions to 150, the accuracy of the model decreases dramatically. I would expect more data to only make the model more accurate, but more features tend to make the model less accurate.
I suspect that splitting might only be done across one dimension which means that features which are actually more important get less attention when building trees. Could this be the reason?
Yes, the additional features you have added might not have good predictive power and as random forest takes random subset of features to build individual trees, the original 50 features might have got missed out. To test this hypothesis, you can plot variable importance using sklearn.
Your model is overfitting the data.
From Wikipedia:
An overfitted model is a statistical model that contains more parameters than can be justified by the data.
There are plenty of illustrations of overfitting, but for instance, this 2d plot represents the different functions that would have been learned for a binary classification task. Because the function on the right has too many parameters, it learns wrongs data patterns that don't generalize properly.

Comparing a Poisson Regression to a logistic Regression

I have data which has an associated binary outcome variable. Naturally I ran a logistic regression in order to see parameter estimates and odds ratios. I was curious though, to change this data from a binary outcome to count data. Then I ran a poisson regression (and negative binomial regression) on the count data.
I have no idea of how to compare these different models though, all comparisons I see seem to only be concerned with nested models.
How would you go about deciding on the best model to use in this situation?
Essentially both models will be roughly equal. What really matters is what is your objective- what you really want to predict. If you want to determine how many of cases are good or bad (1 or 0), then you go for logistic regression. If you are really interested on how much the cases are going to do (counts) then do poisson.
In other words, the only difference between these two models is the logistic transformation and the fact that logistic regression tries to minimize the misclassification error (-2 log likelihood) .To put it simply, even if you run a linear regression (OLS) on the binary outcome, you should not see big differences from your logistic model apart from the fact that the results may not be between 0 and 1 (e.g. the Area under the RoC curve will be similar to the logistic model) .
To sum up, don't worry about which of these two models is better, they should be roughly the same in the way the capture your features' information. Just think what makes more sense to optimize, counts or probabilties. The answer might have been different if you were considering non-linear models (e.g random forests or neural networks etc), but the two you are considering are both (almost) linear- so don't worry about it.
One thing to consider is the sample design. If you are using a case-control study, then logistic regression is the way to go because of its logit link function, rather than log of ratios as in Poisson regression. This is because, where there is an oversampling of cases such as in case-control study, odds ratio is unbiased.

information criteria for confusion matrices

One can measure goodness of fit of a statistical model using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), which accounts for goodness of fit and for the number of parameters that were used for model creation. AIC involves calculation of maximized value of likelihood function for that model (L).
How can one compute L, given prediction results of a classification model, represented as a confusion matrix?
It is not possible to calculate the AIC from a confusion matrix since it doesn't contain any information about the likelihood. Depending on the model you are using it may be possible to calculate the likelihood or quasi-likelihood and hence the AIC or QIC.
What is the classification problem that you are working on, and what is your model?
In a classification context often other measures are used to do GoF testing. I'd recommend reading through The Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman to get a good overview of this kind of methodology.
Hope this helps.
Information-Based Evaluation Criterion for Classifier's Performance by Kononenko and Bratko is exactly what I was looking for:
Classification accuracy is usually used as a measure of classification performance. This measure is, however, known to have several defects. A fair evaluation criterion should exclude the influence of the class probabilities which may enable a completely uninformed classifier to trivially achieve high classification accuracy. In this paper a method for evaluating the information score of a classifier''s answers is proposed. It excludes the influence of prior probabilities, deals with various types of imperfect or probabilistic answers and can be used also for comparing the performance in different domains.
