No lock file found in /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.lock - linux

I followed the instructions at this link which I found here on EE...
Well after trying to stop nagios with command service nagios stop and after that to see its status with service nagios status the following message appears: "No lock file found in /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.lock". How do I resolve it.

This is not a bug. "No lock file found in /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.lock" means that it isn't running.
If you run an echo $? directly after service nagios status while it isn't running, you'll notice that the exit code is 3.
3 is the correct value return code for that status as documented in the Linux Standard Base.
Some Sources:

Just run:
/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
The error: "No lock file found in /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.lock" simply means that nagios is not running.
Running the command above simply starts the nagios daemon and points it to a specific config file. The advantage to running this command manually over systemd is that when you run "service nagios start" this typically calls the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios script which contains a line with parametrized environment variables:
$NagiosBin -d $NagiosCfgFile
Because every system is different, not specifying either the bin nor config directories could lead to nagios breaking (stopping) when it tries to start using the default installation directory paths


How to add user input when starting a service in systemd

I have a service configured in systemd that runs a binary file and it runs constantly. The problem is that after running this binary file, you have to confirm Terms&Conditions by typing y in the terminal and validating it by click Enter. I cannot run this file through this, because the systemctl status appears to me as failed, because of lack of validation. Does anyone know how I can run this service and automatically accept Terms in terminal?
I figured it out in such a way:
I created .sh file in usr/bin with this content:
yes | /home/marek/webcash/webminer
Then I created config file in systemd with ExecStart: /path/to/
and now it works - systemd is running correctly, the logs are logging, the answer "yes" was typed only once in binary file when the user prompt appeared.

Error autostarting Linux service after reboot if condition is met: "Path in condition not absolute, ignoring"

I have a service named MyService that needs to auto-start a NodeJS process only if "Configured!" can be found inside of a configuration file. The MyService.service file contains the following in the Service section:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sh -c "if grep -q 'Configured!' /path/to/configuration/file.conf; then /usr/bin/node /path/to/node/process.js; fi"
However, the problem is that the NodeJS process does not auto-start. In fact, when I look in journalctl, I see the following error message:
Path in condition not absolute, ignoring: "/path/to/configuration/file.conf"
How can I please change ExecStart to successfully auto-start the NodeJS process when the condition has been met? This is very puzzling because when I run the ExecStart command on the command line, it works correctly. Also, the path to the configuration file is an absolute path.
(Also, please note that since this machine is running an old version of systemd, I am not able to use ExecCondition.)
The issue is with double quotes in :
which makes systemd think it's not a absolute path.

Where should I put the "down" file to prevent Chef from starting

I am running Open Source Chef 11 Server and a dozen or so Linux and SmartOs servers running chef-client. At one point I created a file on one of my linux servers with the filename of "down" in a specific directory and that prevented the chef-client from running, even after reboot. I have since deleted this file and I cannot remember which directory I had put that file in. I can no longer find any documentation that this existed or works. Did I imagine this?
I realize the point of Chef is to have chef-client running at all times but sometimes it is useful to disable the chef-client while experimenting with the server configuration.
I believe this "down" file might be related to runit.
I think I found it.
If I create the file in /etc/sv/chef-client
# touch /etc/sv/chef-client/down
then run
# sv status chef-client
I get back
down: chef-client: 85480s; run: log: (pid 8000) 93131s
If I remove the down file I get back
down: chef-client: 85539s, normally up; run: log: (pid 8000) 93190s

How to run php-fpm as root

I know the risks about running php-fpm as root.
However there are situations where one would need to do it, like appliances,
accessing operating system resources or even for testing purposes.
I have tried to change the user and group of php-fpm.d/www.conf to root
when I restart the php-fpm process it raise an error:
Starting php-fpm: [26-Jun-2014 00:39:07] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root
[26-Jun-2014 00:39:07] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
What should I do. Anyone help?
# php-fpm --help
-R, --allow-to-run-as-root
Allow pool to run as root (disabled by default)
Just adding -R (like this ans. suggests) to your command may not work. It depends how your running the command to start php-fpm.
If you're using service php-fpm restart and it's using /etc/init.d instead of systemctl (see here), then you'll have to add -R to the DAEMON_ARGS variable located in the /etc/php/<phpversion>/fpm/php-fpm.conf script. (This variable is used in the do_start() function. See here).
If it's using systemctl then you'll have to edit the script used by systemctl which should be located in /lib/systemd/system/<phpversion>-fpm.service. Append -R to the ExcecStart variable. Then run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl start php<version>-fpm (See here)
I used the following questions/answers/resources to help me compile this solution.
These 3 steps will fix the error.
Locate php-fpm.service. For me it's /usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service. If you're not sure where it is, type find / -name php-fpm.service.
Append -R to the ExecStart variable. Eg ExecStart=/usr/sbin/php-fpm --nodaemonize -R.
Restart php-fpm. If systemctl restart php-fpm throws an error, run systemctl daemon-reload.
To anyone else wondering how to make php run as root, you also need to modify /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf or modify a copy of it. Both user and group need to be changed to root. If you've made a copy of www.conf, you'll also need to modify this line listen = /run/php-fpm/www.sock.
By default, php-fpm is shipped with a "www.conf" that contains, among others, the default www-data user configuration:
user = www-data
group = www-data
So, you need to create another file, loaded after www.conf, that will overwrite that default config. For example, create a file docker.conf in the same path as your php-fpm's Dockerfile and containing the following:
user = root
group = root
Then, in your Dockerfile, inject that file in your container with a name that will be loaded after the default www.conf:
COPY ./docker.conf /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/zzz-docker.conf
Update 2018
Running it within a container is a possible valid reason to run php-fpm as root. It can be done by passing the -R command line argument to it
Original answer:
However there are situations where one would need to do it, like appliances, accessing operating system resources
You never need to do it. That's it. If you are managing system resources, grant permissions for the php-fpm user to that resources rather than running the whole process as root. If your question would be more specific I could show how to do that in a certain situation.

NagiosXI- Configuration verification failed

I am using check_ping command to check connection statistics of remote host. When I run the above command on command line, it gives me proper output, shown below:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ping -H <HOSTNAME> -w <wrta>,<wpl>% -c <crta>,<cpl>% [-p packets]
But, when I click "Apply Configuration" button on the NagiosXI interface, it gives me an error saying that "Configuration verification failed".
Need help!
I think the below link provides the solution at it's best. Let me know if the solution helps.
The Apply Configuration process is as follows:
Nagios XI - Configuration Verification failed
New config files are temporarily written to disk.
Nagios verifies the config files are valid
Temporary config files are made permanent
Nagios service is restarted
When the verification step fails, the temporary files are discarded. Hence when you go to look at the file to look at the line number it references it is not valid as the temporary files now longer exist.
