Does Spark write intermediate shuffle outputs to disk - apache-spark

I'm reading Learning Spark, and I don't understand what it means that Spark's shuffle outputs are written to disk. See Chapter 8, Tuning and Debugging Spark, pages 148-149:
Spark’s internal scheduler may truncate the lineage of the RDD graph
if an existing RDD has already been persisted in cluster memory or on
disk. A second case in which this truncation can happen is when an RDD
is already materialized as a side effect of an earlier shuffle, even
if it was not explicitly persisted. This is an under-the-hood
optimization that takes advantage of the fact that Spark shuffle
outputs are written to disk, and exploits the fact that many times
portions of the RDD graph are recomputed.
As I understand there are different persistence policies, for example, the default MEMORY_ONLY which means the intermediate result will never be persisted to the disk.
When and why will a shuffle persist something on disk? How can that be reused by further computations?

It happens with when operation that requires shuffle is first time evaluated (action) and cannot be disabled
This is an optimization. Shuffling is one of the expensive things that happen in Spark.
How that can be reused by further computations?
It is automatically reused with any subsequent action executed on the same RDD.


What happens to the previous RDD when it gets transformed into a new RDD?

I am a beginner in Apache Spark. What I have understood so far regarding RDDs is that, once a RDD is generated, it cannot be modified but can be transformed into another RDD. Now I have several doubts here:
If an RDD is transformed to another RDD on applying some transformation on the RDD, then what happens to the previous RDD? Are both the RDDs stored in the memory?
If an RDD is cached, and some transformation is applied on the cached RDD to generate a new RDD, then can there be a scenario that, there is not enough space in RAM to hold the newly generated RDD? In case, such a scenario occurs, how will Spark handle that?
Thanks in advance!
Due to Spark's lazy evaluation, nothing happens when you do transformations on RDDs. Spark only starts computing when you call an action (save, take, collect, ...). So to answer your questions,
The original RDD stays where it is, and the transformed RDD does not exist / has not been computed yet due to lazy evaluation. Only a query plan is generated for it.
Regardless of whether the original RDD is cached, the transformed RDD will not be computed until an action is called. Therefore running out of memory shouldn't happen.
Normally when you run out of memory, either you encounter an OOM error, or the cached RDDs in memory will be spilled onto the disk to free up memory.
In order to understand the answers of the questions you have, you need to know couple of things about spark.
Spark evaluation Model (Lazy Evaluation)
Spark Operations (Transformations and Actions)
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
Answer to your first Question:
You could think of RDD as virtual data structure that does not get filled with values unless there is some action called on it which materializes the rdd/dataframe. When you perform transformations it just creates query plan which shows the lazily evaluation behavior of spark. When action gets called, it perform all the transformation based on the physical plan that gets generated. So, nothing happens to the RDDs. RDD data gets pulled into memory when action gets called.
Answer to your Second Question:
If an RDD is cached and you perform multiple transformations on top of the cache RDD, actually nothing happens to the RDDs as cache is a transformation operation. Also the RDD that you have cached would be in memory when any action would be performed. So, you won't run out of memory.
You could run into memory issues if you are trying to cache each step of the transformation, which should be avoided.(Whether to cache or not Cache a dataframe/RDD is a million dollar question as beginner but you get to understand that as you learn the basics and spark architecture)
Other workflow where you can run out of memory is when you have huge data size and you are caching the rdd after some transformation as you would like to perform multiple actions on it or it is getting used in the workflow multiple times. In this case you need to verify your cluster configuration and need to make sure that it can handle the data that you are intending to cache.

Is there an extra overhead to cache Spark dataframe in memory?

I am new to Spark and wanted to understand if there is an extra overhead/delay to persist and un-persist a dataframe in memory.
From what I know so far that there is not data movement that happens when we used cache a dataframe and it is just saved on executor's memory. So it should be just a matter of setting/unsetting a flag.
I am caching a dataframe in a spark streaming job and wanted to know if this could lead to additional delay in batch execution.
if there is an extra overhead/delay to persist and un-persist a dataframe in memory.
It depends. If you only mark a DataFrame to be persisted, nothing really happens since it's a lazy operation. You have to execute an action to trigger DataFrame persistence / caching. With the action you do add an extra overhead.
Moreover, think of persistence (caching) as a way to precompute data and save it closer to executors (memory, disk or their combinations). This moving data from where it lives to executors does add an extra overhead at execution time (even if it's just a tiny bit).
Internally, Spark manages data as blocks (using BlockManagers on executors). They're peers to exchange blocks on demand (using torrent-like protocol).
Unpersisting a DataFrame is simply to send a request (sync or async) to BlockManagers to remove RDD blocks. If it happens in async manner, the overhead is none (minus the extra work executors have to do while running tasks).
So it should be just a matter of setting/unsetting a flag.
In a sense, that's how it is under the covers. Since a DataFrame or an RDD are just abstractions to describe distributed computations and do nothing at creation time, this persist / unpersist is just setting / unsetting a flag.
The change can be noticed at execution time.
I am caching a dataframe in a spark streaming job and wanted to know if this could lead to additional delay in batch execution.
If you use async caching (the default), there should be a very minimal delay.

Should cache and checkpoint be used together on DataSets? If so, how does this work under the hood?

I am working on a Spark ML pipeline where we get OOM Errors on larger data sets. Before training we were using cache(); I swapped this out for checkpoint() and our memory requirements went down significantly. However, in the docs for RDD's checkpoint() it says:
It is strongly recommended that this RDD is persisted in memory, otherwise saving it on a file will require recomputation.
The same guidance is not given for DataSet's checkpoint, which is what I am using. Following the above advice anyways, I found that the memory requirements actually increased slightly from using cache() alone.
My expectation was that when we do
the call to checkpoint forces evaluation of the DataSet, which is cached at the same time before being checkpointed. Afterwards, any reference to ds would reference the cached partitions, and if more memory is required and the partitions are evacuated that the checkpointed partitions will be used rather than re-evaluating them. Is this true, or does something different happen under the hood? Ideally I'd like to keep the DataSet in memory if possible, but it seems there is no benefit whatsoever from a memory standpoint to using the cache and checkpoint approach.
TL;DR You won't benefit from in-memory cache (default storage level for Dataset is MEMORY_AND_DISK anyway) in subsequent actions, but you should still consider caching, if computing ds is expensive.
Your expectation that
the call to checkpoint forces evaluation of the DataSet
is correct. Dataset.checkpoint comes in different flavors, which allow for both eager and lazy checkpointing, and the default variant is eager
def checkpoint(): Dataset[T] = checkpoint(eager = true, reliableCheckpoint = true)
Therefore subsequent actions should reuse checkpoint files.
However, under the covers Spark simply applies checkpoint on the internal RDD, so the rules of evaluation didn't change. Spark evaluates action first, and then creates checkpoint (that's why caching was recommended in the first place).
So if you omit ds.cache() ds will be evaluated twice in ds.checkpoint():
Once for internal count.
Once for actual checkpoint.
Therefore nothing changed and cache is still recommended, although recommendation might might slightly weaker, compared to plain RDD, as Dataset cache is considered computationally expensive, and depending on the context, it might be cheaper to simply reload the data (note that Dataset.count without cache is normally optimized, while Dataset.count with cache is not - Any performance issues forcing eager evaluation using count in spark?).

Is Spark RDD cached on worker node or driver node (or both)?

Can any one please correct my understanding on persisting by Spark.
If we have performed a cache() on an RDD its value is cached only on those nodes where actually RDD was computed initially.
Meaning, If there is a cluster of 100 Nodes, and RDD is computed in partitions of first and second nodes. If we cached this RDD, then Spark is going to cache its value only in first or second worker nodes.
So when this Spark application is trying to use this RDD in later stages, then Spark driver has to get the value from first/second nodes.
Am I correct?
Is it something that the RDD value is persisted in driver memory and not on nodes ?
Change this:
then Spark is going to cache its value only in first or second worker nodes.
to this:
then Spark is going to cache its value only in first and second worker nodes.
and...Yes correct!
Spark tries to minimize the memory usage (and we love it for that!), so it won't make any unnecessary memory loads, since it evaluates every statement lazily, i.e. it won't do any actual work on any transformation, it will wait for an action to happen, which leaves no choice to Spark, than to do the actual work (read the file, communicate the data to the network, do the computation, collect the result back to the driver, for example..).
You see, we don't want to cache everything, unless we really can to (that is that the memory capacity allows for it (yes, we can ask for more memory in the executors or/and the driver, but sometimes our cluster just doesn't have the resources, really common when we handle big data) and it really makes sense, i.e. that the cached RDD is going to be used again and again (so caching it will speedup the execution of our job).
That's why you want to unpersist() your RDD, when you no longer need it...! :)
Check this image, is from one of my jobs, where I had requested 100 executors, however the Executors tab displayed 101, i.e. 100 slaves/workers and one master/driver:
RDD.cache is a lazy operation. it does nothing until unless you call an action like count. Once you call the action the operation will use the cache. It will just take the data from the cache and do the operation.
RDD.cache- Persists the RDD with default storage level (Memory only).
2.Is it something that the RDD value is persisted in driver memory and not on nodes ?
RDD can be persisted to disk and Memory as well . Click on the link to Spark document for all the option
Spark Rdd Persist
# no actual caching at the end of this statement'myfile.json') row: myfunc(row)).cache()
# again, no actual caching yet, because Spark is lazy, and won't evaluate anything unless
# a reduction op
# caching is done on this reduce operation. Result of rdd1 will be cached in the memory of each worker node
So to answer your question
If we have performed a cache() on an RDD its value is cached only on those nodes where actually RDD was computed initially
The only possibility of caching something is on worker nodes, and not on driver nodes.
cache function can only be applied to an RDD (refer), and since RDD only exists on the worker node's memory (Resilient Distributed Datasets!), it's results are cached in the respective worker node memory. Once you apply an operation like count which brings back the result to the driver, it's not really an RDD anymore, it's merely a result of computation done RDD by the worker nodes in their respective memories
Since cache in the above example was called on rdd2 which is still on multiple worker nodes, the caching only happens on the worker node's memory.
In the above example, when do some map-red op on rdd1 again, it won't read the JSON again, because it was cached
FYI, I am using the word memory based on the assumption that the caching level is set to MEMORY_ONLY. Of course, if that level is changed to others, Spark will cache to either memory or storage based on the setting
Here is an excellent answer on caching
(Why) do we need to call cache or persist on a RDD
Basically caching stores the RDD in the memory / disk (based on persistence level set) of that node, so that the when this RDD is called again it does not need to recompute its lineage (lineage - Set of prior transformations executed to be in the current state).

Why does Spark shuffle store intermediate data on disk?

Why does spark store intermediate data on disk during shuffle? I am trying to understand why it cannot store in memory. What are the challenges to write to memory?
Is some work being done to write it to Memory?
Spark stores intermediate data on disk from a shuffle operation as part of its "under-the-hood" optimization. When spark has to recompute a portion of a RDD graph, it may be able to truncate the lineage of a RDD graph if the RDD is already there as a side effect of an earlier shuffle. This can happen even if the RDD is not cached or explicitly persisted.
The source of this answer is the O'Reilly book Learning Spark by Karau, Konwinski, Wendell & Zaharia. Chapter 8: Tuning and Debugging Spark. Section: Components of Execution: Jobs, Tasks, and Stages.
