Does anyone know how to transfer to a bank account using Stripe API?
In the Stripe Reference it looks very simple:
description="Transfer for"
I don't understand where the destination id comes from. How can I get the destination id of a bank account?
There are two types of transfers with Stripe:
internal transfers, from a Stripe platform account to one of its connected accounts. This is known as a "special-case transfer".
external transfers, from a Stripe account to its associated bank account.
If you only have a single bank account for a given currency, you can use the special value "default_for_currency" for the destination parameter.
E.g. if you run this code:
description="Transfer for"
then $4.00 would be sent to your USD bank account.
EDIT: On newer API versions (>= 2017-04-06), "internal transfers" are now simply known as "transfers", and "external transfers" are now known as "payouts". Cf. this doc page for more information.
I have to use the below code in my existing project
// Create a Charge:
$charge = \Stripe\Charge::create([
'amount' => 1300,
'currency' => 'GBP',
'customer' => 'cus_FM5OdvqpYD7AbR', // customer id
'transfer_group' => date('y-m-d_h:i:s'),
'transfer_data' => [
'destination' => 'acct_1EuyLUIpWjdwbl8y', // destination id
'amount' => 700
this above link will let you know how to get bank account id
country: "US",
type: "custom"
}).then(function(acct) {
// asynchronously called
you can get
this code will give acc. id in response that you can use in destination.
I'm trying to onboard a customer for a Stripe Express account by using the Stripe API. I create an account requesting the relevant capabilities, providing simple information like first name, last name and email, and the account is created successfully. I expected the Stripe website to come up to request the missing information from the customer (like DOB, bank account info,...), but instead, the account creation just finishes and the account is restricted due to the missing information. Do I have to redirect the user after checking what the status of the account is? What's the flow?
This is the start_onboarding() method of my teacher_us object:
// methods
function start_onboarding() {
// load Stripe library--- moved to the main plugin file
// require_once('..\vendor\autoload.php');
global $stripe_api_key;
$stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient($stripe_api_key);
$stripe_account = $stripe->accounts->create([
'type' => 'express',
'country' => 'US',
'business_type' => 'individual',
'email' => $this->get_email(),
'individual' => [
'first_name' => $this->get_first_name(),
'last_name' => $this->get_last_name(),
'capabilities' => [
'transfers' => ['requested' => true],
'card_payments' => ['requested' => true],
It seems that just calling this method doesn't make Stripe to collect the missing info. What am I missing?
This does not happen automatically. After creating the Express account, you must create an Account Link for Connect Onboarding, and redirect your user to the url it includes to go through the onboarding flow to provide the rest of the required information.
I am using ngx-stripe (frontend) and stripe-php (backend) and trying to create a Subscription for a Customer
I have successfully implemented a card element on the frontend, which calls stripe-php to create PaymentIntent. Before the PaymentIntent is created, I use the submitted information to create a Customer
Checking the successful payment in Stripe I can see the created customer attached to the payment and the payment has a payment method but if I check the customer, it shows as no payment method attached so I cannot create a Subscription for the customer
Create customer:
'name' => $customer->getName(),
'description' => $customer->getDescription(),
'email' => $customer->getEmail()
Create payment intent:
$paymentIntent = $this->stripeClient->paymentIntents->create([
'customer' => $customerId,
'amount' => $amount,
'currency' => $currency,
'payment_method_types' => ['card']
Which Stripe API methods(s) do I need to call to instruct Stripe to create a payment method for the customer using the submitted details?
If you’re using stripe.confirmCardPayment [0] to confirm the PaymentIntent, you can include setup_future_usage = off_session [1].
stripe.confirmCardPayment(clientSecret, {
setup_future_usage : 'off_session',
payment_method: {
card: card,
billing_details: {
name: 'Jenny Rosen'
Including the setup_future_usage parameter will attach the payment method to the Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete.
off_session indicates that your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow. This is especially important for Subscriptions where your Customers are usually not available to make recurring payments on-session.
However, note that you don't need to create a PaymentIntent for a Subscription. You could save the card on the Customer for future use [2], then create the Subscription by passing in the Customer [3] and default payment method [4].
I'm trying to use SetupIntents to validate and save a Payment Method and then create a Subscription using it to charge the customer (inmediately and then monthly) for the required amount.
This appears to be working fine:
The Card is validated (including SCA if needed)
The Payment Method is created, attached to customer as default and enabled for future usage with the status SUCEEDED.
The Subscription is created and uses the above payment method
The problem is that Stripe then generates the corresponding Invoice and Payment Intent but the latter with the status "requires_action" whenever the provided Card requires Secure Customer Authorization (SCA), even though the right payment method (enabled for future usage) is being used and the card validation has been already performed.
I thought the whole point of using SetupIntents was precisely to validate the payment method beforehand and be able to charge the customer afterwards.
Is my assumption simply wrong or this is actually possible and I might just be missing something?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: This is the subscription creation code in the backend:
# Set the default payment method on the customer
invoice_settings: {
default_payment_method: #requested_source
subscription = Stripe::Subscription.create({
"customer" => stripe_customer_id,
"proration_behavior" => 'create_prorations',
"items" => [
"plan" => "#{#stripe_plan_api_id}",
'default_tax_rates' => [
"expand" => ["latest_invoice.payment_intent"]
Thanks for the question, Eduardo.
There are a couple ways to create a Subscription while gaining the Customers SCA authentication and permission to charge the card later. Assuming we already have a Stripe Customer object created and their ID is stored in stripe_customer_id. With the flow you have now there are a couple steps:
Create the SetupIntent. Note that if you create it with usage: 'off_session' and the Customer it'll attach the resulting PaymentMethod when confirmed.
setup_intent = Stripe::SetupIntent.create({
customer: stripe_customer_id,
usage: 'off_session',
Collect payment details and confirm the SetupIntent using its client_secret on the client which will attach the PaymentMethod to the customer. Note that it will attach but will not be set as the invoice_settings.default_payment_method by default, so you'll need to make a separate API call later to update the Customer (see step 3).
payment_method: {
card: cardElement,
).then(function(result) {
// Handle result.error or result.setupIntent
Update the Customer and set its invoice_settings.default_payment_method equal to the ID of the PaymentMethod on the successfully confirmed SetupIntent.
stripe_customer_id, {
invoice_settings: {
default_payment_method: 'pm_xxxx', # passed to server from client. On the client this is available on the result of confirmCardSetup
Create the Subscription with off_session: true
subscription = Stripe::Subscription.create({
customer: stripe_customer_id,
proration_behavior: 'create_prorations',
items: [{
plan: "#{#stripe_plan_api_id}",
default_tax_rates: [
expand: ["latest_invoice.payment_intent"],
off_session: true,
This uses what's called a "Merchant Initiated Transaction" (MIT) for the Subscription's first payment. This is technically okay if the Subscription is created later after the Customer leaves and should technically work.
If the customer is on your site/app when you create the Subscription, there's another flow that is a bit more correct and doesn't require using a MIT exemption for SCA. The flow is the following for a Subscription without a trial:
Collect card details with createPaymentMethod on the client (no SetupIntent)
type: 'card',
card: cardElement,
}).then(function(result) {
//pass result to your server.
Attach those card details to the Customer
"pm_xxx", {
customer: stripe_customer_id
Update the Customer's invoice_settings.default_payment_method
invoice_settings: {
default_payment_method: #requested_source
Create the Subscription (without off_session: true)
subscription = Stripe::Subscription.create(
customer: data['customerId'],
items: [
price: 'price_H1NlVtpo6ubk0m'
expand: ['latest_invoice.payment_intent']
Use the Subscription's latest_invoice's payment_intent's client_secret to collect payment details and confirm on the client.
'{{subscription.latest_invoice.payment_intent.client_secret}}', { ......
This second payment flow is a bit more correct from an SCA standpoint for getting authorization to charge the card. The second approach is outlined in the guide here:
We also have a Stripe Sample you can use to experiment here:
This is my stripe code in which I receive the error
The provided key does not have access to account in stripe
$withfee = \Stripe\Charge::create(
"amount" => 10000,//1000, //$amount amount in cents
"currency" => "usd",
"source" => "tok_1BGovzDnnXvdHsSaayDkULRU",//'tok_18L6hjL6useUrEYbtObKz15s',
"description" => "Example charge",//"Example charge", //$title
"application_fee" => 1000 // amount in cents //$fees
array("stripe_account" => "cus_Be21HSwLO1XMhF" ) // $acc_token
You are passing a customer ID ("cus_...") in the stripe_account field.
When processing a charge with Connect, you need to provide the ID of the account ("acct_...") on behalf of which you are processing the charge. Customers are payment sources (i.e. they provide funds) while accounts are payment destinations (i.e. they receive funds).
I am trying to implement an Application fee on all transactions sent through a Stripe charge. I have created a stripe platform and connected an account to it however whenever I add the application fee to the charge it doesn't come up in stripe dashboard.
The following code works and makes a charge to the platform.
"amount" => 10000,
"currency" => "usd",
"source" => $_POST['stripeToken'],
This code also works. It sends the entire charge to the connected account and charges the platform the stripe fees.
"amount" => 10000,
"currency" => "usd",
"source" => $_POST['stripeToken'],
"desitnation" => 'acct_#connectedaccountid'
But the following doesn't work even though its from the stripe website.
"amount" => 10000,
"currency" => "usd",
"source" => $_POST['stripeToken'],
"application_fee" => 1000
),array("stripe_account" => 'acct_#connectedaccountid'));
This code returns and tells the website that the payment was made but when I check stripe its never there in either account and not in collected fees.
Further info: the token uses the platform's pk_test#platformcode.
Using the destination parameter allows you to create a charge through the platform's account. In this case, the platform will pay Stripe's fees and is responsible for refunds and chargebacks.
'amount' => 10000,
'currency' => 'usd',
'application_fee' => 1000,
'source' => $_POST['stripeToken'],
Authenticating as the connected account, you can create a charge directly on it:
'amount' => 10000,
'currency' => 'usd',
'application_fee' => 1000,
'source' => $_POST['stripeToken']
array('stripe_account' => {CONNECTED_STRIPE_ACCOUNT_ID})
In both these examples, {PLATFORM_SECRET_KEY} is the platform's secret API key (starts with sk_) and {CONNECTED_STRIPE_ACCOUNT_ID} is the ID of the connected account (starts with acct_).
If the second sample doesn't work for you, you might want to make sure you're using the latest version of the Stripe PHP bindings.
You should charge the destination charges similar to this
Stripe.api_key = "sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2"
charge = Stripe::Charge.create({
:amount => 1000,
:currency => "usd",
:source => "tok_visa",
:destination => {
:amount => 877,
This is working solution for ruby.
Refer this link to understand more about the flow of funds between connected account and platform account
Generally, stripe support the application fee in this case.
The service doesn't get the fee directly.
When a customer send money to another customer by using a service(or host site) that using stripe for transaction, the there will be 2 kind of fees should be exist.
First kind of fee is produced for the stripe.
Another kind of fee is produced for the service(host site).
So that the service(host site) could get profit from customers.
First I recommend you to check out this url:
And it says: "Charges created directly on the connected account are only reported on that account; they aren’t shown in your platform’s Dashboard, exports, or other reporting, although you can always retrieve this information via the API."
Fixed: Post the answer here for future people using application fee on Stripe as I couldn't find the answer anywhere.
Code is below. But the main problem is you shouldn't use the connect account ID. You should be using the sk_test_#code# that was generated when connecting the accounts together. It is not the platform or connect users sk_test_#code#. It is the code generated by Oauth when the user connects with stripe platform. There is also a modification to the code.
"amount" => 10000,
"currency" => "usd",
"source" => $_POST['stripeToken'],
"application_fee" => 1000
), sk_test_#connectioncode'));