Running "module.exports = function(foo){...}" in Node vm2 - node.js

I'm new to Node and the virtual machine vm2. In the documentation for the latter, it gives an example of its usage:
let functionInSandbox ="module.exports = function(who) { console.log('hello '+ who); }");
Question: what is this actually doing?
Firstly, why is module.exports used here at all? Ie, why not omit it as below?
let functionInSandbox ="function(who) { console.log('hello '+ who); }");
Secondly, another way of looking at it: in regular node programming, it is beginner's knowledge that require(inc) is used in one file to assign to a variable, what, in another file (chosen by inc), is assigned to module.exports. How is that different to the above usage with vm2?
Specifically: is require(...) being implicitly called in the above? How could multiple modules be defined (as above) and referred to, within one sandbox?
It's hard to know what questions to even ask - really I'm just hoping for an explanation of ways in which module.exports can be used with vm2 in ways that differ to regular node programming, highlighting differences.


How to use `index.js` in a Node.js when creating an Express service?

Hi I am structuring my Node.js project based on this, like so:
product name
index.js: (contains requires for the product and the main export)
productName.js: contains application logic
Now I have two questions
What should logically go in index.js? At the moment I have this (would this be a good way to do things and what else might I include in index.js?):
// index.js
var myServer = require('./myServer.js'); // "product name" = "myServer"
module.exports = {
run: myServer.listen
Does it matter what I call the object key in module.exports (currently "run")? Why does the server always run when I execute index.js with $ node index.js how does it automatically know to run myServer.listen?
P.S.: I am aware of web structure auto-generation tools, I just wish to understand the logical reason for this suggested structure (the idea of not having any logic in index.js)
As you mentioned this is a Express service, if it is only handling backend of some application or more specifically this is only backend application, I would suggest you change name of your index.js to server.js(Thus explicitly stating that it'll process all service requests).
But if not then even index.js is fine.
Now for
What you've put is absolutely fine, apart from this you could require all modules, routes(or controllers whatever you name them) in a way that it serves as entry point to your application. Try not to put any logic in here.
Actually the server runs because it executes the script in the file called index.js, the script says myServer.listen, now if you had written console.log("Hello World") and used $ node index.js it would've printed Hello World instead.
Node just expects and executes script that is there in index.js, in your case it is to start the server.
About the logic that why not put anything else in index.js, for me the reasoning I consider good enough is it provides abstraction as it is the entry point I don't want index.js to worry about things like what to do with this data and all. I believe it should provide a base to setup server. Thus following single responsibility to some extent. Also I won't have to touch it ever in projects lifetime unless some major change occurs e.g. I decide to shift from express to something else.
Why have a key called run
You seem to have answered it yourself(in comments), you are giving or more proper description would be you're attaching an object to module.exports as it is a object similar to JSON it was supposed to have a key(which could be anything not necessarily run it could've been hii). Now if you don't want to pass a key and export only one thing that is server.listen then you could write same as module.exports = myServer.listen; instead of
module.exports = {
hii: myServer.listen
Note that you could export more modules using the way you did. For more details about module.exports refer this or better google about it as this link might expire anytime and does not seem an ideal thing to put on SO.

How to statically analyse that a file is fit for importing?

I have CLI program that can be executed with a list of files that describe instructions, e.g.
node ./my-program.js ./instruction-1.js ./instruction-2.js ./instruction-3.js
This is how I am importing and validating that the target file is an instruction file:
const requireInstruction = (instructionFilePath) => {
const instruction = require(instructionFilePath)
if (!instruction.getInstruction) {
throw new Error('Not instruction file.');
return instruction;
The problem with this approach is that it will execute the file executes regardless of whether it matches the expected signature, i.e. if file contains a side action such as connecting to the database:
const mysql = require('mysql');
module.exports = mysql;
Not instruction file. will fire, I will ignore the file, but the side-action will remain in the background.
How to safely validate target file signature?
Worst case scenario, is there a conventional way to completely sandbox the require logic and kill the process if file is determined to be unsafe?
Worst case scenario, is there a conventional way to completely sandbox the require logic and kill the process if file is determined to be unsafe?
Move the check logic into a specific js file. Make it process.exit(0) when everything is fine, process.exit(1) when it s wrong.
In your current program, instead of loading the file via require, use child_process.exec to invoke your new file, giving it the required parameter to know which file to test.
In your updated program, bind the close event to know if the return code was 0 or 1.
If you need more information than 0 or 1, into the new js file which will load the instruction, print some JSON.stringified data to stdout (console.log), and retrieve then JSON.parse it in the callback of call to child_process.exec.
Alternatively, have you looked into AST processing ?
It could help you to identify piece of code which are not embedded within an exported function.
(Note: I discussed this question with the author on IRC. There may be some context in my answer that isn't in the original question.)
Given that your scenario is purely about preventing against accidental inclusion of non-instruction files, rather than about preventing malicious behaviour, static analysis using something like Esprima will probably be sufficient.
One approach would be to require that every instruction file exports some kind of object with a name property, containing the name of the instruction file. As there's not really anything to put in there besides a string literal, you can be fairly certain that if you can't locate a name property through static analysis, the file is not an instruction file - even in a language like JavaScript that isn't fully statically analyzable.
For any readers of this thread that are trying to protect from malicious actors, rather than accidents - for example, when accepting untrusted code from users: you cannot sandbox or 'validate' JavaScript with Node.js alone (not with the vm module either), and the above solution will not work for you. You will need system-level containerization or virtualization to run this kind of code safely. There are no other options.

Attaching object to Node.js process

I am using the environment variable and arguments parsing module called nconf for my node.js Express web server.
I decided that the best way to make the nconf data global was to simply attach it to the process variable (as in process.env), is this a good idea or bad idea? Will it slow down execution in weighing down "process"?
Here is my code:
var nconf = require('nconf');
.file({ file: './config/config.json' });
'http': {
'port': 3000
process.nconf = nconf;
//now I can retrieve config settings anywhere like so process.nconf.get('key');
frankly, I kind of like this solution. Now I can retrieve the config data anywhere, without having to require a module. But there may be downsides to this...and it could quite possibly be a very bad idea. IDK.
It won't slow down the execution, but feels "smelly". It's hard to discover, and it will be difficult to test, if you ever decide you need to.
A better solution would be to attach settings to a module and use require() to import it wherever needed.
The best solution would be to just pass your settings object to the classes or modules that need it. Either directly, or as part of some kind of "global context".
var global = {
settings: {
port: 8080
global.api = new Api(global);
function Api(global) {
var port = global.settings.port;
UPDATE: more info on why the original pattern is bad:
1) Discoverability
You attach your settings to process.settings and go off to a different project. A year later, someone else takes over or you need to update things. Will you remember you attached your settings to process.nconf? Or was it process.settings?
Now imagine you have 10 different global things, attached under different names, on different places.
It's not as bad as attaching directly to the global context, but it's certainly better to clearly see where the stuff you're using is coming from (constructor or module).
2) Testing
You decide you need to test your module. So now you need to tweak your settings for each test instead of loading them from a file or argv. How do you do that?
In case of the global process.nconf or require("settings") patterns, you need to do something like this:
function canOpenAPIOnTheConfiguredPort(done) {
var nconfSaveApiPort = process.nconf.api.port;
process.nconf.api.port = '1234';
var api = new Api();
test.assertEqual(api.port, '1234');
process.nconf.api.port = nconfSaveApiPort;
As your application grows, this quickly becomes annoying (eg. imagine having to mock 10 things). In comparison, here's how you do it using the dependency injection (constructor) pattern.
function canOpenAPIOnTheConfiguredPort(done) {
var api = new Api({
port: '1234'
test.assertEqual(api.port, '1234');
Notice that nconf is a singleton.
I use to configure at the very beginning of the program and then when I need a setting in another file I do:
var nconf = require ('nconf');

Breaking up node module code (for a library/api client)

I'm writing a node module to consume a REST API for a service. For all intents and purposes we might as well say it's twitter (though it's not).
The API is not small. Over a dozen endpoints. Given that I want to offer convenience methods for each of the endpoints I need to split up the code over multiple files. One file would be far too large.
Right now I am testing the pattern I will outline below, but would appreciate any advice as to other means by which I might break up this code. My goal essentially is to extend the prototype of a single object, but do so using multiple files.
Here's the "model" I'm using so far, but don't think is really a good idea:
function TwitterClient(){ = "bar";
require("fs").readdirSync("./endpoints").forEach(function(file) {
require("./endpoints/" + file)(TwitterClient);
var exports = module.exports = TwitterClient;
endpoints/endpointA.js etc
module.exports = function(TwitterClient){
TwitterClient.prototype.someMethod = function(){
//do things here
The basic idea obviously is that any file in the endpoints folder is automatically loaded and the TwitterClient is passed in to it, so that it's prototype can be accessed/extended.
I don't plan to stick with this pattern because for some reason it seems like a bad idea to me.
Any suggestions of better patterns are very much appreciated, cheers

node.js - eval'ing to a live process

Did anyone set up something like this for himself using the existing
node.js REPL? I didn't think of a quick way to do it.
The way I do it today is using emacs and this:
This module is composed of:
A SLIME-js addon to emacs which, in combination with js2-mode, lets
you simply issue a C-M-x somewhere in the body of a function def - and
off goes the function's string to the ..
Swank-js server (yes, you could eval from your local-machine
directly to a remote process) written in Node.js - It receives the
string of the function you eval'ed and actually evals it
A whole part that lets you connect to another port on that server
with your BROWSER and then lets you manipulate the DOM on that browser
(which is pretty amazing but not relevant)
My solution uses SLIME-js on the emacs side AND I require('swank-
js') on my app.js file
Now.. I have several issues and questions regarding my solution or
other possible ones:
Q1: Is this overdoing it? Does someone have a secret way to eval stuff
from nano into his live process?
Q2: I had to change the way swank-js is EVALing.. it used some
kind of black magic like this:
var Script = process.binding('evals').Script;
var evalcx = Script.runInContext;
this.context = Script.createContext();
for (var i in global) this.context[i] = global[i];
this.context.module = module;
this.context.require = require;
r = evalcx("CODECODE", this.context, "repl");
which, as far I understand, just copies the global variables to the
new context, and upon eval, doesn't change the original function
definitions - SOOO.. I am just using plain "eval" and IT
Do you have any comments regarding this?
Q3: In order to re-eval a function, it needs to be a GLOBAL function -
Is it bad practice to have all function definitions as global (clojure-like) ? Do you think there is another way to do this?
Actually, swank.js is getting much better, and it is now much easier to set up swank js with your project using NPM. I'm in the process of writing the documentation right now, but the functionality is there!
Check this out
var util = require('util'),
vm = require('vm'),
sandbox = {
animal: 'cat',
count: 2
vm.runInNewContext('count += 1; name = "kitty"', sandbox, 'myfile.vm');
// { animal: 'cat', count: 3, name: 'kitty' }
Should help you a lot, all of the sandbox things for node uses it :) but you can use it directly :)
You might take a look at, which runs JS in a sandbox, and then exposes that to the world as a quick little test server. Here's the github repo.
Also, stop into #node.js and ask questions for a quicker response :)
